Top of the big era

Chapter 351 Year-end bonus

Two days later, return to Beijing.

"Don't tell Xiaoyu about us in advance, don't forget." After getting off the plane, Shi Jinglin felt that it was not safe, so she warned him cautiously.

Wearing a cotton hat, Zhou Buqi held her hand, frowned and said, "It doesn't matter whether I say it or not, the key is unpacked, so she can't see it?"

"What was unpacked?"



Shi Jinglin reacted for a moment, and waved her hands angrily, "Even if I follow you, you still have to respect me! Scumbag!"

After speaking, he quickened his pace.

Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide and followed, "Your disrespectful pace is normal!"

"I do!"

Shi Jinglin snorted.

Zhou Buqi said: "Since they are all recovered, why don't you go to bed? I have my responsibility, and you have yours, okay? Are you evading on purpose?"

"Who escaped?"

Shi Jinglin was a little guilty, and slowed down her pace, as if she couldn't walk smoothly.

Zhou Buqi was a little angry, "You can really pretend."

Of course Shi Jinglin was not convinced, "I'm with you now, what else do you want? I'm still serving you every day, I'm your nanny? Will you pay me? Go to whoever you want, don't bother you Auntie!"

"Are you trying to quarrel with me?"

"It was you who quarreled with me."

"During the week I went to Hangzhou, I only bumped into you once, and I was still whining and dissatisfied. Are you reasonable?"

"Aren't I worried about being seen out..." Shi Jinglin knew she was wrong, and waved her hands impatiently, "Okay, I'll go out to get a room in a few days, as if I've never seen a woman before."

After finishing speaking, he might also feel that he was a little too much, so he took his arm and said in a low voice: "Make up, don't quarrel, let's go to the hotel this weekend, okay?"


Zhou Buqi nodded calmly.

Walking out of the airport hall, Shi Jinglin was a little surprised: "Huh? Where are your bodyguards?"

Zhou Buqi was a little embarrassed, "I didn't let them come, it's enough to have Brother Luo and Sister Zhao follow."

"Just the two of them? Are you not afraid of danger?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem."

Zhou Buqi rubbed his nose, quite ashamed.

In the past half a month, he has been hurt by the word "bloody disaster", for fear of being injured by blood. Unexpectedly, during this trip to Hangzhou, blood was seen on Shi Jinglin's bed.

At that time, he was really taken aback and surprised, and there was a kind of astonishment made by nature.

If this is said, it will make people laugh out loud.

Moreover, the installed capacity of Micropoint Antivirus has reached 22 million, and the free antivirus mode has swept the domestic antivirus market, and the situation has stabilized.

The impulsive period of the entire industry has passed, and the threat to personal safety has ceased to exist.

After getting in the car, take Shi Jinglin back to school first.

The mobile phone group buying campaign has ended with great success. Facts have proved that it is not that there is no market for domestic mobile phones, it is not that they cannot be sold, but that the price mechanism is wrong.

For mobile phones of the same price, consumers of course choose international giants such as Nokia, Motorola, and Samsung. The quality is guaranteed and the brand is also famous. If domestic mobile phones want to stand out from the siege of foreign giants, they must change the profiteering thinking a few years ago.

Low-cost dumping is the way out for domestic mobile phones in the next ten years. has operated mobile phone group buying for many times. In the experimental field of the college student market, it has explained the problem many times. In the past two years, Panda mobile phones have frequently been unsalable and have lost money year after year. This cooperation with has been a great success and brought back a wave of blood.

I don't know if it can wake up the large domestic mobile phone manufacturers.

Putting down Shi Jinglin, Zhou Buqi went to Dongfang Weidian.

Without the pressure of security, Zhou Buqi seemed to have removed the heavy armor on his body, which was indescribably easy.

Wang Haoyang has already set up a financial team, recruiting a total of 7 people.

The first thing is the year-end bonus.

The current Ziweixing has a monthly expenditure of about 10 million, and its income is not stable. Sometimes it is more, sometimes it is less, mainly depending on the results of group purchases.

This month's income should reach 35 million yuan.

However, at the end of the year, there must be an additional expense.

Zhou Buqi had some ideas of his own about the year-end award, and communicated with Wang Haoyang in the past.

"What is the nature of the year-end bonus? Is it salary or bonus?"

"The current form of year-end bonus is to pay double salary in the last month of each year, and pay an extra month's salary as a year-end bonus. This is in the nature of wages. There is another way to determine the final award based on comprehensive assessment results such as performance and attendance. The share of the year-end bonus is the nature of the bonus.”

Zhou Buqi frowned and said: "The nature must be clearly distinguished. Salary is the ability to buy employees' time and match their value. Bonus is the part that rewards employees beyond their own value. Bonuses are not benefits, and everyone cannot Yes, it should be highlighted. If the bonus is a benefit, then it’s nothing, it’s better not to award.”

Wang Haoyang nodded, "Yes, our domestic big Internet companies generally have a dual-track system. In the past, Sina used to pay two months' extra salary every year as a year-end bonus, and there will also be performance appraisal rewards."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Don't worry about what others do, we must have our own value system. What Sina does must be right? Let me give you an example. There is a vice president of named Shi Jinglin. She My father runs a big business and entered the real estate market this year. They distribute money to real estate sales through two systems, salary and bonus. Salary is settled at the end of the month, and bonuses are paid every week.”

"Weekly salary system?"

"Yes, it is distributed once a week, and it is issued publicly, and the distribution is in cash. Some salesmen get a thick stack of money in their hands, and some salesmen may get two or three. In that This kind of public occasion can greatly stimulate the motivation of employees. Shi Jinglin's father is on the Forbes rich list this year, ranking 13th, and the big reason is that the two real estate projects are doing well."

Wang Haoyang was slightly silent.

Send money on the spot? Public discovery of cash?

He deeply disapproved, "This kind of behavior is too barbaric. It's okay for the bottom class, but it's for the white-collar workers... It will stimulate everyone's self-esteem, and some envy and jealousy will affect the interpersonal relationship between employees. To everyone As far as the company is concerned, the salary of employees should still be kept secret.”

Zhou Buqi is not a financial professional, so of course he doesn't know much about it. He asked, "Salary should be kept secret, and bonuses should be made public? It can promote everyone's common progress."

Wang Haoyang shook his head, "No, income is privacy. Once it is touched, it will arouse the resentment of many outstanding employees who pursue valuable pursuits. In fact..."

He knew that the young boss could not be proficient in everything, so he cleverly found a small example: "For example, in the college entrance examination, only those poor students need various ways to motivate and promote them to improve their academic performance. For those top students with pursuit, goals and ideals, there is no need for stimulation at all, because they all have a vision in their hearts, that is a prestigious university. Our employees are not real estate sales, but the best in this society Elite."

"The role of the bonus is to motivate yourself?"


Zhou Buqi thought about it for a while, and felt that this was the truth. Many times, money has great power. Two strangers can get along very naturally, but when they know that one is worth millions and the other is a working class, it will definitely not be so natural to get along.

Over time, estrangement and various psychological barriers will arise.

Wang Haoyang said sternly: "Income is the greatest personal privacy of an employee, and it is also the premise of getting along with colleagues on an equal footing. It must not be made public."

Zhou Buqi was persuaded, "Okay, let's keep it a secret. By the way, we don't have an assessment system now, right?"

Wang Haoyang said: "I will start to implement it and create our own KPI assessment mechanism. It will be implemented in March, after we move to Sohu Building, and it will be used as the standard for awarding bonuses."

"What about this year-end bonus? Is it only salary?"

"Yes, I suggest that each person should be paid an extra two months' wages, which is not too much, and the total expenditure will be about 4 million."

"It's Chinese New Year, it's a little bit to only pay wages..." Zhou Buqi shook his head, and then his eyes lit up, "Why don't we give each employee a red envelope."

"Huh? Red envelopes?"

Wang Haoyang was taken aback for a moment, it seems that no company has done this before, right?

Zhou Buqi felt that this sudden idea was very meaningful, and said: "Bonuses are not benefits, and everyone cannot have them, but red envelopes are benefits, and can be given to everyone. Moreover, red envelopes are not based on grades or performance. Come on, just look at the length of service. If the length of service is long, the red envelope will be large; if the length of service is short, the red envelope will be small. You don’t need too much, you can choose a few auspicious numbers, such as 666 yuan, 888 yuan and so on.”

Wang Haoyang's eyes were wide open, feeling that the boss was really out of his mind, and this was something that had never been written in financial books, so he said in a daze, "Do you really do it?"


Zhou Buqi waved his hand and made a decision, "We at Ziweixing Technology will make four sets of financial systems - wages, bonuses, red envelopes and stocks. Wages buy employees' time; bonuses reward employees for exceeding Expectations are predetermined; red envelopes are benefits, everyone should have them, and red envelopes can be given out during festivals or company celebrations. Stocks... have not yet been reformed into shareholding systems, so let’s not talk about them.”

Wang Haoyang pondered for a long time, and said with a smile: "Stocks are for the future, and wages and bonuses are for the present. Red envelopes... are an extra surprise, a gift for all employees. Many young people yearn for the civil service exam. In addition, the welfare system is well done. Salary, bonuses and stocks are not welfare. Red envelopes can be made into our corporate welfare system, which is much more meaningful than sending some firewood, rice, oil and salt. Well, if it is really done, it can be considered It is a major feature of our Ziwei Star."

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