Top of the big era

Chapter 420 Boss Zhou is still too young

He Yang came to Zhou Buqi's office and gave a 70-minute business report.

His head got big when he heard it.

Ziwei Star is expanding at a high speed, and its business coverage is too much and too wide, which has already exceeded Zhou Buqi's ability. He doesn't have a big problem with the specific strategy in the general direction, but some small strategic decisions in business make him worry about it.

Let He Yang decide everything by himself, I really don't feel at ease.

Zhou Buqi always listens to the report and then checks it.

This check is a headache.

Because of many decisions, he is not sure, it is difficult to judge whether it is right or wrong.

If He Yang, Zhang Yiming, and Guo Pengfei had the same opinion, then it would be simple, just follow their ideas. How can it be possible for someone who works on the Internet not to make any mistakes? If you find a mistake, just correct it in time.

But the problem is, what if He Yang's decision-making disagrees with Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, Shi Jinglin, Ji Zian and others, and Zhou Buqi is still confused and uncertain?

Just like a problem I faced recently. is going to start advertising business, and it will be launched in June.

But how should this ad be posted?

What He Yang meant was sidebar advertisements, just like Xiaonei, Sohu, Sina and other websites, leaving advertisement columns at the top, bottom, left, and right borders.

But Zhang Yiming felt that this traditional advertisement was too ugly, which would affect the aesthetics of the webpage and destroy the beauty of His suggestion is to push some text advertisements in proportion when pushing friends' dynamic messages to users.

The former has pictures, charges high fees, and has a mature model; the latter has a simple interface, and without pictures, the advertising fee will be reduced, and at the same time it will increase the loading speed of the webpage, but the model is novel and has risks.

Zhou Buqi pondered and said: "There is no right or wrong in this matter. They all have their own reasons. However, Internet companies are different from traditional companies. They must be customer-centric, which means that the whole system is destined to be bottom-up. Up. The more you go down, the better you understand your customers.”

He Yang understood it as soon as he heard it.

This is in favor of Zhang Yiming's opinion.

After all, he is the CEO of, and he understands some personal preferences of users.

He Yang's opinion is more in line with the company's interests, the advertising is more effective, and it can safely collect money. Zhang Yiming's attitude is from the user's point of view.

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "Last time I went to Baidu to meet Robin, he taught me a trick, I think it's very good. He said that every time there is a disagreement with his subordinates, as long as the other party has no obvious mistakes, it's just a matter of stance. Different judgments due to different perspectives, it is better to let him do it according to his own ideas. If it is done well, everyone will be happy. It can establish the image of a leader who is good at doing good. His image convinced his subordinates."

He Yang laughed at himself, "Well, I have to learn too. The Internet model is really different from traditional technology companies. Just like what Jobs said, you don't need to care about users, because users don't understand the needs, don't understand Aesthetics. Make the product well and refined, the needs you provide are the needs of users, and your aesthetics are the aesthetics of users.”

This is a very euphemistic argument.

Zhou Buqi pretended not to understand, and got up with a smile, "Then it's settled, let's make arrangements, I'll go upstairs."

out of the office.

He let out a long breath.


That's genius, is there a comparison?

From top to bottom, you can't make any genius products, but at least you can guarantee that there will be no mistakes. From top to bottom, if it is done well, it will be epoch-making and bright pearls, if it is not done will be over!

Zhou Buqi doesn't think that he, or He Yang, has the genius thinking and astonishing aesthetics of Jobs.

Still not enough manpower!

A little powerless.

Boss Liu once told him that as long as he recruits the right people and enough people, the boss doesn't need to be so busy at all. After deciding on the strategic direction and making major decisions, it is enough for the executives to execute them.

He Yang is very capable.

In less than two months, Ziweixing has been managed in an orderly manner, all major business sectors have been operating in an orderly manner, and the corporate structure has also been improved.

The situation of disunity has been completely rewritten, and everything has been operated in a normalized manner.

However, he had no work experience in Internet companies before, which was a shortcoming.

Zhou Buqi went upstairs.

See if you can go to Sohu to play Qiufeng.

In the past two years, the loss of Sohu's executives has been serious. Last year, Gu Yongqiang, the chief operating officer, left and founded Youku. This year, Senior Vice President Li Shanyou left again and founded

The main problem is Zhang Chaoyang's management philosophy, and all the power is in his hands. It's fine for him to work hard, travel around the mountains and rivers all day long, and idle about, what should the company do?

The more capable a person is, the more he wants to leave.

In contrast, the management philosophy of another good friend Wang Shi is much stronger.

He also plays every day, more ruthlessly than Zhang Chaoyang, but he can boldly delegate power and only focus on strategy. Vanke can continue to develop at a high speed and is the largest real estate company in China.

Going upstairs, Zhou Buqi was already familiar with some people, and after greetings of "Mr. Zhou", he also responded with a nod and a smile.

"Mr. Zhou! Mr. Zhou!"

Just when Zhou Buqi was about to open Zhang Chaoyang's door and go in as usual, the beautiful little secretary Xu hurried over in high heels.

"Xiao Xu, you are getting more and more beautiful."

Zhou Buqi laughed and teased.

Secretary Xu blushed and said out of breath, "Thank you Mr. Zhou, but... don't worry, I'll report to the boss."

"No need?" Zhou Buqi looked suspicious.

Secretary Xu bit her lip and stomped lightly, "President Zhou, don't embarrass me!"

Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide, a little unbelievable, "This old Zhang doesn't really know how to play in the office... Cough, you go."

Secretary Xu heaved a sigh of relief, knocked lightly on the door, and then dexterously got in.

It didn't take ten seconds before she pushed open the big red door and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhou, our boss let you in."

"It's only a few seconds? So fast?"

"Ah? What is it?"


Zhou Buqi straightened his collar, walked into his office with big strides, and... hiss!

I go!

Big star!

Gao Yuanyuan!

The two were sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

Clothes... relatively normal.

His complexion...was quite normal.

From the looks of it, the two of them are fairly well-behaved.

Seeing Zhou Buqi appear with a suspicious expression, both of them stood up.

Zhang Chaoyang smiled and introduced: "Yuanyuan, let me introduce you, this is Zhou Buqi, the founder of Ziweixing, the real big boss. Do you know and Weidian Antivirus? They are all products made by him. "Xiao Zhou, this one doesn't need any introduction, does it?"

Gao Yuanyuan came over gracefully, with a beautiful smile, and stretched out her white and tender little hand, "Hi, Mr. Zhou, I'm Gao Yuanyuan, nice to meet you."

Zhou Buqi shook her lightly, feeling that her hand was very soft, and said with a light smile, "Miss Gao, I really like your film "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji"."

"Mr. Zhou, you are too polite, just call me Yuanyuan."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

Of course, I would not be polite to a celebrity, and there was no modesty. If he is a big brother in the same industry or a colleague in the company, he will definitely not let the other party be called "Mr. Zhou" to show his easy-going and equality.

But there is no need to be in front of the stars.

On the contrary, in his understanding, the more sensual the circle is, the less equal it is.

Zhang Chaoyang said enthusiastically, "Come on, Xiao Zhou, sit down! Just in time, we just talked about a topic, and we're freezing, let's talk about it."


Zhou Buqi secretly despised it in his heart.

Gao Yuanyuan sat down, poured him a cup of tea very attentively, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, we just made a promise. Charles said that he will go to the United States next month to communicate with shareholders, and he wants me to accompany him. Go. But I have already told my friends that I will go to Australia to play during that time.”


Zhou Buqi became more and more contemptuous. On the surface, he remained calm and spoke in the same direction as his old friend. He asked strangely, "What's so interesting about Australia?"

Gao Yuanyuan said softly: "I just broke up, and I want to go and relax."

Zhou Buqi almost fell off the sofa!

All right!

Sure enough, they were the same kind of people.

These two people broke up with their front feet, and got together with their back feet.

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly, and said, "I think it's better to go to the United States to relax than to go to Australia. There are only two cities in Australia, and there is nothing to do."

Gao Yuanyuan pouted, and said bitterly: "But I have already made an agreement with my friends, and I have promised."


Zhou Buqi said indifferently.

"How can that work?"

Gao Yuanyuan's eyes widened, a little coquettish, as if discharging.

Zhou Buqi was taken aback, and quickly backed away, feeling that the girl was so green, and said lightly: "Because of history and times, our country generally lacks the spirit of contract. I think this is not good."

Gao Yuanyuan smiled lightly and said, "That's right, so I can't go to the United States, so I agreed."

Zhou Buqi looked at her strangely, "Miss Gao, do you have any misunderstanding about the spirit of the contract?"


"We have traditional virtues, called promises. Promises cannot be reversed. This is a matter of morality. But the spirit of the contract is different. The contract can be torn up, as long as a certain economic compensation is paid. In the market environment, the spirit of the contract It is more valuable and popular than promises. Our country is also changing from a promise-based social relationship between people to a contract-based social relationship. This is the market economy."


Gao Yuanyuan let out a soft cry and covered her mouth with her bare hands.

Zhou Buqi said: "You just need to tell your friends that you won't go to Australia together this time. Next time you go, you will be responsible for all the expenses of the whole process as compensation. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

Zhang Chaoyang agreed deeply, and said seriously: "If a society is still a commitment-based society, it is not a commercial society. It is difficult to bring out the best resources by relying on promises alone. In a contract-based society, if a contract It is unreasonable, measured by some kind of liquidated damages, so that a more reasonable contract can be reached."

Then, he looked at the beauty beside him with a burning gaze, "You should be more successful now, for a woman to be successful is to be independent and not depend on anyone."

Zhou Buqi almost spit on him!


Not dependent on anyone? Don't you want her to depend on you?

Gao Yuanyuan struggled a bit, "I didn't expect to be successful. My classmates are all living well, getting married and having children."

Zhang Chaoyang shook his head and said, "Success means freedom and independence. Men cannot be trusted, so women must be independent. Do you want your child to walk under the Sanyuan Bridge within the third ring road all day long? Breathing the dirty air, don't you want to buy a house far away in the suburbs so that your children will not be mentally handicapped?"

Gao Yuanyuan turned pale and was startled.

Zhou Buqi was also a little puzzled.

I can't stand Lao Zhang's routine.

How can anyone chase a woman like this?

I heard Zhang Chaoyang go on to say: "Chinese society is a money-worshipping society. Under the enlightenment of such an extreme single value handed down after one or two hundred years of poverty, the aesthetics of men is often too extreme. China This kind of education, including the education in Qiong Yao’s novels, is to teach women to find a successful man; often men are not specific when they are successful, what should I do?”

Gao Yuanyuan was completely confused.

It seemed that she couldn't imagine that Boss Zhang would say such a slap in the face.

What does this mean?

Do you want it, or don't you want it?

Can you give me an accurate word?

Please don't take philosophy classes.

Zhang Chaoyang seems to have spoken, and he is very happy to share his insights: "You should return to the original appreciation of men. This man may not be successful, but he has a motivation, a form of life force, which is the most convincing in itself. Powerful. The current money worship in Chinese society is all tilted in one direction - even if you are a handsome guy, if a man fails in his career, he will have no confidence and it seems that he is not beautiful; A man, if he has a big belly and a lot of money, even if he doesn't look very good, a woman will fall in love with this man in terms of the need for a sense of security, which is very unreasonable."

It is very unreasonable.

Zhou Buqi also agrees.

But he can't wait to yell!

Zhang, what the hell are you talking about?

Isn't the prevalence of money worship the reason why successful people like us have the confidence to flirt with flowers and grass? How? Do you still want to be a female cousin and set up a memorial arch?

Are you overdressed?

Next, Zhang Chaoyang said a concluding sentence: "Women should never fantasize about Prince Charming, who is successful, handsome, and single-minded, and will never exist!"


All right!

Zhou Buqi understood.

To sum up, successful people cannot be single-minded.


Sure enough, he is a master!


This is just now, right? Just making excuses for your flirtatious nature?

Starting from a woman's independence and freedom, it seems to be caring and loving for her. Open her heart and complete the indoctrination. The final problem falls on herself, making her subconsciously tolerant of her own non-specificity. psychology.

The routine is really deep!

"You still have to learn slowly!"

Zhou Buqi looked up to the sky and sighed, feeling deeply that he was still too young.

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