Top of the big era

Chapter 641: Artificial Intelligence

The efficiency of Ziweixing is very high, and the big reason is that it comes from Zhou Buqi.

The management efficiency of many companies is low, and the reason is that too much time is wasted by meetings. In the decision-making of many things, it is necessary to hold a series of meetings, where all the leaders and brains are present, and then discuss and argue repeatedly. One person raises hidden dangers and another raises concerns. After some discussions, it may end without a problem.

Especially for large companies with many factions, this is the biggest management problem.

Zhou Buqi doesn't like to hold meetings. At most, he will hold group discussions and discuss with technical, personnel, and financial matters.

He often uses the big boss's decision-making power. Reduce meeting time and devote time to execution. Except for some projects that he is really unsure about, extensive discussions will be launched.

This is often what a charismatic entrepreneur often does, who has the courage to take responsibility and make bold decisions.

Zhou Buqi thought Xu Ming's personalized search was very interesting.

But he was a layman after all, so he called Xu Liangjie, Cheng Binghao, Wang Xiaochuan, Zhang Yiming and Guo Pengfei together to discuss it together.

Xu Ming prepared for two days and became more confident. "In my opinion, personalized search is mainly oriented to three aspects. First, geographical location; second, social search; third, historical search data."

Then, explain them one by one.

Geographical location, as the name suggests, means that users in different regions should give different search results according to their regions. For example, if you search for "SEO" in the capital, except for a few websites with particularly high weights that will be ranked first, search engines will give priority to ranking some SEO websites located in the capital.

The second is social search.

Regarding this aspect, Xu Mingshen has researched and has the right to speak. Because when Qihoo was founded, it was to do search, including social search in vertical fields.

But it didn't work out, and the project was shelved.

Unexpectedly, after a round trip, he joined Ziwei Star and returned to the track of the search industry.

"Social search will be a very good direction, which is very worthy of attention, and it is also a powerful display of personalization. For example, we have a friend network and a function of reposting. When the search results are pushed, we can push his friends' reposts to him. post content to show the affinity of search results.”

Xu Ming's statement won the approval of Guo Pengfei.

In his opinion, it is possible to go further.

Because he is doing today's headlines.

This product can have a subscription function, that is, subscribe to the media account you agree with to follow the corresponding content. When the micro-point search is presented, the articles of the media account he subscribed can be given priority to the user, which can surprise the user, increase the content reading rate, and increase the conversion rate of the advertisement.

Two days ago, Boss Zhou just talked about the idea of ​​a walled garden.

Personalized search result recommendations, coupled with free content platforms such as and Toutiao, can indeed effectively demonstrate this idea.

Xu Ming went on to say, "Historical data search is to provide users with search results based on their past search information. For example, if a user has recently searched for a large number of technology-related information, then when he searches for the keyword 'Apple', he can Show some tech articles from Apple."

Zhang Yiming is the biggest supporter of the personalized algorithm strategy. He was the first to respond and said with a smile: "Very good idea."

Xu Ming was very happy when he was affirmed.

He is only 29 years old this year, and he is still very young. He said excitedly: "Baidu and Google also have the concept of personalized search. Therefore, in terms of the first and third points, Weidian has no advantage, and everyone is on the same level. On. But the second point is different, we have Friends Network, Xiaonei Network, and social media is our biggest advantage!"

The focus is back on social search.

This is putting his unfinished business in Qihoo 360 on Ziweixing.

Guo Pengfei smiled and said, "It's too young."

Xu Ming was slightly taken aback, "What's so small?"

"The vision is narrow."

Guo Pengfei followed Boss Zhou's side, and he naturally acquired some not-so-pretty pretentiousness.

Xu Ming was speechless.

Guo Pengfei smiled and said: "Ziweixing is a large data-based and intelligent company, and the personalized policy is in line with our strategy, but you proposed these proposals, which are a bit simpler. Let me just say something, for example, there is Weizhi under Xiaonei. Internet, which is a content platform, can play its full role.”

Of course Xu Ming knows about, and he is even one of the top 300 answering experts. He couldn't help but ask, "Does this have something to do with personalization?"

Guo Pengfei said: "Baidu's share is high because Baidu has Baidu Zhizhi, Baidu Tieba and Baidu Encyclopedia, which can provide some basic knowledge more intuitively. Google's users are mainly mid-to-high-end users, which can provide more in-depth content. Xiaochuan, We have been trying to balance the relationship between basic knowledge and in-depth knowledge before, and display them in a balanced manner on the search results. Now this plan, I think there is a chance.”

Wang Xiaozhou nodded and said: "Indeed, for ordinary users, we can provide Weidian Q\u0026A, Weidian Encyclopedia, including some basic information from Baidu. If it is a deep keyword, or a user with a high-end background, we will provide personalized high-quality Content service, displaying the content of Weizhi.”

The contents of Weibo are often long-winded articles written by professionals in related industries.

This kind of knowledge is very unfriendly to ordinary users, and presenting such content in their search results will make them feel that the search engine is rubbish.

If there is a set of algorithms that can treat users differently and make personalized recommendations, it will be a perfect solution.

It can not only provide primary knowledge like Baidu, but also provide advanced knowledge like Google. And it is thousands of faces, personalized presentation of search results.

This will be the biggest advantage of Micropoint!

It is not a technical advantage, but a resource advantage.

Google can't, because the policy in the United States has restrictions, and websites are not allowed to track users' personal information, and the supervision of this type of personalized push service is very strict.

Baidu has no worries in this regard, but Baidu's development is not fast, and personalized advertising recommendations have not yet been launched. And there is a more important point, that is, personalized recommendations need to have accurate portraits of users.

The clearer the portrait, the more accurate the recommendation.

Ziweixing can do it.

But Baidu can't do it.

Don't say it can't be done now, it won't work in another ten years. Other Internet companies with data may be able to make accurate portraits, but it is difficult to do search.

The only company that can not only grasp accurate portraits, but also achieve success in search business is Ziweixing.

This thing is done, Zhou Buqi has done something that no one in his previous life could do.

Xu Ming was secretly startled.

Only then did I realize that Ziweixing has already been at the forefront in the country in terms of artificial intelligence and personalized services, and they have been drawing portraits for users early on.

Zhang Yiming also said that we still have the micro-point input method, which is the real killer. However, it is more difficult to apply, and technology accumulation needs to be formed slowly.

Zhou Buqi said: "Collectivism is being replaced by individualism, and the era of personalization is coming. Not only Internet services must be personalized, but after a few years, maybe the design of mobile phones will also be personalized. Ziweixing will become the first in the industry , to become a leader in the era of individualization!"

Even if this is the case.

Immediately, Zhou Buqi appointed Xu Ming as the vice president of the search business group, mainly responsible for the research and development of personalized algorithms and social search.

Wang Xiaozhou coughed lightly, and said with embarrassment: "There is a shortage of people here, let me transfer 15 engineers to you first, and you need to recruit slowly later."

The meeting is only half an hour long.

After the meeting, Xu Liangjie stayed and suggested: "The current business structure is chaotic. There are many technical teams in Ziweixing, but they are too fragmented, and it is difficult to form cooperation and in-depth technical communication with each other. Especially the two major businesses of search and security. If the group wants to move out to work, there will be even less communication between technical personnel. The more advanced the technology, the more inspirational collisions are needed from senior talents, and they need to meet frequently, and they have to sit together and chat and drink tea."

Zhou Buqi felt that what he said made sense, "What should I do?"

Xu Liangjie said: "We can set up an artificial intelligence business group to specialize in related algorithm research. At present, we have launched hierarchical clustering algorithms, association rule learning, joint training, and model-based reinforcement learning..."

"Stop!" Zhou Bu's head was getting bigger, "Be specific!"

Xu Liangjie said with a smile: "For example, advertisement recommendation, product recommendation on Taobao channel, uncertainty recommendation of embarrassment, automatic crawling of job search website, etc., are all artificial intelligence. But so many algorithms fall into different industries. Between the groups, the engineers lacked echo and contact with each other, and did not produce the effect that 1+1 is greater than 2.”

"So bring them together?"

"Yes, find a big cow in a related field to lead them to do it together. To be honest, in my opinion, our CTO's understanding in this area is not even as good as Zhang Yiming, and even the newcomer Xu Ming is not as good. .”

Zhou Buqi pouted.

I said in my heart that Cheng Binghao belongs to the He Yang faction, so it's no wonder you have good things to say! At present, many algorithm researches of Ziweixing are under the coordination of Cheng Binghao. Are the current results very poor?

Then, I was a little unhappy.

I feel that Xu Liangjie's method of using such a big event to attack dissidents is very bad.

Unexpectedly, Xu Liangjie's next words left him dumbfounded: "I've gotten closer to Shen Xiangyang recently."

"Damn!" Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide, "Really?"

Now, Microsoft Asia Research Institute has two soul figures, one is Dr. Wang Jian, the executive vice president. Zhou Buqi had already taken a fancy to this person, and asked Zhang Yiming to work hard to recruit him to focus on cloud computing.

The other one is Dean Shen Xiangyang.

Zhou Buqi didn't have any contact with him and didn't know much about this person, but his ability to overwhelm Dr. Wang Jian to become the dean shows that his ability is not bad. Moreover, Zhang Yiming once said that in private, Wang Jian often laughed at Shen Xiangyang, saying that he was "not as good as a pig or a dog".

Why is there this evaluation?

Because he does not work like a person, doing scientific research day and night. The scientific and technological achievements he has achieved in one year of work can surpass the achievements of other people in the research institute for a lifetime.

Xu Liangjie's statement was very firm, "If you think it's okay, I'll try it."

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