Top of the big era

Chapter 318 It's a big taboo to sin against oneself

One after another, revealing posts have sprung up on the Xiaonei forum like mushrooms after a spring rain.

Some of them were sent by Guan Ting.

There are also some college students who saw this hot spot and sent it out on their own. Users who know how to use Xiaonei in this era are not low-end netizens, and they all know something about the current domestic Internet structure.

It is clear who is strong and who is weak, who is good and who is bad.

Of the three BAT companies, Baidu has the best reputation and Ali the worst.

With the ferment of public opinion on, college students felt the same way, especially when they saw a post about "QQ doctors use technical means to interfere with micro-point security guards", they were all filled with righteous indignation.

In the hearts of college students, Xiaonei is simply a palace!

A lot of good products are sold at super low prices, and free benefits are given from time to time. Last year I gave books, this year I gave shoes, and recently it was rumored that Singles’ Day will be celebrated everywhere, and 111,111 pieces of Dabao SOD honey will be drawn out to give to college students across the country.

I wish college students all over the country can protect their skin and themselves in this winter.

How heartwarming!

At this time, he was bullied by a big company?

Therefore, public opinion swells and ferments!

Tianya, Maopu, and Baidu Tieba have all posted similar posts one after another.

In particular, Tianya and Maopu are the two most popular forums in China at the moment, and many Internet incidents were born here.

Immediately afterwards, Blog China also caught wind of the news!

It is estimated that the operation team made a move. Seven or eight Internet-oriented big Vs in Blog China have all sent out similar blog posts.

On the first day of November, the domestic Internet seemed to be blowing up a storm.

Starting from the Xiaonei forum, it spread rapidly across the entire network.

Almost all forum-like websites actively responded and participated.

No way, everyone is a victim!

For example, Tianya and Maopu have done so well, they launched a Tencent forum, which is almost exactly the same as Tianya...Blog China was originally the number one blog site in China, but it ended up being Cheng Yaojin, relying on QQ This sharp ax has made Qzone the leader in the industry.

On this day, Zhou Buqi went to the Xiaonei website early to coordinate the trend of public opinion.

Under this kind of public opinion, it is very difficult for QQ Doctor to promote and prescribe it.

Especially the workmanship of this product is very rough.

In the end, the research and development time is a bit short, the entire operation interface is exactly the same as that of Weidian Security Guard, but it lacks vitality in the details and the response speed is slow.

It only takes about half a minute for Micropoint Security Guard to clean up the disk garbage, and it takes at least two minutes for QQ Doctor.

It can be seen that there are still many areas for improvement in terms of product architecture.

I thought that under such a surge of public opinion, Jinshan Security Guard would be launched along the way.

Unexpectedly, Jinshan was very calm.

Jiang Min was dispatched.

Jiangmin security guards went online quietly without any warning.

In the final analysis, Jiangmin is just a technology company that makes antivirus software, not an Internet company. It lacks marketing thinking and its operation level is too poor.

Not only that, but the product is also poorly made.

Not as good as QQ doctor!

Zhoubuqi tried it for a while, and when uninstalling the software, it still needs to jump to the system program, and it is impossible to directly remove it from a third party...

Simply speechless.

With this level of technology, why don't you join in the fun?

At this time, Zhou Buqi received a call from Ji Zian, and he said with a smile: "I thought Doctor QQ was targeting us specifically. I tried it for two hours, and only then did I find out that their firepower coverage includes all competitors. !"


"I really don't understand, Penguin's... Forget it, let's not talk about it, let me tell you a funny thing, the plug-in for Taobao and Thousand Oaks interaction, it has been bad luck for eight lifetimes, it has been rectified, but it was rejected again Doctor QQ was blocked like a virus."

Zhou Buqi twitched his lips slightly, and said lightly: "It's not surprising. The current domestic Internet industry is still in a state of disorder. The competition is cruel, there are no compromises, and there are no rules at all. There is no respect for users, and you only live and die. The law of the jungle. Kidnapping, plagiarism, vulgarity, piracy, these are all normal."

Ji Zi'an sighed, "Yeah, Penguin wants to be an e-commerce business, so it ended up targeting Taobao. Mopu is the most pitiful, a good website, but the dudu and dm plug-ins are listed under Maopu's banner, and Penguin launched another I opened a similar forum, only to suffer again.”

"More than that, Maopu is the core website of the Anti-QQ Alliance." Zhou Buqi smiled and said in a relaxed tone, "No matter what others do, we have to relax and wait and see what happens. Weidian security guards will definitely rule this market, it is best High-quality products and the best user experience will eventually stand out.”

Ji Zian didn't quite agree with these words.

Penguin has imitated so many products, is it better than the original?

The end result is not bad money driving out good money.

Zhou Buqi's mentality is very peaceful.

It's not that he can distinguish the complicated and chaotic Internet situation at present, but that he has a foresight. In his previous life, Dr. QQ tried his best, but he couldn't shake 360's status as a security guard.

What's more, the micro-point security guard in this life?

Counting with the mind without the mind, and counting the unprepared with the preparation, you are almost invincible.

Right now, let's take advantage of the situation to add chaos to Penguin, first to smear it.

After finishing the call, Zhou Buqi went to the next door.

Discovering that Shi Jinglin was there, she negotiated with Vice President Luo Ji, intending to close the comment section of the lecture hall of famous teachers, and Fu Hongliang, the technical director, was also present.

She was wearing a black sweater and slender black trousers. She looked tall and elegant.

Seeing Zhou Buqi, her eyes lit up, and she waved her hand, "It's just right, you come here too, and see if what I said makes sense."

"Cancellation of Master Teacher Lecture?"


"What did Guo Pengfei say?"

"He said yes, but better business sectors should be added."

Zhou Buqi blinked, "Do you have an idea?"

Shi Jinglin bit her lip, "Yes! This time the down jackets are not selling well, I think we need to improve..."

Zhou Buqi quickly interrupted her, "Stop! Come to my office, let's talk in detail!"

He read "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" and summed up a very important experience, the emperor must not make a crime against himself. In other words, a leader must not admit mistakes in front of employees.

Of course, some companies may prefer that corporate culture of reflection and self-criticism. Especially for some sales companies, if they can't complete their performance, they will slap themselves, and even kneel on the ground like a dog barking...

These do not belong to Zhou Buqi's corporate philosophy.

After going to the office, Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "Shi Jinglin, and Luo Ji, listen carefully. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. It's normal. But, never give up on subordinates. If you admit your mistakes in front of you, you must maintain your absolute authority as a leader. We advocate declassification, but leadership authority cannot be lost. You can admit your mistakes in front of your superiors, and don’t criticize yourself in front of your subordinates.”

Shi Jinglin frowned, "Last time you admitted your mistake to me, saying that you didn't do clothing business before, but you ignored it."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "That's different, you are the vice president now, in fact... we are more like partners with different divisions of labor, and there is no strong subordinate-subordinate relationship. Especially since I am the boss, my personal authority is too strong , you won’t be able to hear the truth, which will be detrimental to the company.”

"Okay, I see." Shi Jinglin let out a breath, then got up, stood upright, bit her lip and said, "I want to review, I made a wrong judgment on the matter of buying down jackets... "

"Sit down." Zhou Buqi smiled, and made a gesture of pressing down, "It's not that serious, as I said, people are not sages, so who can have no faults? You can learn a lot from a pit."

Down jackets have been on sale for 5 days.

As a result, sales fell far short of expectations.

Just as Zhou Buqi had expected.

Although Shi Jinglin followed his advice and lowered the group purchase price significantly, the college students still didn't buy it. Except for the 149 yuan and 199 yuan down jackets, which are guaranteed to be sold out, the other three down jackets will face slow sales.

"There are 10,000 pieces of down jackets for each style, and there are only 50,000 pieces in total. The 20 million college students in the country can't even eat 50,000 pieces of down jackets. This is a major mistake in judgment."

Shi Jinglin is really different from ordinary girls, she dares to act and take responsibility.

Zhou Buqi said: "Suits sell so well, because suits are just needed for some special groups. But in physical stores, the price is too expensive. Down jackets are different. There are many choices for college students, such as cotton clothes and overcoats. , sweaters, etc. There are too many kinds of clothes to keep out the cold, and down jackets are not just needed. Moreover, college students who can afford more than 200 yuan must have a good family background. They would rather go to a physical store to spend more money. Buying in the store can Trying on clothes and changing sizes is much better than online shopping.”

At the moment when there is no free return or exchange, buying clothes and shoes online is a hassle, unless there is an amazing price advantage.

"You're right!" Shi Jinglin rarely agreed with his point of view, and then changed the topic, "However, I have a new idea, maybe it can reverse the decline in clothing sales..."

"Wait, I'll take a call."

It was Ji Zi'an calling again.

"What's up?"

"The case of Dongfang Weidian has been pronounced."

"Oh?" Zhou Buqi's heart skipped a beat, looking forward to it, he quickly asked, "How is it?"

"Death with a reprieve, with a two-year reprieve."

"I don't care about this, how does Rising handle it?"

"Compensation for economic losses, mental losses, liquidated damages, and fines totaled 16 million yuan. Among them, 10 million yuan belonged to Dongfang Weidian, and Liu Yu's team also compensated 1 million yuan."

"Ho! Good thing!"

Zhou Buqi applauded.


At the beginning, he spent 20 million to buy Dongfang Weidian, which can be called a huge investment.

Now it's all right, the return is 10 million.

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