Top of the big era

Chapter 372 Investment


Li Yanhong thought she had heard wrong.

After thinking about it carefully, it became more and more unbelievable.

Yes, Ziweixing is doing well now, Xiaonei and are in full swing, and Micropoint Antivirus and Micropoint Security Guard are sweeping away all monsters and monsters.

But what kind of company is Baidu?

The No. 1 Internet giant in China!

Even if you look at the entire technology field, the market value is second only to Lenovo.

As a college student, what can you do to help?

Do you use Friends Network to promote Baidu?

Really don't need it.

Baidu's sense of presence and the number of users far exceed that of

Seeing that he didn't take it seriously, Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Robin, I heard that Google is going to sell the Baidu stock it holds in its hand? Have you found another home?"

"Huh?" Li Yanhong's eyes froze instantly, a little surprised, "How do you know?"

Of course it was Google’s CEO Zhou Shaoning who said it!

Zhou Buqi didn't point it out, and asked with a smile: "The deadline given by Google is pretty tight, right?"

Li Yanhong took a deep look at him, his face was not as happy as before, and he was pondering, "Well, I need to find a good next home before June."

"What's the reaction from Wall Street?"


Li Yanhong sighed.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said nothing.

In fact, at this time, the experience of the previous life is of little significance. After all, he was far from reaching the current height in the previous life, and he could even talk with Li Yanhong on an equal footing.

More often, he relies on his experience in this life and his judgment on the domestic Internet situation from a higher position.

It’s true that Baidu is the number one Chinese concept stock, but Baidu also has a lot of hidden worries...

Domestically, Microsoft and Google are investing heavily in search business, Sohu is doing Sogou search, and Sina has launched iAsk search. And China Search, Instant Search, Yahoo, Qihoo, etc.

Baidu is currently the leader in the domestic search market.

No one can see clearly the situation in the next year or two.

It's okay to make small troubles, and Wall Street also likes short-term operations. But eating up 2% of Baidu shares held by Google in one go is too much and the risk is too great.

Under such circumstances, it is not easy to find another buyer to take over the large amount of stock in Google's hands.

Li Yanhong shook his head, and said lightly: "To be honest, I just went to the United States at the beginning of the month, and the talks were not very good. At this time, venture capital funds with strong capital are not very willing to take over the deal."

"How much is that stock worth?" Zhou Buqi asked.

Li Yanhong said: "Google holds 650,000 shares, the current stock price is 62 US dollars, and the total value is about 40 million US dollars."

Zhou Buqi asked, "What about the discount?"

Google and Baidu are competitors, so the actual stock value must be discounted. The relationship between supply and demand determines the expected stock price. If you actively buy, you need a premium; if you actively sell, you need to lower the price. Unless the company's performance is amazing and countless suitors are snapping up...then a premium sale is also possible.

The current Baidu is obviously not up to this standard. By 2007, Baidu single-handedly crushed search platforms such as Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Sogou, etc., and when its market share continued to rise, Baidu's stock would go crazy.


"not enough."

"Well, I also talked to Sequoia Capital, they mean $45, and they will consider taking all of it."

"How much discount is this?"


Zhou Buqi shook his head and pondered: "27.5% must be too much, and 10% is a little less."

Li Yanhong frowned, and looked at him strangely, "Xiao Zhou, what do you mean? Do you have a friend who is interested in the stock in Google's hands?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Almost."

Li Yanhong's eyes lit up, she was very surprised, "Really? Who is it?"

Zhou Buqi pointed to his forehead.

Li Yanhong was stunned.

He Yang was also slightly taken aback, and quickly stopped him, "Mr. Zhou, don't mess around!"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said calmly: "I am very principled in my actions and conduct. I will repay kindness for kindness and revenge for revenge. I feel a little sorry for this recruitment. Robin, go talk to Google, if you can Mention some discounts, I am willing to help you!"

"Eat Google's stock?"

"That's right!"

"All 650,000 shares?"

"That's right!"


Li Yanhong gasped, expressing disbelief, and looked at the young man in a daze.

Zhou Buqi smiled slightly, "Robin, why don't we go to see Zhou Shaoning from Google together to talk about this deal. I think, if you are anxious, he is even more anxious."

Li Yanhong still couldn't believe it, and opened her eyes wide, "Xiao Zhou, you're not kidding me, are you? Do you really want to eat that share of Google's stock?"


"That's $40 million!"

"Isn't there a discount?"

Li Yanhong laughed angrily, "Even if there is a discount, it will cost more than 30 million US dollars."

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "It's only more than 200 million, less than 300 million, I can afford it. As I said, I can distinguish right from wrong. He Yang is now our executive, so he has not fulfilled his obligations. A verbal promise to you. This deal is regarded as compensation. I don't want any news that will harm his reputation in the industry."

He Yang is about to dissuade him, don't be impulsive.

But when I heard these words, I was stunned, and a warm current flowed through my heart.

It turned out to be for the sake of his own reputation?

Li Yanhong's eyes were deep, he didn't know what he was thinking, and then he suddenly laughed, "It seems that Xiaonei has made a lot of money. Is it a group purchase?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Company secret."

Li Yanhong laughed out loud, feeling a kind of clearing the clouds and seeing the sun.

Although the recruitment of He Yang failed, it was a great success to be able to solve the problem of the stock in Google's hands. In contrast, the latter is more important.

Without He Yang, he can recruit others.

But if the Google matter is not resolved as soon as possible, once the deadline is up, Google will sell it on a large scale in the secondary market, which will be a disaster for Baidu.

Looking at Zhou Buqi again, I feel that he is sunny and handsome, with little righteousness, no matter how you look at him, he is pleasing to the eye.

Sure enough, he is a well-known rising star in the industry, and his reputation is well-deserved!

Li Yanhong was amazed in his heart, intending to make friends, and said with a smile: "If this deal can be achieved, I will give you a place in Baidu's board of directors."

Zhou Buqi was not interested, and declined politely, "I have to attend classes and manage the company, so I don't have that much energy."

"Okay, then make an appointment and talk to Johnny!"



Wu Yu, who had dinner outside, lay down on the sofa when she got home, and said coquettishly, "Husband, when are we going to move? The new house is great, it's no worse than a villa."

"I will be negotiating with Google in the next few days, and I will move after the negotiation."


Wu Yu cheered.

Shi Jinglin took off her down jacket and was taking off her leather pants, but she raised her head and asked curiously, "What are you talking about with Google?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Google has 650,000 shares of Baidu shares, and I want to buy them."


Shi Jinglin let out an exclamation, the trousers were hanging on the bend of her legs, and she lost her balance in an instant.

Zhou Buqi had quick eyes and quick hands, he quickly got up and supported her, and said with a smile: "Don't be surprised."

Shi Jinglin went back to her room to change clothes.

Two minutes later, she came out wearing a translucent nightgown, and with a glance, she could see the outline of her underwear, which was very choppy and predictable.

"What's the matter with stocks?" Shi Jinglin was very curious about this kind of thing.

Zhou Buqi didn't hide anything, so he told about He Yang, Baidu and Google stock.

Shi Jinglin opened her beautiful eyes and said in disbelief, "Baidu stock worth 40 million US dollars? Buy them all?"


"Where did you get the money?"

"There is 350 million in the company's account, and I estimate that 250 million will be enough."

"That's the company's working capital!"

Shi Jinglin's delicate face was slightly angry.

She had her hair cut a few days ago, and it became ear-length short hair again, and she permed it a little. Qi Er's fluffy perm has a sense of ethereal air, the surface is slightly messy, and it shows a bit of randomness, which is a famous model.

Zhou Buqi was a little moved and patted his thigh, "Come and sit."

"Then you have to tell me clearly what's going on." Shi Jinglin put forward her own conditions.

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Yes."

Shi Jinglin just got up, walked over and sat sideways on his lap, saw Wu Yu's smiling expression next to her, her face was slightly hot and flushed, and said calmly, "Say it quickly! What the hell is going on?" What's going on?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Investment! Baidu's current stock price is greatly underestimated. The main reason is that the capital is jealous, thinking that Microsoft, Google, Sohu, Sina and other companies will erode Baidu's market share by making efforts in the search business. But I I am an industry insider, and I can see very clearly that these companies together are not Baidu's opponents."

Shi Jinglin frowned, and asked suspiciously, "You mean, Baidu's stock will go up?"

"Of course, it's a global bull market." Zhou Buqi smiled, put his arm around her slender waist, and put his hand under her skirt dishonestly, "This year will determine the pattern of the domestic search business. Next year...etc. Just wait and see!"

"Then you can't use the company's cash flow. According to management science, there must be funds on the books that can maintain the company's daily operations for 18 months." Shi Jinglin grabbed his hand and threw it out. He gave him a hard look.

"Don't worry, I know. Group buying is booming, and I signed a big order with Taobao. There are no problems in daily operations, and a cash flow of 100 million yuan is enough. The rest of the money is better invested. Money makes money and makes big money. .”

Zhou Buqi is full of confidence. In fact, he has long been planning to invest part of his cash flow. Baidu stock held by Google is simply a godsend.

He was holding a beautiful woman in his arms, with a warm fragrance and nephrite jade, and he was a little distracted, "Linlin, your body smells so good!"

Shi Jinglin rolled her eyes at him, bit her lips and said, "Please explain clearly to me, I will sleep with you in a while."


"You also said that now is a big bull market, so why don't you invest in A shares? If you bought Google shares, there must be a lock-up period, or US stocks... It's too troublesome to operate."

"A shares? Stop talking, aren't you afraid of being targeted?"

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