Top of the big era

Chapter 574 Micro-point advertising alliance

Baidu promotion means that after the merchant purchases the service of Baidu promotion, the merchant submits its own customized keywords, and its promotion information will appear in the corresponding search results of netizens, and the fee will be charged according to the actual number of clicks, referred to as "pay by effect". .

In this process, Baidu adopts the bidding ranking.

No matter how relevant the advertisement is to the user's search results, it is ranked from top to bottom according to how much the merchant pays.

It's nothing.

Except that Google canceled the PPC strategy after the controversy, the rest of the search platforms basically still use PPC, such as Yahoo and Microsoft.

Wang Xiaochuan made a report, saying that Stanford scientists recently pointed out this problem in an academic forum. When users searched for Boeing 747 on Yahoo, eBay's ad was placed first. Because eBay is rich and powerful enough to buy a lot of advertising words, including "747", and at the same time pays a lot, it ranks first.

Google has no such problem.

From the perspective of user experience, it is natural for Google to crush Yahoo.

PPC is not a big problem, because Silicon Valley giants are doing this, which is reasonable and legal.

However, Baidu's promotion is the most criticized, and the most controversial is some original localized profit models, which is extremely scary to think about. Because in addition to the search promotion of PPC, there are two other core profit models - education promotion and medical promotion.

Not only that, Baidu's Tieba, Baike, and Zhidao content platforms are supposed to be free and open to the public, and they are a knowledge sharing platform.

But in order to make money, Baidu has set up paid services for merchants in these three content products. That is, as long as you pay, you can lock the entry. Content that does not conform to the interests of the merchant or is contrary to the viewpoint of the merchant, regardless of right or wrong, shall be deleted.

This is simply squandering Baidu's brand image.

Of course, Baidu's leaders also know this problem, so they call it "Baidu promotion" to weaken the image of advertising to the outside world.

In this meeting, Zhou Buqi will make a standardized system for the business model of Micropoint Search. What can be done and what can't be done must be clearly straightened out.

Copying Google's business model will definitely not work, because Google's technology is too powerful.

Neither Yahoo nor Microsoft can imitate it.

Baidu is also unable to fully imitate the Google Alliance because of its lack of technology, so it only studied half of the Baidu Alliance, and the other half relied on hao123 and localized Baidu promotion to make up for the profit gap.

Localization is possible, but some minefields must be avoided.

Ziwei Star goes to work at 13:30 noon, and the meeting of the search decision-making group is at 12:40, so many executives have applied for such an important meeting and want to attend it.

Weekly approval.

He even invited Zhang Chaoyang, an outsider, of course his own people could, and the meeting place was changed from the office to the conference room.

Xu Liangjie, He Yang, Cheng Binghao, Wang Haoyang, Cheng Zhenping, Shi Jinglin, Zhang Yiming, Ji Zian, Shi Jinglin, Guo Pengfei, Chen Guohuan, Luo Ji, Fei Mingke, and Liang Rubo all participated.

With so many young faces, the shock in Zhang Chaoyang's heart is self-evident.

He vaguely remembered that when he was the number one person on the Internet in the country and commanded the world, his soldiers... seemed to be exactly the same as the scene in front of him.

However, he quickly adjusted his mentality.

I feel that I am already famous and successful. I want money, status and status, and I am still struggling to make such a big scene. Why is it necessary? Like Zhou Buqi, being a boss and being criticized every day makes life uncomfortable at all.

Soon, a seminar on Ziweixing's search business model began.

COO He Yang, as an expert in charge of the market, took the lead in making an outline of traditional media and Internet media——

"In the advertising business of traditional media, there are three main expenses: first, operating costs, such as the cost of newspapers, printing costs, and distribution channels; second, wholesale or retail costs, including giving profits to advertising wholesalers or paying for advertising. The salaries of sales staff, etc.; third, order processing, various management and arrangements for advertising orders, how to publish or broadcast advertisements."

"Among these three items, except for the first item, the other two are all labor costs. That is to say, under the condition of constant labor productivity, every increase in income requires some labor, and it is difficult to increase the profit rate. For small In terms of media, the cost is higher, and it is impossible for them to support three departments that are responsible for the above three things, so they usually can only get advertisements from advertising wholesalers, instead of directly associating with merchants to help them do direct advertising."

"In contrast, Internet media can greatly reduce costs. The first item of operating expenses, such as the cost of servers and bandwidth, is compared to the cost of newspaper paper and printing costs. The subsequent two methods can be achieved through technical means. Finish."

The last point is not accurate enough.

A meeting is actually a democratic discussion. Anyone can speak, check for omissions and make up for vacancies, pick each other's mistakes, and finally integrate a set of solutions that everyone is satisfied with.

This model is very popular among emerging technology companies. Sometimes it will continue to rotate, and one will be open for a day and a night.

Because Ziweixing has Zhou Buqi to make decisions, he can grasp the exact general direction, so many things do not need to be discussed repeatedly, so the longest democratic meeting of Ziweixing is two to three hours.

CTO Cheng Binghao raised his hand, and after Zhou Buqi’s approval, he began to speak: "Our boss once said that Internet advertising has formed three stages, 1.0 is page advertising, 2.0 is search advertising, and 3.0 is information flow advertising. At present, What Ziweixing is doing are page advertisements and unfinished information flow advertisements. This time, we are discussing search advertisements. We are even doing 3.0 information flow advertisements, and the business concept is more advanced, so we understand the 2.0 search advertising business model, it’s easier. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy to do search advertising.”

Then, he described in detail the advanced mode from 1.0 to 2.0.

Yahoo and Microsoft were the first to make page advertisements. In the early days, they were similar to traditional industries. They had operating expenses and needed to rely on their own employees to pull advertisements, or entrust advertising wholesalers to find advertisements, and order processing and placement were basically manual.

Therefore, Yahoo and Microsoft are very good at network technology, and their operating efficiency may be higher than that of traditional newspaper media, but the way of operation is actually a replica of traditional media.

That was ten years ago.

But in the current 2006, the page advertisements provided by Ziweixing's,, and other websites still use this set of methods.

At most, the database is used to manage all the advertisements, but how to place the advertisements, and where the advertisements are placed on the webpages of that type are semi-manual work.

It was Google that really changed the manual and semi-manual advertising model, and completed the upgrade of its business model through technical means.

There is a company called "Double-click", which builds a bridge between the two sides. On the one hand, it recruits a lot of sales staff to pull advertisements, and on the other hand, it establishes a system to automatically place advertisements on the website.

The specific process is that after the salesperson pulls the advertisement, they make graphics according to the template, such as banner graphics advertisement, pop-up graphics advertisement, embedded audio and video advertisement, etc., and store them in the server. Then the advertising space was set aside on the webpage, and the two parties connected with each other, successfully reaching the conclusion.

After this model is done, it is the Google Alliance.

It is also the reference object of Baidu Alliance.

"If Weidian Search wants to launch its own advertising network, it can only follow this set of business models!"

Cheng Binghao's words were approved by everyone.

Zhou Buqi concluded: "Let's do it! Build a bridge between the two sides, Chen Guohuan, you are in charge of the marketing department, and the work of advertising is handed over to you. I heard that Ali sales is an iron army. I hope you can take care of it. The spirit of Tie Jun has also been brought here. On the other hand, we need to build a system that automatically pushes advertisements, shouldn’t it be difficult?”

Cheng Binghao said with a smile: "Pushing is not difficult, but the difficulty is to improve the accuracy of the push. The reason why the page advertisement is 1.0 is that the efficiency of the advertisement is very low, and the advertisement is pushed randomly, and it is difficult to be effective for the users."

"How did Google do it?"

"Search through keywords. That is, if you are reading an article about mothers and babies, the retrieval system will judge the content of the article and push relevant advertisements for mothers and babies."

Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth, "Isn't this technically difficult?"

Cheng Binghao said in a deep voice, "It's not easy."

Xu Liangjie said with a smile: "Our search business has just started, so we don't need to go online to get through everything, and we will gradually accumulate technology. In fact, many years ago, Double-click Company thought about using personal information on the Internet to locate user groups, so as to serve specific user groups. Batch customized advertisements. However, it was sued by an organization that protects user privacy and fined tens of millions of dollars, so this model cannot continue.”

This is a solution!

Everyone's eyes brightened.

The model that the United States cannot continue to play, in China, there is no such concern at all. The search system is time-consuming and laborious, and the effect of advertising is not necessarily very good, at best it is better than random push.

Google has no choice but to use personal information to push advertisements, so it came up with this keyword retrieval system.

Ziweixing is completely unnecessary.

More importantly, Ziweixing has many low-level products for users, such as Weidian input method, Weidian security guard, Weidian antivirus, etc., and these products can record user habits.

At that time, the advertising distribution system brought back from Facebook can be modified and deployed in the Weidian advertising network.

This is not only stronger than Baidu Alliance, but also stronger than Google Alliance!


Zhou Buqi slapped his hands and said loudly: "Cheng Binghao, you can build the full set of advertising system of Weidian Alliance!"

The content is a bit professional, so I won’t write too many details, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it. In short, the protagonist should make use of the foresight and localization advantages to make up for the technical disadvantages, and create a set of advertising alliances that are more powerful than the Google alliance.

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