Top of the big era

Chapter 310 Enthusiasm comes from originality

On October 1st, opened the official download service of Weidian Security Guard.

That is to say, after Weidian Security Guard released two versions V1.0 and V1.1 in the university, the product has basically matured and can be officially opened to the public.

Just three days after the National Day holiday, the number of downloads on Friends' website exceeded 10 million.

The amount of de-reinstallation has also reached as many as 6 million.

So far, the total installed capacity of Micropoint Security Guard in China has reached 18 million, accounting for 40% of the market share!, as the only official download channel of Micropoint Security Guard, also benefited from it. After three days, 3 million new registered users were added, and the total registered users reached 26 million.

It seems to be the number one social platform in China.

Except for Qzone.

On this day, Wu Yu and Shi Jinglin went to play at the Ming Tombs, and Zhou Buqi received a call from Ji Zian.

"The new business is online."


"As for the one you personally supervised, do a micro-data search."

Zhou Buqi was shocked, "What? It's only been a few days?"

Ji Zi'an said: "Yeah, I didn't expect the efficiency to be so high. The newly recruited Cheng Binghao is reliable. There is an original code for good information search. The project was completed the day before yesterday and has been testing for the past two days. I also downloaded a lot of documents and materials from various channels and uploaded them.”

"What's the effect?"

"It's very good. It's better than using Baidu to directly search for information. The key point is that you don't need to enter some complicated search commands, you can directly search for documents. It is easy to operate and very friendly to novices."

"What do you think of Cheng Binghao?"

"very nice!"

"Tell me specifically?"

"Responsible and courageous. He has a sense of responsibility and a sense of mission. His work attitude is a hundred times better than that of Liu Yu and his gang. Once I had a disagreement with him, but he didn't say anything and directly put the two The plans are all made, let me choose.”

Zhou Buqi was a little amused, "The result?"

Ji Zian said calmly, "I support his plan."

Zhou Buqi nodded and pointed out: "Yes, the development of the product is very complicated and cannot be completed overnight. The reason why Weidian Security Guard is so smooth is that I have been conceiving this product for several years, and I have already had a whole set of ideas. For the R\u0026D team, especially for talents like Cheng Binghao, it is normal to have disagreements, which can be shelved first. As a leader, you can let him do it according to his own ideas first, and then do it again according to your ideas after it is not suitable. Don’t be afraid of trouble, good products are made little by little.”

"Well, I have experience this time." People grow up little by little through experience, and Ji Zian is also learning how to be a good CEO.

Zhou Buqi smiled, "You tell Cheng Binghao, I'll go over and talk to him."

I went to Dongfang Weidian and tried the product first.

The effect is not bad.

Cheng Binghao stood aside and introduced in a low voice: "The product has been made, but now there is a problem. Some of the contents of the documents uploaded by users may involve copyright disputes, or they may be some banned books from Hong Kong and Taiwan. to the relevant laws and regulations of the country.”

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Let's wait and see what happens, and don't stifle innovation because of a small risk. First promote the product, and then properly control it after it becomes bigger."

Then, turn around and ask Ji Zian: "When will the new version of the security guard be released?"

Ji Zi'an said: "The V1.3 version will be released this Friday, and the data search function will be added. The V2.0 version... the Trojan horse detection and killing function has been completed, it depends on when you want to post it."

"Version 2.0 is not in a hurry." Zhou Buqi replied without looking back, and then continued to try out the product. From his own point of view, there is nothing to be picky about, except that there are too few documents, and users need to actively upload them.

Zhou Buqi was quite satisfied, and said with a smile: "I think that's it. This function can be launched on the school intranet. I hope it can bring some help to college students across the country in finding information."

Cheng Binghao hesitated and said, "Users of Youyou also need similar functions."

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said, "This kind of small function is too redundant for, and it will appear too messy. So, why don't you go with me to Friendsnet?"


Cheng Binghao was slightly taken aback, but didn't understand.

Zhou Buqi looked at him meaningfully, "Do you feel inferior to doing this data search project?"

Cheng Binghao shook his head, "This is very meaningful."

Zhou Buqi said: "You are a bit overqualified for such a small project with a team of 16 or 17 people. How many people do you think this project needs to maintain?"

"Everyone needs it, just find someone to take care of it."


Zhou Buqi is a little bit waxy, it is really a small project.

Cheng Binghao's eyes lit up, and he tentatively said, "Mr. Zhou..."

"Call me by name, you can also call me Xiao Zhou."

"Well, Xiao Zhou, do you want to start the interactive question and answer project in advance?"

Cheng Binghao was still quite comfortable.

He is in his thirties and is a veteran in the industry. Let him use the honorific title in front of a young man who is 15 years younger than himself, it is really embarrassing.

Calling him "Xiao Zhou" directly, without the sense of class and superiority, makes it much more comfortable to get along with.

This kind of corporate humanities is much better than Sina.

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "There's no rush for that project, we'll wait until the uploaded documents are enriched. Let's go, you'll know when you come with me."

The two of them sat in the crowd that they didn't use last week, and went to the friend website.

The distance is not too close, a full 20 minutes' drive.

After going to, Zhou Buqi told Zhang Yiming and Cheng Binghao what he thought.

"Community input method?"

It was the first time Cheng Binghao had heard of such a term, and he was at a loss.

Zhang Yiming smiled and said, "To be precise, it should be based on the community platform, that is, the input method of Do you know about community search? There are similar places..."

Then, I talked about the thesaurus package of this input method, the real-time update of the Internet, and the collection of commonly used thesaurus.

Cheng Binghao was speechless in a daze.

And this magical idea?

Are young people today so innovative?

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "In fact, at the beginning, what I want to do is search input method, which is an input method based on search engines. But we don't have enough technical reserves now, so it is more suitable to do community input method."

Cheng Binghao was dumbfounded!

He entered the Internet circle in the 1990s, and his way of thinking is relatively orthodox... The so-called orthodoxy refers to the current main trend in China - imitation.

Copy Silicon Valley.

Silicon Valley created Yahoo, and China created Sohu; Silicon Valley created Google, and China produced Baidu; Silicon Valley created ICQ, and China produced QICQ; Silicon Valley created eBay, and China produced Taobao; Silicon Valley created Amazon. Dangdang, Huicong, appeared in China...

It can be said that all the ideas of domestic Internet companies come from the United States.

Then turn it into a native application.

There's no shame in that.

After all, the United States is the birthplace of the Internet, and Silicon Valley has gathered the world's top talents, which should have led the development trend of the global Internet.

Not to mention domestic, aren't Internet companies in Korea, Japan, Europe and the United States all imitating Silicon Valley?

Until one day, Cheng Binghao saw the Weidian security guard.

This is an original product.

None in America!

Out of curiosity and excitement, he joined Dongfang Weidian. Then, I realized that my vision was still narrow...

The entrepreneurial thinking of this group of young people is not imitating the United States at all!

That’s all for Weidian Security Guard, search input method and community input method, these are novel concepts that have never been heard before, and they are genuine originals!

Cheng Binghao's face was rosy, his whole body was hot, and he was inexplicably excited.

It seems that he has regained the enthusiasm he had when he first stepped into the Internet industry many years ago. Isn't his original intention to leave his own name in the domestic Internet field?

Originality, of course, is more exciting than imitation!

After listening to the concept of the search input method, Cheng Binghao said: "I think the search input method is more promising than the community input method! Most of the content in the community is public and semi-public, so the content is relatively formal. Vocabulary tends to be formalized. Search engines are different. When users search, they are private and do not need to hide anything. Only at this time can they truly reflect the most common word habits of users.”

Zhang Yiming agreed, "It makes sense."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "But we only have and no search engine. This is the status quo."

"You can be a search engine!" Cheng Binghao volunteered, "I have been in charge of search since I joined Sina. I am responsible for all the search-related businesses of Sina. I think search engines and search input methods can be developed together. I have that confidence."

He is confident, but Zhou Buqi is not.

This guy is obviously overconfident.

These days, most of the domestic search talents have turned to Baidu, and the remaining small part has also been divided up by Google and Microsoft.

The only fish that slipped through the net is probably Qihoo 360.

Even if Cheng Binghao is a master of technology, can he make a search engine by himself? How is his team formed?

The simplest example is the penguin.

Penguin is also working on a search engine.

Then, it went online in March 2006, called "Soso", with a very loud slogan, to be a green commercial platform, and no advertisement will appear in the search results.

how friendly

The result is a joke, poor search performance, poor user experience, and a whole bunch of unhealthy stuff.

Search technology is simply not enough.

After persisting for a year, Penguin really had no choice but to give up its own search engine and spend money to ask Google to provide technical support.

In other words, the name "Soso" belongs to Penguin, and the core has become a Google search engine.

After such a wave of operations, Soso's market share has finally increased, and it is also known as the three major domestic search engines along with Baidu and Sogou. Those two companies have their own search engines, but the core of Soso is outsourced, which has become a laughing stock in the industry.

After two years, Penguin felt that the number of users had grown and user habits had been cultivated. It didn't need to spend money to ask Google for help, so it suspended the cooperation and installed a new version of the search engine that it had painstakingly studied.

Then, Soso was finished again.

After 360 search appears, quickly become stronger and bigger. Soso has become a fringe product in the search market, and has no choice but to sell it to Sogou.

Even a giant company like Penguin cannot make a decent search engine.

Zhou Buqi didn't think that with Cheng Binghao alone, he could change his fate against the sky.

"Let's do a community input method. The workplace is here. You can keep in touch with" Zhou Buqi made the final decision.

After a simple investigation, he has confirmed that Cheng Binghao is the one who founded

Let him stay here at, maybe he can make suggestions for the website architecture.

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