Top of the big era

Chapter 490 The direction of B2B

Summer vacation is here.

Wu Yu and his classmates went to Gulangyu Island and Wuyi Mountain to play.

Zhou Buqi is going to go south with Shi Jinglin.

Only Wen Zhixia was left at home.

Shi Jinglin didn't like taking a bath with Zhou Buqi, so he could only drag Wen Zhixia along.

By the way, let me tell you something.

"In the milk tea factory, is everything going well?"


"Director Wu didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"


Zhou Buqi hesitated for a moment, and persuaded him: "He is Wu Yu's father, you have to call him Uncle."

Wen Zhi Xia Bai glanced at him, "I know."

Zhou Buqi was overjoyed, "What's his reaction?"

Wen Zhixia leaned into his arms, and said softly, "It's okay, you're very polite to me."

"Hey, he must be holding fire in his heart. This kind of thing... You should respect him and respect him as an elder. He wants to take it out on you, but he can't find an excuse."


"It's our fault after all. If you feel wronged, please say something nice."

Zhou Buqi said earnestly.

The main reason for arranging Wen Zhixia to work in the milk tea factory is to be open and honest with Wu Yu's father, and to live together in the future, it would be awkward to hide it.

The two of them are busy having a baby, if one day Wen Zhixia shows up with a big belly, the Wu family will be even more angry. Instead of this, it is better to open the skylight and speak brightly.

Wu Yu and Shi Jinglin are not the same.

Zhou Buqi is not very good at seeing Shi Jinglin's parents at the moment, but everything about Wu's family is arranged by him, and he is more confident that he can take care of it. Even if I feel uncomfortable, the reality is already like this, I can only admit it by pinching my nose.

"You still know you're wrong?" Wen Zhixia pinched him and bit his ear again.

Zhou Buqi snorted, "What do you mean I'm in the wrong, it's us who are in the wrong."

"What am I wrong about?"

"Xiao Yu was with me first, but in the end I want to marry you, are you okay?"


Wen Zhixia's pretty face was slightly hot, and she buried herself in his arms, "Then don't look for it anymore, it's enough trouble. Director Wu is very talkative, but when you meet someone who is unreasonable... Linlin's parents, what are you going to do?" ?”

"Cough cough."

Zhou Buqi felt that it was a mistake to talk about this topic, so he turned over and pressed her.

Wen Zhixia pushed him, "Don't, go to the bedroom."

"Right here."

"No, I still have to have a baby. Soak it in the water, why don't you wash it away?"

"That's fine."

Zhou Buqi got up, picked up the bath towel and wiped the meal briefly, wrapped her white body, and carried her back to the room.

After leaving the bathroom, she yelled: "Linlin, come and serve the bed!"

"Ancestor, let me rest for two days!"

Shi Jinglin's voice came from an unknown room, complaining and dissatisfied.


The day before leaving Beijing.

He Yang found Zhou Buqi, and said that Pei Yao from the marketing department deserved to be cultivated after many inspections. Put her in the position of the marketing department all the time, there is not much room for her to develop.

"She is doing very well in the marketing department, is there a replacement?"

Zhou Buqi frowned.

The principle of management is that indispensable people cannot be transferred to work.

He Yang said: "Wang Haiyang just went to Hangzhou."

"What are you doing?"

"Digging Ali's corner."

"Ha ha."

Zhou Buqi felt very cool and happy.

He Yangdao: "Alibaba's 'China supply department' is too good, it can be called the most powerful local promotion team in China. If we want to get more advertising partners, we must also have local promotion."

"China Supply Department"...

This is famous.

Zhou Buqi had heard of it in his previous life. He was like a thunderbolt, also known as "Ali Tiejun", who was in charge of Ali's B2B business. It is to talk to companies one by one, and let them pay for Ali's membership and services, so as to obtain B2B business resources.

This team can be called the Whampoa Military Academy of the domestic Internet. It has cultivated too many talents. Many company executives are from this local promotion team.

Of course, this is also due to the location of Ali, which is located in Jiangsu and Zhejiang and is a gathering place for small and medium-sized enterprises across the country.

Since joining the WTO, the country's import and export agreements have changed, and export products no longer need to go through foreign trade companies. Relying on this iron army, Ali has opened up almost all small and medium-sized enterprises in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and helped them sell their products to the whole country and the world through B2B channels.

Relying on these small and medium-sized enterprises in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions that had difficulty in surviving, Ali developed a B2B business. It went public in Hong Kong in 2007, and its market value once reached 30 billion U.S. dollars.

Boss Ma's hands-on play can be called a classic success story in the Internet business world.

Zhou Buqi asked, "Who are you looking at?"

He Yangdao: "A man named Chen Guohuan is one of their regional managers. He is hardworking and hardworking. It seems that he was recommended by a friend. Wang Haiyang has already rushed over."

Zhou Buqi had never heard of this person. However, since I took the position of regional manager of Ali Tiejun in this day and age, my ability must be extraordinary, so I recognized it, and said: "You can do it if you think it's okay, don't rush to mobilize Pei Yao, the business of the marketing department is very important."

Pei Yao was recruited by Zhen Yu at the beginning, and served as the vice president of Jie Yu Media, and has been doing local promotions. Later, after the advertising department was acquired by Ziweixing, they came to work here.

Ali Tiejun's people are very powerful, but they can't underestimate their own people.

After He Yang left, not long after, Shi Jinglin came.

"Boss, I have to report to work."

"Don't run to me all the time, your boss is He Yang."

"He can't handle it."

"Then you can't always report by leapfrogging, what do you make him think?"

Shi Jinglin was a little impatient, "Would you still listen to me?"

Zhou Buqi snorted, and said with a straight face: "Pay attention to your attitude! This is a company, so we have to play by the rules!"

Shi Jinglin was ten thousand unconvinced, and gritted her teeth: "Zhou Buqi, what do you mean? Public revenge? Didn't I just not sleep with you for the past two days? Why are you so fierce? When I go to the south, I won't let you go." Waiting on you? Don't I want to rest for two days and take it easy, don't you know how to feel sorry for others? "

As soon as these words came out, Secretary Ning who was pouring tea for her next to her almost staggered and twisted her foot, her face was as red as blood, she poured a cup of tea in a hurry, and then fled.

However, she was also full of strangeness.

I feel that Miss Shi's way of thinking seems to be different. The matter between men and women... It should be a joy of fish and water, very happy. Listen to her tone? How do you keep up with the battlefield?

Zhou Buqi was a little embarrassed, stared, and lowered his voice: "Secretary Ning is here too, what are you talking about?"

Shi Jinglin curled her lips and said, "Sooner or later it will be your dish."

"Ahem..." Zhou Buqi couldn't hold it anymore, "Okay, tell me, what do you want to report?"

"Ali wants to cooperate with us."

"How to cooperate?"

Zhou Buqi was a little funny.

My side is stealthily poaching the wall, but their side wants to actively cooperate.

Shi Jinglin frowned, and said: "I don't know if we leaked the news internally, or if some of their real experts analyzed the recent turmoil on Xiaonei. They seem to know that we are going to engage in B2B on the university campus. "

"This kind of thing can't be hidden from the old horse." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "How do they want to cooperate?"

Shi Jinglin said: "Ali's B2B business controls tens of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises. What they mean is that we buy from him and then sell to college students..."

Zhou Buqi has a black line on his forehead.

Isn't this a scam?

The Taobaoke project of is equivalent to working for Taobao. However, Ali can't really regard Xiaonei as their wage earners, can he?

"What do you think?"

"I think there is value in cooperation."


Zhou Buqi was a little surprised and looked at her strangely.

Shi Jinglin said: "I've done the calculations. If we use to build a supply chain, the cost and expenditure will not be less than that of cooperation with Ali. More importantly, there are too many cooperative merchants on Ali's side, and almost all products are available. If it is Offline communication is inefficient and slow, and the cost may not be low. For example, selling some small fans, universal chargers, mice and keyboards, all of which are produced in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.”

But Zhou Buqi disagreed, "The money earned by is left-handed and right-handed. The money earned by Ali is to cultivate competitors. Linlin, you have to look at the problem from a higher perspective."

Shi Jinglin curled her lips and said, "I'm just the president of Xiaonei. I only think about the interests of Xiaonei."

Zhou Buqi almost died of anger, "You have only been promoted for a few days? Are you still not satisfied?"

Shi Jinglin pouted and said, "Then let me go to the decision-making committee."

"Neither Xu Liangjie nor Ji Zi'an!"


"Shut up."

Zhou Buqi glared at her, then slowed down his voice, and said softly: "Linlin, have you ever thought about what products should be sold for the B2B property of Xiaonei group buying?"

"Everyday necessities, are they okay?" Shi Jinglin's beautiful eyes widened, "Is there a problem?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, and said slowly: "We are providing part-time jobs and opportunities for social exercise to college students. We should not overestimate their ability to push the ground. If it is a common daily necessities on the market, it must be difficult to increase sales. Moreover, If college students want to sell it, they can only sell it at a super low price, but there is no profit margin.”

"Then what to do?"

"The last time you sold four-piece suits, I found out that there is a problem. An uneducated peddler can sell four-piece suits, and a college student can also sell four-piece suits. What are we? We are mobilizing college students , Do you compete with small merchants for business?"


Shi Jinglin was in a cold sweat.

I feel that this stinky man is convulsing, and the market is inherently survival of the fittest. To do e-commerce is to compete with brick-and-mortar stores for business. The result of improving social efficiency is bound to cause countless people to lose their jobs. Like in Africa, ten people do the work of one person, so there are too many jobs, but can that create social wealth?

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "I'm not talking about the market, but the purpose of Xiaonei. We need to help college students build confidence and let them understand that they should play a more important role in this society. Let them communicate with small businesses and hawkers. Grabbing business, isn’t that equating them with small businesses? This is destroying their values ​​and beliefs, and Xiaonei cannot do this.”

This reason is very good.

Shi Jinglin's beautiful eyes were shining, and she felt that this scumbag was a star.

As long as she is not allowed to sleep with her, this man is still very good.

"Then what should we do?"

"Arrange some high-end work for them."

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