Top of the big era

Chapter 583: The Lagerstroemia Galaxy

This is the most important decision-making meeting of the year.

Zhou Buqi prepared for this for half a year.

The meeting started at 8:00 in the morning and lasted until 12:00 noon. Everyone basically recognized Zhou Buqi's idea.

"With the development of the Internet, more and more work can be online, software-based, and network-based. There is a huge amount of data on the Internet. We collect as much effective data as possible, and then use the data to improve the accuracy of decision-making and efficiency."

"Everyone knows the concept of intelligent business. Many large companies have similar management consulting services. Through a management system, some enterprise data is used to help enterprise decision makers make analysis, judgment and decision-making."

"However, business intelligence is not our pursuit. This is too low-key. We have more, more complete and wider data, and we can make higher, larger and more comprehensive decisions. What we want to do is not intelligent business, but society intelligent!"

"Ziweixing has two major visions, one is data collaboration and the other is social intelligence. It is like the double helix of DNA. When the double helix is ​​in operation, it can form a black hole effect and burst out powerful forces. Data collaboration, artificial intelligence, In the future, we will greatly improve social efficiency, and the deep learning and continuous optimization of machines are far from being comparable to human labor.”

Zhou Buqi once again reiterated his definition of Ziweixing DNA.

Among those present, Shi Jinglin was the most at a loss. She couldn't help but ask, "Social intelligence, what exactly is it? Can you give me an example?"

Zhou Buqi said: "When I went to Huawei in the summer, everyone saw that they bought a management system from IBM, which is the representative of intelligent business. But that is far from enough. We need to expand the aspect of business to the whole society. For example, the most prominent problem in the capital is traffic congestion. If we can use big data planning and artificial intelligence to adjust the city's traffic lights in an orderly manner, instead of the current mode of fixed time periods and fixed durations, then the traffic in the capital will Problems can be solved. For another example, one day in the future, projects such as city brains and national brains can be built. Just like a computer processes some programs by the CPU to obtain results. A city or a society can also build a The super processing center connects everyone and everything, interconnects everything, and creates a smart home.”

Shi Jinglin understood now.

It turned out to be painting big cakes!

Say it earlier!

It's like there is an idiom called "Wangmei quenches thirst".

Through a promotional slogan, I will tell everyone that there are plums ahead, so hurry up and work hard. Then everyone really believed it, working overtime, the result is that the company is getting bigger and bigger and earning more and more money. What Meizi looks like, but no one has seen it.

She is a pure layman of technology.

But many technical experts present here, such as Guo Pengfei, Zhang Yiming, Cheng Binghao, and even Xu Liangjie who came back from Silicon Valley, were yearning and a little moved.

The idealistic side is mobilized.

Next, it talked about the understanding of infinite games.

Zhou Buqi said: "Power is never rewarded, but earned. A game consists of four parts: rules, referees, participants, and audience. If we want to keep playing this game forever, To be a long-lasting company, we must try our best to continue the game. How to continue? The ultimate answer is to connect the participants, connect with the audience, influence the referees, and finally promote the revision of the rules. Play by rules. An infinite game is to play the rules on the edge of the game. Constantly modifying the rules is to constantly strive for reform and continuously promote the progress of society. This is where the greatest value of an enterprise lies.”

The best way to do this is of course Alipay.

It can be said that he has changed the domestic financial system by himself.

Another example is Tesla.

Changed the entire automotive industry.

He Yang frowned, "Isn't this a bit sensitive? There will be risks."

Zhou Buqi nodded and sighed, "So in the short term, we will explore more about business rules. Social rules and state mechanisms should be avoided as much as possible."

He Yang felt that the topic should end here, so he interrupted and said with a smile: "It's noon, let's have dinner first. After half an hour, everyone will come back and continue the meeting!"

In the afternoon, the meeting continued.

After a lengthy discussion, the entire theoretical framework of Ziwei Star has been set up.

The story goes like this—

In the vast Internet universe, there is a planet called Ziweixing.

Through the gravitational force, this planet attracts several small stars such as Xiaonei,, and Weidian. These small stars are also affected by the gravitational force, and they also have traction with each other. And this gravitational force is data transmission and business collaboration. The stronger the data synergy, the stronger the attraction between each other.

The universe has no boundaries and is infinite.

The farther you are from the core, the smaller the influence and the weaker the gravitational pull. If it is too far away, without data coordination, it may be out of the gravitational category of Ziwei Star...

When the two DNA double helices, data synergy and social intelligence, rotate, it will trigger the "black hole effect" and attract more small stars that do not belong to this galaxy.

There are old ones leaving and new ones coming...

In this way, there will be more and more small stars surrounding the core of Ziwei Star, arranged from far to near according to the magnitude of gravity, forming a galaxy - the Ziwei Galaxy.

After being attracted, the small stars in all the galaxies reintegrate the gravitational force between each other, making the entire galaxy even bigger.

This is the crape myrtle galaxy theory.

The Ziwei galaxy is an infinitely expanding and unclosed ecosystem that this company wants to build.

With this theory of the Ziwei galaxy universe, many problems can be easily solved.

Why does Ziwei Star have so many unreachable businesses?

For example, why invest in Shengshi Bicycle?

Because of the data!

Where there is data, there is gravity, and it will be attracted to this galaxy.

Why build a school intranet?

Serving college students is an individual mission, and the mission of Ziwei Galaxy is to pursue data.

Only when the data is coordinated can the next era of artificial intelligence come.

For example, investing in Youku,, Douban, Weidian security products, search products, social products, Xiaonei products... It seems that there are so many and dazzling things, but there is a set of basic logic behind it that is fettering all businesses - data.

When you combine the data of these businesses, you will be surprised to find that a powerful force that cannot be phenomenal has burst out.

"Friends Network + micro-point input method", it is easy to beat the Sogou input method to the ground.

"Search + Today's Toutiao" also made Zhang Chaoyang dumbfounded, feeling like he saw the end of Sohu.

According to this set of theories, it can be seen that Ziweixing's three core businesses are social networking, Weidian and Xiaonei, all of which are the core areas of data collection.

Then, the future business missions were determined for the three major areas. The revitalization of China begins with college students.

Social: let all the sons and daughters of China be closely connected.

Micropoint: Make the Internet easier.

Zhou Buqi’s mission for Ziweixing is to realize the social Von Neumann conception.

But it was rejected by everyone.

This slogan is so mysterious that most people can't understand it.

Be intuitive.

After several discussions, it was finally decided.

Ziweixing's corporate mission: to open the era of intelligent society.


At around 3:00 pm, the meeting finally came to an end.

The heads of all departments are a little tired.

The most tiring ones are He Yang and Wang Haiyang. They are responsible for sorting out this set of crape myrtle galaxy theory, and then popularizing it as a corporate culture and values ​​in internal management training courses.

In the Internet universe, Ziwei Star is just a planet.

However, each of us in Ziwei must work hard to make this planet develop and become a galaxy, which will continue to expand and become bigger.

Zhou Buqi returned to the office, closed the door, and lay down on the sofa, feeling backache. After a day's meeting, Iron Man couldn't stand it.

Just as she wanted Ning Yaxian to help her squeeze her shoulders, Shi Jinglin came over.

Her eyes were full of doubts, and she looked confused, "Zhou Buqi, what's the use of you making such a foolish thing?"

"Is it not good?"

"What Internet universe, what planets and galaxies, do you tell science fiction stories?"

"It's about telling stories."


"As an analogy, it is enough to justify itself, attract more people, and confirm their ideals. Everyone's ideals are different, but we want to build a galaxy, and there is gravity. Any ideal can be included in it. put."

Shi Jinglin shook her head, "My head is about to explode."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "This thing is just like Marxism-Leninism. You have to use a set of guiding theories. This theory must be so big that it cannot be realized, and then you can fight for your whole life."

"What age is it?"

"Didn't it be done back then?"

Shi Jinglin asked: "Is it divided into classes?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The low-level employees may come to work to support their families and make money. Things like values ​​and ideals are too mysterious. But it is different for many executives. Most of them are financially free. The meaning of their struggle is What? Without a lighthouse-like guidance, they would get lost. Old Zhang upstairs got lost because he didn’t find the lighthouse.”

Shi Jinglin seemed to understand, and said to herself: "It seems to be true. Several assistants under me often discuss in private, saying that they don't understand the company's approach, and feel that the strategy is chaotic and the financial situation is worrying. , There will be big problems, and I have no confidence. This set of theories should help them guide the way, and even...even boost morale."

"My Linlin is smart."

"Stop it!"

Shi Jinglin rolled her eyes, and then she was a little distressed, "Zhou Buqi, I think I have shortcomings, and I feel that my much worse than yours, and it's also much worse than them. During the meeting, everyone actively spoke, The expression is excited, and it is idealistic at first glance. I am the only one who can't get in at all, and I can't understand."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "It's okay, I'm here."

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