Top of the big era

Chapter 653 I am on the same level as the richest man in the world

All countries have relatively strict export control measures in the high-tech field.

In contrast, the Internet sector is considered the most open.

Almost all technology giants have open source projects to share their technological achievements with the world. Part of it is that I feel that I am alone and weak, and let developers all over the world work together, such as the Android system. A larger part is sharing in the true sense.

The general idea is: I have created this system and share it with everyone, so that you don't waste manpower and material resources on similar projects, and put your energy into more innovative projects.

Under this concept of openness, sharing, friendship and mutual assistance, the Internet has achieved amazing development and has become the largest and most core industry in the world.

However, there is also a small unspoken rule in open source projects.

For example, Google has made a project. If the technological content of this project is so high that no other technology company in the world except Google can do it, then this project cannot be open sourced.

This will be Google's biggest and most core competitiveness.

If the technology content is very high now, but after two or three years, it is found that colleagues in the same industry can also make similar projects, and it is no longer the core competitiveness.

At this time, it is unnecessary for colleagues to waste money on researching similar projects. You can open source the project and make all the code public. Allow peers to use directly.

You shared it this time, I will share it next time, and he will share it next time.

If everyone abides by this rule, technology precipitation can be completed quickly in a short period of time, and everyone will work together to make the Internet bigger.

In addition, there is an unspoken rule that open source projects are generally large or super large, and the R\u0026D costs are generally tens of millions of dollars or more.

There are also small projects, but they are not necessary.

Is it necessary to use someone else's small project that can be developed by myself in a month? Open source projects also have disadvantages, because the code is public, which means that hackers can also see the code and find loopholes, which will lead to low stability.

Therefore, technology companies are not interested in small and medium-sized open source projects, and even if there are similar open source products, they often will not adopt them. Instead, start research and development by yourself, which doesn't cost much money and doesn't waste long time.

Only those projects that are too expensive, and some very complex projects that are difficult for one or two companies to perfect, will use the open source version.

There will be a phenomenon that some small and medium-sized projects of Silicon Valley technology companies are often not open source.

These projects are not too high-tech for the big companies in Silicon Valley, and everyone knows what you will do. If necessary, set up a project team and make it in two or three months.

But it is different in China.

For example, Facebook's photo storage system for databases can be completed in three months. But it might take a year for Ziweixing to do it.

These projects are not open source and have no impact on the giants in Silicon Valley, but they are very unfriendly to some small and medium-sized enterprises in Silicon Valley and domestic Internet companies.

Ziweixing is very short of people now.

In fact, not only Ziweixing is short of people, but every domestic Internet company has a shortage of technical personnel. All companies are recruiting technical engineers 365 days a year.

In order to improve efficiency and enhance one's own technical reserves, going to Silicon Valley to buy technology has become the fastest and most convenient way.

In fact, Zhou Buqi had already prepared for this.

He told Liu Qing to pay more attention to European startups.

Internet start-up companies in the United States are not easy to start, so they might as well find more talents in Europe. For example, Huawei, without reaching out to the United States, is blooming everywhere in Europe, and digging technical talents with high salaries everywhere in Europe for its own use.

But it was later discovered that this was not the case.

Europe's communication, semiconductor and other hardware fields are top-notch in the world, but the Internet level is not as good as that in China.

The most powerful Internet talents have all gone to the United States, and the rest of them are at the same level as domestic developers. What's more, the salary level in Europe is too high, and no one is willing to work overtime, and there are frequent strikes... If you have money to build a research and development center in Europe, it is better to spend all the money in China.

Huaxia is truly the second largest Internet country. In the field of technology, it only needs to focus on Silicon Valley, and there is no need to pay attention to Europe.

After communicating with many people during this period, Zhou Buqi has a framework understanding of the technical system of the Internet.

However, there are some things he really can't do.

For example, the distributed database that Ziweixing is working on, is it possible to make it open source? After working hard for several years, investing hundreds of millions, and releasing all the codes for free without earning a penny, is this embarrassing?

Good thing, how good is it to hold it by yourself?

No matter how bad it is, like the active defense technology of micro-point antivirus, it can be sold as technology!

13 companies, each paying 5 million yuan, is 65 million yuan in the account!

How fragrant is it?

In addition to the benefits of interest, there are also advantages in influence. Selling domestic anti-computer virus technology to foreign security giants, this is the dignity of the rise of a great power!

As soon as this news is released, the people of the whole country are guaranteed to applaud for Weidian antivirus together, it's amazing!

"Hey, I'm just a layman!"

Zhou Buqi sighed.

It cost billions of dollars to make a browser for Google, and it was directly open-sourced after it was made, which aroused the carnival of developers all over the world. Compared with others, I am indeed quite narrow-minded.

"Well, Bill Gates didn't open source the windows system either. Looking at it this way, my structure is on the same level as the world's richest man. Shame! Shame!"

Thinking about it this way, Zhou Buqi felt much more comfortable.


The last working day before Spring Festival.

As usual, Liu Yu came to the company early. Here, it used to be the headquarters of Dongfang Micropoint, and now the facade has been replaced by Ziweixing R\u0026D Center.

His position has also changed from the chairman of Dongfang Micropoint to the chief scientist of the database firewall project in the "Feitian" project.

Work is more satisfactory.

Not only because he is a T6 senior expert and has an annual salary of 1 million after tax, but also because working with Yang Zhenkun here gave him the passion of his youth.

This is a big project!

Database is a technical direction that our country is tightly controlled by developed countries. Once this project is completed, it will be a zero breakthrough in this field for our country.

How meaningful is it?

There are idealism, economic interests, and family and country feelings... If there are more such good projects, the high-level talents lost in our country may all come back one after another.

And he, Liu Yu, is one of the core leaders of this big project.

He didn't have a secretary. When he came to the company, he first reviewed yesterday's project progress, then made a plan, and held a morning meeting later to explain today's work arrangement and expected goals.

But just as the morning meeting was about to start, an unexpected visitor came to the office.

"Xiao Nie?"

Liu Yu was a little surprised, wondering what the chief financial officer was doing this early in the morning.

According to the company's regulations, the red envelopes for the Spring Festival will not be issued until the first day of work after the Spring Festival holiday. All employees, regardless of their level, are 1,000 yuan per person.

Nie Caijun smiled and said, "Old Liu, congratulations to you!"

"What's this called?"

Liu Yu was a little funny, and sounded like he was old.

Nie Caijun handed over a note that was 5 cm wide and 10 cm long, and said with a smile, "I know you're busy with work, so I'll make a long story short. This is a reward from the company. Um...not a reward, but a dividend."

These are two different types of taxes. The technical dividend is a 20% tax. If it is a bonus...the tax will be higher, which is the highest standard of 45%.

Liu Yu hasn't heard Xin'er yet, "What dividend?"

Nie Caijun stared deeply at the other party, and seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, he smiled heartily: "Old Liu, haven't you heard?"

Liu Yu was at a loss, "What? The company is giving benefits again?"

Nie Caijun said: "It's not a welfare, it's just for you. You should read this receipt first, and you should understand."

"Technology transfer dividends?" Liu Yu frowned, completely confused, "Our project hasn't started yet, what project to transfer?"

Nie Caijun was completely at ease, feeling that this Liu Yu could be of great use, and said with a smile: "It is the active defense technology of micro-point antivirus. The company transferred this technology to 13 companies and earned 65 million yuan. The chairman said that this technology was originally It was developed by you, and you have to take out 20% as your technology dividend."


Liu Yu rubbed his eyes, took a quick look, and immediately gasped.

The note is marked 10,400,000.00.

At the beginning, he just glanced at it casually and mistook the comma for a dot. He thought it was more than 10,000, so he didn't pay much attention. A bonus of more than 10,000 is nothing to him.

But upon closer inspection, he couldn't help but be stunned.

It turned out to be 10.4 million!

Liu Yu's face was shocked. All his net worth is not so much money, and his voice trembled, "Little...Mr. Nie, what's going on with this money...what's going on with this money?"

Nie Caijun said: "As I said just now, the technology you developed back then was transferred and profited..."

"No..." Liu Yu interrupted him, "It's all sold to the company, and now the ownership belongs to the company."

Nie Caijun sighed, and said softly: "Yes, theoretically speaking, this technology patent already belongs to the company and has nothing to do with you. But the chairman thinks that the way he acquired Dongfang Weidian was not friendly and underestimated. The value of micro-antivirus. The 20% dividend is yours, which can be regarded as making up for some mistakes in the past. I hope you can put aside the past and work hard. By the way, here is another letter from the chairman."

After speaking, he took out another piece of letter paper from his pocket. The content was very short, only about 500 characters, but it was handwritten and signed "Zhou Buqi".

The article expresses a late apology for what happened back then, and hopes that we can work hard for a common ideal in the future.

Liu Yu spread the letter paper in his hands, feeling his hands trembling, and his heart was greatly shocked.

Not because of the more than 10 million, but because of the attitude of the boss.

It was like tears welling up in my eyes.

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