Top of the big era

Chapter 338 Unequal Treaties

The next day, Zhou Buqi went to school nervously.

On the one hand, there are security concerns. On the other hand, there is concern about dignity.

On a whim last night, I did the wrong thing.

With that old hag's personality, maybe she's going to make trouble again.

When he came to the office, sat down and turned on the computer, and logged in to, he found that three friends had sent him game invitations——

"Zhang Yiming invites you to play friend trading."

"Liang Rubo invites you to play friend business."

"Tang Binchen invites you to play friend business."

Zhou Buqi joined in and took a look, and found that more than 50 of his friends had already participated in the game. Among them, Guan Ting is the biggest slave owner. She already has 7 slaves and is worth more than 100,000 gold coins.

He was not very interested in the game itself, and just browsed it briefly. Unexpectedly, in just a few minutes, he was bought by someone, and changed hands 6 times, and his value increased from 5,000 gold coins to 10,000 gold coins.

Then, he logged in to the background to check some of the latest data from

I don't know how Zhang Yiming and the others work. It was just before 8 o'clock in the morning, and some function revisions of "Friends Buying and Selling" have been completed, and the number of users has skyrocketed to 790,000.

"Boom boom boom."

There is a knock on the door.

Looking up, my heart couldn't help but tighten, it really was Shi Jinglin!

"Zhou Buqi, I have a few things to report to you."

Holding a folder in her arms, Shi Jinglin walked to his desk gracefully, her brows were straight and her expression was serious, as if she was doing business.

She was not wearing a down jacket, but only a black tight-fitting cashmere sweater. Taking a casual glance, she felt that from her hair, forehead, nose, mouth, neck, and chest, there was no inappropriate curve, and there was an image of beauty.

Reminiscent of the sense of touch that I didn't feel in detail last night...

"What are you looking at?"

"Ah? No, I'm thinking about something very important, and I'm a little distracted. It's okay, tell me, what's the matter?"

Shi Jinglin stared at him with burning eyes, bit her lower lip lightly, took a deep breath, and said calmly: "Three things. First, the group buying mobile phone activity will start at 12 noon today. But , I asked someone to check it for you, you can see for yourself."

With that said, he opened the folder in his arms and put it on the desk.

"What's this?"

"The spare parts models of Panda V11, and the market purchase price of each model."


Zhou Buqi's eyes froze, and he immediately understood what she meant.

This casts doubt on Panda Electronics!

Shi Jinglin's pretty face was cold, and she said in a deep voice: "Panda V11 has no mp3, no camera, no polyphonic ringtones, no handwriting input... The configuration is much worse than that of the X30 we sold in group buying before, and it's not even a mid-range phone. As a result, the cost price they quoted was 750 yuan."

"What about the supply price?"

"850 yuan, our group purchase price is 1,000 yuan."

"It's hard to be a good person!"

Zhou Buqi snorted coldly, looked down at the report, and it was very detailed. The cost price of all spare parts of Panda V11 is only 470 yuan. Shell, packaging, labor costs, transportation costs and other expenses, calculated on each mobile phone, can reach 280 yuan? It must have been a false report.

Shi Jinglin was also indignant about this, "The price in the report is the market price provided by Huaqiangbei. The purchase price of those mobile phone giants will only be lower. We did not lower the price with good intentions, saying that the channel dealer is willing to cooperate with the manufacturer. Grow together, the result is good, bullying is on our heads!"

"Have you talked to Liu Qiangdong?"

"He said that you don't need to care about these things. We are doing big business. The general direction is right, so we don't need to care too much about petty profits."


"He said that it is enough for us to have profit margins. Selling this kind of color-screen flip phone for 1,000 yuan is considered a low price. The market price is generally around 1,300 to 1,500 yuan."

"Old Liu is a good man."

Zhou Buqi sighed with emotion.

Shi Jinglin said angrily: "He is just selfish, he is trying to build a brand for, and he doesn't care about the profit of our Xiaonei group buying at all."

Zhou Buqi said: "You can't say that. Don't forget that the group buying on and has been blocked by the mobile phone industry association. sold a favor to Panda Electronics this time to make them a lot of money. You Are you saying that other mobile phone manufacturers are not jealous? Especially now that foreign mobile phones dominate the market, domestic mobile phone manufacturers are having a hard time."

"He is infringing on the interests of Xiaonei!"


Zhou Buqi thought for a while, immediately took out his mobile phone, called Liu Qiangdong, explained the matter, and said in a bad tone: "Old Liu, you are not honest about this matter, isn't this bullying a girl like Shi Jinglin?" , she is angry with me now! She is now the group buying director of, your cooperative mentality is wrong."

Liu Qiangdong said with a hearty smile: "Oh, this matter, I just came back from Shanghai, I was so busy and dizzy, I forgot about it. I have already thought about it, this time the mobile group buying , the profit ratio is 19% and only takes 10%.”

"Well, let's do it then."

Zhou Buqi immediately agreed and hung up the phone.

In a few words, get it done!

Shi Jinglin was secretly startled.

This scumbag really has tricks. With a few words of guns and sticks, he can solve it lightly.

Even so, she curled her lips and said disdainfully: "Jingdong takes 10%, and Xiaonei also loses money. We shouldn't save a company like Panda Electronics, it's better to go bankrupt."

"It's a state-owned enterprise, and it's owned by ordinary people. Why, you still want to call? It's enough to know." Zhou Buqi smiled and explained a few more words to her, "I support the old man in this matter." Liu. The market is like this, and there is competition to make low prices. Now we are banned by the mobile phone industry association, and the supplier is Panda Electronics. How do you want to quote? When this group buying is over, will become famous. I guess The ban will be lifted. At that time, domestic mobile phone manufacturers will come closer, and there will be competition. If the panda plays such tricks again, it will be courting death."

Shi Jinglin blinked her eyes, as if this was really the case, she was not shy at all, and said openly: "Well, I understand. I will review this matter with Mr. Liu later."

Zhou Buqi praised: "Sure enough, she is a strange woman!"

Shi Jinglin gave him a contemptuous look, scolded the scumbag in her heart, kept her expression on the surface, and continued: "The second thing is the annual budget of the welfare section. I think that since it is welfare, don't go too far." , 600,000-800,000 per year is enough. Guo Pengfei said to show the sincerity of Xiaonei, at least 1 million."

Zhou Buqi gave her a hard look.

This little shit?


This is not a question of money at all, but a question of power.

Her vice president, after suppressing another vice president, Luo Ji, started to attack the president, Guo Pengfei, what a shame!

Shi Jinglin said indifferently: "Now, the cash flow of the entire Ziwei Star comes from the Xiaonei network, so we must increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and save as much as possible."

Zhou Buqi decided to beat her, and said displeasedly: "This is the business you are in charge of, but don't forget, you need to report to Guo Pengfei, he is your boss. Do your job well, don't play tricks every day .”

Shi Jinglin was not convinced, "Why should I listen to him? He is a junior and I am a senior!"

"I'm still a sophomore! What's the matter, do you still want to go to heaven?"

"You... You are a bit of a scumbag, but your level is not bad. What's wrong with Guo Pengfei? Why can he lead me? I won't listen."

"If you don't listen, you have to listen!"

"I don't!"

" wait!"

Zhou Buqi patted the table, stood up and walked to the door, closed the office door, then lifted the mop behind the door upside down, raised it, and walked towards her step by step in a cold manner.

Shi Jinglin covered her butt with lingering fear, and felt that something was wrong, her face was red and white, "What are you going to do?"

"I think it was a light blow last time, and Bu Pang beat you up, you don't know the heights of heaven and earth!" Zhou Buqi said viciously.

Shi Jinglin knew that he was scaring people, so she stood there coldly, and said with a look of contempt: "You don't do this... Ah! Zhou Buqi! You... You hit me?"

She was dumbfounded on the spot.

The raised mop didn't stop at all, it fell directly and hit her buttocks.

Seeing Zhou Buqi raised the mop again, she ran to the back of the desk in a hurry, pushed the boss chair in front of her to block it, angry, annoyed and shocked, her eyes spit fire: "Zhou Buqi, you are crazy!"

"Do you have a long memory?"

"Why did you hit me?"

"Yeah, why should I hit you? You are a subordinate who contradicts the leader everywhere, refuses to obey, doesn't compromise, what right do you have?"


Shi Jinglin was at a loss for words, her eyes were red, "Then you can't beat people!"

"Let you learn a lesson." At this time, Zhou Buqi also calmed down. He felt that it was a bit too much just now, so he threw the mop to the corner, a little guilty, but said unforgivingly: "You made the mistake first. Let's talk about it later." What the hell are you screaming? I didn’t try hard, it was like scratching an itch.”

"I'm in pain!"

"Shall I rub it for you?"

"Get out! Scumbag!"

"Okay, this is over." Zhou Buqi waved his hands, trying to calm down.

Shi Jinglin glared at him coldly, "You said it and let it go? You beat me for nothing? And last night, you still touched me..."

"Ahem, don't get me wrong, I just wanted to cover you up with a quilt last night." Zhou Buqi's momentum weakened immediately, and he looked embarrassed.

"Are you fooling around? Auntie used you to cover the quilt? Cover the quilt and stretch your hand into the sling?"

"I didn't touch it..."

"What else do you want to touch?"

"Hush! Keep your voice down, what are you arguing about? I'm not afraid that others will hear the joke."

"What? Are you guilty?"

Shi Jinglin had a look of contempt and contempt.

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly, and said bravely, "Okay, these two misunderstandings..."

"It's not a misunderstanding. You touched me last night, and you hit me just now, all on purpose!"

Shi Jinglin immediately interrupted him, being unreasonable.

Zhou Buqi was wronged, there was nothing he could do, he could only give in, and sighed, "Okay, tell me, what should I do?"

"Two conditions!"


"The first one is the budget. It should be done according to my instructions, between 600,000 and 800,000. I am in charge of the welfare section and report directly to you. Guo Pengfei cannot interfere."

"Okay, this is what happened last night."

Zhou Buqi gritted his teeth and could only agree to this unequal treaty.

Shi Jinglin's complexion improved a lot, her chin raised slightly, she was a little more provocative and complacent, and snorted softly, "And there is the third thing I want to say. Shengshi Bicycle has closed down, and there are 7 more As a programmer, you can't be idle. It just so happens that the research and development work of is short of people, so let this business be handed over to Mr. Wen."

Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback, then smiled, "Yes."

Shi Jinglin snorted, "But, I am the top decision-maker of, and Mr. Wen has to listen to me. If you agree, you will take care of what you did to me just now. If you don't agree, I will take these two matters Tell Xiao Yu and Teacher Wen to let them see your nature."

"All right, all right, promise! All promise!"

Zhou Buqi also has too many lice and does not itch.

One of the unequal treaties was signed, and the other two were also signed. Hurry up and make peace, and it would be best to send her away.

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