Top of the big era

Chapter 55 Joint Purchase Card

Zhou Buqi is very busy.

very busy.

The next day, he got up early and went to Wen Zhixia's office.

As soon as they met, Wen Zhixia stared and kicked him.

Zhou Buqi yelled exaggeratedly, "Teacher Wen, you dare to physically punish students, be careful and I will report you!"

"Is there a student like you?" Wen Zhixia asked angrily.

"Ahem, it's business! Business matters!"

Zhou Buqi knew it was not appropriate to go too far, so he quickly changed the subject.

Then, contact Steve, print the contract, sign and fax it, and then return the faxed document.

After more than an hour of busy work, a transaction worth 150,000 US dollars was successfully completed.

Wen Zhixia was helping, her heart was like waves, and she was inexplicably shocked.

A domain name of this brat sold for 150,000 US dollars?

Is he a devil?

Seeing her surprised, Zhou Buqi showed off and said, "Mr. Wen, do you think I'm amazing?"

Wen Zhixia nodded lightly, "Well, it's pretty impressive."

"Compared to you?" Zhou Buqi said with a smile.

"Very proud, isn't it?" Wen Zhixia rolled his eyes.

Zhou Buqi started to play dead again, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Wen, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Wen Zhixia asked coldly.

Zhou Buqi sighed, his face was not red and his heart was beating, "I don't have a girlfriend yet."


Wen Zhixia's brows stood erect, her phoenix eyes widened.

"Ahem! Alright, let's get down to business." Zhou Buqi hurriedly changed the subject, "Mr. Wen, the contract documents are here, help me sort them out, make a copy, and get the relevant certificates from the school. "

"What are you doing?"

"To the bank! You don't think the bank will give me this money so easily, do you?"

Steve said the $150,000 in funds would arrive within three days.

However, this does not mean that Zhou Buqi will have a huge sum of money three days later.

The country has laws and regulations that transfers of more than 200,000 yuan by individual residents, even if the amount is particularly large, will attract the attention of many departments such as banks, economic investigations, national security, and taxation.

If it is a cross-border transfer, it is highly valued.

Zhou Buqi needs to submit corresponding documents and explain the source before he can truly unfreeze. Otherwise, it will be a huge amount of funds from unknown sources, which may range from confiscation to imprisonment.

With the official efficiency, it would be considered fast if Zhou Buqi could get the money within a week.

"You treat me like a coolie?" Wen Zhixia gritted her teeth and said bitterly.

Zhou Buqi laughed loudly: "It's okay, Brother Huihui will buy you candy!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't dare to look at her thunderous and angry appearance, so he ran away after rubbing oil on his feet.

At the west gate of the school, Zhou Buqi saw Guo Pengfei, Liu Wenbo and Xue Baoshan. Everyone took the corresponding documents and materials and went to the industrial and commercial registration.

The current business environment is relatively chaotic. To register a chain store, in addition to registering a company business license, each store must have an independent business license.

Because it is a catering industry, it is necessary to obtain a food hygiene license and employee health certificate from the Health and Health Commission.

Fortunately, such top universities have a lot of power, and they have their own cultural and health departments, which can issue their own certificates.

This saved Zhou Buqi a lot of trouble, and it should be done in the morning.

On the way there, Xue Baoshan said softly, "When I went to the school to issue a certificate, I heard something."


"This incident is quite a big one. The school wants to take down the leader of the logistics department."

"If you want to eat Naka, you should."

"But we also made mistakes."


Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide and turned to look at her, "What do you mean?"

Xue Baoshan said: "We smashed the store, this is a fact."

Zhou Buqi sneered, "What? Your school still wants to punish us?"

Xue Baoshan shook her head, and said calmly, "That's not likely, but the result we expected may not be there. The school will only compensate us 10,000 yuan for the decoration fee."

Guo Pengfei said in surprise: "I paid 10,000 yuan for the decoration fee? Isn't that enough? I remember you said that the decoration fee was only more than 4,000 yuan, right? Isn't this a profit?"

Xue Baoshan said: "But my opening time was delayed, and I also suffered mental damage."

Guo Pengfei almost fainted.

I just feel that this Xue Baoshan is really messing around, isn't this kind of compensation enough?

Liu Wenbo refused to comment on the Beijing Foreign Affairs University incident, and has been silently observing.

Zhou Buqi smiled, but he thought that Sister Bao was very cute and a person who did great things, so he asked her, "What do you want?"

Xue Baoshan said softly: "Our store is a huge benefit given to his brother-in-law by the leader of the logistics department with his own rights. We spent 250,000 to sublet it from his brother-in-law. In fact, the store belongs to the school. His brother-in-law is fine."

Guo Pengfei reacted immediately and opened his mouth wide, "You want to tear up the contract?"

Xue Baoshan said calmly: "That is an invalid contract, it shouldn't have existed in the first place."

Well, I'm so cruel!

This is the real way to kill a donkey!

I bought the store with an installment contract from the leader's brother-in-law, and then filed a lawsuit saying that the contract is invalid... This method is superb.

Zhou Buqi looked at her with a smile, "What do you think should be done?"

Xue Baoshan said: "We should exert a second wave of influence on the school."

"How to apply it?"

"I don't know, you are the boss, Classmate Zhou!"

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Buqi laughed out loud, feeling more and more that Sister Bao is a remarkable woman, and confidently said: "It's easy!"

"You can't do anything more."

Liu Wenbo was taken aback, and didn't care too much, so he hurried to persuade him.

"Of course not." Zhou Buqi stretched his waist, "We stand on the cusp of the times and set a benchmark. If we want to fall, the country will not let us."

"Student Zhou, what should I do?"

"I'll give you a magazine later. You take the magazine and the contract and go to the school leader. As long as his level is not too bad, he can understand the situation."

"What magazine?"

""Chinese food"."


There is still some finishing work for the registration, just let them handle it.

In the afternoon, Zhou Buqi called Meng Houkun and set off again.

This time, it is Changping Shuitun Agricultural and Sideline Products Wholesale Market.

After walking for a whole afternoon, I negotiated with more than 20 fruit suppliers. Zhou Buqi even brought some materials from "China Food" magazine and Yuanwei milk tea shop, but nothing worked.

Most of these suppliers have no education level and can't think about the long-term.

In a word, the negotiation is not going well!

After four o'clock in the afternoon, the two got on the bus to return. Meng Houkun's mouth was dry and his face looked a little lonely.

Building a supply chain is not easy!

"Don't be discouraged." Zhou Buqi's mentality was very peaceful, and he comforted him with kind words.

"How about..." Meng Houkun hesitated for a long time, then lowered his voice, "How about I tell my dad about it."

His father works in a ministry. He is in his forties and has a bright future.

Zhou Buqi recruited him in the first place because he saw his identity and background. If the company deals with officials in the future, this relationship can be used.

"No need, this trivial matter can't be solved, why are you talking about starting a business?" Zhou Buqi curled his lips and refused decisively, "Besides, we can't find a supplier, so let's buy directly from the school's fruit shop, which is easy and convenient. .”

The bus was very bumpy, and the two sat in the last row, shaking dizzily.

After a long time, Meng Houkun suddenly said: "Boss Zhou, please give me advice on something."


"I have a girlfriend who is also from the Agricultural University and majored in international trade. Didn't I come out with you to start a business, and she can't stay idle."

"Okay, after a while our milk tea shop will open to the Agricultural University, let her help."

"No no, she has a big heart."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi laughed.

Meng Houkun said: "She came up with a project by herself, and found a few seven or eight classmates, all of whom are girls, and she plans to do it herself."

Zhou Buqi asked, "Which aspect?"

"discount card."


"There are quite a lot of universities here in Wudaokou, such as Linda University, Agricultural University, Mining University, University of Science and Technology, Beihang University, University of Geosciences, Language University, as well as Tsinghua University and Peking University School of Medicine. There are huge student consumer groups here."


Zhou Buqi nodded, already thinking about the meaning of this discount card project, and said: "Many stores have their own discount cards and discount cards, which leads to the need for students to bring all kinds of discount cards when they go out to spend. Card, very inconvenient."

Meng Houkun said excitedly: "Yes, that's what it means. She wants to integrate restaurants, gyms, clothing stores, cold drink shops, barber shops, bookstores, massage parlors, etc., and launch a joint discount card applicable to most shops." The name is all ready, it is called Wudaokou University Lianbu Card."

Zhou Buqi said calmly, "I have some ideas."

Seeing his calm expression, Meng Houkun's heart sank, "Boss Zhou, is this project okay? I think it's quite... quite creative, and also has a certain degree of operability."

Zhou Buqi pointed out: "If your girlfriend just wants to practice socially and exercise her abilities, it's good. But... let's put it this way, there are no discount cards that are limited to the Wudaokou area. Sexual profit model."


"A card costs 30 cents, and it costs 10 yuan to sell it. Several universities sell it, and two or three thousand cards are in the end. This is a one-time consumption and lacks imagination."

"Isn't it okay to get a kickback from the merchant?"

"This is Wudaokou, where land is extremely expensive, and it is geared towards students, so its profit margins are limited. If merchants want to pay rebates, the discount must be small, which is not attractive to students. More importantly, how to ensure the reputation of merchants? What if they don’t admit it, or they don’t give kickbacks when they don’t pay enough bills? In short, there are big problems in merchant maintenance and follow-up services.”

Meng Houkun said blankly, "I see."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "It's good to have the idea of ​​starting a business, try it first. It's not difficult to make it, the operation is simple, the merchant does not need to pay the franchise fee, and the user side is also curious, earning four years of college. Tuition fees are still possible. It’s just that the business model is wrong, and we need to expand our thinking.”

"What is the right direction?"

"It should not only be based on the shops in Wudaokou."

"That should be?"


Meng Houkun's eyes widened in disbelief, "How is this possible?"

Zhou Buqi patted him on the shoulder, "The future is dominated by the Internet, and the Internet will make the impossible possible."

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