Top of the big era

Chapter 402: A Different Kind of Bet

At night, Xue Baoshan was a little nervous.

It wasn't because she was afraid of sleeping in a room alone, but before coming here, Wu Yu sneaked up to her and told her something.

It was said that in January, Zhou Buqi and Shi Jinglin went on a business trip to Hangzhou, and it was less than a week.

Then, take her down.

During this business trip, Zhou Buqi was the only girl by her side, so she had to be mentally prepared.

Therefore, Xue Baoshan made up her mind that no matter how Zhou Buqi contacted her tonight, she must not open the door. Once he let him in, many things would be uncontrollable.

Because of the time difference, she didn't sleep much that night.

Staring at his phone all the time.

Unexpectedly, a message was not received.

This made Xue Baoshan heave a long sigh of relief, feeling that classmate Zhou was okay, and didn't point the cannon at her. At least this trip to the United States should not be a big problem.

The next morning, everyone got up tired.

Jet lag is a real pain.

Zhou Buqi is full of energy.

On the plane, he didn't sleep much, but let him sleep deeply all night. After waking up, he felt full of strength.

At 9:30 in the morning, a group of people showed up at Facebook's office.

I rented a half-floor office building.

Next door is PayPal.

Among them, the oldest is Li Ke, who is in charge of finance. He is 29 years old and looks mature. Probably because of this reason, she is very popular with that blonde foreign girl.

But when everyone asked him jokingly this morning, he blushed and squeaked for a long time, saying that Emily had gone to his room at night and pestered him for half the night.

In the end, he acted like a gentleman in a daze.

Later, Emily was really sleepy, so she left disappointed.

Yao Guangyuan commented inscrutablely: "Bullets are loaded with cannons, and you can't bomb them even if you want to."

After hearing this, everyone laughed.

Seeing Zuckerberg, everyone was amazed.

Of course, it was not only the Chinese delegation who were amazed.

The Facebook employees also looked at the visiting group of Asians with incredible eyes, as if they were looking at pandas.

They had already heard the letter.

It is said that a large Internet company from China will visit today. Its business not only includes SNS websites, but also security products, as well as e-commerce business, food delivery business and so on.

I thought it would be a group of mature and steady middle-aged people, but... a group of younger people came!

Mark Zuckerberg, the big boss of Facebook, is 22 years old this year, which is young enough. As a result, the group of people who came here seemed to be younger than Mark.

Next, is a simple talk.

Xue Baoshan acted as an interpreter.

Everyone is here to cooperate. Zuckerberg got straight to the point and first talked about the situation of Facebook. This year, Facebook's traffic has surpassed that of Amazon, Disney, Viacom and other websites.

Affected by this, more than a dozen companies came to inquire.

Two of them actually made quotations.

One is the media giant Viacom, and the offer is still 750 million US dollars. Zuckerberg wasn't satisfied, and his demand was $2 billion. As a result, the talk fell apart.

Then, Yahoo appeared again and offered a price of 1 billion U.S. dollars, but still did not agree.

"We have already found investors, Meritech Capital and Greylock Capital. The former is oriented to the emerging Internet industry and can grasp the latest industry trends, as well as more human resources in related industries. The latter is an established capital institution. It has a deep accumulation, has the most abundant talents in all industries in the United States, and has the most extensive contacts in the capital circle."

Zuckerberg hit the nail on the head.

Today's Facebook is a favorite!

Money alone is not enough.

If you want to participate in this financing, in addition to giving money, you must also help Facebook in other ways.

However, Facebook did not dare to be too harsh.

Because now the largest social networking site in the United States is not Facebook, but MySpace.

How powerful is MySpace?

The backing behind it is the giant News Corporation!

This year, MySpace and Google signed an agreement, including search services and advertising agreements, with a total value of up to 900 million US dollars!

There is a big mountain in front of Facebook, and it will be very difficult to climb over it.

This situation is just like that of and Qzone in China. has 36 million users. QZone was launched last year and is bound to QQ. The number of users easily exceeds 100 million.

If you want to reverse the situation, you must continue to push Chen to attend.

Attract users with newer and more attractive products.

Like social games.

The difference is that has launched the social games "Friends Buying and Selling" and "Grab Parking Space". In less than two months, Qzone will follow up immediately.

The United States has no such concerns.

This is why Zuckerberg attaches great importance to this Huaxia Internet company.

Social games like "Parking Space Grab" are simple and fun, and user stickiness is strong enough to be a nuclear weapon for Facebook to defeat MySpace.

As the CEO of, Zhang Yiming talked with him directly in English, explaining some ideas and strategic positioning of about social games in simple terms. Expressed willingness to share creative and technological achievements with Facebook, and develop and progress together.

Not to be outdone, Zhou Buqi said righteously: "Our country is building a harmonious society, and we pay special attention to the good cultivation of Sino-US relations. The big leaders have said that we should look at it with a broad and profound strategic vision and the era of mutual benefit and win-win thinking. To ensure the stable development of bilateral relations along the correct track of a constructive and cooperative relationship, we must learn from each other and learn from each other's strengths..."

Because Xue Baoshan has a very high level and is a simultaneous interpreter.

Having said that, I am a little bit speechless.

The five Yankees on the opposite side of the conference table all looked inexplicably stunned.

Can't understand what he's saying at all.

Zhen Yu slapped her forehead and nearly fainted.

Boss Zhou this time is a bit unreliable... Yes, in China, if you play this big talk about going online, no matter what the occasion, it will make people awe-inspiring.

I think you are very cultured, thoughtful, and organized.

He can still speak easily to the words of the leaders, which shows that he is of a high level.

But the person opposite you is an American?

People are capitalists, they only talk about interests! Do not eat this set at all!

Fortunately, Zhou Buqi reacted immediately and corrected some domestic negotiation habits, saying: " currently has 36 million users and is the largest social networking site in China. We have the best product entrepreneurship and technological innovation. Facebook and friends Network cooperation can further promote in-depth cooperation between the two parties in multiple fields."

Zuckerberg immediately said: "My girlfriend is Chinese. I am very interested in Chinese culture, and I am looking forward to the cooperation with Youyou."

This is all agreed in the email.

However, the specific method of cooperation has yet to be discussed.

Investing in shares is for sure.

The valuation of Facebook's B round of financing has been determined, which is 550 million US dollars, diluting 5% of the shares, and it will reach 27.5 million US dollars.

With the strength of, a 1%-2% share quota can be given.

This is to be expected.

The key is, what kind of model will "grab a parking space" land on Facebook?

"The model of advertising sharing is settled according to the amount of PV."

That's what Zuckerberg said.

Of course China is not satisfied.

Zhang Yiming said: "Facebook doesn't have too many advertisements right now? And with all due respect, Facebook's current website loading speed is not high, which should be related to the scale of your servers. Grabbing parking spaces is a game, and the loading process takes a long time. With your server feedback speed, if you add advertisements..."

He shook his head.

Then, the other party proposed to pay a certain service fee.

The B round needs to raise a large amount of money, which is their confidence.

Tang Binchen was dissatisfied, "We all know the environment in the United States. Facebook has strong competitors. In addition to MySpace, Google has also launched three social networking sites in one go. There is only one parking space! Not only Grabbing a parking space is a series of light social games with rich creativity behind it. If it is money, those websites can also give it, and they are all richer than Facebook. I hope you will show your sincerity.”

"What do you think?"

"Of course it is in-depth cooperation."

"Isn't it financing?"

Tang Binchen sighed, "According to industry practice, holding more than 25% of the shares is called in-depth cooperation."

Zuckerberg's team's face changed slightly.

If it is really an in-depth strategic cooperation, it is not impossible to dilute 25% of the shares, and even a very low strategic financing quotation will do. But the question is, is it worth doing this for an Internet company in Huaxia, for a small social game?

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said with a smile: "Facebook's valuation is quite high now, and our request will not be so excessive. However, how much quota will you give us for this financing?"

"Up to 1%."

"so little?"

"This is already our best effort. The shares of the two investment institutions have been determined long ago. This is distributed to you from Peter's quota."

The man Zuckerberg was referring to was Peter Thiel, who once partnered with Elon Musk to found PayPal. Later, after PayPal was sold, Zuckerberg was found and became an early investor.

Zhou Buqi was a little embarrassed, "The 1% quota is indeed a little less, which may make it difficult for us to support you wholeheartedly. After all, there are indeed many websites of this type in the United States."

Zuckerberg shook his head, "It doesn't fit the financing plan for this round."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "We accept the 1% quota this time."

1% is 5.5 million US dollars, which has already caused great financial pressure on Ziweixing.

Zuckerberg heard it, "Do you have a better cooperation plan?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I don't think there is any need for service fees and advertising dividends. Use our products to exchange your shares. It can be progressive. According to the PV volume of the games we provide, we can judge the value of Facebook. The extent to which development plays a role can set a standard table.”

In other words, in the future, will wholeheartedly provide social games for Facebook, helping it compete with competitors and attract users.

PV volume is the number of times users open social games.

The higher the PV amount, the more popular the game is, and the higher the promotion effect on Facebook.

How many Facebook shares can be matched according to the amount of PV.

Such an arrangement is beneficial to both parties.

Facebook does not need to load any commercials to affect the user experience of social games, and, also, does not need to pay any fees. As a start-up company, especially a company that survives in the cracks of the giants, it needs to spend money on steel blades and reduce expenses as much as possible.

On the other hand, cannot cooperate with other websites in order to earn more shares. Only exclusive cooperation can attract the most traffic.

And the most important point, social games have been developed in China, and the response in South Korea is also very good. But no one knows what the situation is in the United States, because no one has tried it.

What if the effect is not good?

If Facebook had paid an expensive service fee for this early on, it would not be worth the candle.

If it is a strategic cooperation of share-to-share gambling, it will be foolproof.

The effect is good, everyone is happy!

Facebook will really be able to emerge from the red sea of ​​social networking sites and become an indomitable product.

The effect is not good, not a penny is given, not a single share is given away.

Loss avoided.

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