Top of the big era

Chapter 394 Flying to the sky to realize the dream

The application report for the distributed database is submitted.

It belongs to the classification of major scientific research projects.

is the top priority.

The National Natural Science Foundation of China accepted the application immediately, and then immediately contacted the Chinese Academy of Sciences to set up an expert group to investigate. As Academician Ni said, the database management system is an important core technology that our country lacks. From top to bottom in the system, there will be firm support.

On the third day, the expert team came down.

The team leader is the well-known Academician Yao Qizhi.

He should be the one with the highest technical level among domestic academicians, and his influence in many aspects even exceeds that of Academician Wang Xuan. After all, computer technology changes very fast. If you can't keep pace with the times, you will be eliminated by the times if you are not careful.

Many old academicians may not be better than an undergraduate in real scientific research ability. Their knowledge structure has long been outdated, and they can only teach some theoretical courses.

Academician Yao Qizhi is different. His technology is extremely powerful, and he has always pursued the most cutting-edge trends in the world. He was a member of the American Academy of Sciences and won the "Turing Award" in 2000, which is known as the Nobel Prize in the computer field. In 2004, he returned to Tsinghua University as a full-time professor.

The expert group went straight to Ziweixing R\u0026D Center.

Zhou Buqi must not understand technology, but out of curiosity, he went with Cheng Binghao. I want to see with my own eyes how academicians work.

And then a little disappointed.

Formalism is very serious. The main thing is to communicate with the project leader to judge whether he has the ability and perseverance to carry out the project.

Yang Zhenkun has applied for state funds more than once, so the answers are fluent. I have become old friends with many of the group members, and there was a lot of laughter when communicating.

Zhou Buqi was dumbfounded by the many technical theories mentioned.

However, he still understood what Academician Yao Qizhi said.

"Distributed databases... This is not the mainstream direction in the United States."

"I know, they are doing non-relational databases over there."

"Not only that." Academician Yao shook his head, "For example, a traditional database uses a horse-drawn cart. With the development of the Internet, there are more and more data, and the cart is getting heavier and heavier. Horse-drawn carts can’t run. The thinking of distributed database is to pull carts with dozens or hundreds of horses at the same time to solve problems.”

Yang Zhenkun said with a smile: "Old Yao's metaphor is very vivid."

Academician Yao said: "The development direction of the United States is still the traditional stand-alone relational database, and the horse that pulls the cart is getting better and better. You have to understand that a stand-alone database must be more stable than a multi-machine linkage database. , Security. Especially for financial companies such as banks and securities companies, data stability is the most important.”

"How to do it?"

"Quantum technology, have you heard of it?"

Zhou Buqi shuddered and blurted out: "Quantum computer?"

Academician Yao jokingly said: "Xiao Zhou still understands it very well. Let me just say, a pure layman, how can he have the confidence to do such a big thing and run such a big company."

Quantum computers are still in the theoretical stage, or even the conjecture stage. Yang Zhenkun frowned and said, "Old Yao, this idea is still far away, right?"

Academician Yao shook his head, "Not necessarily. When I returned to China, I heard some news that the United States has formulated a plan for the development of quantum information science and technology. If a quantum computer is really made, the processing efficiency will be the current one. 100 million times faster than the world's highest processing speed supercomputer!"

Yang Zhenkun's heart skipped a beat, and he was inexplicably terrified.

Subconsciously looked at Zhou Buqi.

If quantum computers are built, then distributed processing means nothing!

A quantum horse is equivalent to hundreds of millions of ordinary horses.

How can this compare?

The idea of ​​multi-machine parallelism will be completely disintegrated, and Oracle's traditional stand-alone mode will continue to shine globally.

The database field is a market with a well-established ecological chain, and it is very difficult to break the blockade of giants.

As a result, I managed to make a distributed database with great difficulty, and other people’s quantum computers came out. The traditional database model continued to be revitalized relying on super quantum computing capabilities.

Then we can only wait to die.

There was no other way, Zhou Buqi had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Under the watchful eyes of a room full of scientists, I was a little nervous and a little excited to ask him, a layman, to give advice!

"Ahem, let me say a few words."

Zhou Buqi's remark was very rash, but it did not arouse the contempt of scientists.

Because everyone knows that this young man is the big money maker.

The millions funded by the Natural Science Foundation are just a drop in the bucket for the development of a database management system. Especially for the distributed database with the latest thinking, the money invested will go to the sea.

Whether this project can be done or not depends not on the Natural Fund, not on these old guys, but on this young guy.

"You are all teachers and seniors. I don't have the right to speak, but I think... I am a layman, but I have also heard of the concept of quantum computing. It seems to be combined with quantum entanglement in physics? The field of science is the top and immature field, and it is too difficult to combine it with computers."

"Well... I'm not saying that the concept of quantum computers is not good. You are all experts, and you must know more than me. I just think that even if the United States really researched quantum computers, it would be in the laboratory at most. If you want to truly realize commercial use, it is far from enough without a development of 30 to 50 years."

"So in the long run, maybe our country can also learn and follow suit, and develop a domestically produced quantum computer? Moreover, in my opinion, the existence or non-existence of quantum computers is not the point at all. The point is that our country is currently in the field of data management systems. , there is a clear lack of technology."

"Ziweixing's philosophy is to pursue core technology. If we don't do it, others won't do it. Who will do it? Our distributed database project is named Feitian. Yes, it's the two words on the wall. It's me. It was written by President Hu who has retired from our school. My understanding of this database project is that it is the same as the Dongfanghong artificial satellite back then, flying into the sky to realize dreams!"


Coming out of Ziweixing R\u0026D Center, Zhou Buqi felt that his back was soaked.

Pretend to be big!

Too much!

It is clamoring to be comparable to the "Dongfanghong" satellite, but that is the spiritual product of the people of the whole country tightening their belts.

When it came to the end, he could clearly feel a bit of sarcasm on the faces of several scientists.

Fortunately, Academician Yao Qizhi was born in Taiwan and studied in the United States. He has never experienced those things and can't feel that kind of emotion. Instead, he was overwhelmed by Zhou Buqi's righteous and awe-inspiring aura, quite moved, and said a lot of words of encouragement.

At least it's okay to give money.

After boasting a lot, 5 million yuan is coming, and this deal is also a good deal.

After going out, go straight to Jieyu Media.

Go and talk to Xu Baihui, communicate with Yanjing TV, and make a job-seeking program, the can be called "Job Come Job Go" or "It's You" or something like that.

It doesn't matter what the name is, what matters is the format of the program, which must be topical and controversial.

So when recruiting, you must not only target executives. Most of the executives are very restrained and well-mannered, they will not get angry easily, even if they are scolded, they will laugh it off. Just like CCTV's "Win in China", it is difficult to see the scene of blushing and thick neck. Even if the big liar Chen Anzhi warned Ma Yun to be humble, Boss Ma accepted it humbly. But middle and low-level employees can't do it. Quarrels often occur, and even the entire BOSS group is scolded. This is something to watch.

Because of the communication in advance, Xu Baihui has already waited in advance.


Seeing Zhou Buqi, Xu Baihui made a silent gesture and pointed in the direction of the conference room.

Zhou Buqi was very surprised, "What's wrong?"

"Baoshan is inside."

"Sister Bao?"

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised.

Years later, he only saw Sister Bao once.

She was too busy to help Ma Pingshan sell drones as a consignment.

Years ago, a total of 29 drone orders were sold. So far, these orders have been delivered, with a total revenue of 9.3 million yuan, counting expedited orders... an average of 320,000 yuan per order.

It can be called a sky-high price, and it is basically paid by large state-owned enterprises and research institutions.

But after a year, the business dropped sharply.

In fact, more money and less money is not important. They, the veterans of the Ten Schools Entrepreneurship Alliance, have long been financially free. At the beginning, the Xiaonei network distributed 100 million in dividends, and the least one person also received 2 million.

The important thing is to exercise yourself and improve your abilities in this process.

This has formed a positive comparison internally.

Among the ten veterans, no one is willing to be the last one.

In particular, Sister Bao is unyielding and has a strong desire to win.

There is no office here at Jieyu Media. From the boss to the employees, there are all workstations. There is only a small meeting room that is sealed.

Xu Baihui pulled Zhou Buqi, came to the work station and sat down, lowered her voice: "Baoshan has been pregnant recently."

"That's not okay. Selling more and selling less is the same thing. You still count on that little money to live? No, I have to persuade her..."

"Oh, listen to me!"

Xu Baihui gave him a hand.

Zhou Buqi was surprised, "What's wrong?"

Xu Baihui said in a low voice: "In order to improve sales performance, Baoshan broke up the sales team and let everyone fight on their own. Each order will be given a commission of 5,000 yuan. The sales team has a total of 6 people including Baoshan. As a result, last month , signed a total of 17 orders, the most signed 8 orders, and Baoshan only signed 2 orders."

Zhou Buqi's expression changed slightly.

This is getting a little serious.

Xue Baoshan is the general manager. Within Jieyu Media, she and Xu Baihui are in charge of each other.

In the end, her performance as the general manager was not as good as that of her subordinates?

What authority does this have?

"who's that person?"

"An ordinary sale."


"Nonsense, Jieyu Media are all female employees."

"How about your education?"

"Graduated from junior high school."

Zhou Buqi frowned, and said vigilantly: "It can't be... a financial transaction, right? Exchange orders with your body?"

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