Top of the big era

Chapter 407 Who is the competitor?

The trip to America went well.

Completed the financing, reached a cooperation, and even discovered the magical website of Twitter at the earliest stage through the domain name.

Much more successful than imagined.

According to the plan, they will be on a business trip in the United States for a week, so they spent all of this last night, and there are three days left.

going out to play?

Everyone is very happy.

But where to play?

Zhou Buqi thought he was going to Hollywood, Universal Studios, or Disneyland, but everyone chose Silicon Valley, a holy land of technology to worship.

Well, it really is a very motivated entrepreneurial team.

Then, Zhou Buqi asked Sean Lee of Meritech Venture Capital to take the lead and helped contact companies such as Apple, Google, Oracle, Amazon, and Microsoft.

It is said that a Chinese entrepreneurial group came over and wanted to visit, visit and learn.

Soon, the message was received.

Everyone was friendly and all companies agreed.

The most enthusiastic is undoubtedly Microsoft.

Microsoft's headquarters is not in Silicon Valley. It just so happened that CEO Steve Ballmer came here for inspection, invited him personally, and talked about it.

Talked a lot.

There are many complaints, saying that Microsoft is a technology giant, and almost all technology companies regard Microsoft as a competitor. In the field of search, compete with Google; in the field of operating systems, compete with Apple; in the field of databases, compete with Oracle; in the field of game consoles, compete with Sony and Nintendo...

However, after all, he is a big shot. Mr. Ballmer is full of energy, full of confidence, and has a kind of domineering arrogance. It seems that in his eyes, all these competitors are not as good as him.

He wants to defeat these competitors one by one.

At the same time, he is also quite concerned about the Chinese business.

I asked a lot about Chinese culture, as well as the business atmosphere there, Microsoft China's environment, reputation, influence, etc.

Probably this is the reason why he will meet this young Chinese team in person.

Through a third party, let's find out how Microsoft China is developing, which is the main battlefield of the search battle between Microsoft and Google.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "My company is a partner with Microsoft. The search service of is provided by Microsoft. We are in awe of Microsoft."

But deeply disapproving in my heart.

Can't wait to terminate cooperation with Microsoft as soon as possible.

Microsoft's Live search is really terrible, it can't be compared with Baidu and Google at all, and the user experience is extremely poor. Users of complained many times and asked the website to change the search service provider.

After leaving the Microsoft branch, Zhou Buqi shook his head in disappointment.

"What's wrong?" Xue Baoshan asked softly, a little strangely.

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "This man is a warrior."

Xue Baoshan gave him a coquettish look, and gave him a white look, "He is the CEO of Microsoft, the second in command after Bill Gates. Classmate Zhou, you have to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, don't be impetuous."

Zhou Buqi bowed and said again and again: "Yes, yes, yes, sister Bao taught you the lesson!"

"Don't make a fuss." Xue Baoshan pursed her lips and smiled lightly, patted him lightly with her plain hands, and said in a low voice, "They are right behind."

At this time, Zhen Yu, Zhang Yiming, Tang Binchen and others also followed from behind.

Zhou Buqi said: "This man is a soldier. If Gates really chooses him as his successor, it must be a mistake. Competing with this and that every day is what a general should do."

"That's right, those who are marshals are always strategizing." Zhang Yiming agreed.

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Whether it's a marshal or a general, aren't they all soldiers? Managing a company is like managing a country. How can a soldier be in power?"


"Military is always a continuation of politics."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent.

Zhou Buqi glanced at Zhen Yu, then looked at Zhang Yiming, Tang Binchen and others, and said softly: "Competition is inevitable when starting a company, but you must not compete for the sake of competition. That is reckless behavior. A great company, It must be competing for the sake of politics. What is corporate politics? Industry structure, corporate strategy, technological trends, family and country feelings, etc., we must look down on our opponents from a higher dimension. For example, and, we need to compete with them ?"

Xue Baoshan's beautiful eyes sparkled, "I remember, you said that in the commercial market, high-dimensional beats low-dimensional, and one hits one."

Zhang Yiming said: "Competitors...only people at the same level can be called competitors. If we have higher strategic goals and corporate pursuits, better thinking angles and future insights, why should we lower ourselves? , Pull yourself to the same level as the other party to intrigue? It’s enough to be yourself. Microsoft is the number one in the world, and Mr. Ballmer’s situation is really small.”

Li Ke has only joined Ziweixing for more than 3 months, and he is the deputy recruited by Wang Haoyang.

I haven't had much contact with Ziweixing's executive discussion circle before.

This time, his face turned pale.

A little dumbfounded.

I feel like this group of people are monsters!

Depend on!

That is Steve Ballmer. When Bill Gates has semi-retired, he is the ruler of Microsoft, and he is the most powerful boss in the world's technology circle!


We just met and talked for 20 minutes, and then you kids in their twenties severely criticized you?

A little ignorant, right?

Then, I heard Zhen Yu say with a smile: "Microsoft is getting old, it's not surprising that it can't keep up with the times. Let's learn from the lesson and don't become the second Microsoft in the future, that would be bad."

Li Ke staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Lying down a big trough!

These words are pretentious enough!

Is it not good to become the second Microsoft? Still reluctant? I'm going to buy you a gun, you shoot me dead!

In the afternoon, I went to Google again.

Google is young.

The founder, Larry Page, personally received them and took them around the entire company's office area, feeling deeply.

On the Facebook side, the most deeply felt point is equality.

There is no office, everyone works at their workstations. Even the most ordinary employees can go directly to Zuckerberg to vent their dissatisfaction.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Facebook is still a small company and is still a rented office building.

On Google's side, it advocates freedom.

There are many offices here, not only the management, as long as ordinary employees with outstanding performance can have their own independent office, design and decorate it by themselves, and they can also grow flowers, grass, pets, and post posters of their wives and children.

Create your own workspace.

You can see employees laughing and chatting everywhere, or they are drinking coffee and reading magazines, and some people even play games openly, which makes people dumbfounded.

In Ziwei Star, if someone dares to play games during work, he will definitely be fired.

Ask Larry Page, and he says with a smile, "This is our newest program called 'Creativity Break.'"

"What's the meaning?"

"That is, we allow engineers to spend 20% of their working time doing what they want, drinking tea and reading newspapers, chatting and playing games, all are fine, so as to stimulate more and broader innovation."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What if... what if they deliberately don't work in the name of 'creative break'?"

Larry Page was very calm and said with a smile: "I am an engineer, so I know this profession best. When I am tired at work, I really can't type out a single line of code. The original intention of our launch of this plan is to enable engineers to have a Rest time is justifiable. After rest, you can go to work with more energy."

Zhou Buqi was shocked: "Use the rest time to get some inspiration along the way?"


Larry Page laughed, looking very proud, this is also his pioneering work in the industry, setting a precedent.

"Is there any result?"

"Of course, our mailbox and news functions are all projects made by engineers during the rest of the game under this creative break policy. The most successful one is Google Ads."

"Google Ads?"

Zhou Buqi was taken aback.

This is a huge project. Google's advertising revenue of tens of billions of dollars a year comes from this project. This makes the revenue of Google, a small Internet company, directly comparable to century-old media giants such as Viacom, Time Warner, and News Corporation.

Baidu Union, is made out of imitating this project.

Including Facebook's next advertising distribution project.

Larry Page said: "At the beginning, we felt that advertising projects were too risky and might be suppressed by traditional media giants. As a result, the people below took advantage of this time to make it themselves, and it was successful. Google Today’s achievements are largely due to this creative plan.”

Zhou Buqi took a breath.

Deeply felt the huge gap between the two sides.

In China, he has also met some big people and big companies. When he is in awe, he can often deal with it calmly relying on his experience in two lifetimes.

Available in front of Google...

This "creative break" policy, Larry Page said it all without reservation, but can he do it?

Certainly not.

If Ziweixing is really implemented, everyone will start to work abroad immediately, and the whole company will be in a state of semi-paralysis.

Looking at the expressions of Zhen Yu, Xue Baoshan, Zhang Yiming, Tang Binchen and others, they are all in awe and yearning.

It is really not a cover that Google can recruit some of the best scientists in the world.

"Do you have any competitors?" Zhou Buqi asked humbly.


Larry Page thought for a moment and shook his head.

Zhou Buqi tentatively asked: "Isn't it Microsoft? Google has launched Google Docs, isn't it just to compete with Microsoft's office software? You also have several social networking sites, isn't the target also Facebook?"

Larry Page said with a smile: "These are small projects, which are created by the employees themselves through creative breaks, and do not represent Google."

"What are you doing?"

"Distributed open platforms, nanotechnology, operating systems, cloud computing, etc., are all reported in the news."

"Is it a mobile operating system?"


Larry Page nodded, then chuckled and said, "If we talk about competitors, we really have one."

"Oh?" Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, "Who is it?"



Larry Page said: "In our opinion, the ultimate competition is not the competition of products, but the competition of talents. Compared with companies such as Microsoft, IBM, and Oracle, Google has an absolute advantage, and we offer higher prices. Pay, give more stock, are you afraid that you won’t be able to grab people? Only when it comes to NASA, there is nothing we can do.”

"How to say?" Zhou Buqi was curious.

Larry Page sighed, "There is always a group of people who are not pursuing wealth, but pursuing ideals. The salary that NASA can give is not even one-third of ours. But what NASA does The thing is so interesting. It is the exploration of the future and the unknown world. It is a field that has never been touched by human beings. Google is trying to catch up, but it is still not comparable. When competing with NASA, we lost too many outstanding people. And Those who work not for money but for their dreams are the real vitality of a company."

Zhou Buqi turned his head and looked at Zhang Yiming, Zhen Yu and the others.

They also looked serious.

Everyone has a feeling from the bottom of their hearts that the future is the era of Google.

In contrast, Microsoft is far behind.

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