Negotiations with Penguin have stalled.

The main reason is that Ziweixing is too domineering.

The asking price is 300 million, which is too bullying!

Why is it only 100 million for Ali, 50 million for Sina and Baidu, and 300 million for Penguin? Is there any market fairness at all?

Zhou Buqi is a good old man, saying that he also has difficulties and is not easy to make decisions.

He Yangchong was on the front line, meeting their artillery fire, saying that American high-tech equipment is sold at a fair price to Britain, France, Korea and Japan, but the domestic price is ridiculously high, and even many cutting-edge equipment, we pay a premium of ten or twenty times No one sells them.

this is the truth.

If you have technology, you have the right to speak, so it's useless for you to talk less! It's only 300 million, you can buy it or not, and if you don't buy it, you can develop it yourself! The open platform has been a novelty in recent years, with high-end technology. In a few years, it may be a bad street technology, and it is not a big problem for you to develop it yourself!

See who can afford who!

Ziweixing is very tough now.

After the April financial report was sorted out, the finance department sent it to interested venture capital institutions through the relationship.

Soon, Goldman Sachs made a second wave of offers, with a valuation of $9.2 billion.

At the same time, a second group of investors joined in, led by Sequoia Capital, followed by DCM, IDG, Sequoia China and other venture capital institutions, with a total investment of 950 million US dollars, accounting for 10% of Ziweixing’s shares .

Equivalent to a valuation of $9.5 billion.

The distance from Ziweixing's expected US$10 billion is already very small.

At present, Ziweixing's financial team has not had too specific and substantive contact with venture capital institutions, and is still in the stage of listening to quotations. This is already such a high quotation, and the price can easily go up when they actually sit down to negotiate.

After Zhou Buqi returned to Sanya, he heard the good news. Wang Haoyang personally called.

"Boss, I think our expectations are a bit low."

"It's not surprising, who would have thought that selling technology would make so much money."

Wang Haoyang laughed, "How about $12 billion?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes."

Wang Haoyang said: "Then I will take the lead and make new financing materials."

"Is it just these two groups of investment groups? Nothing else?"

"Not yet."

"What's going on in the country?"

Wang Haoyang smiled wryly and said: "Boss, private equity in China has just started, so I can't do it at all. Sequoia China's scale is considered large, so it must be the leader of Sequoia headquarters, and Sequoia China will follow behind to drink some soup. "

Zhou Buqi said: "I don't mean that, I mean... This financing case must be dominated by American capital. But most of the domestic venture capital institutions lack personal connections. There is no chance to drink soup later. This is not good."

Wang Haoyang pondered for a moment, then refused: "It's not urgent, let's focus on the big and let go of the small. If you really want to take care of the domestic venture capital institutions, you can add another small and medium-sized enterprise financing after the A round to dilute it with the scale of the A round." About 1%."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Okay, what you say has the final say."

After this wave of calls was over, Zhou Buqi had time to lie on the bedside, stared at his sleeping daughter for a few minutes, and praised him full of praise: "My daughter is like me, so beautiful."

Wen Zhixia smiled and patted him next to him, "My daughter looks like me."

"Like us!"

Zhou Buqi is very proud, the more the child grows, the more pleasing it is to look at.

The child was being looked after by a confinement wife, and the two of them went downstairs and sat down on the sofa. Wen Zhixia said seriously, "Isn't it busy with work recently?"


"Why don't you take a vacation, I'm fine, I'm not tired at all with my mother and confinement wife taking care of me, you don't need to accompany me."

"How can I do that? You're in confinement, and I'm not here... Doesn't that make you look down on me?"

Wen Zhixia pursed her lips and said, "Who underestimated you? It's almost the end of the term, so you won't take the exam?"

Zhou Buqi didn't care at all, "The exam is easy, I'll ask the secretary to write the exam papers, and I'll just write down the answers and copy them, it's very simple."

Wen Zhixia didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What kind of exam is this?"

Zhou Buqi snorted: "This is already very good. Many officials send secretaries to attend lectures, do homework, and write papers for exams. The final degree is my own. I am already very conscientious."

Wen Zhixia curled her lips and said, "It's better to just drop out of school."

These days, there are many people who drop out of school and start businesses.

For example, Wang Huiwen, who was in charge of the P-picture artifact project, dropped out of school at the beginning, and then started a business with Wang Xing. Including Wang Xiaochuan, whose grades were a mess during school, and the main energy was used to start a part-time job. The situation is similar to that of Zhou Buqi and Guo Pengfei, which is equivalent to half-dropping out of school.

This type of genius cannot be measured by the standards of ordinary people. For example, Wang Xing, why did you drop out of school in the United States and return to China to start a business?

Zhou Buqi discussed it with him.

Wang Xing said that when he graduated from Tsinghua University and went to the United States to study, he thought he would spend his life in Silicon Valley. But when I went to school, I was disappointed.

He can complete the course in one semester by self-study in one month.

The professor's lectures are too shallow, too slow, and have too little knowledge.

I felt that going to class was a waste of time, and I still had to rely on practice to gain true knowledge, so I dropped out of school and came back to start my own business.

Zhou Buqi snorted, "There are quite a few dropouts in China, but they all drop out at the master's level. How many drop out at the undergraduate level? Not only can I not drop out, but I also want to deepen my connection with the school!"

"How to deepen?"

"After this wave of financing is over, I will donate 50 million to Beike in the name of Ziweixing, and cooperate to build a laboratory based on the Android system. Well, I will give another 50 million to Tsinghua University to build a similar laboratory."

This is also self-produced.

Not surprisingly, the world's first Android phone will be released next year, produced by Ziweixing Electronics Group.

But only a mobile phone is not enough, there must be an App.

At least their own products have to be made into Apps, such as Embarrassment Encyclopedia, Friends Network, Weidian Input Method, Weidian Notes, etc.

However, there is a lack of relevant talents in the market for App development based on the Android system. It is true that this language is based on Java, but there are certain differences. If you don't study for a period of time in advance, it's really hard to get started.

The best way is to train yourself through cooperation with universities.

This is an Internet company in the capital with a unique geographical advantage.

However, the development of mobile apps is a basic job for the first-level, and it is a labor-intensive job, and the high-tech attributes are not strong. Tsinghua graduates may not accept such a job.

It can be handed over to graduates of Beike.

As for the laboratories that cooperate with Tsinghua University, they are more for the operating system, which is a relatively difficult technology. The mobile phone developed by Ziweixing must not use the original Android system.

It's not that the original system is bad, but that it's uncontrollable.

Ziweixing needs to have a certain say in its own mobile phone through the operating system. For example, if the relationship with Penguin is not good, you can be ruthless and block QQ.

The original system does not have the function of blocking. It can only be used to target Android and modify its own system, such as Xiaomi UI and Huawei UI.

Through its own UI design and system changes, it binds its own App to the system, and users cannot delete it even if they want to.


That night, Zhou Buqi eagerly wanted to stay in Teacher Wen's room.

Since finding out that she was pregnant in July last year, the two have been innocent, clean as a piece of white paper. Now, the baby is over, and the body has basically recovered...


My mother suddenly appeared and immediately called a stop.

Wen Zhixia took off all her clothes, got into bed directly, covered her face with the blanket, feeling ashamed to see others.

Zhou Buqi still had his trousers off, and he turned around in astonishment, "Mom, what are you doing?"

The old mother said angrily: "Why are you so anxious? This confinement is not over yet, don't mess around! Get out of here and find your little secretary!"

Zhou Buqi almost died of anger, "Mom, you control the sky and the earth, and you control control too much, don't you?"

My mother said with a serious face: "Confinement is a woman's second life. It's very important. Don't be obsessed with sex and hurt others. Go, go, the child will have to breastfeed in a while, don't embarrass yourself here .”

"I rely on it!"

Zhou Buqi was going crazy, he felt that his mother and father were really husband and wife, they were no different.

There was no other way, Boss Zhou could only dodge around and go to the bedroom next door.

But Secretary Ning is on her period today, which is inconvenient.

Fortunately, she didn't dislike it.

Kneeling on the ground was a lot of hard work.

But there's always a sense of something to be desired.

The next day, Zhou Buqi got up very early and went out for a run along the beach. I saw a few beauties in bikinis taking pictures on the beach, and a few male photographers posing for them. In some photos, some girls even took off their swimsuits and covered them with their arms. During the period, it was inevitable that the light would be lost, and it would be seen clearly.

Zhou Buqi watched for a while, and then a male photographer came over to chase them away, saying that they were models and they were taking photos, and they declined to watch.

Back home, while having breakfast, I received a call from He Yang.

"Boss, good news!"


"The open platform sees money again!"

"The penguin agreed? So fast?" Zhou Buqi didn't expect this. He thought the penguin could last for a few days, but he didn't expect to surrender so soon.

He Yang smiled and said, "It's not them, it's foreigners."


"It's an SNS social networking site in Japan. It offered 1 million US dollars and wanted to buy our products. I countered with 2 million US dollars, and they accepted it very readily."

"Even foreign countries know?"

Zhou Buqi was really surprised.

This open platform is jointly developed by Facebook and Ziweixing, and the copyright in the Asian region is in Ziweixing's hands. More importantly, Facebook is currently developing the European market and has not yet entered Asia.

This allows local social networking sites in South Korea, Japan and other places to live very well, without feeling the slightest threat from Western capitalist technology giants.

However, Japan's Internet market is relatively small, the business atmosphere is relatively traditional, and the income is not much. To be able to bid 2 million US dollars at one time is really a big deal.

He Yangdao: "Not only overseas, but also in China. We have received three purchase requests, Douban, Blog China and Among them, is the most sincere and directly quoted 30 million."

Zhou Buqi murmured, "We're delaying this beforehand. Don't tell me it's not because the penguin is behind the scenes and wants to buy it at a low price through a third-party relationship. has been making a lot of noise lately?"


"We can talk about it first. After the deal with Penguin is concluded, we can talk about other things."

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