Top of the big era

Chapter 605 The Opportunity of Antivirus Software

Whether it is domestic or foreign, behind any success, there is a mysterious thing-luck.

When luck comes, you can't stop it.

As a result, many officials and businessmen are very superstitious, and they worship this and that, and move to the grave of their ancestors to find a monk to consecrate the master as a godfather.

Zhou Hongyi felt lucky.

There is a feeling of the chosen one!

He is doing free 360 ​​anti-virus, and he is struggling. In order to promote 360's products, he spent a lot of money and used a lot of disgraceful promotional methods, but the effect was mediocre.

After half a year, the installation volume is less than 4 million.

Micropoint Antivirus took the lead and took advantage of free to quickly dominate the market. In the choice of free products, users prefer Micropoint Antivirus.

In terms of the choice of paid products, it is basically Kingsoft Antivirus.

After all, in the public perception, it is cheap but not good.

Micropoint antivirus is free, and Kingsoft Antivirus is charged, so in terms of antivirus capabilities, Kingsoft Antivirus should be more powerful, right?

Zhou Hongyi wanted to break the situation, but couldn't find a chance.

Unexpectedly, this winter, the opportunity came!

A very strange and absurd virus appeared on the Internet-Panda Burning Incense!

Different from those computer viruses that lurk at a deep level in the past and are difficult to be discovered by the majority of users, the nature of Panda Burning Incense is completely opposite. The whole process of the virus is presented to the user in front of the computer screen.

This influence can be great.

Many forums, post bars, and even some paper media have reported it, urging everyone to be vigilant on the Internet and be careful of a new panda virus that has appeared on the Internet. It is very powerful!

This led to a result, computer users panicked!

Most people don't even know how to redo the system, and are full of fear of being infected with viruses. There is only one choice, and that is to install anti-virus software.

Installing one is not enough, install the second one!

Anti-virus software such as Kingsoft and Rising are charged, and many people do not want to spend money, what should I do?

There are only two options: micro-point antivirus and 360 antivirus.

Zhou Hongyi sat in the office and got the latest data. In the past week, the installation volume of 360 antivirus increased by 1 million!

"Good! Good!" Zhou Hongyi was very excited, and called his right-hand assistant. Fu Sheng, who led the team to develop 3721 and 360 security guards, and 360 antivirus, asked him enthusiastically: "Is there any data, and how many users have installed it?" Installed 360 Antivirus, and installed Micropoint Antivirus at the same time?"

"About 1.6 million."

"Must make them our users!"

"Old Zhou, what do you mean..."

Zhou Hongyi squinted his eyes and said: "The antivirus software is not compatible, use more technical means, as long as the user installs our product, he must get the priority monitoring right of the computer, and delete some important files of micro-point antivirus, restrict their function."

Fu Sheng was a little surprised, "Isn't that good? Weidian's technical capabilities are very strong, and... there are no technical restrictions on us. Once we make the first move, I'm afraid they will do the same."

Zhou Hongyi said firmly: "I can't control that much anymore! Right now, the panda burning incense virus is the only chance for 360 anti-virus to rise. If you seize the opportunity and fight, we may succeed. If you don't fight or fight, this market Never belonged to us."

Fu Sheng was still a little hesitant, this kind of behavior was too much.

The previous rogue methods were aimed at users, and if they were done, they would be done. But this kind of method is aimed at the peers, which is vicious competition, which offends people.

Isn't everyone shouting and beating?

If he failed, Zhou Hongyi would definitely be fine, but as a horse boy, it would be difficult to find a job in the industry in the future.

Zhou Hongyi was a little angry, and said, "This is a last-ditch battle! Whether Qihoo 360 can succeed depends on this battle. If it can't be done this time, stop playing as soon as possible, and just break up!"

Fu Sheng nodded and could only accept the boss's decision.


Just like what Xu Liangjie said, Ji Zi'an did have a personality problem, he was not good at fighting.

There are even complaints about Zhou Buqi's attitude in dealing with panda burning incense. He thinks that since micro-point anti-virus can effectively curb this virus, why not make it public to the whole society as soon as possible?

We appeal to everyone to download and install Micropoint Antivirus, so as to avoid a certain degree of virus infection.

At the same time, it can also expand the influence of micro-point antivirus.

What Zhou Buqi wanted was a bigger result.

It is true that he wants to expand the market share and influence of Micropoint Antivirus, and he also wants to eliminate all competitors once and for all, especially the most threatening 360 Antivirus.

If you have an opportunity, you must seize it.

So Zhou Buqi urgently issued a president's decree, and transferred Meng Houkun to the Weidian business group as the executive vice president, fully responsible for the overall plan for burning incense with pandas.

As a result, the transfer order was issued in the morning, and Wang Haoyang came to the door with a sad face in the afternoon.

"Meng Houkun is crazy!"

"What's wrong?"

"He wants to apply for 50 million!"


"He said he was going to advertise on CCTV."


Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth, and at the same time his heart was slightly shocked, thinking that Meng Houkun is really reliable!

This strategy is so accurate!

At present, there are not many computers infected with Panda Burning Incense virus, and the panic effect has not yet been created. Especially the current Panda Burning Incense is only aimed at personal computers, and its influence is limited.

When more variants come out next month, it will be amazing.

Panda burning incense can launch enterprise-level attacks, paralyzing many websites. Of course, regular websites are generally highly defensive, and viruses of this level cannot break through the firewall at all. Those that can penetrate defense restrictions... are often some personal websites and pirated websites, as well as official websites, government websites, and even websites of the public security system.

This matter is serious.

Panic will suddenly increase.

Because in the perception of the common people, the official ones are the most powerful. In particular, even the internal network of the public security system has been compromised. How powerful is this virus?

As soon as the media reports, panda burning incense will be spread like a god.

This is also good, only when something goes wrong, can we spread some computer virus knowledge more effectively.

Why did the public security intranet fall?

It was because some internal staff lacked security knowledge, took an external USB flash drive, and randomly plugged it into a computer connected to the intranet, causing problems.

As soon as this incident happened, the authorities would immediately pay attention to it and launch universal sex education.

That is to say, the Panda Burning Incense virus is not harmful. If it is replaced by other foreign viruses, there will be endless troubles, and the information of domestic citizens may be stolen. More seriously, what if it is the military intranet?

Therefore, in Zhou Buqi's view, allowing the development of panda burning incense will have long-term benefits. Use this harmless domestic virus to remind the authorities, especially some secret departments. Let them strengthen the training and learning of internal personnel, and strengthen the prevention awareness of network security.

As the ancestors said, misfortunes come with blessings.

The outbreak of the Panda Burning Incense virus has played a very positive role in promoting the overall improvement of domestic network security.

Zhou Buqi immediately called Meng Houkun to ask about this matter.

Meng Houkun's eyes lit up, "Boss Zhou, this is an opportunity! The effect of the panda virus is so strong, it will only get stronger. We can use the platform of CCTV to superimpose the advertising effect. The panda burns incense with the left hand, and micro-dot anti-virus with the right hand , the resulting marketing effect must be 1+1 greater than 2.”

After a pause, he continued: "The domestic anti-virus software manufacturers are all poor. They don't have the money to advertise on CCTV. But do we have money? If we seize this opportunity, we can firmly lock in This market!"

Wang Haoyang had a black line on his forehead, "You just went to the Weidian business group and didn't understand anything, so you dare to make such a big decision?"

Meng Houkun didn't take it seriously, and hummed: "I got the data. With the implementation of 360 free antivirus software, the market share of antivirus software such as Jinshan, Rising, Norton, Jiangmin, etc. is shrinking sharply. What is the trend? In the next one or two years In 2020, all antivirus software will have to be free! At that time, how will Weidian antivirus show its competitiveness? If you don’t take advantage of this stage to fix the ranking, you will have no chance in the future.”

Wang Haoyang said: "Too arbitrary."

Meng Houkun said angrily: "Old Wang, you are so conservative. We are a start-up company. If we want everyone to be like you, how can we innovate? I call it creativity! It's called vitality!"

Zhou Buqi glared at him, "He's a financial officer, so he should be conservative. Don't put on airs, and tell me specifically, how is your advertising plan?"

Meng Houkun understood as soon as he heard it. Boss Zhou recognized his thoughts and said with a smile: "Contact Xu Baihui immediately and find an advertising company to make an advertisement! Try to make it within 10 days! I will go find a relationship and try to get on the 1st of next month. Click on the anti-virus advertisement and it will land on CCTV. But this is the winter vacation, and the Spring Festival is coming soon, and the advertising space is very expensive. The cost of 50 million yuan can last until March at most.”

Zhou Buqi said: "It doesn't need to be that long, it's fine until the Spring Festival. The virus is such a big problem, the authorities must take action."

Meng Houkun said with a smile: "Then the advertising fee can be reduced, about 30 million."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Calculate the account and report it to the finance department. Lao Wang, this matter should be done, please approve it."

What can Wang Haoyang do?

With a bitter face, he sighed and agreed.

Zhou Buqi said again: "By the way, when the public security organs take action, there must be an expert team to cooperate. At that time, you can fight for it, and we will send two people to guide them and help them out."

Meng Houkun patted his chest, "No problem! Put it on me!"

After dealing with this matter, Zhou Buqi was still agitated.

There is a sense of pleasure of strategizing thousands of miles away.

At this moment, Guo Pengfei called with a strange tone: "Boss Zhou, why don't you go talk to Wang Xing?"

"What's wrong?"

"I talked to him and asked him where he's headed next."


"He wants to imitate Twitter and make a domestic version. This is to move our territory!"

"Okay, let's go see him now!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Buqi yelled: "Ya Xian! Go and sort out the information on Twitter, especially the list of equity structure relationships, let's go to business negotiations!"

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