Top of the big era

Chapter 365: Each Has His Own Way

He Yang was touched by Li Yanhong's sincerity.

On Monday, the two met for the first time.

We talked about outlook on life, values, world outlook, career planning, meaning of life, etc. The topics we talked about were huge, but they were very speculative, and there was a feeling of like-mindedness.

On Wednesday, the two met for the second time.

Talked about Baidu's social value and development direction. Mr. Li firmly believes that Baidu can lead an era and become a company like Google in the United States, with both social value and technological value, and become a representative national Internet company in China.

On Wednesday, the two met for the third time.

Talked about Baidu's current development status, business sectors, and the direction of future development. Search is a very popular direction. Baidu will have many competitors, such as Sohu's Sogou Search, Sina's Aiwen Search, HC's China Search, Ali's Yahoo Search, Microsoft's Live Search, and Google Search. In addition, many start-ups are also doing search here, Qihoo, Youku and so on.

It is true that Baidu is currently the largest Internet company in China, but Baidu also has the most competitors. Taking a job at Baidu is by no means a simple matter of resting on the laurels and enjoying it comfortably. It is about facing huge challenges.

The challenge is the motivation for He Yang to choose his next career.

For three consecutive times, Li Yanhong took the initiative to invite her, with a bit of sincerity of "visiting the thatched cottage three times".

It would be a lie to say that I am not moved.

He Yang has almost decided that his next stop is Baidu!

And he also received another invitation from Li Yanhong.

Saturday night.

Already the fourth time!

Everything that should be discussed has already been discussed. This time, it should be about salary and benefits.

He Yang couldn't hide his excitement.

He is going to Baidu to realize a lofty ambition!

As for other invitations, those who should be rejected should be rejected.

In the mailbox, he saw another weird email, the other party claimed to be Gu Yongqiang, the former Sohu COO and the current Heyi CEO.

After a brief glance at the content of the email, it was very inexplicable.

It is said that there is a college student named Zhou Buqi from Beike.

For an executive at He Yang's level, there are thousands of emails to be processed every day, and it is impossible to waste too long on invalid emails. Look at the title and the first two sentences. If there is no substantive content, it will be regarded as spam and ignored.



Why is this name so familiar?


Friday night.

Diaoyutai Hotel.

Li Guoqing went out, set up a table of state banquet dishes, and entertained He Yang with a smile.

However, he already has his own heart and has identified Baidu.

"Brother Guoqing, let me just say that I have contacted many headhunters and companies in the past few days, and I already have a choice." After He Yang took his seat, he cut to the chase.

"which company?"


"Well, good company, have you signed it?"

"Not yet, talk to Mr. Li again tomorrow night."

Li Guoqing smiled and said: "Good thing, good thing! It's okay, let's talk slowly, I'm just helping a friend with a sentence. You have a choice, and you can't blame me. Come, let's have a drink. From now on, we will also be regarded as peers of the Internet."

After drinking a glass of mellow Maotai wine, He Yang's body warmed up, and he couldn't help but ask, "Who asked you for help?"

"A child."


"Well, a sophomore."

He Yang was taken aback for a moment, his heart skipped a beat.


Why is it so familiar?

Li Guoqing said with a smile: "Xiaonei, have you heard of it?"

"I know." He Yang nodded, a little surprised, "The sophomore you mentioned is the founder of Xiaonei?"

Li Guoqing nodded, then sighed, quite a bit self-deprecating, "It's not just Xiaonei,, Weidian Antivirus, Weidian Security Guard... are all created by him. The Yangtze River pushed the waves forward, and now The young man is really amazing."

He Yang is the senior vice president of Lenovo, and he is oriented to the physical market, so he doesn't have too much confidence in the Internet circle, and immediately lost his voice in shock: "Brother Guoqing, what are you talking about? Xiaonei, Youyou, and Weidian Antivirus Internet products such as Weidian Security Guard are all created by one person?"

"Yes!" Li Guoqing nodded heavily, and glanced at him, "Do you think it's amazing?"


He Yang gasped, unbelievable, "A sophomore? No..." Blinking his eyes, he suddenly thought of something, and blurted out: "Could it be Zhou Buqi?"

"You know?" Li Guoqing blinked, and then laughed, "That's right, you must know. That kid has a lot of tricks, and he found them on me. He must also ask a lot of colleagues for help. How about it, what did others say?"

He Yang was a little lost.

"What's wrong?"

Li Guoqing was a little strange.

He Yangdao: "In the past few days, I have received a few weird emails. It seems that there is Lei Jun, and the one from Jinshan."

Li Guoqing clapped his hands and laughed, "That's right! It's in line with that kid's trick!"

He Yang said bitterly: "But I'm not familiar with Lei Jun, and the content of the email is inexplicable, so I didn't care too much, treat it as spam..."

"Uh..." Li Guoqing was also a little speechless, and then he laughed, "That's just right, let me tell you about that kid, let me tell you, I haven't met such a thoughtful kid in many years. Let me give You have a set of data, and you analyze it. College students are not on winter vacation. Dangdang cooperated with to launch a sales activity recommended by college students’ must-read list for winter vacation, using to connect with college students across the country. This activity will Within 10 days, sales exceeded 10 million."

He Yang's expression was relatively calm.

After all, Lenovo sells computers, and the sales it handles are billions or tens of billions.

Li Guoqing coughed lightly, and said calmly: "Let me tell you this, last year, Dangdang's total revenue was 260 million, of which 32% came from book sales, which was about 80 million. Dangdang's annual book sales were 80 million. As a result, we cooperated with Xiaonei and achieved 10 million sales in a week.”

He Yang opened his eyes wide with shock.

Li Guoqing said in a deep voice: "He Yang, we are also old friends, and the elder brother must not cheat you. Baidu... Yes, it should be regarded as the best in China at present. But how many years has Baidu been in business? Zhou Zhou No, that kid is only a sophomore this year, and he only came to Beijing from the Northeast to study in his freshman year, and then he started his business. In just one year, you must understand what it means to build such a big business."

He Yang frowned, "You can't chew too much! Xiaonei is an e-commerce business, right? is a social network, why do you still have anti-virus software? Of course, I also use Micropoint Anti-Virus, which is free and very good. But how can he, a sophomore, integrate so many complicated businesses together? This is a mess!"

Li Guoqing nodded, "Well, it's a bit complicated. That kid...has a lot of ambition, but he's a bit impatient. But the starting point is good. The Xiaonei network serves college students across the country, and Weidian security guards have cleaned up the Internet. The rogue software on the Internet, the micro-point anti-virus is free to use, this child's not simple."

He Yang let out a "hmm", and after the initial shock, he slowly regained his composure.

To be an enterprise, it is far from enough to have ideas and a mind.

Xiaonei,, security guards, anti-virus software... so many unrelated projects are in the hands of a company that lacks sufficient background and has only been established for one year.

The operational risk is too great.

In contrast, Baidu is more reliable.

It is true that he is looking for a challenge.

But he didn't want to court death.


Yan Guangming is very reliable.

There is also a lot of experience.

After some thinking, probing, and tracking, he felt that it would be too abrupt for him to go to He Yang rashly. He is a small boss himself, and in the words of ordinary people, he is a local tyrant.

Elites tend not to like dealing with local tyrants.

Yan Guangming is very self-aware, he is not afraid of being rejected, he does not take face seriously. He was worried that his reckless behavior would affect Zhou Buqi's recruitment situation.

Finally, after days of follow-up investigation, he found a key clue.

He Yang's driver is his brother-in-law!

This is an important discovery!

Yan Guangming immediately became excited.

To deal with an elite executive like He Yang, he may not have many ways to deal with it. The key is that he has a guilty conscience and feels that it is difficult to handle. However, it is too easy to get a driver.


Chickens don't pee, each has its own way!

Let's wait and see who can do better!

That night, he continued to follow by car and found that He Yang had come to Diaoyutai Hotel.

"Brother? Brother?"

In the parking lot, Yan Guangming got out of the car, walked over confidently, and knocked on the window.

He Yang's brother-in-law Liu Bin was just about to sleep, and was waiting for his brother-in-law in the car. He opened his eyes in a daze, and lowered the car window, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Yan Guangming smiled and said, "Are you Mr. He Yang's driver?"

"Huh?" Liu Bin's heart tightened, most of the sleepiness disappeared, and he looked suspicious, "Who are you?"

Yan Guangming said: "Don't be nervous, I heard that Mr. He is going to change jobs recently, but I can't get in touch with him, so I want to ask you for help."

After speaking, he handed over his business card.

"Yongyan Electronics Factory, chairman, general manager, Yan Guangming?"

"Yes, it's my scumbag."

Liu Bin was a little amused, "Boss Yan, my sister...Mr. He is the senior vice president of Lenovo, with an annual salary of several million. It's not suitable to work in an electronics factory, right?"

Yan Guangming smiled and said, "You misunderstood, I'm just building a bridge for my friends, not me. How many catties and taels I have, haven't I counted it yet? In this way, let's find a place to chat with each other?"

"No, I have to wait for Mr. He."

"Just have a cup of coffee next to us and let's chat. When your boss comes out, you can come and pick him up again without delay."


"Let's go, it's late at night, you can't justify lying in the car by yourself. Let's just chat, it's okay if you succeed or fail, just treat it as a friend."

Naturally, Liu Bin didn't want to stay in the car alone, so he looked at him hesitantly, "Just a cup of coffee?"


"Let me tell you clearly, I am a driver. Mr. He's career choice is all up to him. I can't decide anything."

"It's not a big problem if there is no righteousness in buying and selling!"

Yan Guangming laughed, with a hearty and generous look.

My heart has blossomed with joy.

After getting my brother-in-law done, it's like blowing the pillow wind, which is quite powerful.

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