Top of the big era

Chapter 7 Brother Zhou?

Back at the dilapidated hotel, Zhou Buqi sent a text message to Fang Qiwen.

The maintenance of contacts requires a long flow of water, and it is necessary to keep in touch periodically.

Although the other party's beverage industry has little to do with him at present, but after all, it is in a city, and it may be used at any time.

After sending a few text messages, Zhou Buqi's phone exploded.

The calls came one after another.

"Excuse me, are you Zhou Buqi?"

"Student Zhou Buqi, is what you said true? Will you organize everyone to act as an agent for phone cards?"

"How old are you? Why haven't you heard of it?"

"What are the arrangements for tomorrow?"


That's what leaflets do. In the era when the Internet was not yet popular and mobile phones were still a luxury, leaflets were really a powerful tool for social publicity.

Zhou Buqi took the trouble to respond to each call, just like a mobile customer service, with an extremely good attitude.

The mind is calm and the body is relaxed.

Dealing with these college students with little social experience is actually very simple.

Until a phone call came.

"Hello? Are you Zhou Buqi?"

"it's me."

"Zhou Buqi from the High School Attached to Spring City Normal University?"


Zhou Buqi's mood finally changed, "You know me?"

The other party was a girl with a beautiful voice, and continued to ask: "Isn't Zhou Buqi from Wanchao Group?"

"I am. Classmate, may I ask who you are?"

"It's really you, my name is Wu Yu, have you heard of it?"

"Wu Yu..."

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, it sounded familiar.

Wu Yujiao smiled and said, "We are alumni. I'm a year older than you, and I'm the school's announcer. You must have heard my broadcast, right?"

"Oh! Oh! It's you, so it's Senior Sister Wu!"

Zhou Buqi patted his forehead and suddenly remembered.

In the former high school, this Senior Sister Wu Yu was amazing, she was known as the school belle of the High School Affiliated to Normal University! She is extremely beautiful and has a sweet voice. Every time she exercises during recess, the school radio will hear her reciting a short piece of poetry or prose, which is the gospel of all boys in the school.

Zhou Buqi was fascinated by what he heard at the time, dreaming about something.

However, because they are in different grades and different teaching buildings, the two have never had an intersection.

Unexpectedly, I got in touch at the university.

"Senior Sister Wu, are you also at the University of Science and Technology?"

"Yes, I'm from the Grammar School, the Law Department."

"What a coincidence."

Zhou Buqi made a haha, not sure what the other party meant. This Senior Sister Wu was a man of the hour in high school, and the sea of ​​people chasing her around her is probably not a simple one.

Wu Yu asked: "What phone card agent is that, you really made it?"




"Would you like to come out and meet?"

"Now? It's too late."

Zhou Buqi directly refused, he still had to answer the phone as customer service, how could he have time to go out and fool around?

Wu Yu said in a long voice, "Oh, it's not too late. University is different from high school. Now is the right time. Let's have supper together?"

"Forget it, I have something else to do, goodbye!"

Zhou Buqi was not polite at all, and hung up the phone directly.

After a few more phone calls, a little accident happened.

"Is it a week?"

"it's me."

"You sent the flyer?"


Zhou Buqi heard that the other party's tone was not kind, and with deep doubts, he couldn't help raising his vigilance and said, "I sent it, what's wrong?"

"It says on the flyer that you have obtained the exclusive agency right of the phone card from the telecom business office?"

"Who are you? Is it related to you?"

"I'm Guo Pengfei!"

"What do you mean?"

"I told you, my name is Guo Pengfei!"

Zhou Buqi got a little annoyed, "Who the hell cares if you belong to Guo Pengfei or Guo Niaofei? If I sell my phone card, it has something to do with you?"

"You don't know me? Are you from HKUST?"

Guo Pengfei immediately became nervous, don't it be the gangsters in the society who came to the school to cheat? This is serious, and you have to report it to the school immediately.

Zhou Buqi said: "I'm from the University of Science and Technology, what's the matter, everyone from the University of Science and Technology must know you? What kind of onion are you?"

Guo Pengfei said: "I am the deputy director of the External Relations Department of the Student Union of the School of Computer and Communication. Now I suspect that you are a criminal who came to our school to commit fraud. If you can't prove your identity, I will report it to the security department."

Zhou Buqi said: "Report it. I'm a freshman. The vice principal Wang Changle is my uncle. Director Meng of the teaching office is my third aunt. Go and report it. I welcome you with all my hands up."


Guo Pengfei was stunned. He was actually a relationship with the school leader?

The other party was at a loss for words, and Zhou Buqi was amused. A college student is a college student after all. He lacks experience and is still young. He casually fooled around and said indifferently: "Student Guo Pengfei, do you still have any questions?"


The phone hung up immediately.

"Hung up the phone without consulting? It's impolite! The quality is too poor!"

Zhou Buqi said that he should severely despise this kind of behavior.


On August 29th, HKUST started its orientation, which is usually hosted by sophomore student union members.

In the campus, many tables and chairs have been arranged, and some even brought computers and stereos. There are big signs erected everywhere, such as "School of Mathematics and Physics", "School of Chemical and Biological Engineering", "School of Automation", "School of Mechanical Engineering" and so on. Beside each big sign, there are many small signs marking different professional department.

The location of the School of Economics and Management is a bit remote, and there are not many welcome staff.

Especially in the Department of Business Administration, there are only two girls in charge, and one of them is the vice-chairman of the student union in the third year of the department.

"Senior Sister Chen, are you here?"

Dong Xiaoyu, a second-year student in the Department of Business Administration, looked at the vice-chairman of the student union, Senior Sister Chen Yan, with a bitter face.

"Just you?" Chen Yan frowned.

"There are two more, go to the bathroom."

"Only three?"

"Uh...they're all gone."

"Where did you go?"

Dong Xiaoyu said strangely: "Sister Chen, don't you know? There is a brother in our department named Zhou Buqi, who organized a social practice activity, calling on college students with lofty ideals to act together with him, to act as an agent for campus cards, Sending warmth to newborns."

Chen Yan was stunned, "They all went? Didn't I arrange a dozen people to welcome the newcomers?"

"It's all gone."

Dong Xiaoyu made a bitter face, but she was muttering in her heart, if she didn't still want to climb up in the student union, she would have left long ago.

Chen Yan was also very helpless, "It's like chasing stars, this senior Zhou is really good."

"Senior sister Chen, are you also called senior?"

Dong Xiaoyu froze for a moment. She knew very well that there was no sophomore named Zhou Buqi in the entire business administration department, so she thought it was a junior senior. After all, seniors are busy with internships and graduation.

Unexpectedly, Senior Sister Chen Yan is also called senior!

Chen Yan nodded, then shook her head again, "There is no such person in the third grade."

"He's really a senior senior!"

Dong Xiaoyu took a breath of surprise, "Senior Sister Chen, did you know Senior Brother Zhou before? He must be famous for calling on the whole school to organize such a big social practice activity?"


Chen Yan shook her head, lost in thought.

She is the vice chairman of the Student Union of the Department of Business Administration, so she should be no stranger to the well-known figures in the department.

Dong Xiaoyu tentatively said, "Senior Sister Chen, tell me... is Brother Zhou from the student union of a mixed school? He is so powerful, and only the big stage like the student union of the school can show his ability?"

"Should...maybe...maybe...but the chairman and ministers of the school's student union don't seem to have this name." Chen Yan said hesitantly.

Dong Xiaoyu had an adoring look on his face, his eyes sparkled, and he imagined beautifully: "No matter what, gold will always shine. Senior Brother Zhou is too powerful, and this can be regarded as a blockbuster. Exclusive agent of Telecom Campus Card The sales are really impressive."

Chen Yan took this very seriously, "Well, it's very powerful."

She came from the canteen of Wanxiuyuan, and there were hundreds of people at the entrance of the canteen.

It is definitely an organized and large-scale event.

"Huh? There seems to be a freshman here, holding a notice." Dong Xiaoyu saw with his own eyes, a handsome handsome boy with a height of 1.8 meters and a strong figure walking towards here.

Chen Yan turned her head and glanced, "Well, welcome, it should be from our department."

Dong Xiaoyu stood up and waved his hands with a smile, "Student, are you a freshman in the Department of Business Administration?"

"I am."

"That's right, sign up here, all your materials are here, come here to collect them, and then go to the Academic Affairs Building over there to pay tuition and accommodation fees, and you will be considered an official USTC student. By the way, Do you need student loans? If so, the process will be different."


"Okay, hehe, what's your name, junior?"


"Okay, um... um? You... what's your name?"

"My name is Zhou Buqi."

Dong Xiaoyu was stunned, and Chen Yan also turned her head suddenly, and looked over in disbelief, as if she had seen a ghost during the day.

"Student, you...don't be kidding."

"What's wrong with you? Is it strange?"

Zhou Buqi handed over his notice and ID card, "Look for yourself."

Dong Xiaoyu quickly picked it up, and Chen Yan also came over, and then, in a stack of freshman file bags, he found a personal material with the name "Zhou Buqi", which contained his student ID card, campus bank card and campus bank card. All in one card.

The two looked at each other, their faces pale green.

"Can you give me the materials? After paying the fee, I still have something to do." Zhou Buwei looked at the two of them strangely because he didn't understand.

"Oh oh, ok."

Dong Xiaoyu pulled out the file bag, "You can just sign here, you... uh, if you are in a hurry, you can pay the fee tomorrow, it's important."

Zhou Buqi smiled immediately, "Thank you."

After walking a few steps, he turned back and asked, "Senior sisters, are you two going to participate in the warm-up activity I organized to serve new classmates and benefit old classmates?"

Dong Xiaoyu's face was bright red, and she pursed her lips tightly, excited and looking forward to it.

Chen Yan was a little calmer, and smiled slightly, "Next time, we still have to welcome new students, which is also a very meaningful and important task."

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