Top of the big era

Chapter 567: Plant a Bomb

On October 11, Google released the big news that it has acquired the video platform YouTube at a sky-high price of US$1.65 billion, shocking the world.

The big outlet of the video platform has detonated the global Internet market.

After the news came out, Google's stock price rose by 2% in response, and its market value increased by 4 billion US dollars.

Sure enough, the capital game is the big killer of making money.

Currently, the number one video platform in the United States is Myspace, the second is Yahoo, and Google's original video business ranks eighth. After merging with YouTube, the market share will become the third in the industry.

However, another analyst believes that Google's acquisition of YouTube is more concerned about the video advertising market. After all, in the field of text advertising, Google is already the number one in the world. If you want to expand your business, the direction of video will be the next important field.

And rumors.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt joined Apple's board of directors and has repeatedly stated that Google will work closely with Apple. The media began to look forward to it eagerly.

One has the world's most popular search engine and video site, and the other has the world's best-selling MP3 player. What kind of sparks will they create when they join forces?

Maybe there will be a revised iPod!

For example, let the iPod use WiFi to surf the Internet wirelessly, and Google has also stated many times that it is indeed interested in developing the WiFi market. With WiFi and Google Maps, the iPod becomes more than just an MP3, it becomes a GPS sightseeing guide with audio playback!

Simply wonderful!

Zhou Buqi saw these American media newspapers on the plane, and the front is fine. I feel that the analysis of the media elites is quite in place. YouTube's profit model must be video advertising.

But later, the cooperation between Google and Apple is too funny.

Revised iPod?

These media people and analysts, even if they have a big brain, drinking coffee and smoking a cigar without taking responsibility, can only imagine a hardware device that can play music and is equipped with Google Maps.

As everyone knows, Jobs has long been constructing a greater dream.

"The YouTube bomb has ignited the US Internet market!" On the other side, Zhang Chaoyang put down the newspaper in his hand and sighed with emotion.

Zhou Buqi looked at him with a smile, "When it hits the ground, let's put a bomb too!"

Zhang Chaoyang frowned, "So urgent?"


"The news is kept secret, and the pressure is low. You have made such a big noise, are you not afraid of competitors' scruples?"

"Don't be afraid!"

Zhou Buqi has nothing to fear.

Baidu doesn’t need to think about it, since it focuses on recommending its own content and blocking competitors, Weizhi has been restricted. Google doesn't have to think too much, they don't have their own content, and competitors have to use it. Do a simple search on Google, the top few are all the content of Baidu Zhizhi and Baidu Encyclopedia.

More importantly, the current Ziwei Star needs a big news to detonate the domestic Internet!

In the past two years, Ziweixing has developed very well.

But too low-key.

Even a neighbor like Zhang Chaoyang didn't believe that Ziweixing could spend so much money at once, and underestimated Boss Zhou's strength too much.

Being humble has its downside.

It is especially troublesome when doing business.

It’s like advertising to, saying that we are the marketing department of Ziwei Star, and people will ignore you at all. If we were the marketing department of, the reaction would be different.

Friends network, a big website, a big company!

Right now, Ziweixing wants to develop the search business and build a navigation website, but it has not yet found all the promotional websites.

The salesman ran over and said excitedly: "Brother, we are going to build a navigation website. If you pay 36,000 yuan a month, you can link your website to our navigation network. When users visit our navigation website Time, it can bring traffic to your website and help you surpass your competitors!"

People will only reply: "Get lost!"

With the great success of hao123, a simple website that cannot be simpler, hundreds of navigation websites have emerged in China, and even unhealthy free software like PP and Vagaa have started their own navigation websites.

To put it simply, scammers gather together, and the promotion cost is extremely low.

Many websites can be built for hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. Only a large website like hao123 can spend more than 100,000 yuan a month on promotion.

For emerging navigation networks like Hellogoo, the usual practice is to try it for free for 3 months or half a year first, and then pay for the continued use if the effect is good. The effect is not good, so stay where it is cool.

In the final analysis, he has no reputation and family background, and people don't believe it at all.

But if Ziweixing invested 80 million US dollars to acquire the Sogou business from the Internet giant Sohu, it would be enough to make a name for itself!

It is tantamount to telling colleagues across the country that Ziweixing is going to do a search!

With fame, starting a business is easy.

Just like many big fool entrepreneurs, they didn’t do anything, they just develop press conferences every day, put on a big PPT show, steal the limelight, and then money rushes into their pockets.

Unexpectedly, after the plane landed and the mobile phone signal was connected, it was disturbed by another incident.

The shocking case of Google's acquisition of YouTube shocked the domestic Internet.

Then, Youku, Tudou, Ku6 and other video sites also became popular overnight, as if they were proud of themselves. Ziweixing invested in Youku in the early stage, holding 25% of the shares. Taking advantage of this spring breeze from the United States, Youku also stood out in a high-profile manner, saying that it would start a new round of financing!

The tone is particularly loud, and the financing amount is no less than 30 million US dollars!

Such a big appetite made Zhou Buqi very embarrassed.

Ziweixing is short of money now.

For such a large-scale financing project, there is no intention and no money to follow up, so we can only sit back and watch the shares be diluted in the future.

Gu Yongqiang, the founder of Youku, came out of Sohu. When Zhang Chaoyang heard about it, he couldn’t help but be speechless: “Everyone is crazy!”

Zhou Buqi looked at him amusedly, "Isn't Sohu also making efforts to make videos, follow up?"

Zhang Chaoyang said angrily, "How to follow up?"

Zhou Buqi said kindly: "Internet video is an extremely expensive industry, and it's a new market that competes for the track. Get in first without spending a lot of money, and it will be too late to react later."

At present, there is no need to pay for intellectual property rights to make videos, and everyone plays pirated versions.

But even so, the consumption is astonishing.

Video is no better than text, there will be a huge amount of broadband load, the daily download bandwidth is an astonishing figure, and storing a large amount of video requires a large amount of server space...

The infrastructure consumption alone is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Anyway, Zhou Buqi doesn't plan to enter the game in the short term.

Websites like YouTube can be built because Google has burned tens of billions of dollars to gain its market share and industry status.

Zhang Chaoyang said very easily: "At present, it is not clear. The Internet speed in China has not been improved, which is different from that in the United States. When the time is right, Sohu will definitely invest a lot of money in it. Youku raised 30 million US dollars? You know Sohu's How much is the cash reserve? It’s not an order of magnitude at all.”

Zhou Buqi smiled, "You are so indifferent."

"Strength determines."

"The heart is so big."

"Brother has the confidence!"

Zhang Chaoyang snorted, walked out of the airport, found the driver, took Xiaomi into the car and left.

Zhou Buqi looked at his back, sighed helplessly, "Who can save you, my old Zhang!"

Ning Yaxian said softly, "You don't like him?"

"It's not that I don't like it, but I'm envious. I live so easily, and I do my own way."

"You can do it too, you are better than him in everything."

"Me?" Zhou Buqi shook his head, "I can't."

Ning Yaxian looked at him strangely, "What's the matter? In order to take social responsibility and promote the country's technological development?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "I'm much richer than him."

Ning Yaxian was a little at a loss.

"Small money belongs to oneself, and big money belongs to the country. We are not evil capitalists. If we want to have big money, we must continue to use it to create value, otherwise the country will take the money back."

"You mean... Zhang always deliberately doesn't want to have too much wealth?"

"I don't know, maybe."

"No way?"

"Anyway, he always climbs mountains with Wang Shi, and they have a good relationship. If he doesn't tell you, we can't figure out what he is thinking."



Youku's financing is ignored.

They can do whatever they like.

Now, Ziweixing is dropping bombs!

On October 15, just before the domestic Internet circle had finished digesting the news that Google had acquired YouTube at a sky-high price of US$1.65 billion, another blockbuster news appeared.

Ziweixing and Sohu reached an agreement to spend 80 million US dollars to acquire the Sogou business department of Sohu!

On the same day, many media reported the heavy news at the same time.

Even CCTV's financial channel made a special interview for this.

This is a big deal!

In the history of the domestic Internet, there are only two cases comparable to it, Yahoo China's acquisition of 3721 and Alibaba's acquisition of Yahoo China.

But the difference is that both Yahoo and Ali are well-known big companies.

In contrast, Ziweixing is still very young and unknown, and in the end it snatched a very important piece of business from the big brother Sohu...

Sitting in the new office, Zhou Buqi watched the news on the Internet, feeling very satisfied.

This effect is what I want!

Looking at again, the first hot topic in the school's news is " acquires Sohu and enters the search market!" "

The reading volume has exceeded 4 million.

You must know that the number of daily active users on is about 5 million, and some of them are users who log in repeatedly and check in for benefits.

"Headline party!" Zhou Buqi called the secretary, "Yaxian, go tell Guo Pengfei that the headlines in the school news must be accurate, don't play headline party. Buy Sohu? Why doesn't he go to heaven?"


Ning Yaxian readily agreed.


"Boss, what else is there?"

Zhou Buqi frowned, "Why are you wearing pants?"

Ning Yaxian had some helplessness in her eyes, "It's getting colder, are you still wearing a skirt?"

"it's a pity."

"Boss, this is the office, you want something else... Let's go outside, I will definitely not obey you in the company."

Zhou Buqi snorted softly: "I'm testing you! Now that I've changed the office, it's not transparent anymore. After closing the door, you can't see what you're doing inside. Well... I'm here to see if you have anything wrong Think! It’s okay, the concentration is good, let’s go to work!”

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