In fact, from the very beginning, Zhou Buqi had his own ideas in mind.

However, he is struggling and contradictory.

Misappropriation of public funds is very bad in nature.

However, following the opinions of Zhang Chaoyang, Liu Qiangdong, Lei Jun and others to deal with it seriously is not in line with his heart.

At this time, it is necessary to find incentives from the outside world.

To put it bluntly, Zhou Buqi was actually looking for an excuse to persuade himself.

After returning home, he read the sixty-third volume of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", which is about Cao Cao's surprise attack on Wuchao. The previous part of the strategy is wonderfully written, but the most important part is the last paragraph——

"Cao couldn't catch up with him, and collected all his supplies, books, and treasures. The rest of the descendants, all of them, killed more than 70,000 people before and after. Cao collected Shao's books, and he promised to burn them all as well as those in the army. He said: "When Shao is strong, he can't protect himself alone, let alone everyone!""

It means that after Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao, he was so red-eyed that he ordered all the soldiers to be killed. They also found letters from Xu Du and many officials and generals in the army expressing goodwill to Yuan Shao.

For a moment, people were panicked, and everyone was in danger.

After Cao Cao knew about it, he ordered that all these letters be burned, and the past should not be blamed.

Since then, the hearts of the people have turned against each other, and all civil servants and generals have spared no effort to help him fight in all directions and establish the Great Wei Dynasty.

"Hmm! Great book!"

Zhou Buqi patted the thread-bound book hard, feeling that he had found the answer.

At this time, the door rang.

Shi Jinglin is back.

Zhou Buqi walked out of the study and asked with a smile, "Have you finished your meal?"

Shi Jinglin was slightly startled, "Why are you at home? Didn't you go out to have fun?"

"Okay, let me ask you something."

"What's wrong?"

"Xiaonei lost a sum of 2 million yuan, did you know?"


Shi Jinglin was taken aback, it seemed that she hadn't expected it either.

Zhou Buqi said: "Meng Houkun told me, Wang Haoyang didn't report it... It means that the money has not been used for a long time, and he hasn't found out yet."

Shi Jinglin narrowed her eyes slightly, and pondered: "There are mainly two sources of cash flow on Xiaonei. One is advertising revenue, which was previously handled by Guo Pengfei, and now the finance department is directly responsible. The second is group buying. gone."

"You are the group buying director."

"It's impossible for me to control everything!"

Shi Jinglin was a little annoyed, her eyes were red.

Zhou Buqi was taken aback, quickly hugged her in his arms, and said in astonishment: "Why are you crying? I didn't blame you, you... Oh, I don't mean to hold her accountable, I just ask you about the situation."

"Who is crying?" Shi Jinglin snorted coldly, regained her state, gritted her teeth and said, "I know who it is, it must be Chen Dong! Guo Pengfei doesn't care about financial matters at all, Chen Dong is The deputy director of group buying, he is in charge of many specific affairs."

This statement coincides with Zhou Buqi's guess.

To move money, there must be a lack of money.

Among the partners, Chen Dong was the one who lacked the most money.

He has a girlfriend and a daughter.

After the dividend, he borrowed another sum of money to buy a house in the capital. In order to take care of her daughter, she also took her mother over, and the family's expenses were very high.

He used to be in the bookseller business, and he could make a good living. But after coming to Xiaonei to work, he can only receive a dead salary, which is only 10,000 yuan a month...

Then, Zhou Buqi called Guo Pengfei and communicated with him about the Xiaonei network. Intentionally or unintentionally, he said some financial matters, and he was unguarded in his words, acting very naturally.

That's basically settled.

It's Chen Dong!

One of the veterans of the Ten Schools Entrepreneurship Alliance.

"This bastard! Thanks to you treating him like a brother, and thanks to me trusting him so much and using him so much, he dared to... fire him! He must be fired!" Shi Jinglin couldn't tolerate this kind of thing and was filled with righteous indignation.

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath, "I've decided to downplay it and keep quiet."

"Ah?" Shi Jinglin was stunned for a moment, "Aren't you going to be fired?"

"You said it all, he is my brother, how can he be fired casually?"

"What are you kidding? He embezzled public funds!"

"Just let him come back."


Shi Jinglin's beautiful eyes widened, she couldn't believe it, "Such a serious matter was dealt with so lightly? Just come back? Isn't this intentional connivance?"

Zhou Buqi sighed: "This kind of thing cannot be avoided by any company."

"That can't be condoned!"

"If it is a European or American company, if it spends a penny without authorization, it must be dealt with seriously. But the national conditions are different, and we have our own cultural characteristics."

"What a mess!"

Shi Jinglin said it was difficult to understand.

Zhou Buqi said: "What do you think of his ability?"

"It's not bad." Shi Jinglin responded casually, thought for a while, and added: "It's pretty good, I'm still thinking, when I get promoted, I will promote him to be the director of group buying. His operational ability It’s pretty cool, I didn’t expect this to happen.”

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Isn't that the way to go?"

"Strong ability, poor character, this kind of person is more dangerous."

"I know him well, and there must be no problem with his morality. Didn't he bear it to the end when his girlfriend was pregnant? Two college students, working part-time to raise children while studying, how much has he suffered in these years? This time, I believe He should have a reason."

"Then you should also kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, otherwise, wouldn't everyone follow suit?"

"Yes, it's killing chickens to scare monkeys, not killing monkeys to scare monkeys. There is a value distinction in it, and small interests must be subordinated to big interests."

Shi Jinglin was dumbfounded, "Are you really going to let him go?"

Zhou Buqi sighed, and said sadly: "If you let him go, you will let me go."

Shi Jinglin's eyes softened immediately, and she said softly, "Don't put so much pressure on me, you are the best man I have ever seen."

Zhou Buqi relaxed, and joked: "Behind an excellent man, there is always an even better woman."

Shi Jinglin looked contemptuous, "One?"

"Uh... a few."


"Only three for now."

"What about the future?"

"Ahem, let's go, let's have a big meal, and live our two-person world!"


The long vacation will be over soon.

Zhou Buqi went to the airport and brought Wen Zhixia and Wu Yu back.

Then I couldn't bear it, so I turned to the school.

MP3 group buying is about to go online. This group buying is very important, not only to compete with, but also related to a new e-commerce model built by Boss Zhou.

So much so that Chen Dong didn't rest this long vacation.

He was a little surprised when he received a call from Zhou Buqi, so he hurried downstairs.

Zhou Buqi smiled and waved, "Let's go! Go to the cafeteria and drink a bottle of iced Coke! When I was in school, going to the cafeteria to drink iced Coke was a great pleasure."

Chen Dongdao: "Isn't Wong Lo Kat popular now?"

"It's far away!"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand.

After going to the cafeteria, the two bought two bottles of Coke and drank half a bottle.

The weather hasn't turned hot yet.

So much so that the body is a little cold, and the anger in the heart has dropped a lot.

Zhou Buqi became more and more calm, and asked, "Are there any difficulties in life?"

Chen Dong's expression froze slightly, his eyes lowered unnaturally, "It's okay."

"If you have any difficulties, just say it."

"I can hold on."

"Xiaonei lost a sum of 2 million yuan, you know?" Zhou Buqi lowered his head and drank his Coke, his tone was very easy-going, as if he was talking about an unimportant matter.

Chen Dong, who was sitting opposite him, was shocked for a moment, "Zhou... Boss Zhou, you know everything?"

Zhou Buqi glanced at him indifferently, "2 million! Such a large amount, do you think you can hide it?"

Chen Dong remained silent.

Zhou Buqi sighed, "Chen Dong, do you know what disappointed me the most in this matter?"

Chen Dong remained silent.

Zhou Buqi said: "You are short of money, you can ask some of us for help, embezzlement of the company's public funds, do you know the nature of this? According to the company's articles of association, you are enough to be fired! Do you want to be the next Liu Wenbo?"

Chen Dong raised his head suddenly, and said excitedly, "I'm not greedy for the company's money!"


"I'm not greedy!"

"What about the money?"

"I embezzled it, and I'll return it after a while."

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes and looked at him lightly, waiting for his explanation.

Chen Dongdao: "After the three waves of cosmetics group buying last month, the company's cash flow crisis is over. I think the misappropriation of 2 million...has little impact on the company."

"Wrong!" Zhou Buqi was very dissatisfied, and stared at him sternly, "The influence is too great! If it spreads, do you know what it means? More people will follow your example! At that time, the company What else do you care about? Chen Dong, what are you thinking?"

Chen Dong sighed, "I know, so I've made up my mind, and I'll move for half a month. In half a month, if I can earn ten points in the stock market, it will be 200,000, which is enough to solve my family's life difficulties. "

"Stock market? Did you move your money into the stock market?"

"Well, it's a big bull market now, I think it can be done..."

Zhou Buqi was speechless.

Yes, when the bull market comes, even grandpas and aunts will dive into it like crazy...

Chen Dongdao: "I know this is wrong, but I need this money."

Zhou Buqi said coldly: "You don't realize how bad the nature of this matter is! Let me tell you, I have asked the bosses of many other companies, and they said that if you encounter this matter, there is only one end— -Call the police! Fire! Go to jail!"


Beads of sweat immediately appeared on Chen Dong's forehead.

Zhou Buqi sighed.

In the final analysis, this matter has a different nature from Liu Wenbo's matter. Liu Wenbo wants to seize power and usurp the throne. In "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", all dynasties have to copy and kill.

"I didn't tell anyone about this matter, so don't say anything, just pretend it never happened, and return the money quickly. I will tell the finance department later, and I will say that I embezzled the money."

"Boss Zhou..."

Chen Dong choked up.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said with a smile, "You invested your money in the stock market, didn't you lose money?"

Chen Dong was inexplicably moved, took a deep breath, forced a smile and said, "No, I invested in the stock market on the 29th, and earned 12 points in two days."

"not bad!"

"It's a pity that it's a long holiday and the market is closed."

"How did you transfer the money secretly?"

"It' phone group buying." Chen Dong's character is not bad, he corrected his mistakes and said frankly: "Some group buying needs to be paid by cash on delivery, and the money will be collected by Shentong. Generally speaking , It’s half a month’s repayment period. I told Shentong that there was an urgent need, and they used the cash in the account to advance 2 million.”


This method is slippery enough.

As long as Shentong doesn't disclose the information, no one will be able to find out. Half a month later, he transferred the funds from the stock market to the school's online account, and everything was as if nothing had happened.


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows and suddenly thought of something.

Since the 2 million money has never been recorded, how did Meng Houkun find out?


What a Meng Houkun!

As expected, he was from a high-ranking official's family. With this trick, one is more slippery than the other!

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