Top of the big era

Chapter 3078: Microsoft's Counterattack

After Lu Qi and Tang Binchen were dealt with, the next step was Kurian.

Thinking of this, Zhou Buqi sighed.

I remember when he was reborn to work in the Internet industry, he was still ambitious and felt that there were too many problems in the domestic Internet industry. It was not this or that. Looking around, it was full of complaints, which made people desperate and sad.

But as time went by, he understood more and more.

The existing system is the best strategy for the domestic Internet industry to show its competitiveness.

It is similar abroad.

At first, he felt that major companies in Silicon Valley began to reuse Indians, while Chinese executives had fewer and fewer opportunities. He was indignant about this phenomenon and wanted to seek change. But now, he has to follow the local customs and follow the crowd. He gave up Lu Qi and Tang Binchen and chose Indian Kurian as the next CEO of Ziweixing International.

Kurian has been under a lot of pressure recently.

It’s all related to his fellow countryman Nadella of Microsoft.

After Nadella became the new CEO of Microsoft, his appeal to Indians increased greatly, which caused Ziwei Cloud to lose more than a dozen Indian employees. Although they were all grassroots employees, this has conveyed a very bad phenomenon.

In addition, Nadella launched a new strategy for Microsoft, which is "cloud first", adjusted the strategy of Microsoft Cloud, and even gave up prejudice and went to cooperate with Apple.

This caused some users who could have belonged to Ziwei Cloud to be snatched away by Microsoft Cloud.

Zhou Buqi asked, "I heard that Ziwei Cloud is under a lot of pressure recently?"

Kurian sat opposite him, his tone was a little heavy, "It is indeed very troublesome, mainly from Microsoft. After Nadella took office, he changed Ballmer's past style, which may have a great impact on the entire industry."

Zhou Buqi was very surprised, "Just put forward a slogan of 'cloud first'?"

Kurian said, "It should be a change of concept. In the past, Ballmer has always been opposed to the open source community and open source agreements. He believes that open source is cancer. So many Microsoft products have applied for patents, which is equivalent to cutting themselves off from the industry."

It was the first time that Zhou Buqi heard such a statement, "No wonder Microsoft has spent so much money on the Internet in the past few years, but it still can't do it well."

It's not that Internet technology cannot apply for patents, but no one will do it.

If you do this, no one will play with you.

Think you are closed and outdated, think you are a thing of the old era, think you are profit-seeking and only consider yourself instead of all mankind.

But many of Microsoft's products have technical copyrights.

This greatly restricts Microsoft's business expansion.

Especially Microsoft Cloud.

The users of Microsoft Cloud are all small and medium-sized companies. They can't even copy your stuff, so why would they use Microsoft Cloud services? Cloud computing services are essentially an Internet service. Copyright and patents are simply a counterattack from the old times.

The logic of the Internet is that you can copy me.

By the time you copy me, I will have upgraded to the next generation and will be far behind you in the future. When you copy me again, I will have upgraded to a new generation. I have been upgrading, optimizing, and getting better and better, while you can only keep on copying.

The logic of patents is that you are not allowed to copy me.

If you can't copy me, it means that I don't need too much optimization and upgrading. Anyway, there is no pressure from competitors, so I can rest on my laurels and enjoy myself. The motivation to upgrade to the next generation is not so strong, which eventually leads to more and more shortcomings of the product and eventually being abandoned by the times.

From this, we can see that the Internet has a stronger sense of crisis. The Internet must progress. If it doesn't progress, it will be caught up and die. The traditional patent model is different. I can not progress and rest on my laurels. Anyway, there are patent restrictions and others can't keep up.

This has driven the Internet industry to become stronger and stronger. No one dares to stand still, and no one can sit back and enjoy the fruits of others' labor. No matter how much they have achieved, they still need to become bigger and stronger. Everyone does this, and naturally the current Internet era has been created.

After Nadella took office, this changed Microsoft in terms of concept.

Kurian said, "Yes, Microsoft used to be more like a software company, too closed. Nadella is promoting Microsoft's openness, which has won the support of many people and the recognition of the industry."

Zhou Buqi was a little worried, "Can Microsoft Cloud keep up?"

"It is indeed catching up." Kurian nodded, looking serious, "Last year, Ziwei Cloud had the largest market share in cloud computing, Amazon Cloud was second, and Salesforce was third. But judging from the situation this year, Microsoft Cloud is likely to surpass Salesforce."

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath, "Microsoft Cloud ranked third?"

Kurian said, "Microsoft's commercial cloud is mainly software services, which is not quite the same as the Internet services provided by Ziwei Cloud and Amazon Cloud. In the short term, they cannot impact us. However, within a few months, Microsoft Cloud can quickly start to surpass another software service giant Salesforce, which is enough to show the strength of Microsoft's foundation."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "For cloud computing services, what I am most worried about is not Amazon Cloud, but Microsoft Cloud."

Kurian said: "Indeed, Amazon Cloud has nothing too core. We also have what they have. Except for the field of e-commerce, it is difficult for us to compete. We can maintain a leading edge in other businesses. But Microsoft Cloud is different. They They have an absolute leading position in the field of software services. It’s not that their software services are better than ours, but that Microsoft has accumulated decades of reputation and reputation in the software field.”

Microsoft's name is "a microsoftware company."

Microsoft didn't get its start because of Bill Gates, but because of Steve Jobs. Microsoft made its first pot of gold by designing software for the first generation of Apple computers, and then had the money to develop Windows systems.

Microsoft is the world's largest software company and has an accumulation in this field that its competitors cannot match.

Zhou Buqi said: "It seems that Nadella has made the right choice as CEO. In the long run, Microsoft Cloud will be a very strong competitor."

Kurian said: "But don't worry too much. Our software service system has been built, and our product structure is more reasonable. Coupled with our advantages in Internet services, from a long-term competitive perspective, we don't have to worry too much." . It’s just a short-term minor problem that needs to be resolved quickly.”

"What trouble?"

"In the past few months, many Indian employees have switched jobs to Microsoft Cloud."

"No non-compete agreement?"

"No, they would rather not receive compensation, give up options, and join Microsoft." Kurian was somewhat annoyed by this. "I think this is destroying the stability of the industry. You need to come forward to communicate with Microsoft, or directly Talk to Bill Gates!”

Zhou Buqi asked: "Are there any senior managers?"

Kurian said: "They are mainly grassroots employees, but they have poached more than a dozen, which has already affected the stability of our operations. Nadella must have offered amazing bargaining chips, otherwise he would not have let so many people Would rather give up compensation to join Microsoft? This may no longer be in the interests of the company, but out of selfishness.”

Silicon Valley giants all have strong capabilities.

If they viciously poach each other, the consequences would be disastrous, and in the end everyone would be done with it. Therefore, there is a tacit understanding in the industry that poaching people should be done in moderation, do not harm others to the detriment of yourself, and do not cause damage by poaching people.

Nadella may have crossed the line to show that he is the big brother in the Indian community.

Zhou Buqi said: "Okay! I'll go find Bill Gates! This is outrageous!"

Kurian sighed, "Nadella is now the executive director and CEO of Microsoft. His appeal to Indians has far surpassed mine. Our advantage in human resources competition in the past few years may not be the same." exists."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, that's what I want to talk to you about today!"

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