Top of the big era

Chapter 69 The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility

If he had been reborn a few years earlier, Zhou Buqi's business experience would have been easier.

But in 2004, the BAT had already set sail. If Zhou Buqi wanted to become a giant in the Internet field in the future, he must cut a large piece of meat from the territory of these three forces.

After much deliberation, Zhou Buqi locked on the penguin with the weakest moat at the moment.

Today's Penguin, on the one hand, has to fight against the strong competition from Microsoft MSN, and on the other hand, it also has to bear the invisible pressure from China Mobile. Life is miserable.

However, just over a month later, the plan fell through.

Principal Hu pointed out Zhou Buqi earnestly and earnestly, telling him clearly that he is a student now, he should keep a low profile, be solid and steady, be upright, and do what a student should do.

The subtext of this sentence is rich.

Zhou Buqi originally wanted to make friends with the opposite sex. MSN engages in high-end, he engages in low-end, two-headed attack, beat QQ hard, seize the beachhead of the Internet.

In later generations, when the penguins were invincible, Momo could successfully grab a large piece of fat in the social field by relying on this trick, with a daily life of over 100 million.

It's only 2004 now, if you plan ahead, maybe you can really overturn the Big Mac.

However, President Hu's teachings made him understand that this was not acceptable for his status as a student and as the leader of the University Entrepreneurship Alliance.

This is not only a question of health, but also a question of the image of top universities.

Starting a business in the capital has various advantages. There are also many disadvantages, that is, all aspects of the relationship must be taken into account.

If you were in the southern part of the reform frontier, you wouldn’t have to worry so much. Kuaibo could be very popular, and the advertisements were generously advertised: “Quaibo, you know”, which touched countless nerds.

This is going to be in a university in the capital, and it has been arrested a long time ago, just like Liu Wenbo.

"Then what should we do? Give up? It's a pity."

Guo Pengfei thinks that Zhou Buqi's industrial planning is very good. It can not only lead the entrepreneurial team and improve their capabilities, but also pave the way for a bigger business in the future.

It can be called killing two birds with one stone.

Zhou Buqi sighed: "After all, making friends with the opposite sex is a sensitive field. Once the product is actually launched, it will definitely be deformed and will be condemned by the whole society. We are students and cannot bear the pressure of public opinion. Moreover, I am now in For casting a golden body, you can't lose the big because of the small."

"Then what should we do?" Guo Pengfei asked.

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Then we can only force it!"

"Forcibly? Go directly to the Internet social field? Make a chat software?" Guo Pengfei blinked.

"Of course not. The competition in chat software is too fierce now. MSN and QQ are killing each other. As a result, Yahoo! Messenger and Netease Bubble are directly squeezed out. This is a red ocean, and we can't break through."

"That is?"

"Did you know there is a website in the United States called Facebook?"

"have no idea."

"Well, go back and study it."

"Do you want to make a similar website?"

Zhou Buqi glanced at him with a smile, "Similar? No need, just copy it directly from the original version, make the style first, and then adjust it slowly."

Guo Pengfei said lightly: "Isn't it just a website? Isn't that easy? Our school's BBS forum took two people a week to create."

Zhou Buqi scolded: "That broken forum is also a website? Go back and study it carefully. Didn't I ask you to organize relevant talents? If it is not enough, you can contact BIT and BUPT to find all the talents."


Wu Yu wants to eat KFC.

After dinner, the two went to the nearest store.

Wu Yu went straight to find a seat, Zhou Buqi went to order, the waiter at the counter with his back turned to him said hello, and when he turned around, he was startled.

Isn't this the game master Yan Xinlei from the same dorm?

Yan Xinlei was a little taken aback, but was pleasantly surprised, "What a coincidence?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Well, come to eat something with my girlfriend, over there, that's the one in the white sweater."

"So beautiful?" Yan Xinlei opened his eyes wide and gave a thumbs up, "Amazing, lucky."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "I heard from the head of the dormitory that you are looking for a part-time job, but you came here unexpectedly, how is it?"

It is said that he was playing "Fantasy Westward Journey" and met a wife on the Internet. He wanted to make some money part-time to sell mobile phones so that he could contact him easily.


Yan Xinlei lowered his voice, "Part-time jobs here cost 3 yuan an hour, and you can come over after class. If you work part-time for three hours a day, you can buy a mobile phone before the end of this semester."

This is almost the standard line of the capital's minimum wage.

It is still aimed at high-quality college students. It can be asserted that it is too pitiful!

But Yan Xinlei still looked complacent, full of infinite longing for the future.

This made Zhou Buqi somewhat sad.

When will college students become wage earners at the bottom of society? There was even no dissatisfaction on the other party's face, with a simple and satisfied smile.

This scene made Zhou Buqi feel the great significance of the seven sideline and part-time projects he carried out, and even felt that some missions of the times were carried on his shoulders.

To live a new life, should we do something for college students?

Let them have more platforms to show their abilities, instead of being so cruelly squeezed by unscrupulous merchants.

At this moment, the manager of the restaurant looked over and asked sternly, "Yan Xinlei, is that customer your friend?"

Yan Xinlei hurriedly smiled and said flatteringly, "He's a customer, and I'll introduce him to food."

Zhou Buqi also responded with a smile: "Yes, it's a customer."

After ordering, while waiting, the two continued to chat in a low voice.

"I remember that there are some part-time student aid programs in the student union? You didn't go?"

"I'm going, I'm not ashamed to go."


"There are only a few part-time positions in the school, and they are generally obtained by the student union from the professors, sorting out documents, distributing materials, etc., assistant-like jobs."

Zhou Buqi felt strange, "Isn't this good? It's also convenient to work part-time on campus."

Yan Xinlei shook his head, sighed and said, "Those positions are reserved for poor students. How can we compete with them? Moreover, the income of part-time jobs on campus is lower. The only advantage is that you won't delay the course."

"Well, it should be reserved for poor students."

Zhou Buqi nodded, and his heart became heavier.

After coming to the university, he has been floating around, busy with important matters in the country, and has not settled down to pay attention to the real situation in the university.

The conversation with Yan Xinlei made him feel a lot of pressure.

After returning to his seat with the dinner plate, Wu Yu asked him in surprise, "What's wrong? You look so ugly?"

Zhou Buqi sighed, and said sadly: "I suddenly remembered a sentence in "Spider-Man", the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

Wu Yu was at a loss, "Honey, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, lowered his head and drank a few sips of cold Coke, then raised his head suddenly, and said seriously: "Xiaoyu, I think life should not just be about making money, but about doing something meaningful. At this moment, I realized The true meaning of President Hu’s teaching. I am a college student, and I want to do something for the college student community.”

Wu Yu's eyes are like the North Star at night, bright and bright, full of admiration, "Husband, I love you."

Zhou Buqi turned a deaf ear to it, sighed and said: "Foreign universities, the tuition fees are very expensive, but as long as you work hard and work part-study, it will be easy to earn tuition fees and living expenses. You can also buy a good car. It is not possible in China. I heard that you are a student. I can’t wait to suppress the price and squeeze it hard. It’s the same outside the school, and it’s the same inside the school.”

Then, he punched heavily, the veins on his arm burst out, and said in a deep voice: "I want to make a platform for college students, those who want to start a business, want to work part-time, want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, want to buy low-cost If you want to buy something, you can come to this platform for consultation.”

Wu Yu's eyes were moist, she raised her delicate face, and whispered softly: "Honey, you can do it."

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