Top of the big era

Chapter 3080: Disappointment

In the 1970s and 1980s, Silicon Valley had unimaginable creativity and explosive power.

There is no difference between big companies and small companies.

Even a giant company may be overthrown by a startup. Innovation means everything. As long as there is innovation, success can be achieved. This atmosphere made Silicon Valley full of vitality and quickly completed mankind's transformation into the silicon-based era.

But that didn’t work in the 1990s, and the wave of innovation began to decline. The culprit is Microsoft. After it became a large company, it began to engage in plagiarism and mergers and acquisitions, which severely affected the competitiveness of small and medium-sized companies.

If these two methods don't work, you can also rely on your own monopoly position to "interfere". For example, the IE browser has not tried to use the Netscape browser, so the Windows system can directly report an error to the Netscape browser. A company that could have competed with Microsoft was defeated overnight.

Since then, Silicon Valley has entered the era of giants.

It will be extremely difficult for startups and small and medium-sized enterprises to compete with giants. As a result, the drive for innovation is getting lower and lower, and many commentators believe that Silicon Valley is dead.

However, what does the death of Silicon Valley have to do with Zhou Buqi?

Even Kurian is an outsider.

He doesn't care either.

Zhou Buqi then asked: "There is another criticism here in Silicon Valley, saying that innovation is dead and plagiarism is everywhere."

"I think it's a good thing," Kurian said.

"Good thing?"

Zhou Buqi glanced at him.

Kurian smiled and said: "Plagiarism is very common in Silicon Valley, but many big companies are coy and secretive when they plagiarize. While plagiarizing, they are protecting their own faces and trying to prove that they have not plagiarized. This There may be some inner self-restraint, and a big reason is external supervision and criticism, which makes many people unable to let go when plagiarizing.”

Zhou Buqi immediately understood what he meant, "Can you let go?"

Kurian said flatly: "I think as long as a company can adhere to the bottom line of the law, it is the best company."


Zhou Buqi felt more at ease.

This is the benefit of choosing an Indian as CEO.

No pressure, no burden; thick-skinned, able to withstand pressure. They are all from the lower castes of Indian society, and they all worked their way up from the bottom. What kind of hardships and sufferings have they not seen? What does a little external pressure mean?

But many white Americans are different.

He has lived a good life since he was a child.

He also accepted the influence of a whole set of American values.

So much so that when they plagiarize, they are a little bit reluctant to let it go. I want to copy but don't dare to copy. I want to plagiarize, but I also have to work hard to prevent the gold flakes from falling off my face. I want both prestige and face, and I want to give the outside world the impression that "I am original and not plagiarized."

This kind of plagiarism is both pretentious and constrained, and it is much more difficult to beat the original version.

In contrast, plagiarism on the domestic Internet is much more blatant, not polite at all, and appears to be exactly the same pixel-level plagiarism. Isn't it just getting scolded? Can you lose a piece of meat if you get scolded? Kill your competitors, and you will be the winner.

Obviously, Kurian is not American.

Or maybe he understood Boss Zhou's tendencies and knew what kind of development route Ziweixing International should take in the future.

Kurian said with a smile: "There is no shame in plagiarism, only shame in failure. Isn't the newly released iPhone 6 also copied from Asda's Aster series and using a large screen? I remember when Steve Jobs was alive a few years ago, he kept saying Not being able to make a large-screen mobile phone is an aesthetic flaw, but the market will not give you artistic persistence, and compromise is a higher art.”

Zhou Buqi was afraid that he had gone too far, so he said: "In today's Silicon Valley, integrated plagiarism is everywhere, and integration itself is also an innovation. We still need to strike a balance between plagiarism and mergers and acquisitions, and acquisitions don't cost much. , if you have a choice, mergers and acquisitions are also a good choice. If the cost is not high, it is better to spend a few more dollars than to be criticized by the outside world.”

Kurian said: "But if you are determined to plagiarize, you must be firm! I think it is inappropriate to leave such a task to those white people. They lack flexible thinking and firm beliefs, and are not able to withstand pressure very well. A little influence from the outside world If you are criticized at all, you should see a psychiatrist. It is too fragile. This kind of task should be carried out by Indians or Chinese. "

Zhou Buqi said: "Indians and Chinese are the cornerstone of Ziweixing International's human resources and are very important!"

Kurian smiled and said: "Both Indians and Chinese are ethnic minorities. More than half of the employees in the company are ethnic minorities, which allows us to have more room for public opinion under the general trend of diversity."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Then you should be prepared, um... is the integration of LinkedIn reporting to you?"

Kurian said "hmm", "LinkedIn users have a high degree of compatibility with many of Ziweiyun's Saas products. Integrating LinkedIn can take our cloud computing business to a new level." . The main reason why I am confident that I can compete with Microsoft Cloud and not worry about Microsoft Cloud in terms of software services is that we have LinkedIn.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Then do this job as soon as possible, and at the same time, communicate more with Lu Qi, attend more president meetings, understand some of his working methods, and understand the various businesses in the company from a global perspective. You still have a year of transition period, and time is very urgent. This is a very difficult task, but I believe you can do it! I have thought about it for a long time, and I think you are the best candidate for CEO."

"Sure! I can!"

Kurian was inevitably moved in his heart. He didn't know that Boss Zhou had considerations other than business. He just thought that this was the boss's unlimited trust and support for him. He gave up many outstanding Chinese executives, such as Tang Binchen and Xu Liangjie, who had fought with him to conquer the world, but he didn't choose them, but chose himself.

What a great honor is this?

Even if it is out of gratitude for his trust, you must do this job well! Don't let him down!


Baoshan had a caesarean section and stayed in the hospital for 5 days.

She was finally discharged today.

Dad has gone to the UK to watch Manchester United's game, but Mom and sister are still there. This can't be blamed on my dad. There's no way. The current situation of the Zhou family is a bit special. Although he is my biological father, it's not convenient for him to stay here.

He didn't live in the house during the days he came to the United States.

He found a hotel outside.

Zhou Buqi was embarrassed to ask, and his daughter-in-law was certainly embarrassed to point it out. My mother and sister didn't care about it and drove him to the hotel. There are too many women in the family, and they are all beautiful. They often wear suspenders and nightgowns at home. Almost every day they change into swimsuits to swim in the big swimming pool.

In this situation, it is really inconvenient for a man from outside to be present.

There's no way, even if he is my biological father, he is still a man from outside.

Dad's departure makes everyone more comfortable.

Mom and sister naturally don't have such taboos, and happily take Baoshan and the child back home. Zhou Nan also held a wedding party to welcome her nephew home. She also applied to name her nephew, but was rejected by Aunt Xue righteously, saying that this is a boy, and naming should be done by men.

Zhou Nan thought that Aunt Xue was really well-treated, and then she asked with interest, lowering her voice, "Aunt Xue, did you and my brother... have any?"

"No." Aunt Xue pinched her arm lightly and said angrily, "Don't talk nonsense."

Zhou Nan blinked, not quite believing it, "Really? Not once?"

"Really, your brother treats me as an elder, unlike Wang Yanan, don't guess."

Aunt Xue sighed, feeling helpless.

Now it's really a bit like falling into the Yellow River and not being able to wash it off.

The whole family is making such wild guesses, which really let down their resistance and perseverance for so many years.

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