Since Shi Jinglin came, the breakfast at home has been different.

She is from Modu, relatively petty bourgeoisie.

I don't like to eat fried dough sticks and drink soy milk, but like to eat cakes and drink milk.

So in the past two months, the breakfast was basically sent by bodyguards every week, bought from the Shangri-La Hotel every morning.

Breakfast alone costs more than 200 yuan a day.

"Eat more, can that little calories fight hunger? It's winter."

Zhou Buqi divided the fried eggs, and Wen Zhixia, Wu Yu, and Shi Jinglin all shared.

Wu Yu's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, her eyes were strange.

Shi Jinglin was aware of it, and immediately postponed, "No, this piece of glutinous rice cake is enough for me, and there are so many vegetables and fruits, I won't be hungry."

Wen Zhixia raised his eyelids slightly, and obviously noticed something.

Since the two returned from a business trip in Hangzhou, the atmosphere at home has changed a lot.

Special harmony!

In the past, Zhou Buqi and Shi Jinglin seemed to be incompatible, and they would quarrel every now and then.

But recently, the relationship between the two has eased too much.

not only that.

When eating, Zhou Buqi would pick up vegetables for her; when changing clothes, Shi Jinglin would not pick out his clothes and throw them aside; Those in the past are taboo.

They are all women, and they are all sensitive.

"Husband, Sister Lin, you two..." Wu Yu hesitated for a while, and opened his eyes wide like a curious baby, "Have you two reached a settlement?"

Shi Jinglin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and tried to calm down, "Well, we reconciled. We work and live together, and it's not good to keep arguing."

Wu Yu asked: "How did you reconcile?"

"Uh... just let the words go, there is no deep hatred." Shi Jinglin was a little overwhelmed, so she gave Zhou Buqi a look.

Zhou Buqi thought it was troublesome and didn't speak.

This kind of thing can be said earlier, and I don't know what she is still hiding.

Wu Yu definitely agrees with both hands, and Wen Zhixia probably won't mind.

She is so smart, and we have lived together for so long, is it possible to say that there is no interest in each other? It's not that there is a lack of money. As for the mixed living of men and women?

Sure enough, Wen Zhixia tugged her hair around her ears, and asked very kindly, "Are you two together?"

"How can it be?"

Shi Jinglin's face turned red, and she gave Zhou Buqi another look, showing her guilty conscience.


Wu Yu burst out laughing.

Shi Jinglin was angry and annoyed, and cursed secretly in her heart: "This dead man!" Then she asked angrily, "What are you laughing at?"

Wu Yu blinked her big eyes, and said strangely: "Sister Lin, do you have a man outside? Or... have you got another woman?"

Shi Jinglin was very confident, and shouted: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Then last night I found strawberries planted on your neck and chest, what happened?" Wu Yu blinked and smiled.

Shi Jinglin was stunned on the spot, dumbfounded.

Zhou Buqi almost tensed up.

Yesterday afternoon, the two went out to open a room again.

This is the third time they have been together.

Her reaction was not very good, but it was much stronger than last time. There was some retching reaction, but it was only a few minutes. His face was not as pale as from exhaustion, and overall, he had made great progress.

"You're laughing!" Shi Jinglin knew that she had revealed her secrets, and she was furious immediately. She slapped the fork on the table heavily, and said in embarrassment, "It's all you! You made me like this!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Just say it, there is nothing to hide, what are you hiding? I am too tired. Well, now I have announced that Miss Shi Jinglin will be our family from now on!"


Wu Yu cheered and clapped.

Wen Zhixia's expression was unnatural, but she finally smiled, and said very intellectually and gently, "Welcome."


The office of Dongfang Micropoint is relatively large, so high-level meetings are generally held here.

At the end of the year, Zhou Buqi, Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, Ji Zian and Wang Haoyang met here for a year-end summary meeting to summarize the development of this year and put forward the development goals for next year.

In terms of business development, Ziweixing has achieved great success this year.

Xiaonei has 13.6 million users; has 33.48 million users; Micropoint Security Guard has 30.74 million installed capacity; Micropoint Antivirus has 28.59 million installed capacity.

Several major core businesses have produced quite impressive report cards.

Small projects such as, membership shopping, job-seeking website for fresh graduates, and Weidian data search have also achieved good development.

As for funding...

As of the end of December 2005, Ziweixing's cash flow on the books was as high as 340 million yuan!

Such a large sum of money is enough for this group of young people to continue their dreams.

Guo Pengfei took the lead in expressing his opinion. He said: "Next year, the number of users of will strive to reach the goal of 20 million. At the same time, we will further enrich the business sector and strengthen the core position of group buying. At the same time, we will expand the influence of the job-seeking website for fresh graduates. , and put Weimi Online online, making it a success.”

Next is Zhang Yiming.

The business of Friends Network is much more complicated.

"As far as the user scale is concerned, the target for next year is 50 million, which is not difficult, but it is not without room for manipulation. In addition, we must further promote the social game business and lead the trend. In the field of technology, we must deepen cooperation with Microsoft. Complete the data processing system, expand the technical team, and secretly set up a new streaming media-type content information business department—friends public account.”

Having said that, he paused for a moment and glanced at Zhou Buqi, "However, whether there will be business overlap between the official account and the shelved Weizhiwang remains to be tested."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "The content business can be slowed down first. The first task of next year is to do a good job in social games."

Wang Haoyang frowned, "My friend's business is doing well, and they have been promoted to South Korea, but I heard... that company is copying again."

No names were named, but everyone knew who it was.

Zhou Buqi said: "When doing Internet projects, it is inevitable to be plagiarized. There is no need to complain, the general environment is like this. So we must be careful and ruthless in our actions, find a suitable angle, and ask giant companies to spend the most money, It is still difficult to defeat us by finding the best talents and bringing in the most traffic. Internationalization is an option.”

Zhang Yiming sat there quietly, silent, feeling a lot of pressure.

Next is Ji Zian.

Micro-point security guard and micro-point antivirus have achieved great success, and the brand of "micro-point" is in full swing. With the fermentation of time, the expansion of business is a matter of course.

"Next year, the installed capacity of Micropoint Security Guard and Micropoint Antivirus will reach 40 million. At the same time, the Micropoint input method will be introduced to the market and replace Ziguang Pinyin and Smart ABC to become the No. 1 market share With the brand effect of Weidian Security Guard, Weidian Antivirus and Weidian Input Method, three free mass products, Dongfang Weidian will try to find a profit direction."

Ji Zian's words were loud and full of confidence.

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Not three types."


"There is a college student in the member purchase project team who proposed a very creative and good project that can be made."

Guo Pengfei was surprised, "You mean the online diary project?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, but it's not called an online diary, it can be called a micronote."

Ji Zian was curious, "What do you do?"

Guo Pengfei explained: "It's just a notebook on the Internet. You can log in with your account and password, but you can write down notes on the Internet anytime, anywhere, and store them in your own unique storage space."

"Use our server to help users save data?"


"Is this okay?"

Ji Zian was slightly taken aback, a little uncertain.

What a huge server capacity!

Especially when the user logs in his account on a new computer, he needs to download all the data content from the server to the local.

Every time you change a computer, you have to download it once.

How much bandwidth does this waste the headquarters server?

Zhang Yiming pondered: "The capacity can be limited, 3M or 5M is enough, enough to input two to three million words of notes, which can meet the basic needs of some ordinary users."

"general user……"

This word suddenly reminded Guo Pengfei, and his eyes lit up, "There will always be some people who need to record a large amount of document data, especially when writing a thesis, the materials and materials prepared may be tens of millions of words. Or some Administration and secretarial work all require higher storage capacity, and membership fees can be charged.”

In many cases, inspiration comes out of this collision.

Zhou Buqi smiled, waved his hand and said, "This is just a small project. The project book has not been finished yet. Let's talk about it later. Let's move on to the strategy. Next year, Dongfang Micropoint will have Micropoint Security Guard, Micropoint Antivirus, micro-point input method and micro-point note four products can greatly promote the demand of the public, and the brand image will be further promoted. In this process, we must further promote the cooperation with large companies and integrate the concept of "safety" Grasp it firmly. The micro-point input method is the safest input method, and the micro-point note can safely protect the privacy of user documents, these are all supporting."

Next, it was Wang Haoyang.

He is now concurrently the president of Dongfang Micropoint. In fact, he is the chief financial officer of Ziweixing Technology. He said solemnly: "Next year, Ziweixing will build its own financial system and KPI performance standards. After moving to Sohu Building, the company will It is no longer a grassroots team, and everything must be operated in a standardized manner. Therefore, I suggest that the company needs to recruit a capable and experienced chief human resources officer to establish a comprehensive talent operation system, improve organizational capabilities, and implement corporate culture. "

Zhou Buqi took it seriously and said: "For a company, talents are the most important. Whether it is Xiaonei,, or Dongfang Weidian, our employees are either part-time college students, or directly recruited from other companies. We need to have our own training department to cultivate the values ​​of employees. Recruitment and dismissal are the vitality of an enterprise and must be taken seriously.”

He's not planning to do it himself, though.

"Haoyang, you can handle this matter. If there is a suitable candidate, I will come to interview."


Wang Haoyang is the oldest and the most well-connected among these few people, so he must do his part in such a task.

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