The two talked very comfortably.

Liu Qing continued the topic just now, and tentatively said: "Is it really not possible? I think you are trying hard, Ziweixing must be in need of money right now. With such a large investment, I don't believe you can solve it by yourself."

"It's all small problems."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, not paying attention.

Liu Qing chose the next best thing, "It's okay if we sign an agreement of intent. When you want to raise funds in the future, we can get the priority."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Miss Liu, are you too persistent?"

"This is my job."

"Pleasing to the Americans?"


"Do you like being an investment bank?"


Liu Qing raised her brows, her eyes suspicious.

Zhou Buqi said: "From undergraduate to graduate school, you all majored in computer science. From Peking University to Harvard, with such a high degree, wouldn't it be a pity to work in other industries?"

Liu Qing said with a smile: "The fields I invest in are also in the direction of computers and the Internet, so it's not a waste."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "It's just a scratch."

Liu Qing pursed her lips and looked at him with a half-smile, "What do you mean by that? How do I feel... Is there something in your words?"

Zhou Buqi didn't shy away from it, and said bluntly: "You resign!"


"What's the point of being at Goldman Sachs? You have to run relationships to curry favor with the Americans, just for a Goldman Sachs Asia directorship? Aren't you tired? This is what tech elites should do?"

"What do you think it should be?"

"Come and help me!"

The smile on Liu Qing's face stopped abruptly, and she looked at him meaningfully, "This joke is not funny at all."

Zhou Buqi said seriously: "I'm not joking!"

Liu Qing shook her head, "This is too sloppy." Then she couldn't laugh or cry, "You are really interesting, you see every opportunity, you never miss a chance."

Zhou Buqi's face was very serious: "I'm not a needle!"


"Hey, I mean, I really need your help right now. I might as well reveal some company secrets to you. We will cooperate with Facebook to jointly develop two big projects, one is an advertising distribution project, and the other is a centralized open platform. The former is easy to say, and we can do it with our own strength. But the open platform is powerful, and the workload is huge. If we do it ourselves, we may not see results in five or six years.”

"Open platform?"

Liu Qing raised her crooked black eyebrows, she was very surprised, she is an expert, she obviously knew what it meant. In the domestic Internet field, this is still a blank space!

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, an open platform. Zuckerberg said that if they do it, half a year will be enough from the establishment of the project to the basic completion. At that time, and Facebook will launch two platforms at the same time. The products are aimed at the two major markets of China and the United States. This is not only a matter of Ziweixing, but will benefit the entire Internet industry in our country.”

It is difficult to hide secrets in the Internet field.

Especially domestically.

Programmers keep changing jobs between companies, and they will take away a lot of source code from the original owner. The open platform is currently blank in China, but as long as Ziweixing makes the product, it may not take long to drive the vigorous development of the entire domestic Internet industry in this field.

This is the benefit of the country's weak crackdown on intellectual property rights.

It can quickly promote the prosperity of the industry from point to point.

Liu Qing was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect this kid to say that, "Aren't you angry if you are taken advantage of by others?"

Zhou Buqi sighed, "It's not worth getting angry about this. People are busy exploring the unknown world of space and turning science fiction concepts into reality. Am I worth worrying about such a trivial matter? Let's talk , are all colleagues in the same country... Only when the entire industry develops and the market is established, can Ziwei Star become bigger and stronger."

Liu Qing stared at him silently for a while, then raised her glass, "I respect you!"


The two raised their glasses and clinked, and each had a sip.

Liu Qing said quite emotionally: "You are very charismatic. I have never seen a young man like you, who has ideas, a pattern, a broad mind, and full of courage."

"Thank you." Zhou Buqi smiled, "Can I inspire you?"

Liu Qing pursed her lips and asked with a smile, "What can I do?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I need someone to help me with Ziweixing's overseas business, especially the two projects with Facebook. This is too important. We must ensure that we can pass the review of relevant US agencies and approve our cooperation. solution, allowing us to get the relevant source code.”

"It shouldn't be difficult, right? A centralized open platform is not a core technology."

"It's hard, someone has to do it."

"Is there any more?"

"If all goes well, we will be able to get a board member of Facebook in June. I hope you can represent Ziweixing. What's the point of being a director of an Asian branch of Goldman Sachs? Also, I just said The website called Twitter, once reached, will also have a number of directors."

Liu Qing blinked her eyes and said with a low smile, "It's quite attractive."

Zhou Buqi said: "That's for sure, I can't cheat you, can I? Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face!"

Liu Qing shook her head slightly, "My career plan has nothing to do with my father. If you want to contact my father through me and ask him to help you with some... special things, I can't do anything."

Zhou Buqi curled his lips and snorted coldly: "Miss Liu, you look down on me too much, don't you? If you really want to ask Boss Liu for help, I must come forward in person."

Liu Qing was silent for a long time, her tender fingers gently turned the goblet in her hand, the red wine rolled like blood, reflecting on her cheeks.

"It was so sudden."

"Life is always composed of countless accidents. What's interesting is that many times, accidents represent surprises."

“It’s not a surprise, I’m doing really well at Goldman Sachs, I’m the youngest female investment chief ever at Goldman Sachs. If it works right, I’m a director and executive vice president next step.”

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, even a bit disdainful, "What's the point of working for foreigners?"

Liu Qing sighed and stretched herself. Stretching her waist showed her tight curves, and the buttons on the collar of her shirt seemed to be undone.

Noticing the strange look in Zhou Buqi's eyes, she glared at her, and then asked strangely: "It's the first time we've met, and we've chatted for such a short time, and you're willing to entrust me with such an important task? Take full responsibility for Zi MSI's overseas business?"

"This is fate."

"Stop talking!"

"Ha ha!"

"This invitation is too sudden, I have to think about it."

"One night, is it enough?"

Liu Qing frowned, "So hasty?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I will return to China in two days! Besides, this kind of matter should be decided decisively. The more delays, the more difficult it is to make up your mind. The night will be full of dreams. If they really nominate you as a director, you will be troubled , it’s better to be ruthless and make a decision. Don’t you want to see Mr. Peyton? Don’t bother with the relationship, just express your resignation intention to him.”

Ziweixing has more business in the United States.

Facebook and Twitter are just one aspect.

There is also the advertising company that Zhen Yu and his classmates will be working on, as well as YouTube shares and Baidu shares. Especially the latter two involve very complex financial operations.

Zhen Yu alone may not be able to handle it.

But Liu Qing is different, she is a professional, and she will perform better in YouTube and Baidu's stock handling in the future. And these two cases will be Ziwei Star's source of funds for the next few years.

Once done, Ziweixing will be stable.

There must be a capable, experienced, and reliable person in charge.

Although Zhou Buqi met Liu Qing for the first time, she is the daughter of Boss Liu and deserves all the trust.

"I'll give you an answer tomorrow."

In contrast, Liu Qing has more worries.

She didn't grow up under the shadow of her father. She was the third place in the Yanjing area during the college entrance examination. She was admitted to Peking University, then passed TOEFL and IELTS, and went to Harvard Computer School for further study. Going to Goldman Sachs after graduation also wanted to stay away from his father's halo and live out his own self.

If you really joined Ziwei Star, wouldn't you want to go back to China? If it is not kept in order, some people will label it as a "rich second generation" or "cheating old people".

The only good news is that Zhou Buqi put her in charge of overseas business.

Then, she was about to get dressed and get up to leave.

The moment she bent over, Zhou Buqi's eyes became a little hot, and her heart also burned. I haven't seen meat for a few days, and I feel like my body is burning.

"Ahem,'s so late, where are you going?"

"Go and get a room next door."

"This is Hilton, it's probably full."

Liu Qing has been abroad for so many years, and she hasn't seen any kind of scene, and she immediately heard that his tone was not right, his eyes were deep, and he said calmly: "There is also a hotel next door."

Zhou Buqi sat there quietly, and said calmly: "Why don't you just keep me here, let's have a good chat. You are right, resigning from Goldman Sachs is indeed a big event, and we need to get to know each other better."

Liu Qing smiled angrily, "Is this how you improve your understanding?"

Zhou Buqi looked surprised, "Is there a better way than this? Miss Liu, you have lived abroad for many years and have more experience than me. Give me..."

"Who has more experience than you? Don't bury people."


"I have a boyfriend."

Liu Qing snorted, gave him a hard look, picked up the windbreaker, and put it on her shoulders.

Without blushing, Zhou Buqi said calmly, "I also have a girlfriend."

"Huh?" Liu Qing was stunned for a moment, stared at him, and gritted her teeth, "You really... don't know what to say about you."

"If you don't know what to say, don't say it. You can stay here. This is America."

At this time, you can't just talk about it.

Zhou Buqi stood up and walked over to tug at her windbreaker.

Liu Qing didn't follow her, she pulled it a few times, but she didn't. After all, Zhou Buqi dragged the windbreaker over and threw it back on the sofa. Liu Qing's face was as red as blood, and she stared at him fiercely.

"Let's go, take a shower first."

Zhou Buqi took her hand, half dragged and half dragged, and they went to the bathroom together.

"Get up, I haven't changed my clothes, don't get dirty."

"Then what to do?"

Liu Qing took a clean bath towel from the shelf, gave him another hard look, and snorted: "I'll go to the bedroom to change."

Zhou Buqi hurriedly said: "You won't sneak away, will you?"


Liu Qing was a little flustered.

This visit was originally intended to help Goldman Sachs win the Ziweixing case. Unexpectedly... the case was not completed, and he poached a corner.

It's like losing my wife and losing my army.

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