Top of the big era

Chapter 35 If you fail, you can only go home and inherit billions of dollars

After a while, Ji Zian brought people in.

This is the room where students usually play the "killing game". It's not too big, but there is a long table and enough chairs, just enough to sit down.

Zhou Buqi was excited and had a strong sense of accomplishment.

Apart from him, the ten people present here are from ten colleges and universities, and they are all influential figures.

Now, let's gather together and join in the grand event.

This is the prototype of the team!

Ali had "Eighteen Arhats" when it started its business. I don't need so many people. It is enough to call the "Ten King Kong".

Arranged in descending order of age, they are Ma Pingshan of Beihang University, Zhen Yu of University of Finance and Economics, Liu Wenbo of Beijing University of Technology, Meng Houkun of Agricultural University, Ji Zi'an of National People's Congress, Zhang Yinlei of National People's University of China, Xu Baihui of Beiwu University, Chen Dong of Peking University, Guo Pengfei of Beike University, and Xue Baoshan of Beiwai University.

Guo Pengfei and Xue Baoshan were the youngest.

It is worth mentioning that Ma Pingshan from the first year of research is one year older than Zhen Yu from the second year of research, and Meng Houkun from the third year is two months older than Ji Zi'an from the fourth year.

"Let me say a few words."

Everyone gathered together with the same purpose, Zhou Buqi was impolite, knocked on the table with his fingers, and looked around at everyone.

Everyone fell silent.

Zhou Buqi said softly: "Let me make a brief self-introduction first. My name is Zhou Buqi, and I am a freshman in the Department of Business Administration of Beijing University of Science and Technology. I pioneered the way you sell campus cards."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Yinlei, who was very strong and full of shoulders, applauded vigorously, with tears in his eyes.

This scene baffled other people who wanted to join in the applause, so that the applause was sparse.


Even if you are loyal, there is no need to be so exaggerated, right?

Moved to tears just after saying a word?

There are quite a few scenes!

Seemingly aware of everyone's attention, Zhang Yinlei lowered his head and wiped away his tears, feeling very ashamed, "I'm sorry for making everyone laugh. Boss Zhou, go ahead."

Zhou Buqi had read his profile and knew that his family's conditions were extremely poor, so he said with concern: "It's okay, let's talk about it first, what's going on? Now that we're all on the same boat, if we want to work together, we must first understand each other." .”

Zhang Yinlei hesitated.

Ji Zi'an said: "Why don't I speak for him..."

"Need not!"

Zhang Yinlei blurted out and took a deep breath, "Let me tell you, in the process of selling campus cards, we all got a photo in our hands. A dilapidated and leaky school, a group of ragged students... I come from the west, I It’s just growing up in that environment.”

Then, he stood up, bowed first to Zhou Buqi, and then to everyone in all directions, and said sincerely: "Thank you for your donations to Western Education, especially thanks to Boss Zhou, through your campus card sales model, to solve the problem. It caused me a lot of difficulties in life, and I even sent back 3,000 yuan to my family, really, thank you! Brother Zi'an, I also thank you, thank you everyone here."

Everyone was silent.

The same goes for Zhou Buqi.

When he downloaded a picture of children studying in the west from the Internet, he really didn't think much about it. The main reason was to find a hot spot for the sales of campus cards and expand sales.

Unexpectedly, he actually recruited a student who grew up in that environment—Zhang Yinlei from the Department of Archeology of the University of Minnesota.

This is probably the best way to cultivate the loyalty of subordinates, right?

The atmosphere was somewhat dignified. Zhou Buqi sighed, tapped the table twice, and said: "Charity is a social responsibility that every enterprise should fulfill, and it is also a mission that we cannot shirk. Of course, we still have People are small and weak, so they can't do much. But in the future, everyone here must set lofty goals!"

"Someone wants to ask, how big is the goal? I think everyone will know after listening to my self-introduction. My name is Zhou Buqi, and I come from Spring City. Zhou Guangshan, chairman of Spring City Wanchao Group, is my grandfather; General Manager Zhou Jianguo, It's my uncle; Zhou Jianjun, the deputy general manager, is my father; Zhou Bubi, the purchasing manager, is my elder brother. I don't know how much money the Zhou family has, but two or three hundred million should not be a big problem."

This self-introduction was even more shocking than Zhang Yinlei's words just now, it could be called a critical blow.

what's the situation?

Boss Zhou is a rich second generation?

The Zhou family in Spring City?

How many billion is the family property?

Among the people here, some of them have very good family backgrounds, such as Xue Baoshan and Xu Baihui, whose families are at least several million.

But compared with Zhou Buqi, it can be completely ignored.

Xu Baihui tilted her head and said with a smile: "Boss, so the watch on your wrist is real?"

Sure enough, he is an art student, and he knows the goods!


Zhou Buqi smiled at her.

Xu Baihui's eyes sparkled, "I also said, you can be the boss, you can't have such bad taste, wear a fake watch, right? I didn't expect your family to be so rich. Is this watch Chopard? It costs more than 300,000 yuan, right? "

Everyone froze.

More than 300,000 yuan for a watch?

The world of the rich is indeed unimaginable.

"I really don't know, and I don't care." Zhou Buqi spread his hands, looking indifferent, "This watch was given to me by my grandfather before I came to Beijing to go to school, otherwise I would have sold it to save some start-up capital. "


Everyone was puzzled and at a loss.

Your family is so rich, but you still want to start a business by selling watches? What logic?

Zhou Buqi explained to them that he didn't want to be a parasite of the family, and went out to work alone, and didn't want to rely on the strength of the family. For this reason, he did not hesitate to cut off all the financial pillars of the family to prove his determination.

The power of money really is as heavy as Mount Tai.

Immediately, everyone was in awe and respect, and realized Zhou Buqi's inner firmness and great ambition.

She really has the spirit of being rich and not being lewd!

Zhou Buqi smiled again and said, "So, this time we join hands in starting a business, we are only allowed to succeed, not to fail! If I fail, I can only go home and inherit the family's billions of dollars."

Everyone burst into laughter.

The laugh is true.

The pain in my heart is also real.

If the business failed, he could go home and inherit hundreds of millions of property, and live a life of a master.

What about us?

We have nothing!

These words, like an inkstone, suppressed the impetuousness in everyone's heart.

To start a business, you must succeed!

As for the standard of success, it must exceed the level of hundreds of millions. If it is less than this expectation, why does Zhou Buqi work so hard to start a business? Wouldn't it be better to go back and inherit the family property?


Near noon.

The Entrepreneurship Alliance of Ten Schools was formally established.

Zhou Buqi did his part and acted as the leader of this alliance. At the same time, he issued two tasks.

"First, what we are doing is a big business, and milk tea is only the first step to test the water. After you return to your school, you must immediately apply to the school youth league committee to form an entrepreneurial club and pull up a team. Before the National Day, I hope to see your achievements. In addition, during this period, you can go to BFSU, BIT and Beike to inspect their milk tea shops. Within this year, all ten of our colleges and universities must open a Yuanwei milk tea shop , everyone should prepare in advance when you go back. The second thing, after you go back, each of you will send me a female classmate..."

Before finishing speaking, Xu Baihui rushed to say: "Boss, I'm a girl, can I send myself?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Okay, if Senior Sister Zhen and Baoshan want to come, they don't need to call anyone else. Anyway, at one o'clock in the afternoon, I will meet female students from ten universities at the west gate of Beike. Bring your student ID."

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