Top of the big era

Chapter 325 Running into the arena

If it is a stand-alone performance, it only needs to have an excellent flight control system.

However, in a multi-aircraft queue flight show, in addition to the flight control, there is also a complex coordination system to coordinate the relationship between the various extensions.

It is necessary for the two unmanned helicopters to form a whole, not to fight independently.

It can be seen from the simplest visual perception that in other model aircraft performances, the operators use the remote control. Ma Pingshan's team moved out a laptop and installed two signal transmitters in the USB socket, which is a full-code operation.

"Student Zhou, is this a success?"

Xue Baoshan was like a fairy flower growing there quietly. Other students had their ears covered and feet stamped in the cold. She also had her nose and ears red from the cold, but she maintained an elegant demeanor, stable and dignified.

Zhou Buqi was wearing a black woolen windbreaker, with his hands in his pockets, his eyes fixed on the two drones performing in the air, "We are very lucky."


"Although it is very cold today, there is almost no wind. This reduces the difficulty of the flight control and coordination of drones. At the beginning, it was originally planned to only perform a flight control performance of a single aircraft. The weather environment is so good, and even the coordination is included. gone."

"Oh." Xue Baoshan nodded lightly and pursed her lips, "Senior Brother Ma is awesome! Those who work hard will never have bad luck."

At this time, the two drones performing above the track and field began to fly at an angle of 45 degrees. This is not a difficult operation, and the state is very stable.

But all the leaders and teachers on the rostrum stood up, as if the coldness of the early winter could not invade their bodies, and their eyes were full of scorching heat.

At this time, Ma Pingshan quickly ran to Zhou Buqi's side, and said in a low voice: "The situation is very stable and everything is under control. I think it's time for the last wave of demonstrations."

"Then do it."

Zhou Buqi nodded, feeling that the plan had been accomplished.

In the early days of DJI, it was a single-rotor unmanned helicopter. It quickly completed a technological breakthrough and made a hovering technology. Then, in the sales process, the target customers are all kinds of aviation companies and research institutes.

The price of an unmanned helicopter is as high as 200,000 to 300,000 yuan.

At such a price, ordinary people really cannot afford it, and only large state-owned enterprises and research institutes have the purchasing power.

In fact, because the early DJI also lacked production lines, they were all handmade.

As a result, the output is very low, and the supply exceeds the demand!

Such an expensive unmanned helicopter, many research institutes couldn't buy it even if they wanted to, and it was bought by major state-owned enterprises as a technology display for the conference celebration.

Take other people's technology products and grow your own face.

Just like some companies that manufacture chips and develop operating systems, they buy samples from abroad, polish and modify them, put their own labels on them, and buy review experts... in order to apply for huge research and development funds from the country.

Later, DJI stopped doing such business. Coupled with the fact that the foreign consumer-grade multi-rotor UAV market has begun to take off, it has transformed into a multi-rotor UAV.

Ma Pingshan hurried back and got busy with the team.

The operator made the two drones fly back to the console and hovered at a height of one meter above the ground.

There is a slight wobble when hovering.

However, in such an empty track and field, such subtle flaws are difficult to detect with the naked eye.

They took two rolled banners and hung them on the hooks under the fuselage.

"This is the hovering technology of helicopters! They did it! In the domestic civilian-level drone market, hovering technology is a technical obstacle that has not been broken through for a long time. Unexpectedly, they really made it!"

Old Mr. Li Derui was already excited and incoherent, and his full voice was mixed with unconcealable excitement.

All the leaders and teachers stepped off the rostrum one after another, stood on the runway, and watched closely the two unmanned helicopters hovering in mid-air.

The leader of the second episode of AVIC seems to have forgotten the embarrassment of the opening show, and his face is no longer gloomy, his eyes are burning, full of eagerness.

On the other side, Ma Pingshan and others have already finished their tossing.

After everyone dodged away, the two unmanned helicopters began to climb vertically, 10 meters, 20 meters, 30 meters, 50 meters, 100 meters...

It was not until the climb to a height of 100 meters that it finally stopped.

Keep hovering!

It was simply a technical demonstration.

hover! hover! hover!

Many people have never seen a helicopter with their own eyes, and hovering in the air only exists in their imagination. After all, many flying insects are unable to stop in the sky.

What a shocking picture is this?

Next, something even more shocking happened.

I saw Ma Pingshan waved his hand and shouted: "Open!"

The console immediately issued an instruction, and the buckles attached to the two unmanned helicopters opened at once, and the hanging banners fell down.


The entire track and field field of Beihang University seemed to have exploded, and it was very lively.


Unparalleled performances!

There are words on the two banners, the one on the left is "I wish Beihang Aeromodelling Exhibition will be better and better!", and the one on the right is "I wish the drone industry of the motherland will become stronger and stronger!"

Everyone in the track and field, including the leaders and teachers, including Zhou Buqi, Xue Baoshan, Meng Houkun and other observers, including all the onlookers...all spontaneously started to applaud.

The applause is getting louder and louder.

There are even many people whose eyes are full of tears.

As the core scientific research base of the domestic aerospace industry, Beihang University already undertakes many major national missions.

However, when the banner is lowered, the wind area of ​​the UAV is greatly increased.

The shaking of the banner caused the body to vibrate violently, visible to the naked eye.

The hover state is getting more and more unstable.

There seems to be a risk of crashing at any time at any time.

"Stop! Stop!" Teacher Li Derui couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted loudly, "Put down the banner quickly, the plane is too small to withstand such a strong wind."

Ma Pingshan and others had also discovered something earlier, but they didn't just throw away the banner.

The banner is not important, but the text on it is very meaningful, so what is it if you throw it away casually?

"knock off!"

Ma Pingshan shouted loudly.

Then, the drone began to descend.

As long as it is not hovering, the balance is easy to grasp, and the trembling state is significantly reduced during the descent. Carrying the banner, under the gaze of everyone, he landed slowly and landed safely.

The applause sounded again.

The leaders were all smiling, walked over eagerly, and shook hands with Ma Pingshan's team one by one. Among them, there is also a vice president of Beihang University, who highly praised and encouraged him.

In the field of drones, Ma Pingshan can be regarded as a runner.


Zhou Buqi will not be involved in the follow-up.

With this air show performance, everyone can witness it with their own eyes, and it has the endorsement of Beihang University. Even if some people want to plunder and steal the technological achievements of Ma Pingshan's team, it is impossible.

Next, only buy.

Back on Xiaonei, Zhou Buqi introduced Chen Dong to Shi Jinglin, and expressed his idea of ​​sending books to college students across the country to clear their stocks.

Guo Pengfei came over and said that a company wanted to cooperate with Xiaonei.

"What direction?"

"VOIP network phone."


Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback.

Guo Pengfei said: "Didn't you say that the mobile market has great prospects? We need to look for opportunities to get in early, so I paid attention. I think Internet telephony is a very good direction. I asked Guan Ting to post a post on the forum for consultation." , college students are looking forward to having similar products.”

"Wait!" Zhou Buqi waved his hand and looked at him in surprise, "What do you mean by VoIP? Is it voice chat like YY, or video chat like MSN?"

"Not that kind." Guo Pengfei shook his head, "It refers to the GNG project, which can dial up through the Internet and call all fixed lines, mobile phones and PHS, just like SKYPE."

Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth, "Do you think this can be done?"

"The market has this demand. Long-distance calls are too expensive, and they cost seventy or eighty cents a minute, which college students can't afford. In contrast, making Internet calls is much cheaper, and it may cost ten cents a minute. International Long distances are fine too.”

"This is grabbing the jobs of mobile and telecommunications!"

"But this is a new mainstream telephone model in the world. The traditional industry does not keep pace with the times and will be eliminated sooner or later. In fact, in China, switching experiments have been carried out since 2000, and the layout of Internet telephony has been launched. But it is China Mobile and China Unicom. , The efficiency of telecommunications is too low. Private enterprises are the first driving force to promote the development of science and technology. Last year, the growth rate of domestic VoIP business was 171%, and this year it has dropped..."

"Why did you fall back?"

"Uh..." Guo Pengfei looked a little embarrassed, "The Ministry of Information Industry issued a document saying that except for China Telecom and China Netcom, which can conduct commercial trials of PC-Phone IP telephones in some areas, no unit or individual is allowed to engage in this business."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Then it's all right? You still want to go against the trend?"

Guo Pengfei said: "But this is just a notice. There are still many Internet phone companies operating in the market, and the market is still growing. The state is also turning a blind eye to this aspect, for fear of being too controlling. Strictly curbing the development of science and technology, lagging behind the world..."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and resolutely refused, "Rejected! VoIP is not the direction of the future. This is at best a small attempt of the Internet in the mobile field that has just entered the field. Don't keep learning from foreign countries. Foreign things may not be right. Yes. In terms of the development trend of the Internet, our country is no worse than the United States!"

After the advent of smart phones, Internet telephony will be useless.

People can use smartphones to video, only need to pay some Internet fees, and do not need to pay a dime for mobile consulting fees. This is the correct trend of technology.

Guo Pengfei stared at him for a while, took a deep breath, nodded, and said: "As the Ministry of Information Industry issued a document, the domestic SP market was cold. In the bull market, TOM's stock price plummeted. Cooperate with Skype to create a domestic VOIP Internet phone. The domestic SP market is very depressed at present, but I think it’s time for us to buy the bottom and enter the market.”

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up.

I think he's right.

TOM Online is currently the largest wireless Internet company in China, and it is also the only portal website that ranks among the top three in all fields of wireless Internet services.

Even the TOM Group went to the doctor due to sudden illness. It can be seen that the wireless Internet companies in the same industry are living a miserable life.

Might be able to run in.

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