Top of the big era

Chapter 411 The Power of Capital

A trip abroad cost a lot of money.

I thought I would see Wang Haoyang's dejected face after returning to China, but unexpectedly, he was beaming. After asking, I realized that Xiaonei's advertising revenue has greatly exceeded expectations.

Because the main advertising page has shrunk, the advertising contract signed with Taobao has decreased, and the unit price per 1000PV has dropped from 20 yuan to 10 yuan.

You know, in December last year, I received 12 million advertising fees from Taobao.

I thought it would shrink.

The result report shows that the advertising fee in March is likely to exceed 12 million, between 13 million and 14 million. The popularity of the school season is one aspect, and the launch of the sign-in section is a major reason.

The long-term continuous sign-in to receive benefits has made many students have the habit of logging in every day, and the amount of PV has naturally increased.

"If we can maintain it, our monthly financial deficit will be reduced to less than 5 million." Wang Haoyang swept away the decline and was full of energy.

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "Isn't mobile phone group buying very good? I dare not say too much, but I can always earn ten to twenty million, right?"

Wang Haoyang said: "It is impossible to sell mobile phones every month. This is a special income and cannot be included in the regular financial statements."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "As soon as's advertising business is launched, just wait to collect money. Look, the financial tension will be resolved immediately? There is no need for my follow-up measures."

"What follow-up measures?"

"My investment, this is the reason why Ziwei Star does not raise funds."

When it comes to investment, Wang Haoyang's expression is not natural.

Well, next, let’s talk about investing in UC.

After returning to China, the first thing Zhou Buqi has to do is to participate in the investment in UC, to obtain a controlling stake, and to control the UC business within the strategic framework of Ziweixing.

In the future, it will be a good choice whether it is to receive orders for operation or to package and sell.

During this time, Zhou Buqi had instructed He Yang to talk to Lei Jun and the two founders of UC, He Xiaopeng and Liang Jie.

After a phone call, Lei Jun came to the door with his two younger brothers.

Zhou Buqi was somewhat moved.

No wonder many people dream of going public so much!

Listing means financial freedom!

Even if a boss like Lei Jun has been the general manager of Jinshan for nearly ten years, how much more can he save? Two or three million will come to an end, and if he is asked to give money to his friends to invest in starting a business, he can't get it out.

Only by actively promoting the listing of Jinshan, he can cash out the stocks in order to give full play to his investment ability.

Otherwise, why would he run back and forth for a few million, for two little brothers?

But then again, the current situation is also wrong. The domestic industrial policy is very unfriendly to the SP business, and the development prospect of UC is worrying.

"I heard you have a new method?" Zhou Buqi asked with a smile.

Lei Jun was surprised, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Did Jinshan drug tyrants break into the Japanese market?"

"Isn't it forced by you?" Lei Jun was very helpless, "You have thoroughly investigated the domestic antivirus market, and the revenue of Kingsoft Antivirus has been reduced by 70 to 80%. If you don't open up new markets, the listing plan will really be hindered. "

Zhou Buqi asked curiously, "How is the sales?"

Lei Jun said with a ruddy face, "It's okay. Kingsoft's products have always been popular in Japan, with a sales volume of more than 200,000 sets. It is estimated that it can sell a million sets this year. The loss is almost there."

Zhou Buqi gave a thumbs up, "It's amazing! You can enter the foreign antivirus market. This means, you can use it."

Lei Jun glanced at him, and said confidently: "What? Micropoint Antivirus also intends to promote the free model to foreign countries?"

Zhou Buqi immediately shook his head, "I don't think so!"

Come on, he's not a philanthropist.

Free antivirus is a loss-making operation, a loss-making business. The reason why we do free antivirus is to promote the brand of "Weidian", and then rely on this brand to make money through derivative products, such as browsers, navigation, search and so on.

But in foreign countries, navigation is not popular, search is Google, and browsers are divided up by IE and Firefox, so there is no possibility of breakthrough.

He has no feelings to help foreigners.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Lei Jun waved his hand, pointing at the two young UC founders sitting next to him, "I think we should trust them."

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said, "No, I firmly believe that Mr. Yu Yongfu should be invited to take charge of UC. This is a prerequisite for me to participate in this case."

The faces of He Xiaopeng and Liang Jie were naturally not very good-looking.

A little frustrated.

UC was founded by them. As a result of the first financing, investors would take away the power of the company, and they would have to parachute an immediate boss.

Zhou Buqi said: "When I went to the United States this time, the thing that touched me the most was Google. The two founders are Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They are also very young and lack experience in business management and operations. , so the investors parachuted Eric Schmidt as the chairman to coach them to grow. This is not to seize power, but to cultivate. I talked with Larry Page for a long time, and I believe that one day in the future, He is perfectly qualified to be the CEO of Google."

Lei Jun glanced at the two of them, and made his own decision: "Xiaopeng can be the president, and Liang Jie is the technical director, otherwise it won't make sense."

It's as if the elder took the younger generation to meet friends, and there was no room for the younger generation to speak, and the two elders decided the big things.

At this moment, Zhou Buqi deeply felt the power of capital.

Speaking of which, He Xiaopeng and Liang Jie can be regarded as influential figures for a while, but right now, in order to keep the company alive and raise funds, it really has no dignity to be humble.

Not even a little right to speak.

All decisions are made by Lei Jun, a senior in the industry.

Zhou Buqi nodded slightly, "I agree."

"Did Yu Yongfu agree?" Lei Jun asked again.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "He is the vice president of Lenovo Investment. He used to be He Yang's subordinate, and he had a lot of interactions. He has already communicated. He said that if he had Ziweixing as his backer, he would be willing to jump out and take over SP The business is in a mess, appropriate strategic adjustments, identifying the direction of industrial policy, and looking for opportunities.”

Since Boss Liu resigned from his position as chairman of Lenovo's board of directors last year and entered a semi-retired state, Lenovo's internal energy has gradually collapsed.

Many talented people have left.

A few years ago, it was okay. Lenovo played with assembling computers, which was enough to inspire the people of the country, making everyone think it was a high-tech. But so many years have passed, IBM has been playing with industrial upgrading and sold its personal computer department, and Lenovo is still playing with assembly machines... This gradually makes many people feel disheartened. Coupled with the extreme internationalization strategy and the retirement of Boss Liu, more and more people with ideas and pursuits will leave.

At this time, Wang Haoyang knocked on the door and came to Zhou Buqi's office.

He took out a document and circulated it to Lei Jun, He Xiaopeng and Liang Jie.

"This is the shareholding structure of the newly formed UC Youshi we formulated. Take a look." Wang Haoyang's tone was not polite at all, it was not a discussion, but a decision.

Liang Jie's face turned red, and he almost got angry.

Lei Jun gave him a deep look, then took the file calmly, and read it.

Ziweixing invested 10 million yuan, holding 55% of the shares; Lei Jun invested 1 million yuan, holding 5% of the shares; Yu Yongfu received 20% of dry shares in 4 years; He Xiaopeng and Liang Jie's team held a total of 20% of the shares.

This immediately raised the valuation of UC's advantages to 20 million.

Lei Jun blinked, quite surprised, he didn't expect Zhou Buqi to be quite generous, and the quotation he made was so good, which greatly exceeded expectations.

Zhou Buqi saw what he meant, and spread his hands, "This is Yu Yongfu's condition. The money is less, and he will not accept the offer."

"And you agreed?"

"For your sake, you have to agree."

"thank you!"

Lei Jun snorted, quite sarcastic.

Liang Jie couldn't help asking: "Mr. Zhou, who makes the company's decisions?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Ziweixing will not intervene in the specific business of UC, we will only put forward some strategic requirements to avoid the overlapping of UC and Ziweixing's business. The specific company business and strategic planning are still in charge of you."

"What if Yu Yongfu can't do well?"

"He can do it well!"

Liang Jie asked, "What if?"

Zhou Buqi's complexion changed, and he snorted, "There is no chance! If he can't do well, we will give up this project completely! In my opinion, the 20% of dry shares don't need to be paid in installments, but will be given to him in one lump sum! He really holds the power of UC Corporation! He can fire anyone!"

It is impossible to play the trick of superficiality, and Yu Yongfu must be given the highest authorization.

Anyone who dares not cooperate with him, just leave!

He Xiaopeng sat there silently, not saying a word from the beginning to the end. Liang Jie was a little too angry to speak up.

Zhou Buqi's eyes were burning, "Mr. Lei, tell me, is my arrangement reasonable?"

Lei Jun smiled, "From this financing agreement, I can see your belief in the UC business. If there is Weidian Security Guard and the promotion of, I don't see any reason why UC Browser can't do it. .”

He secretly sighed in his heart.

He is only the general manager in Jinshan, and there is a chairman on top of him. In many cases, he is also tied with his hands, and it is difficult to use it wholeheartedly.

If everything can be satisfactory, why should he leave Jinshan to start his own business?

This is still a colleague in a company, and the power class is also very obvious. In the capital market, this is even more exaggerated. In many cases, for a mere few hundred thousand, investors can squeeze the founders to vomit blood. Some people have poor ability to withstand pressure and really commit suicide by jumping off the building.

Zhou Buqi is still good.

At least 10 million investment has been made, which is real money and cannot be faked.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Then this that settled?"

"I think it's okay." Lei Jun nodded, "Xiaopeng, what do you think?"

He Xiaopeng spoke for the first time, looked at Lei Jun for a while, gritted his teeth: "I agree!"

"Liang Jie?"


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