Cleaned up for a few days.

In the third day of junior high school, I started to get busy.

This year is over.

In addition to the New Year's call, there are also many business exchanges.

Among them, Lei Jun was the most active one. He was in the capital and said he wanted to come out to meet and have a chat.

Needless to say, it must be a matter of UC browser.

Zhou Buqi didn't want to meet, and made it clear and unmistakable: "SP is dead."

"It's not that serious." Lei Jun didn't take it seriously. "The supervision has been strengthened, and some SP business companies that violated the regulations have been banned, but with the support of mobile companies, this business will not die."

It is true to say that in the total revenue of mobile, 22% of the revenue comes from SP business.

Mobile and telecom operators, don't allow this business to die.

The so-called SP service is a mobile value-added service, referring to SMS, MMS, voice, CRBT and so on.

At the beginning of the new century, the Internet bubble burst, and 90% of Internet companies worldwide starved to death.

Few survived.

China Mobile has done a good thing, which is the first in the world. It launched Monternet, connecting Internet companies with its own SP business, and supporting a large number of companies.

The most famous one is QQ.

At this time, there was no 3G in China, and it was in the stage of 2G and 2.5G, and mobile phones were also feature phones.

Users who use mobile phones to chat on QQ need to send messages in the form of SMS through Monternet.

The sharing ratio of SMS revenue is 85% for mobile and 15% for QQ.

Relying on the support of Monternet, QQ not only survived, but also achieved excellent results. It made a profit early, and then went public in 2004...

Of course, China Mobile has therefore grasped the lifeline of Penguin. Later, when Fetion was launched, it was mandatory to connect with QQ. If they disagreed, they kicked QQ out of Monternet, and the latter could only accept it aggrievedly.

In addition to QQ, companies such as Sohu, Sina, Netease, A8, 3G Portal, Kongzhong, TOM, etc. also rely on SP business for additional income.

These are all normal.

More informal.

Do everything possible to use various means to trick users in, even using very vulgar promotion methods. After deceiving users in, they will do everything possible to extract value from users, such as hidden deductions, billing on behalf of others, or stealing user privacy for resale.

So since the second half of last year, the country has introduced various policies one after another. One is to limit the erosion of traditional phone calls and text messages through the wireless Internet, and to restrict them; the other is to standardize the market for SP services and build a harmonious society.

TOM's share price peaked at $28, and now it has fallen to $10.

Zhou Buqi said bluntly: "Even if you don't die, you won't live for a few years."

"Don't be so absolute."

"We are also considered friends. Let me tell you the truth, I do have the intention of entering the wireless Internet and developing SP business. The interaction between friends on is very suitable for SP business."

Lei Jun said: "That's not right! You have to have your own wap browser!" (Browsers are not part of the SP business, and related services launched around the browser, such as UC Paradise, are SP business.)

Zhou Buqi asked rhetorically: "What's so good about that UC browser? It's not well-known at all. If I launch a Weidian browser, how do you think college students and white-collar workers across the country will choose it?"


Lei Jun choked.

This is no nonsense!

"Micropoint" is a well-known Internet brand. Micropoint Antivirus and Micropoint Security Guard cover almost 80% of the Internet computers in the country. With the support of Xiaonei and, if the micro-point browser enters the wireless market, it is likely to kill UC in seconds.

Even if the founder of UC is full of confidence... However, as long as Dongfang Weidian releases the rumor that it will launch the Weidian browser on the mobile phone, no investors will give UC any more money, which is equivalent to defeating itself without a fight.

"Xiao Zhou, we're all friends, isn't it necessary? Xiaopeng and Liang Jie are both good people." Lei Jun was still very loyal to his friends and persuaded him.

Zhou Buqi sighed, "Brother Lei, you are embarrassing me! Even if you borrow a tree to bloom, you have to plant the tree in your back garden, right?"

Lei Jun immediately understood what he meant.

"I'll ask later, but they may not agree."

"It's the only solution."

Lei Jun smiled, "No matter what, it's good to have another way out."

Zhou Buqi also smiled, "Yes, it can save you a lot of money."

"By the way, are you really not optimistic about the SP business?"

"Didn't you hear the news? The chairman of the Ministry of Information Industry has said that the conditions for the development of 3G in our country are already in place, and experts will discuss this and make decision-making suggestions with relevant departments."

Lei Jun was very curious, "Doesn't 3G conflict with SP?"

Zhou Buqi snorted, "Smartphones and faster internet speed, what's the value of SP?"

"Will there be policy restrictions?"

"This is the general trend."

Zhou Buqi expressed his judgment firmly.

The promotion of 3G will truly develop the wireless Internet that focuses on SP services into a mobile Internet.

After the call ended, Wen Zhixia looked at him strangely from the side, "You're not telling the truth, are you?"

Zhou Buqi laughed, "It's half true, half false."

"What?" Wen Zhixia was curious.

Zhou Buqi sighed, "To do SP business, four words are indispensable - cheating, cheating, abducting, and cheating. If UC wants to start up and make a profit, it must also have this kind of primitive accumulation. Such a reputation."

Wen Zhixia opened his eyes wide, "Aren't you going to buy it?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's not easy to deal with the acquisition. Give them a sum of money and take up as many shares as possible. Wait a few years for 3G to come, and then focus on this area. I am too good at the business layout of the mobile phone terminal. , once it’s used early, it’s not good to be learned by others. You have to kill it at the critical moment.”

In fact, he had thought about developing the SP business before.

But after He Yang came, he was persuaded.

At present, it is still necessary to focus on the PC Internet to develop and integrate these businesses in hand. Don't recklessly shift the track if you don't have enough strength.

After thinking about it, Zhou Buqi respected his opinion.

Domestically, the 3G era will not officially begin until 2009.

Prior to this, no matter how good the wireless business was, it was still a small matter. There is no need to waste manpower, material resources and energy in this area. After all, Ziwei Star still has great development prospects and room for expansion on the PC Internet.


In the afternoon, Zhou Buqi went out to meet Zhou Hongyi.

The chat was not very happy, and they broke up unhappy.

Qihoo's aggregate search business is not doing very well, and the promotion is not going well. But Zhou Hongyi's relationship is too strong, and his reputation is big enough, so he actually wants to use his relationship to start the A round of financing.

This is very different from Zhou Buqi's original expectations.

He thought he could find a chance to take over this mature technical team, but in the end, he only wanted to be the big brother and had no intention of relying on others.

Then, Zhou Buqi went to pick up Wu Yu and took him back to his home.

Zhou Nan still had a better relationship with Wu Yu, and was very happy, shouting at each other. The main thing is the gift from Wu Yu, all kinds of strange stone jewelry are dazzling.

Even more lively at dinner.

Wu Yu twittered, didn't see anyone outside at all, and was a fellow townsman, with a kind of familiarity. In contrast, Wen Zhixia is much more restrained, a little reluctant to let go.

"Nan Nan, are there any boys chasing you at school?" At the dinner table, Wu Yu asked calmly. She felt that the atmosphere of the Zhou family was more open, and it was not as conservative as the small family in this respect.

Zhou Nan pouted, "It's much older."

"Did you agree?"

"How is it possible? A group of toads. They are not as good as my brother, I despise them."

"Hee hee, that's right."

Zhou Nan pursed her lips and snickered, "Sister Xiaoyu, my brother said that you were the school belle in high school, his first love."

Wu Yu pursed her lips, glanced at Zhou Buqi, her face was rosy, and she pulled the hair around her ear, "Who knows, I never talked to him when I was in high school, and a bunch of boys surrounded me, and I No one fell in love with it. In the end... In the end, we became alumni again when we arrived at the university. So, don't choose this kind of thing casually. The right person will definitely be waiting for you somewhere in the future. Use time to test yourself and identify love."

Wen Zhixia is not very good at popularizing the concept of love for her younger sister, but Wu Yu is very good at this kind of work.

Zhou Nan blinked, and said "Oh" half-understanding.


Zhou Buqi first carried Wu Yu out of the bathtub, wiped it clean, wrapped it in a bath towel, put it on the bed, and covered it with a quilt. Then, he came back to serve Wen Zhixia.

He was the one who waited on them both while they were taking a bath.

After a while, it was the two of them who waited on him.


Wen Zhixia sat by the bathtub, her voice trembling, and she looked nervous.

Zhou Buqi took the bath towel, wiped her body carefully, and said with a smile: "It's a big family, it's all right."

Wen Zhixia sighed softly, "My husband, I put everything down for you, and you have to treat me well in the future."

"That's for sure, don't I spoil you?"

"It has to be like this in the future, don't change your mind."

"Don't worry, I'm not a scumbag who always gives up." Zhou Buqi stated his position firmly.

Wen Zhixia shot him a look, "I don't worry about abandoning me from the beginning to the end, I'm afraid that you will be endless one by one."

"I can't bear it! I can't bear it!"

Another room.

Dad Xiong Bao was tossing and turning from side to side, unable to sleep.

When returning to the room, he saw his son hugging him left and right, and brought Wu Yu and Wen Zhixia back to the room. He is someone who has been there, and the expressions of the two daughters-in-law... You can see what will happen tonight from a panoramic view.

Think about my wives and wives, even though they have been living under the same roof for so many years, they all sleep in separate rooms.

How can it be like that kid can enjoy the blessings of everyone?

People are more than people, it's maddening.

"Hey, blue is better than blue because of blue. This kid is better than his father!"

The only advantage of being a father has also been surpassed.

At this moment, Zhou Jianjun felt that he had nothing left to teach his son, and felt a deep sense of loss.

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