Top of the big era

Chapter 711 Gradually improving the organizational system

Boss Zhou's vacation is over.

When he appeared at the executive meeting, everyone applauded spontaneously.

Everyone has bright eyes.

One after another eyes, full of worship.

There are big guys like He Yang, Wang Haoyang, Xu Liangjie, and Cheng Binghao, young people like Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, Ji Zian, and Chen Dong, as well as Chen Tong, Han Leshui, Guo Dan, Wang Xing, and Nie Caijun. New executives not long.

Including Shi Jinglin!

Raising her delicate and white face, her slightly raised jaw made her look a little arrogant, as if she was declaring her sovereignty.

Financing of 1 billion US dollars, the market value of 12 billion US dollars!

Such a result is exciting!

Everyone works hard together, working overtime day and night. Of course, there is an ideal factor, but everyone is a real person, with a family to support, a personal desire to be satisfied, and money!

Now, the dawn has dawned!

If starting a business is suffering in the long winter night, waiting for the dawn. Then, after reaching a financing agreement with Softbank, dawn has appeared in Ziweixing's world!

It's dawn!

Among the people present, they were all executives, holding as few as hundreds of thousands of shares and as many as more than 10 million shares.

At $10 per share, the worst thing is a net worth of several million dollars.

Core executives like He Yang, Wang Haoyang, and Xu Liangjie, who hold 10 million options, are even worth hundreds of millions of dollars!

It's a feeling of giddiness like drunkenness.

It is the charm of money.

On the oval conference table, the front row is filled with executives at the vice president level, and the row behind is filled with director-level executives. All of them have piercing eyes.

Watching Zhou Buqi on the first place.

Zhou Buqi was full of joy, and said with a smile: "Everyone should know, let me say it again. Three good things. First, the headquarters park of Pengcheng Branch will be launched, with a total investment of 1 billion yuan. This will be a domestic private enterprise. The headquarters park with the largest amount of investment among enterprises belongs to Ziweixing!"

The conference room was so quiet that everyone's breathing could be heard.

After a pause, Zhou Buqi went on to say: "Second, the sales of's open platform have been smooth. At present, several companies such as Baidu, Sina, Ali, and Penguin have been sold, and the sales amount has reached 500 million yuan. At present, Ziweixing has more than 1 billion yuan in liquidity on its books. But this does not include debts, we still owe 420 million yuan to the bank, 180 million yuan to the Pengcheng government, and 400 million yuan to Vanke."

Although it is in arrears, everyone doesn't care much.

Based on Ziwei Star's scale, it is nothing at all to owe such a small amount of money to outsiders.

"The third thing is the A round of financing. We have reached a preliminary agreement with SoftBank Group, and we have raised 1 billion US dollars at a valuation of 12 billion US dollars!"

When he said this, Zhou Buqi deliberately emphasized his tone.

Then, there was another thunderous applause.

So happy!

Especially Guo Pengfei, Ji Zian, Chen Dong, and Zhang Yinlei, the old people who were in the ten-school entrepreneurial alliance, almost had tears in their eyes.

The days of going to the market with Boss Zhou, doing school promotion, and running a chain milk tea shop... the past scenes of the past seem like yesterday.

At the beginning, everyone was a young college student and a pauper.

Now, a lot of maturity that does not match this age has appeared on everyone's face, and everyone has a lot of money.

Huge change!

Zhou Buqi didn't like this atmosphere.

It's fine for everyone to be happy, but they must not be corrupted by money.

"Getting rich overnight is the most dangerous thing. It will make people lose motivation and get lost in the direction of life. Wealth is yours if you can control it. If you can't control it, it is a crisis. This is my advice to everyone. I hope everyone will look back. Can reflect. We are all executives, the smartest people, and I hope everyone can have a clearer understanding of wealth."

"Moreover, the net worth of the valuation can't represent anything. The valuation is just a bubble, a castle in the air. If the company does not manage well, and today's valuation is 12 billion US dollars, I am afraid it will go bankrupt in a short time. Everyone is still the same. It is an illusory dream. If we want to realize the real wealth, we still need everyone to continue to work hard, continue to struggle, and promote the listing of Ziwei Star!"

"The A round is just the beginning, and it just shows that Ziwei Star has officially appeared on the big stage of the Internet. Next, we still have a long way to go. Ziwei Star wants to be a great company and play an infinite game. There is still a bigger and wider world waiting for us to conquer. I hope to forge ahead hand in hand with everyone here. I don’t want to see anyone fall behind, and I hope everyone can hold hands and forge ahead!”

Zhou Buqi's rhetoric has always been very level.

Obviously it was a slap in the face of a sweet jujube, but when such words were spoken, the slap became the motivation to encourage everyone to fight hard, breathe together, and share fate.

Next, He Yang and Xu Liangjie also spoke successively.

The theme is about the same.

It is to unite the spirit of enterprise.

Don't be lazy just because you have money.

It's time to work hard, it's time to work hard.

If anyone is immersed in the fantasy of wealth and doesn't want to make progress... sorry, you are left behind! You are leaving!

Once you leave, it is a huge loss.

Because Ziweixing's 4-year option is a "1+2+3+4" system. That is, 10% in the first year, 20% in the second year, 30% in the third year, and 40% in the fourth year.

Most people's contracts are in the second year before they can get a full 30% option share. For someone like Xu Liangjie who joined the company last year, the option of 10 million shares seems to be a lot, but in fact he can only exercise 10% of the options now, which is only 1 million shares.

If you don't want to fall behind, you have to keep working hard!

After the slap is over, the next step is to give Tianzao.

Zhou Buqi announced that Ziwei Star will usher in a series of organizational structure changes. The first thing is to implement a formal employee rating system from now on.

Technicians range from T1 to T10, and managers range from M1 to M10.

The technical talents are okay, and they have been following the rating system.

Manageable talent has been in the squeeze stage.

For example, He Yang, who is obviously at the level of M8, was pushed down to M6.

It was because the company was small in size before, and the setting of so many levels was too complicated. There is no need for just a few employees. More importantly, the higher the level, the higher the salary.

It's different now, everyone has such high options in their hands.

For executives, it doesn't matter that much if the salary is more or less. If you increase the level without raising the salary, you can move forward smoothly.

This matter was decided at the decision-making committee yesterday, and then passed.

After the A round of financing, the stock price of Ziweixing is obvious to all. When recruiting people in the future, it will be impossible to offer high-value options with a lot of money.

The current distribution of Ziwei's weekly rights is basically a monthly salary system. For example, He Yang's monthly salary is 90,000, and his 4-year option is 90,000 shares; for example, Shi Jinglin's monthly salary is 60,000, and her 4-year option is 60,000 shares; for example, Chen Dong's monthly salary is 30,000, and his 4-year option is 3 million shares.

In the past, I couldn't pay wages, so I could only give more stock options.

It will definitely not be like this in the future, and the scale will be reduced to 25%.

For old employees, the previous salary contract is still implemented. New employees will be allocated according to the new option rules. With a monthly salary of 60,000, they can only get 15,000 options in four years.

As Ziwei Star grows bigger and its stock price gets higher and higher, the allocation of options will definitely become less and less.

Whoever joins the job early will take advantage.

The new management structure is also laid out.

M10, Chairman: Zhou Buqi.

M9, CEO, President: Zhou Buqi.

M8, senior vice president level: He Yang, Xu Liangjie, Wang Haoyang, Cheng Binghao.

M7, senior vice president level: Liu Qing, Zhang Yiming, Ji Zian, Wang Xiaochuan, Shi Jinglin.

M6, vice president level: Cheng Zhenping, Guo Pengfei, Chen Tong, Han Leshui, Guo Dan, Wang Xing, Pei Yao, Wang Haiyang.

M5, senior director level: Nie Caijun, Tang Binchen, Chen Guohuan, Fu Sheng, Xu Ming, Sheng Kang, Luo Ji, Chen Dong, Cao Hongtao, Fei Mingke, Liang Rubo, Tao Zheng...

Zhou Buqi announced that from now on, Ziwei Star will implement new options allocation rules.

However, all old employees will continue to implement the salary structure in the past. Until their current contract expires in two or three years, the new rules will be implemented.

At that time, the salaries of executives will be raised and the options will be reduced.

Then, Zhou Buqi announced two more things, the establishment of two new departments.

The first one is to establish Ziweixing Engineering Institute, with Chief Technology Officer Cheng Binghao concurrently serving as the dean, responsible for coordinating and developing the company's internal high-end technology research and development work.

This was also discussed and decided yesterday.

Zhou Buqi also talked with Cheng Binghao.

Concurrent employment may only be temporary.

The workload of this engineering institute is not small, and there may be as many as 20 or 30 project teams under management. Many core R\u0026D backbones in Ziwei Star's many business groups will be gathered to form this department.

The task is arduous and the responsibility is great!

Let him try it first.

It's best to be able to carry it.

It doesn't matter if you can't carry it, you can recruit outsiders to find more suitable people.

Speak clearly with Cheng Binghao, get the vaccination done, and then get rid of him later, the negative impact will be low.

The second thing is to set up an infrastructure management department at the headquarters.

The company is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more servers, which have exceeded 6,000, and 4 server clusters have been built in 4 major business groups.

Each server cluster has an Infra department, managed by a bunch of operation and maintenance personnel.

Now that Ziweixing has money, the organizational system needs to be more and more perfect. The headquarters shall manage and distribute all the servers of Ziwei Star in a unified manner, including the construction of a dedicated data center in the future.

Xu Liangjie is in charge of this department.

In fact, there is also a problem of resource conservation.

For example, uses the best servers because they are very rich. If there is a slight problem with the equipment, they will be replaced with new ones, and the old equipment will be thrown away.

For example, the load capacity of a new server is 1 million, but the old server is partially damaged, and the load capacity is only 800,000. When the server cluster is deployed, the red line of carrying capacity of each server is arranged to be 900,000, which is a problem. The old server crashes before reaching the red line, unless it is deployed separately for the old server, it will be very troublesome.

But if it is a new project like Meitu Xiuxiu, the traffic in a short period of time is very low, and the success is still unknown. It would be too wasteful to purchase new servers directly.

The old servers discarded by can be deployed through the base management department for secondary use, saving resources and saving expenses.

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