Top of the big era

Chapter 496: The Price of Ideals

Create greater user value.

Create irreplaceable social value.

Be low-key.

Zhou Buqi understands these three points, and when they are integrated, the outline of the feeling becomes clear.

It feels admirable.

This is the high-profile perspective that not only conforms to the national conditions, but also can be at the peak of the times.

It is difficult for Zhou Buqi to hear this kind of view in the capital. Over there, he keeps talking about what the central government is doing and what the ministers are doing, playing a different set of rules.

I have to hurry up and ask for advice.

"Boss Ren, what do you think about working overtime?"


Zhou Buqi said embarrassingly: "We also have training to instill our values. Working overtime is not only a help to the company, but also self-development. But everyone complains a lot in private."

Huawei is the company with the worst overtime in China. In this regard, Mr. Ren does not leave any room and is very indifferent: "If you don't work overtime, you will be fired."

"Isn't that good?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. There's no need to waste each other's time if we don't agree with each other. Anyone who complains in private should be fired without hesitation."

Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth.

The old man is always smiling, and his smile is particularly bright. I didn't expect such a tough style of work, probably just like a soldier, ordering from above to below, there is no doubt about it.

Boss Ren said: "Not only do we have to work overtime, but we also have to work extra hard."

"Your body won't be able to take it?"

"Then change to a new batch of newcomers and let them come in good health."


Zhou Buqi didn't know what to say.

He had heard that there was a vice president who worked for Huawei and worked overtime for many years. His body was exhausted, his kidneys were failing, and his married life was not harmonious. When his wife complained, he wanted to resign. In the end, he was criticized by Boss Ren, saying that such a wife should not be wanted. Is there anything more important than ideals?

Boss Ren said indifferently: "Our country is like a start-up company, and the United States is like a large listed company. Big companies need money and money, and there are countless elites. How can start-up companies compete? They rely on hard work, struggle, reform, and equity incentives. .Silicon Valley companies work eight hours a day, and we also work eight hours a day. What can we do to catch up with them? No money and no technology, don’t we have to work hard?”

Speaking of this, Boss Ren became a little excited, "Back then, the martyrs were millet plus rifles, relying on their flesh and blood to resist other people's planes, that was a great ideal created by countless blood. If you don't say anything else, just say Isn’t the exchange rate these years draining the pockets of generations for the sake of economic growth? What’s the point of working overtime for a few days?”

The matter of the revolutionary martyrs is a bit far away from Zhou Buqi.

But the matter of the exchange rate is in front of him, and he knows it very well.

In order to stimulate the country's economic take-off, Boss Zhu made a policy. In addition to housing reform, medical reform, education reform, and market-oriented reform of state-owned enterprises, another very important point is to forcibly devalue the Huaxia currency.

Foreigners can exchange more Huaxia coins with foreign exchange. He was obviously a bum in a foreign country, but he turned into a rich man in the land of China, looting the fruits of labor created by generations of ordinary people in China.

Even the taxi drivers of the Hong Kong government can come to Pengcheng to pick up a few beautiful female college students, and they live happily ever after.

One of the most important WTO lawsuits in recent years is that foreigners demand that China's currency appreciate, expressing that they do not want to plunder the wealth of your people anymore. This is of course an excuse. The deeper reason behind it is that the depreciated Huaxia currency will make "Made in China" cheaper overseas, and become more and more popular around the world, defeating all local local manufacturing industries.

The final result is that their local basic manufacturing industry has been crushed, and they can only buy Huaxia products, making Huaxia the global manufacturing center. It is equivalent to having a huge international discourse power.

It can be said that the goal of the country has basically been achieved.

For example, when Huawei's routers enter the European market, they have to lower their prices. Competitor Cisco has only two ways to go, either die or transfer the manufacturing industry to China.

The sacrifices are also huge.

Chinese people need two months' wages to buy a TV, and the pockets of generations have been emptied.

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said, "Most of the hidden sacrifices are invisible, so maybe it doesn't matter. You can buy an air conditioner in China for 2,000 yuan, but buy an identical air conditioner abroad for only 1,000 yuan. This intuitive price difference, The most likely to cause dissatisfaction. Microsoft, Google, eBay, and IBM have all set up branches in China. They insist on an eight-hour work system, but we have to stay up late and work overtime every day. This is an obvious difference in treatment. Aren’t talents attracted by them? ?”

Boss Ren said: "Don't worry, idealist warriors are indispensable in any era. Reading "History of the Song Dynasty" and "History of the Ming Dynasty", looking back at the past two hundred years, who would not be heartbroken? People who are bullied by foreigners and are willing to give everything.”

Zhou Buqi shook his head, rather pessimistically, "Every time a hero slaughters more dogs, but when the dog slaughterers become landlords, they are no longer heroes. The country's economy is getting better and better, and there are fewer and fewer idealists. Academicians stand on the stage and shout slogans every day, let alone ordinary people?"

"In addition to the spiritual pillar, there must also be a material foundation."

Boss Ren laughed heartily again, revealing his complacency.

His equity operation in Huawei can be said to be unprecedented.

99% of the shares are distributed to the employees.

As long as he can hold about 20% of the shares, he can also occupy the richest man in China for decades.

Huawei has high wages, plus annual dividends...Huawei's overtime is serious, but it is the technology company with the highest salary in China.

One is that there is a huge ideal on top of the head, guiding everyone to struggle; the other is that there are huge money interests that attract people to come to work.

Seeing that Zhou Buqi was silent, Boss Ren couldn't say much. After all, everyone has a different way of thinking. For an ideal, he can give up wealth and even endure his daughter's long-term house arrest abroad, but he can't ask this young man to be the same as himself.

I just said lightly: "I used to be a soldier, and the older generation is not afraid of death for this country. Now that there is no need to fight, I can give more shares and wages to the employees, and encourage them to work overtime. Fight, it can still be done.”

Zhou Buqi drank tea silently.

Feeling very depressed.

Just like the last time I went to Silicon Valley.

It was a sense of powerlessness that even though I was reborn and could see through a certain future world, I was still helpless. When people start a company, they really put their lives to work, like going to the battlefield, and put everything on it.

I can't do it myself.

He felt that he was already very angry. Whether it is Ziwei Star, or many other companies led by it, such as Jieyu Media, Yuanwei Milk Tea, Bajixing Technology, etc., they are all willing to give away a large amount of equity.

Is it possible to distribute 99% of the shares?

Even if the wealth can be given up, the model of Internet companies is different, looking at the potential rather than the market value, which means that the profits are often not high. You can only go public and realize huge value by relying on high PE stock prices. This is destined not to imitate Mr. Ren's equity play.

Huawei is there, trying to learn... but unable to learn.

Boss Ren waved his hand and said with a smile: "You are melancholy, which means that the awareness of family and country is already very high. When I was your age, I was still a stunned young man. Every company has different situations. You can learn. But I can’t imitate it. I asked Xu Zhijun, who is in charge of technology, and asked about the distributed database, which is amazing. If you really want to do it, let me express my opinion, Huawei supports you!”

Zhou Buqi drank a cup of tea and wanted the secretary to pour another cup, but he didn't know what to call the words.

This is called sister? Or call me auntie?

"You can call me Xiao Su, you are all the same age."

"Sister Su, please bring me another cup, the tea you make is really fragrant."

Zhou Buqi said something flattering.

The topic of overtime work must be out of the question, so Zhou Buqi asked again: "Mr. Ren, some people pursue the fact that there is no room for sand in their eyes, and they think this is the correct value. But Mr. Liu told me that there is room for sand in the eyes." , is really mature. As an enterprise, what should we do?"

"About the company account?"



"What should I do if I encounter it?"

Zhou Buqi is very concerned about this.

He handled Chen Dong's matter properly last time, but it's impossible to say that he didn't have any entanglements in his heart.

Boss Ren laughed, showing his complacency again.

Zhou Buqi was amused.

I feel that this man is like an old urchin, a bit cute.

Boss Ren said: "We have a branch in Russia. We paid five times the high salary to hire a scientist from them. He is a young man in his twenties. Later, the person in charge of the business there reported that it was him. Play computer games during work."

Zhou Buqi's heart skipped a beat.

This is a taboo.

Unless it is a state-owned enterprise, any company that finds such behavior will be dismissed. This is the worst professional attitude, especially for talents hired with such high salaries.

Boss Ren said with a smile: "Later, I told them that they pretended not to know, and he just played whatever he wanted. About three months ago, there was news that a major technological breakthrough had been made. .”

"Technological breakthrough?"

"Yes, it is the most important technology of this project. Once this problem is solved, other problems will be easy to handle. The value created...not talking about value, but about influence. Our country has completed a technological breakthrough in this field .”

This is a big deal!

Zhou Buqi frowned, thought of something, and asked tentatively, "Is it 3G?"

"Huh?" Boss Ren was stunned for a moment, "Why didn't you know?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Guess, the Ministry of Information Industry said that the time is now ripe to start promoting the construction of the domestic 3G network."

Boss Ren looked surprised.

Zhou Buqi said: "3G is catching up, 4G is equal, 5G is leading, and 6G is leading the world... Oh, it's so beautiful."

Boss Ren stared blankly at him, a little dumbfounded.

It seems that this kid has some mental problems. The 3G technology has been matured in foreign countries ten years ago, and we are just getting started...and still lead the world, where do you have the confidence?

Zhou Buqi said sincerely: "Li Guoqing from Dangdang told me that first-rate companies sell rules and models, just like IBM sells business consulting projects to you. Second-rate companies sell brands. Third-rate companies sell products. Huawei is still focusing on products, but after telling you all afternoon, I have a firm belief that Huawei can become the world's first-class company."

Boss Ren won't be fooled by him, and said amusedly, "What about you? What is your Ziweixing's goal?"

Zhou Buqi scratched his head, "I haven't thought about it yet."

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