Top of the big era

Chapter 477 Content is the cornerstone of search

Zhou Buqi felt like an underground party.

Yesterday, he went to Baidu to have a heart-to-heart talk. Today, I brought my secretary to Google to secretly communicate the song.

He has both sides, and he really has the potential of a big villain.

In the decision-making committee at the beginning of this month, the future development direction of Ziwei Star was basically determined.

With the launch of’s advertising business, and the launch of’s Taobao customer service... It can be said that minor repairs and repairs will be enough in the areas of and

Everyone can also devote their energy to the new core business-search.

Doing the Internet, no matter in any field, search is an insurmountable hurdle.

Instead of this, it is better to set up a department specializing in search.

However, the search business is too technical.

The market competition is too fierce.

According to Zhou Buqi's intention, after Xu Liangjie officially joined the job, let him take the lead, and then let the chief technology officer Cheng Binghao take the lead, and join forces.

Before that, you can lay the cornerstone of the search business—content.

That is, as early as last year, a consensus was reached on the official account business of and under

The official account mainly promotes popular, entertaining, and popular content; focuses on elite, professional, and in-depth content.

"The greatest significance of search is the search content." On the way to Yingu Building, Zhou Buqi told Ning Yaxian about Ziweixing's strategic thinking in the car.

"Isn't there enough content on the web?"

"not enough."

"Moreover, there are conflicts of interest in content provision. Sohu and NetEase both have search content that users need, so who ranks first and who ranks behind?"

Ning Yaxian was thoughtful, "Pudding ranking?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "The higher the ranking, the higher the probability of diversion. The content platform can use the traffic of the search platform to earn advertising fees. Of course, this is specifically referring to Baidu."

"Google is different?"

"Well, Google is a weighted PPC, and price will play a role, but it is not the first place. Originality and content fit will have a large weight ratio. If Sohu and Netease have the same content, whose content Whoever releases early will be in front.”

"So after Google came to China, it has been losing money."

"This is complicated." Zhou Buqi shook his head, then tilted his head and looked her up and down, a little funny: "When did you change your clothes?"

"Just now."

Ning Yaxian pays special attention to her appearance, because going to Google this time is a private meeting, and it would be inappropriate for her to wear a uniform, so she changed into an elegant dress, with her long hair draped over her shoulders like a waterfall.

Before, it was not very conspicuous to wear a shirt with buttons, but now it is replaced by a skirt without restraint, and the turbulent and exaggerated strength on the chest is revealed.

Zhou Buqi couldn't help taking a few extra glances, "Did you change it at the company?"

"Well, in the bathroom."

"Let Wang Haiyang make arrangements later to free up a dressing room."

"Boss, what are you looking at?"

Ning Yaxian answered irrelevant questions, and there was a strange charm in her eyes.

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment, and quickly looked away, "No, I think your dress is pretty."

Ning Yaxian lowered her head, and said nonchalantly, "My breasts are too big and they're too tight. Would it be impolite?"

"No, it's fine. Uh... I didn't pay attention too much, so it should be fine."

Zhou Buqi was sweating profusely, feeling that she was a little aggressive, sitting upright, not daring to provoke her.

Went to Google and met Zhou Shaoning.


It's like a different person.

The mental state is not very good, it should be that the work is too tired and the pressure is too great.

The reasons are also clear.

Google China has been losing money, and more importantly, its market share has been decreasing.

Just entered the country last year, the market share is about 33%.

Now, it has been reduced to 25%.

Google kills the global market, and wherever it passes, it is invincible. Only in the mainland, there is a sign of a broken halberd.

Competitor Baidu is singing all the way.

Therefore, Zhou Shaoning wrote a long report to Google headquarters, comprehensively introduced the special national conditions in China, and applied to allow Google China to operate in a localized mode according to the special environment in the mainland.

"Because of regulation?"

"Part of it, it's mainly the mode of operation."

Zhou Shaoning sighed, his complaints and dissatisfaction were written all over his face.

Zhou Buqi said: "Baidu is using its monopoly position to shield and isolate competitors, and mainly promote its subsidiary Baidu Tieba and content that Baidu knows."

Zhou Shaoning was very embarrassed and said: "Yeah, who doesn't do this for domestic Internet companies? Americans are the axis, but they don't agree. If you search on Google, a lot of content is Baidu Tieba and Baidu knows. This is not to cultivate competition. Is it your opponent? Use Google to search for things on Baidu, and people can directly use Baidu to search, okay?"

"What's the reason?"

"According to Americans, corporate values ​​are higher than corporate image and higher than corporate products. They are afraid that if they do this in China, it will damage Google's brand."

"Are you afraid of the defendant?"


Zhou Shaoning sneered a few times.

Baidu can play a monopoly, because to sue Baidu, you have to come to the court in Yanjing. Going to the United States to sue is useless at all, Baidu has no business in the United States. But suing Google is different. You can sue in China, or you can go to California to sue. When there is a commotion, the skin will peel off even if it does not die.

Why can't MSN beat QQ?

Isn’t it because Microsoft dare not take advantage of its own monopoly position, directly wielding the absolute market position of the window operating system, blocking QQ, WPS and other domestic application software, so that those competitors’ products can only be installed and used under the Linux system, who can survive? ?

International giants dare not monopolize in the country, but domestic new forces are using monopoly means to continuously expand market share and suppress dissidents. There is no way to fight this battle, there is no fairness at all.

Zhou Buqi secretly laughed, Google does not dare to play a monopoly operation, this is right, otherwise how can there be room for him to operate? Before its own search engine is launched, it has to hold on to Google's thigh and borrow Google's traffic.

He pondered, and said: "So, Baidu can do post bars and Q\u0026A, but Google can't reach out in the content field?"

"Yes." Zhou Shaoning sighed, feeling very helpless, "The requirement of self-censorship is to block a large part of the content... You know the censorship? A website published an illegal content of B, of course. It needs to be censored. However, with this case record, A website published a compliant C content, and it must be quarantined."

"The attack surface is quite large."

"Baidu can do it. It is not afraid of censorship. It can make its own content and be self-sufficient. What about Google? It has the most powerful search technology, and the searched content is all corners, or it is Baidu content."

Zhou Buqi's heart moved, and he asked tentatively, "What if your proposal doesn't go through?"

Zhou Shaoning was silent for a long time, narrowed his eyes and said, "If Google China can't operate locally, it will die. I won't be a sinner."

The meaning is obvious.

If it doesn't pass, he will resign!

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "No, I am here this time, just to send charcoal in a timely manner."


Zhou Shaoning's eyes lit up.

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Google won't let you make content, I'll help you."

"You want to make content?"

"Yes, it's a question-and-answer website called Weizhiwang. If all goes well, it will be launched at the end of this month or early next month."

"Questions and answers..."

Zhou Shaoning frowned, not in a high mood.

This is a bit of a trend.

There are already many question-and-answer platforms on the market, the most famous of which are Baidu Zhizhi and Aiwen Zhiren.

However, all Q\u0026A platforms are blocked by Baidu.

So Baidu knows that although it started very late, it can rely on its own strong search engine advantages to catch up from behind and become the most popular question-and-answer platform at present.

The content is also the most abundant.

Other platforms, lack of traffic, also lack of attention, so the number of questions and answers is too small to meet the demand.

Zhou Buqi said: "After Weizhiwang comes out, it will be blocked by Baidu in all likelihood. Even if it is not blocked, the traffic will be minimized. Therefore, this website is not for Baidu at all, but for Google."


"In my opinion, if Google wants to compete with Baidu, it still needs to differentiate itself. Baidu is an entertainment search, aimed at ordinary users. Google is a professional search, aimed at college students and white-collar workers. The most urgent task is to consolidate Google. existing user base, don’t lose any more users.”

Zhou Shaoning narrowed his eyes, "How is it different?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Baidu knows that there is a huge amount of traffic attracted by Baidu, and the elite group in a society always has a small number of high-end users. Baidu knows that the number of users is large, there are many questions and answers, but the content is generally low-end. Weizhi The positioning of the website is not an open question-and-answer platform for the public, but for high-end users. The questions and answers of these people will greatly improve the quality of the questions and answers.”

Zhou Shaoning understood, "You mean to make high-quality high-end content to differentiate it from the low-end content that Baidu knows?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes. Now the domestic search market structure has basically been fixed. To put it bluntly, even if you are authorized by Google headquarters to allow you to localize operations, can you really beat Baidu? It is unrealistic. , This is already qualitative in terms of the algorithm logic of both sides. Baidu is a mass search, Google is a professional search. Ordinary people will always outnumber professional people.”

"If it can be done, it can indeed complement Google."

"Then it's settled, Google will give you traffic."

"But... what are you going to do? A new website, why do all those high-end users become your users?"



Zhou Shaoning was stunned.

Still have this kind of operation?


Zhou Buqi snorted, and said lightly: "I have and, which have opened up the white-collar and college students. As soon as the Weizhiwang project was launched, I will launch a 10 million yuan answer bonus. Those who pass the review High-quality content, you can get the manuscript fee according to the length! Lao Zhou, do you think college students can be idle this summer? Will those white-collar workers who sit in the office on weekdays happily participate in it?"

Zhou Shaoning stared at him blankly, took a deep breath, "The 10 million bonus for answering the question... Really?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "Of course it is true. Ten million is only the first installment, and there may be a second and third installment in the future. I am not afraid of spending money for what I want to do!"

"Have courage."

Zhou Shaoning gave a thumbs up.

I feel that this young man is really promising.

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