Top of the big era

Chapter 528 Smart Energy Management

Boss Wang wanted to invite Dad to have a drink together, but Zhou Buqi pushed him away. Father and son are at different tables, especially the son is better than the father. If the father goes, it will only increase the embarrassment.

Zhou Buqi no longer cares about the factory affairs.

Following Boss Wang and his party, they went straight to the restaurant.

Get a resplendent box, decorated like a palace. According to Boss Wang, this private room is specially used to receive foreign leaders.

Boss Wang was surrounded by two men and a woman, both in suits and leather shoes, who seemed to be their corporate executives.

Zhou Buqi took Ning Yaxian alone, feeling very surprised.

I don't understand what grand banquet Boss Wang is throwing.

ENN Group's main business is in the direction of energy. Back then, Boss Wang started his business by carrying gas tanks. Now it is getting bigger and bigger, and an investment company has been established, involving energy, environmental protection, tourism, real estate and other industries.

The only thing is that it has no business intersection with Ziweixing.

"Xiao Zhou, I need your help this time."

"What's this called?"

Zhou Buqi had this awareness, and if he couldn't help in vain, he would definitely return it. Even without this incident, the two parties, as members of the Taishan Society, should help each other.

Boss Wang said: "In the past few years, the country has been making great efforts to promote the industrial upgrading of various industries and realize technological independence. ENN also wants to do something. Just this year, it established an energy research institute."

Zhou Buqi clapped his hands, "Good thing, which direction to focus on?"

"Coal-Based Low-Carbon Energy."


Zhou Buqi nodded, his interest greatly diminished.

This is still traditional energy.

However, this should be through the innovative application of traditional energy sources such as coal and natural gas through advanced science and technology, improving efficiency and increasing environmental protection.

Sure enough, Boss Wang expressed his guess: "Our traditional enterprise consumes a lot of electricity. However, there will be a lot of power loss during the transmission process. The longer the distance, the shorter the loss. If we can build a The system can greatly improve the efficiency of energy use by combining all parties in the energy ecology, such as use, production, transmission, distribution, and storage. Dedicated energy is dedicated, and the cost is lower, and the excess energy is properly transferred to reduce losses.”

Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "Is this for the Internet?"

Boss Wang smiled and said, "Yes, I want to build such a website."

Zhou Buqi praised: "It's a good idea. If this system is completed, there will be a complete digital solution for energy management, which will greatly improve social efficiency. This is a good thing with great social value."

Boss Wang said bluntly: "I'm just a big bastard, and I really don't know the specifics. This is Liu Huiming, the chief engineer of our group, and Liu Gong. Let him tell you."

"Liu Gong, please tell me."

"The first thing of the Energy Research Institute is to build an energy steward for enterprises, to provide enterprises with intelligent energy Digital solutions for energy management, through multi-dimensional energy use process monitoring, intelligent diagnostic analysis and optimization strategies."

"Good thing."

"Then is to help the government's decision-making staff. Any decision of the government is related to the lives of thousands of people, and it is very important. Only when we have enough information can we make the most correct judgment. Our idea is to The government provides energy governance products to help the government understand the latest energy situation, discover the space and progress of energy conservation and emission reduction, and realize the digital and intelligent upgrade of energy management methods.”


Zhou Buqi sighed in admiration, and then started to think extensively.

The first step is to serve the enterprise.

The second step is to serve the government.

And behind both of them are related to the people of the whole country, and these are the greatest manifestations of social value.

It seems that Boss Wang has also seen clearly the essence of the existence of big bosses, which is to provide positive social value, preferably irreplaceable value. Otherwise, killing pigs and eating meat is really not sure.

This system is a bit like the business consulting project purchased by Huawei, that is, business intelligence.

What is the purpose of business intelligence?

It is to integrate all information and data through a system, and then make some conclusions and trend predictions based on this information to help decision makers make decisions.

From this point of view, what Xinao wants to do is actually intelligent management in the energy field. However, the target customers are wider, not only can help enterprises, but also can help the government.

Gradually, Zhou Buqi felt that he had basically sorted out the theoretical framework of Ziweixing.

First of all, collect data through major platforms, analyze and organize.

Then, use these data to do some irreplaceable things with significant social value.

To help ordinary people live better and more comfortably, to help enterprises make more stable and correct decisions, and to help the government's policies provide certain theoretical guidance...even, to become the brain of the country.

This process requires the use of some technologies such as collaborative network and business intelligence.

However, how to obtain more useful and detailed data?

This requires Ziweixing to play an infinite game!

There is no boundary, no closed loop.

Look for more possibilities, and keep pushing outward at the boundary, so that this game can continue forever.

However, the new field of expansion must always have certain ecological attributes with the original field...

This framework is not perfect yet.

However, the general prototype is constructed.

Some of ENN's current ideas in the field of energy Internet really provided him with some inspiration.

"Mr. Zhou? Mr. Zhou?"

"Ah? I'm listening, Liu Gong, you continue to talk."

"The processing and utilization of energy is more complicated. Mr. Zhou, I will give you a simple example. In the process of energy utilization, the principle of high-quality, high-use, and cascaded utilization should be the principle to realize the overall utilization of system energy. For example, an energy High-quality energy can be used to generate electricity, high-quality energy can be used for cooling and heating, and low-quality energy can be used to provide domestic hot water.”

Zhou Buqi didn't know if he understood or not, and praised repeatedly, "Well, good idea!"

Liu Gong sighed, "The efficiency of power generation is usually only about 37%-40%. Except for a small part of heat energy that is collected, 55% of the heat energy is wasted. If this part of heat energy can be collected and stored to the maximum, even Enterprise-level energy cannot be achieved, and ordinary daily households are enough."

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, "Battery?"


Liu Gong, the chief engineer, was taken aback for a moment. Batteries are chemical energy, the conversion technology involved is much more complicated, and the requirements for energy sources are also of the highest standard. It is simply not feasible to use waste energy to make batteries.

Zhou Buqi also knew that he was a layman, shook his head, and said with a smile: "I went to the United States some time ago, and the concept of new energy is very popular there, and there is a company that says it wants to produce electric vehicles that run on batteries. "

Liu Gong's expression was blank, and he couldn't keep up with the boss's train of thought last week.

new energy?

electric car?

Too far ahead?

Americans can do it, they have money to idle around and always want to do something to change the world. But the country has only been open for more than 20 years, and there is a lot of waste to be done, and money is needed everywhere.

How can there be money to participate in those fields that are too avant-garde? Everyone is happy with it, but what if it fails? Isn't this a huge waste of social resources and national financial resources?

Boss Wang saw that he didn't seem to be on the road, so he coughed lightly and said in a low voice: "Xiao Zhou, we are different from Ziweixing. You are an innovative company and have been committed to exploring new fields. The energy business...or It has to be done under the guidance of the state and the government, and our idea is to apply for state funding."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said with a smile: "I'm just joking, it's okay, Liu Gong, you continue to talk."

Liu Gong heaved a sigh of relief and nodded, "At present, there is a cutting-edge energy processing method in the world, called distributed energy stations. There is no such thing in China. As a representative of private enterprises in the energy industry, ENN needs to get involved in this field. leader."

"Distributed energy station?"

Zhou Buqi was stunned.

He has never heard of this term, but he is very familiar with the concept of distributed. In the field of domestic science and technology, the place where the concept of distributed is the hottest is Ziweixing.

It has already spread in the industry that Ziweixing spends 100 million a year to build a domestic distributed database with independent intellectual property rights!

To build a distributed database, we must first develop a distributed algorithm.

Yang Zhenkun has already said that this year will make a breakthrough in the algorithm, and next year it will enter a basically mature stage. This ability, let alone in China, can be ranked among the best in the world.

Liu Gongdao: "The distributed energy station can realize the high-quality, high-use and cascaded utilization of energy that I just mentioned, and the comprehensive energy utilization efficiency is expected to reach more than 70%."

"Really?" Zhou Buqi didn't quite understand.

Liu Gong explained again: "That is to say, the modern supply mode of energy supply using the nearest load center can reduce the transmission and transformation lines and equipment, reduce the loss in the process of energy transmission, and the electromagnetic pollution and noise pollution can also be greatly reduced. reduced, and the footprint is about half that of coal-fired power stations..."

Zhou Buqi was ambiguous.

The general idea is clear.

It is this distributed energy station, which is more advanced than traditional energy stations!

Know by analogy.

Just like making clothes.

In the traditional method of making clothes, a single person makes a piece of clothing from beginning to end, and is responsible for all links such as layout, cutting, sewing, keyhole buttoning, etc., which is inefficient. Because there are too many and complicated processes involved, the workmanship will not be very good.

The distributed method is that many people cooperate, one person is specialized in nesting, one is specialized in cutting, one is specialized in sewing, and one is specialized in buttonhole buttonhole...

These people are integrated through the "distributed algorithm" to achieve the simplest network collaboration and greatly improve efficiency.

All of this is inseparable from distributed algorithms.

Different fields apply different rules, but the logic of thinking remains unchanged. In particular, distributed architectures under large-scale systems have similarities and can learn from each other.

Zhou Buqi already understood what Boss Wang meant.

He wants to explore new technologies in the energy field, which must involve a deep understanding of distributed algorithms. And in this field, Ziweixing is one of the best in the country, much better than those national famous research institutes.

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