Top of the big era

Chapter 3083 Micro-business

Zhou Buqi said: "The best business should be like collecting taxes. If you make money, you pay me; if you don't make money, you should at least pay consumption tax. This is the logic of e-commerce advertising. Social advertising can It’s different. This is a booth-type traffic model with great instability.”

"Let me tell you, you have known this for a long time!"

Boss Ma laughed.

Zhou Buqi said honestly: "It's not what I thought of, it was one of my senior executives. When I acquired Snapchat, I had a lot of chats with Spiegel, the founder of this product. He did have a deep understanding of social products. There have been many doubts about the business model.”

Boss Ma said: "Now is the explosive stage of the mobile Internet. Entrepreneurs are coming one after another, and many large domestic and foreign capitals are coming to support. In this situation, search advertising and social advertising are becoming more and more popular." You can make a lot of money. In fact, most of the money you make is the marketing fees of startups and small and medium-sized enterprises.”

Zhou Buqi said "hmm" without comment.

At this point, both domestic and foreign countries are similar.

The profits of social products mainly come from traffic advertising. Most of these traffic ads are to promote other apps and charge promotion fees. The fees are getting higher and higher. Even if you promote a new user for an app, you can charge 10 US dollars or 20 US dollars. .

The increasingly expensive traffic fees mainly come from the promotion of these apps.

In fact, what is earned is investors’ money, which is the funds that startups and small and medium-sized companies continue to raise from investors.

Once investors stop investing.

Not only will these startups and small and medium-sized companies be liquidated, but even industry giants will be severely hit.

Boss Ma continued: "Now is the growth stage of the mobile Internet, and it is far from its peak. However, if it passes the peak and begins to decline, industry investment will shrink, and the crisis of social advertising will come."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

Boss Ma looked a little strange when he saw him calm, "Are you not worried at all?"

Zhou Buqi said: "There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain."

Boss Ma snorted: "I think you already have a way to deal with it?!"

"What's the meaning?"

Zhou Buqi looked at him puzzled.

Boss Ma said in a bad tone: "Compared with the instability of social advertising, e-commerce advertising can create more stable cash flow. Build a house when the weather is sunny. Now is the sunny day in the social industry, that's when you build a house!" "

Zhou Buqi laughed, "What kind of house did I build?"

"You still need me to tell you?"

"Are you referring to domestic business or overseas business?"

"Depend on!"

Boss Ma felt that he was undermining himself.

Alibaba actually started by relying on overseas business, but that was ToB's business. The real overseas expansion of C-side business has actually been vigorously developed in the past two years. The development of Alibaba International is really mediocre and not worth discussing at all.

Zhou Buqi said: "I don't care much about domestic business. I will resign as CEO of Ziweixing this time next year."

Boss Ma was surprised, "You want to resign?"

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "Didn't you also make a retirement plan?"

Boss Ma said: "How old am I and how old are you?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I want to study."

"Stop doing this!" Boss Ma waved his hand and went straight to the point, "The momentum of micro-business is quite strong. Is this your fault?"


Zhou Buqi was slightly startled.

Of course he knows the concept of "micro-business", which is an e-commerce activity based on WeChat Moments, but that is a concept from a previous life.

In this life, he has never heard of it.

Listen to Boss Ma, has WeChat started the WeChat business in China? Did it even arouse Boss Ma’s vigilance?

Boss Ma has known this guy for many years, and has experienced his act of pretending to be stupid so many times that he doesn't believe he doesn't know.

The underlying logic of this transformation from social advertising to e-commerce advertising must be promoted by a higher level and more macroscopically.

Boss Ma felt that he was acting and was too lazy to accompany him. He said bluntly: "You have to rely on WeChat to transform into e-commerce. Of course, no one can stop this. And I also think that WeChat will gradually transform from social advertising to e-commerce advertising." , it may be a long-lasting strategy. However, I also want to remind you that it is not easy to be an e-commerce company! This kind of social e-commerce is not as easy as selling to college students on the campus network!”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I'm really not sure about this matter. Relying on WeChat to do e-commerce is quite creative."

"It's not WeChat, it's Friends Network! It's been around since five or six years ago!"

Boss Ma even knows the origin of micro-business better than he does.

Zhou Buqi listened.

A sudden realization.

He didn't know how the micro-business in the previous life was born, but he probably had an idea of ​​the micro-business in this life based on what Boss Ma said.

Group buying on campus is very popular.

However, on-campus group buying is only available to college students.

What about the many off-campus needs?

So many years ago, someone discovered this need. They took advantage of the "brotherly relationship" between and and the public nature of to publish some product information on and conduct some simple product sales through .

But the scale is small.

Later, launched a mobile version of the Friends App, which integrated secret circles, interest circles, and friend circles. The friend circles were integrated into WeChat, and the relationship between the products was opened up... WeChat happens to be the largest user base in China. The largest and most popular App.

Relying on WeChat communication and promotion in Moments, this model was finally put into operation.

Micro-business also appeared.

This was really not planned by Zhou Buqi or the senior executive of Ziweixing, but grew in the soil. Now that Ziweixing's product ecosystem has been established, it is like a country's business environment. With systems, structures, and environments in place, there will naturally be many investors and entrepreneurs in it. It grew, the seeds sprouted, blossomed and bore fruit.

Zhou Buqi said: "This should have grown spontaneously within Ziweixing's product system."

"Whether it's spontaneous growth or your instruction, I'm reminding you." Boss Ma looked at him seriously, "You have to pay attention to this matter. I'm not afraid that these micro-businesses can compete with Taobao. This That’s nonsense. This is a friendly reminder!”

Zhou Buqi asked: "Remind what?"

Boss Ma said: "Someone reported to me that in the first three quarters of this year, the transaction volume of micro-business may be close to 50 billion."

"so much?"

Zhou Buqi was shocked.

Can this little-known micro-business have sales comparable to on-campus group buying?

Boss Ma snorted: "Do you think this is a good thing? What they reported to me was that they were worried that micro-business would become Taobao's biggest competitor after it started, so they wanted to contain it. Do you know what the containment strategy is?"

"Can't guess."



Zhou Buqi was a little shocked.

Boss Ma said: "If you really don't understand the situation, then go back and find out. This is not an ordinary matter. WeChat business mainly consists of fake and shoddy products. Those that have been hit by Taobao cannot be sold on Taobao." All the fake and shoddy products are sold in the circle of friends.”

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "This does need to be handled with caution."

Boss Ma said: "As far as I know, the most popular product in micro-business transactions is facial masks. Some are domestic facial masks, and some are purchased from Korea and Japan. However, they are basically fake. The cost is only a few cents per piece, but it can be sold for a few yuan or dozens of yuan. It seems that some celebrities have participated in it and have made more than 100 million by selling cheap facial masks.”

Zhou Buqi said in embarrassment: "This kind of thing is really difficult to deal with. WeChat is just a platform, but also a social platform. How to identify the authenticity of other people's products? Moments only provides a window for display. In fact, this It’s a transaction between buyers and sellers.”

Boss Ma smiled and said: "You know how difficult it is to operate Taobao, right? In the past few years, Taobao has been labeled as fake and shoddy. We are a platform model. It is not easy to manage."

Zhou Buqi said: “There is a market only when there is demand, which illustrates the necessity of counterfeit goods.”


Boss Ma was a little surprised, not because of his words, but because of his mentality.

This guy's business philosophy has always been upright, but now he's going to engage in counterfeiting?

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