Top of the big era

Chapter 662 Secret

In 2007, Ziweixing plans to expand the number of employees to 2,000.

into five parts.

Ziweixing headquarters has three floors, with a quota of 840 people, including 400 people from, 200 people from the campus and SP business groups, and 180 people from administrative departments such as the Finance Department, Marketing Department, Human Resources Department, and Enterprise Development Department. There is a headquarters R\u0026D team of 60 people led by Cheng Binghao.

There are currently 420 people, and there are 420 vacancies.

At the Weidian Security Business Center, the quota is 220 people, which is full.

The search business group that rented an office building downstairs has 300 employees and 40 people are missing.

Ziweixing R\u0026D Center has a quota of 240 people, and 25 people are vacant.

The quota of Pengcheng branch is 400 people. The two businesses are the job search website for fresh graduates and the encyclopedia of embarrassing things. The quota is 120 people, and there are another 20 people related to the logistics operation team. The remaining quota of 260 people is to build a research and development center in Pengcheng. In total, there are currently 320 vacancies.

However, this is the personnel plan formulated at the beginning of the year.

Now there are new changes. The job search website for fresh graduates will be upgraded to a job search website, and the number of recruitment places will inevitably increase.

On the side of the Pengcheng branch, there are mainly two core businesses - the job search website for fresh graduates and embarrassing one hundred.

Cao Hongtao and Wang Jian, who are in charge of the two businesses, have a certain relationship of competition for promotion.

Now that there is a new news on the job hunting website, it is natural that Mobai is not to be outdone.

Hearing that the big boss came to inspect in person, Wang Jian found the right time, knocked on the door of Pei Yao's office, and said solemnly: "Mr. Zhou, I have a new idea and I want to report it to you."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Why are you so serious? My name is Zhou Buqi. I'm not one or the other. Come and sit."

Pei Yao was helpless, "Wang Jian, you're not talking about the new plan, are you?"

Wang Jiandao: "It's a new plan!"

Pei Yao was a little unhappy, this was a project that she rejected, but this person ran to show off in front of the big boss, he really didn't understand the rules.

Seeing her expression, Zhou Buqi knew it, and said with a smile, "Okay, tell me, what's the new plan?"

Wang Jiandao: "The success of Embarrassment shows that there is a market for our UGC content about personal real stories, and the audience is extremely wide. Of course, there is traffic support from the Xiaonei network behind this, but it cannot be denied that the content of this direction Correctness."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, embarrassing stories are indeed more attractive than general joke collections."

"I think the core of embarrassment is not a joke, but sharing. Similar embarrassing things are difficult to share in life, shameful and embarrassing. But it is different on the Internet. They are not familiar with each other, and there is a An opportunity for liberation, a space for expression."

"The core of web2.0 is sharing."

"Yes, so I think we can go further!"


"I pay special attention to those embarrassing stories shared anonymously. Generally, they have two things in common: one, privacy, and two, readability. Some interesting stories can become hot stories, while some less interesting ones just disappear. Even though this little story is very readable, it was abandoned by users because of the lack of humor gene.”

When Wang Jian said this, Pei Yao couldn't continue, and said with a headache: "Wang Jian, there are still too many businesses that have not been completed, and the basic functions of the website have not been completed. I said No, don't get distracted."

Embarrassment's operating time is too short, and many businesses have not been perfected.

For example, in cooperation with the SP business, the embarrassing business launched in Monternet. Sending short messages and jokes to users requires a mature editorial team to help them select high-quality stories.

But the embarrassing team is very small.

So much so that this function is outsourced, and a monthly service fee of 300,000 is required.

Also, in the design of Embarrassing, it is possible to distribute advertising dividends to user creators. According to the effects of the published Embarrassing stories, the dividends are distributed based on the evaluation of the number of clicks and likes.

But this function has not been able to go online for a long time.

Now the jokes in Baizhong are all spontaneously shared by users with passion, enthusiasm and curiosity. This is not a long-term solution.

Passion can retreat, curiosity can disappear.

Without financial incentives, the motivation for posting will become lower and lower as time goes by, which will eventually lead to the failure of the website.

Especially with the success of Embarrassing Hundred, many similar joke websites have appeared on the market. If Embarrassing wants to maintain its No. 1 position in the market, it must retain those high-quality creators and send them money.

Also, Zhou Buqi suggested long ago that the recommendation of embarrassing stories should be based on the principle of uncertainty. This requires an uncertain recommendation algorithm to be made, which is another missing piece. still has a lot of work to do.

At this time, I don't want to make this website a good one, but I want to start a new project. Isn't this too ambitious?

So when Wang Jian proposed this project some time ago, Pei Yao rejected it without politeness.

But Wang Jian insisted, "But this direction is really good, and we have a good foundation, so it is easy to make it. Once other people also find business opportunities, the track will be seized by others."

Zhou Buqi was more interested, "What direction?"



"Oh, I didn't mean to keep it secret, I mean the name of this project is 'Secret'. Everyone has their own secrets. What happened, experienced, and seen is not humane. The Internet This kind of opportunity is given to speak out. On the secret network, all users have to speak anonymously, telling stories that have always wanted to be told in their hearts but dare not. "

Zhou Buqi blinked, and immediately had a keen judgment, this direction is feasible! There is market space! As long as the project goes online, it will even be more attractive to users than Embarrassment.

How interesting is it to read other people's dark secrets?

It can not only satisfy the voyeuristic desire of human nature, but also realize a more colorful world of life by reading other people's secrets.

The innovation of the application layer of the Internet is often to find the low-level interesting points of users. If you satisfy a certain low-level interest, you can quickly expand the market and form a scale.

Search engines are searching for pirated music and small movies; chat software is for flirting with girls; e-commerce platforms are for buying low-priced fakes to act as famous brands to show off...

Even if it's a high-profile website that serves college students, isn't it relying on a certain low-level taste to attract college students?

There is a key project on called the Selection of School Flowers and Grass.

How exciting is it to be able to interact with the school belles and school girls through the school intranet? In order to let everyone vote for themselves, the school belle and school grass may reply to messages frequently.

How much does this touch the adolescent college students who are not deeply involved in the world and are full of fairy tale fantasies about love?

A message might make boys and girls expand their fantasy, thinking about how many wedding cars will be ordered in the future, and how many children will be born...

Especially after the Xiaonei network is opened to graduate students, it will be even more powerful.

This is to provide a brand new perspective for seniors to pick up juniors, senior sisters and scumbag juniors.

The secret network is precisely the one that can best satisfy the low-level interests of the broad masses of the people.

Secret, unlimited imagination!

From this we can see the difference between entrepreneurs and managers.

Wang Jian is an entrepreneur. He has passion and drive. When he sees a good direction, he feels hot all over his body and wants to rush forward desperately. Even now, it is still very poor, and many functions are not perfect. But when the passion comes, all the difficulties are unstoppable, so I want to go forward!

Pei Yao has no experience in starting a business. She is a manager. Without such passion and impulsiveness, it is difficult to understand this kind of style.

For a technology company, both types of talent must be present. Without the former, the company will become rigid, and the best result is to become Lenovo and stagnate; without the latter, the management will be chaotic, and the best result will be to become Shanda, forcefully transform itself, and give up the business to invest .

Zhou Buqi is fine, he is familiar with "Zizhi Tongjian", and uses the imperial technique to try to balance the relationship between the two.

Wang Jian went on to say: "As long as many true stories in Embarrassing Baizhong are published anonymously, they are more or less secretive. But many stories are ignored by everyone because they lack humor. We can use the secret network to make this Part of the content generates value, and at the same time attracts more people to tell the unspeakable secret in their hearts on the Internet."

"Tell me the unspoken secret in my heart," Zhou Buqi exclaimed, "Good idea! Good idea!"

Wang Jian's eyes lit up, he was pleasantly surprised, "Is it possible?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, very good idea." However, he couldn't put down the face of the branch boss, so he changed the subject and said in a deep voice: "The idea is a good idea, but the timing is wrong. Not suitable. Pei Yao, you are the boss of the branch, what do you think?"

Pei Yao looked much better, and said with a light smile: "Well, I think the timing is not ripe yet, there are too many things that need to be improved and perfected. It won't be too late to start the secret network after the functional framework of the embarrassment is perfected. "

Feeling the support of the big boss, she felt warm in her heart.

"Well, this arrangement is right." Zhou Buqi worked hard to balance the relationship between the two, so that he could neither lose the face of the leader nor dampen the enthusiasm of the subordinates for innovation. Have you had any problems recruiting?"

Pei Yao smiled bitterly, "Yes, last year, in order to expand rapidly, more than 100 people were recruited in one go. At most, there were more than 170 people in the branch office. Later, it was discovered that there was a major mistake in the recruitment, and the review of values ​​was far away. It wasn’t enough, and the atmosphere in the company was very bad. Later, I made up my mind and fired more than half of them during the probationary period. This was approved by you.”

"Well, I remember this." Zhou Buqi nodded and sighed again, "The company is developing too fast, and there is also a shortage of personnel here. Didn't Wang Haiyang say that he will send the deputy director of human resources over soon, Assist you in the recruitment of the branch."

Pei Yao said: "Well, after this wave of recruitment starts, I will personally interview everyone."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's too late to recruit people now, how about this, I asked the headquarters to send a 50-person web front-end team over for a three-month business trip, and completed all the main functions of the embarrassment as quickly as possible. When it’s summer, the job-hunting website for fresh graduates will be upgraded to a job-seeking website, so how about making a secret sister website here?”

Wang Jian was so happy that he was speechless, "Okay... ok... that's great, thank you boss for trusting me! I will definitely be able to do a good job of the new website!"

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