Yan Guangming laughed, "My brother is in big business, so if you give him some advice, it will be enough for a lifetime."

Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, "Aren't you afraid that I'll make a mistake in judgment?"

"Hey, what's the big deal? This production line is second-hand, and it's only five million yuan. If you lose, you lose. As the old saying goes, failure is success!"

"Don't be misled."


"The mother of success is never failure, but continuous success. Especially in business, great success is accumulated from small successes."

Yan Guangming was enlightened enough, and quickly said: "Yes, yes, my brother is educated and has a high level of theory! No wonder he can do big business!"

Zhou Buqi shook his head with a smile, "This is not a theory, but true knowledge comes from practice."

"Then what do you think of this MP3?"

"The storage space is enough, but the sound quality is a bit poor."

"This is also impossible."


Yan Guangming sighed, "If you want to improve the sound quality, you must have a higher-end music chip, and the cost is a bit troublesome."

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "Tell me specifically?"

Yan Guangming said: "We use chips from MediaTek. A chip costs 35 yuan. A better chip costs 70 or 80 yuan. For chips used by Sony, Apple, and HP, our purchase price is two or three yuan. Hundreds. Now domestic low-end MP3 players are priced below 200 yuan.”

"Is there any more?"

"There must be a professional decoding chip to convert digital signals into analog signals... Let's put it this way, the sound of electronic equipment generally consists of three parts. The front end is a complete set of things that make sound; the decoding core needs to be converted into The analog signal is transmitted to the earphone; the amp needs to adjust the voltage and current of the analog signal to provide the best input environment for the earphone. Of course, if you want to have good music quality, you need a good earphone.”

Zhou Buqi was slightly less surprised, and looked at him amusedly, "You know a lot?"

Yan Guangming shook his head and said, "It's just a little superficial. Since we are making this thing, we must master the basic principles."

Zhou Buqi asked again: "Why is the sound quality of music phones so bad? It can't even compare with the worst MP3."

Yan Guangming smiled and said, "How can the audio chip of a mobile phone be compared with professional equipment? Moreover, MP3 is a professional playback device. The powerful audio chip and power supply are all concentrated on the music chip. The mobile phone must be better."

"Why does the sound quality of the mobile phone seem to have improved a lot after using headphones?"

"As I said just now, the external amplifier is a digital signal, and the earphone is an analog signal. The sound quality will be better. However, the design space of the mobile phone is limited and there is no decoding core. So even if the signal is converted, it cannot be compared with MP3. Another thing is Playing software. In order to increase the interest of the mobile phone, a lot of inexplicable sound effects have been added to the mobile phone, making the sound blurred."

Zhou Buqi nodded, quite satisfied.

This Yan Guangming is a rough man, but in order to make MP3, he has learned so many details, it is not easy.

At least the attitude is worthy of recognition!

"How much does it cost?"

"150 yuan."

"so tall?"

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised.

The chip is 35 yuan, and the cost is 150 yuan? It's really different from mobile phones. Chips can account for half of the cost of mobile phones.

Yan Guangming said: "Audio core, music core, and decoding core, these are big heads. In addition, a headset must be attached as a gift. This requires cooperation with a third party. The price is 6 yuan and 5 yuan."

"6.5 earphones? Can it work?"

"Mid-to-low-end earphones, that's all. This is what is common in the world."

"The cost is 150 yuan..." Zhou Buqi pondered for a while, and glanced at him, "What do you think the price is?"

Yan Guangming said: "This is a new product, the quality is not high, there is no brand name, the price should not be too high, just... about 400 yuan!"


Zhou Buqi was startled and looked at him in astonishment.

Yan Guangming said seriously: "This price is not high. 150 yuan is just the material cost of MP3, and there are labor costs, channel fees, water and electricity fees, taxes and fees? The market price is 400 yuan, and the ex-factory price is about 280 yuan. The profit margin Not too high."

This is not high?

All right!

Electronic products these days are full of pitfalls.

The mobile phone industry was impacted by foreign giants, so the price had to drop again and again. If it was placed a few years ago, a mobile phone would be a loss if it did not double its profit.

Seeing that he really didn't know much about the MP3 industry, Yan Guangming said, "In the past few years, domestically produced MP3 players have emerged and grabbed the market from foreign giants such as Sony, Panasonic, and Samsung. It belongs to Patriot and Newman. Newman focuses on the price strategy, with an average price of 535 yuan, the lowest in the industry. Patriot focuses on a variety of styles and a complete range, but the average price is as high as 900 yuan. Emerging brands such as Meizu and Blue Devils have an average price of 900 yuan. The price is also around 550 yuan. Those who take the high-end route like Sony and Samsung are all one or two thousand.”

"Let's focus on Meizu."

"MP3 mainly distinguishes the price range according to the size of memory. Half a year ago, it was 128M, but it has been eliminated now. The market is generally 256M, 500M and 1G. Meizu mainly focuses on these three categories, basically 400 yuan and 600 yuan , 900 yuan. People’s 256M memory can be sold for more than 400 yuan, and our 2G memory can’t be sold?”

Zhou Buqi was speechless in a daze.

It was as if a tornado was blowing in my heart.

Because his family conditions are very good, he has used Walkman and iPod in his past and present lives, and he really doesn't know much about the domestic MP3 market.

Arranging this task for Yan Guangming meant more to test him.

Just like when the Ten Schools Entrepreneurship Alliance was established, Zhou Buqi arranged seven major sideline projects and distributed them to each of them. The purpose is not to make money, but to see their quality through this matter.

Since it is an electronics factory, it only makes some trivial things such as desk lamps, fans, LED lights, and electric mosquito swatters. There is really no technical content and nothing to show.

This can push up the MP3 business, which is a bit of a skill.

If it is really done, Zhou Buqi may not be able to follow his wishes, accept him, and lead him out on a bright business avenue.

But I didn't expect that the MP3 business is so deep!

The profit margin is so big!

No wonder the small MP3 market will focus on hundreds of companies vying for territory. Even Newman, which has the highest sales volume, has a market share of only about 15%.

Yan Guangming saw that his face was cloudy and uncertain, and tentatively said: "Brother, can you give me an explanation? It's okay, no matter what you arrange, I will listen to you, brother."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "I thought it was an unattractive sunset product, but I didn't expect... there is so much room for manipulation!"

"It's really a sunset industry. I've inquired about it. This industry expanded rapidly in 2004, and there were more than 600 MP3 manufacturers nationwide. In 2005, a major reshuffle began, and Thomson began to charge patent fees. Except for the 20 or 30 leading manufacturers, the downstream MP3 manufacturers have all closed down in pieces. Hundreds of factories in South China have closed down."

"Compared with Meizu's MP3, what do you think are the advantages and disadvantages?"

Yan Guangming thought for a while and said slowly: "Meizu's is more beautiful, the sound quality is better, and it's lighter. But our memory space is bigger, 2G! MP3 on the market, 2G memory costs more than 1,000 yuan !"

"I think this matter is simple, and there is a lot of room for maneuvering!"

Zhou Buqi immediately produced Lenovo, not just the hardware industry of MP3, but a complete closed ecosystem.

"Then how to set the price?"

Yan Guangming's expression was a little humble, and he tried to ask again.

He has no culture, and he was born with mud legs.

Can bend and stretch.

Before group buying with Xiaonei, his factory was extremely inefficient and almost went bankrupt. In order to solve the crisis, he once brought a district leader home, encouraged his wife to sacrifice himself, and almost divorced.

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Are you in such a hurry?"

Yan Guangming said bitterly: "Don't be in a hurry, the workers are waiting to eat. The production line is second-hand, the price is not high, but the labor is high. You have to recruit, and you have to poach people. If you don't start work, you don't have to eat for nothing. ?”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Okay, let's do it. First produce 100,000 pieces, and I will pay you back."


Yan Guangming's old face immediately turned rosy, and he was extremely excited.

Zhou Buqi said: "The largest sales group of MP3 is college students, followed by high school and white-collar workers. Our MP3 is also considered to be of high quality and low price, and 100,000 pieces should not be a big problem."

"Why don't you... produce more?" Yan Guangming's eyes were burning with excitement, "If the system of purchasing, signing, modeling, and assembling is really in operation, the larger the quantity, the better, and the purchase price can be lowered, and the processing can be reduced. price."

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said, "Old Yan, you must not be greedy when doing business. No one can tell what the market of this MP3 is. Electronic products must maintain a very high inventory turnover and cannot be overstocked."

Yan Guangming nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, my brother is still smart. I also think that the Xiaonei website is too powerful, and I can sell as much as I have."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Okay, I'm still useful if I keep it in the market. I'll arrange a project on Xiaonei. Maybe the MP3 business has just begun."


"Well, I took this product away, and you should hurry up to purchase raw materials. Lao Yan, this procurement link is very important. Whether effective cost control can be carried out is the key to the long-term development of the enterprise."

"The main thing is that we are newcomers who have just entered the industry. The suppliers are not sure, and it is difficult to lower the price. When the 100,000 MP3s are sold out, it will be easier to negotiate at that time."

Zhou Buqi thought for a while, "Go back to Xiaonei, sign a purchase and sales agreement, and Xiaonei will be the exclusive agent for sales. Take this contract to negotiate and lower the price!"


The current Xiaonei network has long been like a thunderbolt!

Especially the bankruptcy of Panda Mobile, the upstream and downstream of the electronics industry, who doesn't know the reputation of Xiaonei group buying? Although it has a mixed reputation, the sales volume is worth guaranteeing.

Yan Guangming slapped his hands and cheered up: "That's it! If there is an Internet town in the school, I think the cost can be reduced by 20 or 30!"

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