Top of the big era

Chapter 423 The warm man is in love

The acquisition of Phoenix Studio is a trivial matter. Wang Haoyang personally came forward and negotiated twice. The purchase price is basically between 3 million and 4 million.

The current plan is that version 1.0 of Window of the World browser will be updated normally, and version 2.0 will be delayed. First, refine the internal work, make the product well, and combine it with the security function of Microdot Network Shield. Then, it changed its name in version 2.0 and officially went online under the name of Micropoint Browser.

This matter was decided by Zhou Buqi himself.

He Yang was a little skeptical. At the internal high-level meeting, he couldn't help asking: "Midian Antivirus has its own antivirus engine, which is our core technology. But why can't we develop our own browser kernel? We must use the IE kernel ?”

Cheng Binghao said: "This is too complicated."


"Now in the world, there are only three browser kernels, namely the IE kernel, the Apple kernel and the Firefox kernel. The difficulty of developing a browser kernel... Let's put it this way, it is almost the same as developing an operating system. Process scheduling , IO system, storage system, file system, network system, etc., are very complex.”


He Yang didn't quite understand the complexity of this, and wanted to ask a few more questions.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and interrupted him, "Ziweixing wants to pursue core technology, but it also needs to do what it can. The browser... compared to Ziweixing, it is difficult to gather all the power of the Internet in the whole country. arrive."

He Yang opened his eyes wide: "So exaggerated?"

Cheng Binghao said: "It can be done, but the effect is not satisfactory. The three major browser kernels are highly optimized and have excellent performance. Just like the football league, the Premier League, Serie A, and La Liga can attract all players. The eyes of the world. We can also run the Chinese Super League, but it is far less enjoyable to watch.”

Zhou Buqi nodded.

Although he doesn't understand technology, he has some understanding of the browser kernel because of the notorious "red core" incident in later generations.

The complexity and sophistication in it cannot be achieved by rolling up your sleeves and working hard.

Now, there are three browser kernels of IE, Apple and Firefox on the market. In another two years, Google and Opera also launched their own browser kernels.

Launched a wave of fierce market competition.

Opera was the first to lose the battle, giving up its own kernel and choosing Google's kernel. In a few more years, even the giant Microsoft couldn't bear it anymore, gave up its own IE kernel, and joined the Google camp.

No way, Google's kernel is easy to use, simple, stable, fast, good compatibility, and good rendering effect.

In order to make a browser, Google recruited 1,000 top engineers from all over the world. After three years of research and development, they wrote more than 24 million lines of code. Then after another ten years of polishing, Google Chrome was made to the extreme and became the world's hegemon.

How much will it cost?

1,000 engineers, each with an annual salary of 250,000 US dollars, after three years of research and development, the salary alone will cost 70 to 8 billion US dollars.

Including some subsequent promotion and maintenance related expenses, the total expenditure will exceed 10 billion US dollars.

Then, this is an open source product.

Free and open to developers all over the world.

This requires great courage, big funds, and the joint efforts of a large number of the world's top scientific research engineers. Even Microsoft conceded, Oupeng was out early, and Firefox sooner or later surrendered. The final browser landscape can only be a duo between Google and Apple. The former kills all major platforms, while the latter survives in the Apple ecosystem.

With Ziweixing's strength, it is impossible to do it.

Cheng Binghao said: "Most of the current websites are designed based on the IE kernel, and many functions can only be used on browsers with the IE kernel. Especially the small websites that lack maintenance and the official websites of enterprises and governments. Think about our The micro-dot browser is popular, so the IE kernel must be used."

He Yang was a little puzzled, "Doesn't this mean that our micro-point browser is a counterfeit made by imitating IE browser? Doesn't this affect the image too much?"

Cheng Binghao said with a smile: "There is still a big gap. The core of the browser is equivalent to the engine of a car. This is the most core component. But whether the final car is a 10 million Lamborghini or a 1 million Bentley depends on It depends on the production capacity of each automaker."

"This is also a very complicated project!"


"Can the Phoenix Studio work? I downloaded and used the Window of the World browser, but the effect is not very good. It may not be better than the IE browser."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said: "Microsoft is a technology giant. From a technical point of view, it is difficult for us to surpass it. But we have an advantage, that is, we have a better understanding of the usage habits of Chinese people and a stronger product ecology."

Speaking of which, this is his strong point. He is well-informed and well-informed in two lifetimes, which makes him qualified to point out his ideas: "To give an example, for example, if you see an English word on a web page and don't know it, you can use the right button Framed. As long as the user has installed Micropoint Security Guard, the function of Micropoint Dictionary can be triggered to give an explanation from English to Chinese. For example, if you see a good article or a short section of a wonderful sentence on the Internet, you can right-click and turn it directly Save it to Weidian Notes."

Ji Zian, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "Too many functions will affect the simplicity. Users can choose by themselves, and we don't have to bundle them."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, it should. Try to avoid the disgusting angle of users."

Ji Zian said again: "I think... it might as well be designed into two types."


"One is called Micropoint Browser, which is a minimalist version, pursuing the fastest and most concise online experience. The other is called Micropoint Security Browser, which is paired with our Micropoint Network Shield to protect Internet security and eliminate Trojan horses and phishing websites. Protect the online shopping environment."

At this moment, He Yang felt quite a bit.

Suddenly I understood what Zhou Buqi said, that Internet companies are all bottom-up. The more you go down, the more you understand the user. At least Ji Zian's proposal, he never thought about it.

Wang Haoyang said embarrassingly: "One browser, designed to operate in two versions at the same time? Wouldn't the operating expenses and maintenance expenses have to be doubled?"

Cheng Binghao joked, "Are you Grandet?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I think this idea is very good, so let's make it so. Lao Wang, you should hurry up and take down the Phoenix studio. Just hang on to Weidian, Zi'an, you are in charge of coordination." Take a look at the construction of the product ecology, ensure the independence of the studio as much as possible, and give them enough room for creativity. Binghao, you are responsible for providing some technical guidance, and don’t let them go in the wrong direction.”

The basic tone is determined.

After the meeting was over, Ji Zian stayed behind with a hesitant expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"That job hunting show, you really want me to go?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "Isn't it all agreed? From now on, you will be the image spokesperson of Ziweixing, and you will appear in all public occasions."

Ji Zian was embarrassed, "But..."

"Just talk about it."

"I've read the invitation list of the show's guests, and I'm under a lot of pressure."

"What's the meaning?"

Zhou Buqi was a little strange.

Ji Zian said with a bitter face: "There are Zhang Chaoyang from Sohu, Li Guoqing from Dangdang, Zhou Hongyi from Qihu, Pan Shiyi from SOHO, Yao Jingbo from, Shi Yuzhu from Giant Network, and Liang Jianzhang from Ctrip. industry bosses. It’s not appropriate for me to sit with them, right?”

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, and snorted: "What's wrong? Those old men, how can they compare with your popularity? You see, after the show is broadcast, the effect of those people together can't compare You. Huh? Who are you talking about? Shi Yuzhu is here too?"

"Well, the TV station invited him, and he agreed."

"This is strange. Didn't he participate in CCTV's "Win in China"?"

"There is a need."


Ji Zi'an said: "Isn't Giant Network going to launch a hugely expensive game this year? It's called "Conquer" with overwhelming ads. He probably wants to make more appearances on TV stations and attract more players."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Okay, don't care about them, just be yourself. Remember your character, you must speak kindly, and capture the hearts of female audiences with a warm male image... Forget it, just act in your true colors Yes, that's fine."

Needless to say, in this era, the TV industry is exploding its last strength.

As soon as the invitation letter was sent out for a job-seeking program on Yanjing TV, they received responses from all the bigwigs and actively participated. People like Li Guoqing, Zhang Chaoyang and others were led by Zhou Buqi.

But more people, is the appeal of the TV station.

Before the network platform is fully established, the TV station is still the largest communication media and advertising platform. After a few years, the Internet will be developed... It will be impossible to gather so many business leaders to film an entertainment program.

"By the way, there is one more thing I have to tell you."

"What's up?"

"I'm in love."

Zhou Buqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Congratulations! No, Lao Ji, why are you telling me this? Sending out wedding candies?"

Ji Zi'an was a little embarrassed, "It's Yang Lulu."

"Yang Lulu...that name is very familiar..." Zhou Buqi frowned, his expression changed slightly, "Could it be the design manager of"

Ji Zi'an said: "Yes, that's the one in charge of the art."

"Is she three or four years older than you? Is it suitable?"

"It's okay."

Zhou Buqi pondered for a while, and said: "You two first keep a low-key relationship, don't make it public. The rules do not allow middle-level and high-level office romance. If it really happens, we will make arrangements later."

Ji Zian nodded slightly, "Actually, I think, if possible, we can let her work in the electronics factory. I saw the MP3 sample, and the design is very mediocre. Lulu's design creativity is amazing, maybe she can help busy."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "So we're going to arrange a promotion channel for her? She's really a warm man. Don't worry about it, the electronics factory doesn't have a plan yet. We'll arrange it when we really have a clue."

Office romances are strictly prohibited by many companies.

However, most Internet companies are programmers, and it is difficult to find a partner. If office romance is banned, it will be even more difficult to get out of the order. Ziweixing's request is that the middle and senior management are not allowed to have romantic relationships in the office. In addition, employees of the finance department and the personnel department are not allowed to have romantic relationships in the office.

Mainly, the middle and high-level people know a lot of company information, and colluding with each other, it is possible to describe some company secrets. Both the finance department and the personnel department have basic information about some employees, including the list of promotion inspections, salaries, potential targets for dismissal, and so on. If this is leaked, it will damage the health of the organization.

In the future, the Ministry of Supervision will be established, and office romances will also be prohibited.

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