Top of the big era

Chapter 540 Searching for Three Ways

As chairman and CEO, Zhou Buqi's work mainly covers six aspects.

External: integration of resources, brand promotion, capital operation;

Internal: spiritual leadership, culture creation, strategy formulation.

However, he also holds the position of president and often has to participate in some specific tasks. The main reason is that he has this self-confidence. A lot of the work of executives is often the judgment of the direction.

For example, embarrassing one hundred, in what mode should it be presented?

Zhou Buqi can guarantee that there is no one in the world who has such complete and advanced design ideas as him. In order for the company to develop better, he had to fight in person.

But for some mature projects, he has not been very involved.

For example, Zhou Buqi didn't even read the report for the school intranet group buying in the beginning of the school season. Xu Liangjie has already taken over the work, let him take charge of the general direction, and let Shi Jinglin implement it in detail.

In the end, only three days after the shift, Xu Liangjie rushed over excitedly, saying that if poaching Wang Xiaozhou failed, Shi Jinglin could be the president of the Weidian business group!

This girl is not to be judged by her appearance. It is really unexpected that she is so beautiful and capable. With a bold style, sharp methods, bold and resolute, and decisive killing, let him take charge of Weidian. When facing competitors such as 360 and Sogou, he will surely beat them to the ground.

Of course Zhou Buqi disagreed and insisted on looking for Wang Xiaochuan.

"By the way, what do you think of the domestic search pattern?"

"Separate regimes."

Xu Liangjie is a great god in the search field. He created the world's first search engine in the United States.

Zhou Buqi asked again: "What is the most important thing when doing search?"

"Three aspects, technology, content and channels."

"Tell me specifically?"

"Technology, as the name suggests, is like Google. Its search technology is good and it leads the world. No matter what Yahoo and Microsoft do, it is technically insurmountable. This is the biggest moat."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "There are two worlds at home and abroad. I really never thought of taking our search engine abroad to compete with Google in the market. I only talk about the domestic market."

Xu Liangjie said: "I'm talking about China, which also needs technology. Baidu has the largest market share, and Google has the second market share. From a purely technical point of view, Baidu is definitely not as good as Google, but Baidu has an advantage. It's the content."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

Zhou Shaoning often complained to him about this matter.

Search is to search for content, but some content is not available on the Internet, or the search results are not intuitive enough, what should I do? Baidu's approach is to produce its own content.

For example, what poems did Lin Daiyu write in "A Dream of Red Mansions"?

Use Baidu to search, and you can directly give the answer in Baidu Zhizhi, which is concise and clear, and you will get results after a search.

But Google can’t make content, either search for the answer that Baidu knows, or directly search all the web content related to "Dream of Red Mansions", even including the original text of the novel. The former is to drain traffic to Baidu, while the latter requires users to search and analyze by themselves, which is troublesome and complicated.

And this leads to another result.

Baidu is a public search, and Google is a high-quality search.

Search "Dream of Red Mansions", Baidu knows the answer. But searching for in-depth professional content such as "how to use pointers in C++ language" and "architecture principles of the Markov model", Baidu stopped directly.

When Google comes into battle, it can provide the optimal solution with ease.

Therefore, in the current domestic search landscape, public users are using Baidu, and relatively professional people such as college students and white-collar workers are all Google users.

Xu Liangjie said: "The current Baidu is no longer a search company, but an information content platform. Its Tieba, know, music and other content have formed an effective supplement to its search services. It is foreseeable that in the next few years, Baidu We will definitely strengthen our efforts in the content field.”

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "When user habits are formed, and they are the largest content platform in China, it is really difficult to shake Baidu's position as the overlord of mass search."

"But there is another direction."

"You mean the channel?"


"how to say?"

Xu Liangjie said with a smile: "Google is used by high-end users, Baidu is used by middle-end users, and as for low-end users... To be honest, it doesn't make much difference which search engine they use. They lack computer knowledge and the Internet. Their own cultural knowledge is also limited, and the search requirements are very low. The reason why local search platforms such as Youdao, Aiwen, and Sogou still have market share is because of this group.”

Zhou Boqi remained calm, "Continue."

Xu Liangjie twitched his lips, and said inscrutably: "Baidu is now focused on making content, and Google has difficulty even localizing, and its decision-making is limited everywhere. As for other search platforms... To be honest, the strategic structure is not enough. In comparison , Our Weidian Technology, with so many basic products under its banner, has built a whole set of promotion channels for the search platform."

Then, he twitched the corner of his mouth, "The only shortcoming is that we don't have a search engine yet."

Zhou Buqi was a little speechless.

I heard his hint.

The two have communicated on this topic before. Xu Liangjie believes that relying on tools such as Weidian Security Guard, Weidian Antivirus, and Weidian Input Method, it is completely possible to play tricks on low-end users and use some unconventional methods to force them to install Weidian browser, and then lock the micro-point search.

This user group has very low search needs, and it doesn't matter what search platform you use, and it's bundled and installed...and you can use it.

Just like the 3721 search plug-in back then.

Back then, 99% of domestic Internet users were low-end users. This move made 3721 popular all over the country and became the largest search platform.

At that time, Yahoo entered China and wanted to acquire a search company. As a result, after comparing 3721 and Baidu, it was found that Baidu was too far behind, so it spent 120 million US dollars to acquire 3721.

Another example is the 360 ​​search in later generations. Why does it have such a high market share?

The routines are pretty much the same.

In addition, there is a reminder from 360 security guards, saying that if you do not use the 360 ​​browser, your computer will have security threats. If you use browsers such as IE, Sogou, Google, etc., your computer will also pose a security threat, so uninstall it quickly! Then use the 360 ​​browser!

Then, a large number of low-end users were captured.

The 360 ​​browser is bundled with 360 navigation, and the 360 ​​navigation is bundled with 360 search... After a set of combined punches, the arrangement for users is clear.

However, people can grow. Especially young people, who don't understand anything when they are young, may be fooled. But when you grow up, you will no longer be a low-end user if you know more.

When young people grow up, the market share of 360 Search will naturally gradually decrease, from 20% to about 2%.

This is the practice of drinking poison to quench thirst.

Zhou Buqi made a firm statement and said unquestionably: "It's still the same sentence, delay gratification! You can't give up long-term benefits for short-term benefits! For low-end users, you can recommend and promote, but you can't intimidate and scam. It's the bottom line!"

Xu Liangjie slowed down a bit, and said with a smile: "Based on the framework arrangement you made for the search business, you really don't need those means. Baidu has technology and content, so it ranks first in China. Google has technology but no content, and it ranks second in China. As for others A search platform with mediocre technology and no content, so naturally it can’t be on the stage.”

Zhou Buqi's complexion improved, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

Using rogue means, you can quickly seize the market.

The Baidu search plug-in and hao123 under Baidu also use technical means to bundle them in the browser, thus pointing users to Baidu search.

But they were all killed by Weidian security guards.

Xu Liangjie said: "I know that search is an important strategy, so after we talked about it last time, I went back and thought about it. Unless it is absolutely necessary, we really don't need to use unconventional means. Now, let's focus on the content field, wait a little bit With the launch of the browser, the promotion channels will be more complete. If we acquire Sogou, we will definitely not be able to reach the level of Google and Baidu in terms of technology. However, it is not necessarily impossible!"


"As I said, there are three aspects to doing search, technology, content and channels. Baidu's technology is not as good as Google's, but Baidu has made up content, made up for certain technical shortcomings, and achieved the number one market. Although Sogou's technology is mediocre, if We are engaged in content and channels, and with the support of these two levels, even if Baidu’s market position cannot be shaken, it is not impossible to surpass Google to become the second in the market.”

This is called talking!

It is in line with Zhou Buqi's psychological expectations.

In the previous life, Sogou search created its own three-stage rocket strategy and became the second in China.

In this life, Zhou Buqi can't wait to build a tenth-stage rocket, destined to roll up his sleeves and do a great job in the search field.

"That's it! Take down Sogou!"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and made a decision.

If you develop your own search engine, it will take a year or two at least. The micro-point browser is expected to be launched in January next year.

It is faster and more direct to eat Sogou directly.

Moreover, Sogou has been in production for several years, and the second-generation search engine will soon be launched. As a neighbor, Zhou Buqi knew about such things.

At this time, the big secretary Ning Yaxian walked over gently, and whispered a few words in her ear.


Zhou Buqi was overjoyed, his eyes lit up.

Ning Yaxian's face was ruddy, "Mmm! Really!"

"Good thing!"

Zhou Buqi clapped his hands, quite excited.

Zhou Shaoning, the president of Google China, just received a letter, and he has officially submitted his resignation report to Google headquarters!

Not surprisingly, he will be able to resign in the next few months.

More importantly, Zhou Shaoning's resignation is regarded as an internal secret of Google. Generally, it cannot be made public before the official resignation, so as to prevent internal employees from being unstable.

But he told Zhou Buqi the news.

The signal is clear!

He thought he would wait until the mobile phone group buying was a big success before making a decision. Unexpectedly, he insisted on doing the opposite and showed his determination before the mobile phone group buying.

Well, very sincere!

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