Top of the big era

Chapter 509 Social Value

While eating, Zhou Buqi didn't drink at all, but he couldn't stop Yan Guangming's interest.

Mouth to run the train.

Whispering and telling a joke: "It is said that the female secretary boarded the leader's car, and the leader couldn't help but reach out and touch the female secretary's thigh. The female secretary asked, 'Do you remember what is written in paragraph 7 on page 216 of Deng Xuan?" The leader felt guilty and hurried Close hand.

Zhou Buqi couldn't help being curious, "What did you write?"

Yan Guangming smiled and said, "'Be more courageous and move faster'. Brother Zhou, you are not enlightened enough, you have to study hard!"

Several people laughed.

Ning Yaxian also smiled softly, her face flushed.

Then, Yan Guangming continued his efforts and told another joke.

It is said that the female secretary wrote the speech for the boss, and then the boss commented, saying that the first half was well written, with two prominent points, and the second half was not so good, with obvious loopholes. When I have time in the evening, I will polish and polish it.

Zhou Buqi felt that it was too much, so he quickly stopped.

From the corner of the eye, she glanced at Ning Yaxian, her face was charming and charming, but she did not lose her composure, with a very polite smile on her face.

Liu Yueran smiled and said, "Sister Yaxian, do you usually help Mr. Zhou write manuscripts?"


"Do you want him to polish it?"



Liu Yueran just covered her mouth and laughed.

Zhou Buqi felt that this was not good, so he found an excuse and left with Ning Yaxian.

Sure enough, as soon as she went out, her face was a little cold.

Not too happy.

It's fine to talk in private, and teasing her in front of everyone during the meal makes no one feel uncomfortable.



Ning Yaxian was a little calm.

Zhou Buqi said kindly: "Lao Yan has no culture, and his little wife is even worse, don't be as knowledgeable as them. Don't worry, I won't bring you here in the future."

Ning Yaxian shook her head lightly, "I'm not angry with them, but I'm having trouble with myself."

"What’s wrong with you?"

"No, nothing."

"Are you all right?"


Ning Yaxian bit her red lips, she thought of something, her face suddenly turned red. Afraid that he would find out, he hurriedly took two steps, and accidentally twisted when going down the steps...


"Hey, are you okay?"

Zhou Buqi hurried forward to support her, his slender hands were white and soft, with a very delicate warmth. Turning her head and sweeping her eyes, she felt more and more beautiful, with her round breasts supporting the light blue skirt cloth, she was graceful and graceful.

Ning Yaxian leaned into his arms, and immediately left like an electric shock, feeling like an egg could be boiled on her face, she was a little embarrassed, "It's okay, it's okay..."

Zhou Buqi stepped forward and grabbed her arm, "Are you all right? Did you twist your foot?"

"Not twisted."

"Really not twisted?"


"Get in the car and have a look."

Zhou Buqi opened the door and helped her into the car. It was summer, and she was dressed very coolly, her two snow-white arms fell outside, and they were amazingly elastic to the touch.

After getting into the car, Zhou Buqi leaned over, "Which foot?"


"Is it the left foot?"


Zhou Buqi went to press the various parts of her ankle gently, and raised his head to ask her, "How is it? Does it hurt? If it hurts irritatingly, just say it."

Ning Yaxian was in a daze and didn't quite understand.

I don't know what irritating pain is.

I just feel a little itchy and a different heartbeat, as if I have returned to the sprouting of a girl.

I remember that the actress Deng Jiajia relied on this trick last time, but as she acted... she was a little at a loss. After all, I'm not a professional in this line of work, and I don't know how it will end.

There was no other way, Ning Yaxian had no choice but to tell the truth: "It doesn't hurt, it's just that the high heels are twisted, and the ankle is not twisted."

"Oh, all right."

Zhou Buqi pressed it again with a serious face, checked it again, and then got up.

Then, the atmosphere in the car was a little awkward.

Both were silent.

A few minutes later, Ning Yaxian took a deep breath and said boldly: "By the way, Mr. Yan seems to have seen Deng Xuan, have you seen it?"


"The resumes of leaders are legendary. To deal with such a complicated event in a country, the state of mind must be different. I think it is very beneficial to read it, and it may provide new ideas for the management company."

"Well, it makes sense." Zhou Buqi nodded, deeply convinced, "Go to the bookstore and buy me a set, and put it on the bookshelf."

Ning Yaxian bit her lips tightly and gave a soft "hmm".

That is, it was too dark in the car.

Otherwise, once her nervous and shy appearance is discovered, I don't know how embarrassing it will be. This feeling is even worse than when I first fell in love.

When she got to the place, she got out of the car in a hurry and fled without looking back.

Zhou Buqi looked at her back, blinked, and thought of what Shi Jinglin had told him.

It is not credible to say that a woman who is perfect and makes no mistakes.

That's all for the show.

Acting coquettishly and clinging like Wu Yu, who loves to be stinky, loves to show off, and loses his temper from time to time, is the best state.

This secretary Ning... is a bit out of control.

In the past, she had excellent manners and manners. Every time she bid farewell, she always smiled, and then let the night wind blow the skirt, standing quietly where she was. She waited for the car to go far away and completely out of her sight before turning around and entering the community.


Since returning from the south, Zhou Buqi has been studying hard.

Ji Zian came over suddenly with a serious face, "Old Zhou, you guessed it right!"


"Qihoo is really making security products, and 360 Security Guard has officially launched."

"When did this happen?"

"just now."


Zhou Buqi nodded, thoughtfully.

Ji Zi'an said: "Just like us, they also have an all-free policy. Moreover, they have already announced that they will follow up with anti-virus software soon, and it is mainly free."

Zhou Buqi was a little amused, "Why are you nervous? The market is already occupied by us, and they entered the game too late. They can't do it just by imitation."

Ji Zian shook his head, "Last month, MSN's community partners changed."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"In the past, the community partner of MSN Popup News was Maopu, which was in the same position as Last month, MSN announced that it would cancel its cooperation with Maopu and cooperate with Qihoo instead."

"They also have a community?"

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, never heard that 360 also has forum content. Even if there is, it's not in the same order of magnitude as mop, is it? What happened to MSN, did you get beaten up by QQ?

Ji Zi'an said: "It was there last year. They are doing community search, of course they have their own community."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "With MSN's recommendation, their products still have some promotional resources."


"What do you think we should do?"

"It's best not to indulge."

Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, "Ji Junzi is also angry?"

Ji Zian shook his head, "I'm not angry, it's following the most basic business logic. I think that all businesses under Ziwei Star must block the promotion of Qihoo's products. At the same time, take advantage of the public opinion of Xiaonei. Let everyone know what kind of product 3721 is."

Zhou Buqi immediately agreed to this suggestion, "If you kill a tiger, you will never die. If you want to do it, you must be more aggressive, mobilize resources, and unite with more colleagues. Didn't Qihu take the position of Maopu? It just so happens that the enemy of the enemy is Friends. We helped 5Q Group buy a wave of publicity, and they will always have to repay the favor.”


"Don't worry, Zhou Hongyi has a very bad reputation in the industry and doesn't have many friends. Unlike me, there are old friends everywhere."

Ji Zi'an said worriedly: "His deputy is sitting on the ground, he came out of the system, and his rank is not low."

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "That can't be tolerated! At this time, I can't be polite. I know Zhou Hongyi, and it's okay to be careless in private, very sincere. Really. If you fight with your hands, you can use any means."

"Means? What means can there be?"

"Hmph, don't forget, he is the originator of rogue software."

Watching Ji Zian leave, Zhou Buqi frowned.

To compete with 360, ordinary methods will not work. People are dancing with guns and clubs, and I am citing scriptures on my side. Isn't this nonsense? With Ji Zian's gentlemanly demeanor, I'm afraid he may not be able to handle it well.

But he is a partner, so it's not appropriate to move his position for no reason.

At this time, Ning Yaxian sent several newspapers.

The newspapers have been opened and circled, marking the important news.

After flipping through it a few times, Zhou Buqi glared—"Gome Acquires Yongle for HK$5.6 Billion".

In recent years, the domestic retail industry has been consolidating.

There are shocking mergers and acquisitions at every turn.

As the number one giant in the domestic home appliance retail industry, Gome, of course, can't sit still.

However, oligopoly in traditional industries is far more harmful than the Internet. After all, the Internet is an innovative industry, and there are too many directions for development. In traditional industries, there is little innovation to speak of, and a monopoly is a real monopoly.

This trip to the south, Mr. Ren told Zhou Buqi a very important point, that is, the enterprise should create social value.

In contrast, Zhou Buqi made a few more girlfriends, which is really a trivial matter.

Some things can be seen more clearly only when the buttocks sit in that position. It seems that all the big bosses who have accidents have problems with the social value of their companies.

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