Top of the big era

Chapter 3076 Utilitarianism

This time he returned to China to deal with outsourced employees, which gave Zhou Buqi a deep understanding of the model innovation in human resources management in the domestic technology industry. Although human outsourcing has various shortcomings, it also truly reflects the characteristics of the industry.

Especially the Internet.

The so-called high-tech industry is actually not that mysterious at all. Except for a very small part of the business, the technological content of most of them is not that high at all. Even at Google, the vast majority of employees are engaged in "mid- to low-end" technical work that maintains stable product operations.

It can be said that Zhou Buqi now understands more and more the development status of the domestic technology industry.

From the perspective of human civilization, of course innovation is necessary!

Only innovation can change, make the current technology industry better and more powerful, and push human civilization to greater heights.

The core soul of Silicon Valley is innovation.

This is as it should be.

Because talents from all over the world are running to Silicon Valley, funds from all over the world are flowing into Silicon Valley, and some of the best scientists in the country are also engaged in technology work in Silicon Valley... It can be said that Silicon Valley brings together global resources. .

After taking advantage of the world, Silicon Valley must of course innovate and contribute to human civilization.

This is Silicon Valley's responsibility.

The domestic technology industry is different. The top talents have all gone to the United States. The few remaining people in the country, relying on some leftover funds and social resources... can make some decent achievements at the application level. Not bad.

Is it really necessary to compete with Silicon Valley in terms of innovation with such meager resources?

It is already a huge achievement to be able to imitate some of the best products made in Silicon Valley and achieve perfection at the application level. At least in the world, only the domestic technology industry can do this. In Europe, South Korea and Japan, if you ask them to plagiarize and imitate, they don’t have the ability.

With such limited domestic resources, technological innovation is powerless, but great wisdom has exploded in business model innovation.

Compared with the current C model (China model), the once mainstream A model and J model have fallen behind in terms of market competitiveness.

The main logic of Model C is “low innovation + strong stability”.

To put it bluntly, it is utilitarianism.

Innovation cannot create value.

Especially for Internet innovation, this stuff doesn't even have copyright and can be copied by others at will. Many new projects will even actively open source it so that others can use it without copying it.

What can create value is the stable promotion of innovative products at the operational level.

Only innovations that have been certified by the market are profitable innovations.

Zhou Buqi is not doing Ziweixing International to contribute to the United States, nor to shoulder the ideal responsibility of Silicon Valley. He is harvesting the world through the transfer station in the United States. He is going to make money! It’s to earn fame!

Unlike companies like Microsoft, Google, and Facebook, he has no obligations.

People like Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, and Larry Page were raised in American society. They have an ideal in their hearts, and they also have a morality and responsibility for innovation.

Zhou Buqi is different.

He was raised by his parents.

Zhou Buqi said: "Google is famous all over the world, not because of how many innovations it has made, but because of Google search, YouTube, Android systems, and Google Mail. What changes the world is the results at the application level, not the original intention of innovation. There are no results. , it’s useless to have an innovative spirit; if you have results, the outside world can glorify and worship you even if you don’t have an innovative spirit.”

Lu Qi laughed and said: "To be honest, I have never had any idea of ​​changing the world. I have no obsession with innovation. In fact, Chinese and Indian Americans have no obsession with innovation. On the contrary, those white people prefer to be high-profile. , think different at every turn, and change the world at every turn.”

Zhou Buqi said: "So we must pay special attention to Chinese and Indian employees. This is the cornerstone of a company's stability. Domestically, Ziweixing is developing a new human management model, which has improved the existing outsourcing model. Improvement. Ziweixing International does not have many outsourced employees. At the operational level, we still have to rely heavily on Chinese and Indians.”

Lu Ji said: "The entire Silicon Valley is very dependent on it."

"They haven't done enough!" Zhou Buqi shook his head and snorted, "They don't pay enough attention to Indians and Chinese. They all think that innovative talents are more important than stable talents responsible for operation and maintenance. We Gotta do it the other way around!”

In fact, it is not only Google, but even more funny is Facebook.

In the previous life, Facebook could be said to be the king of traffic, equivalent to QQ and WeChat in China.

However, as the king of traffic, Facebook has nothing to do with some new small companies.

A WhatsApp appeared on the market, and Facebook quickly imitated and launched a similar product, but it didn't even make a splash. In the end, it had to spend a sky-high price of US$19 billion to acquire WhatsApp.

Later, Instagram appeared again, and Facebook also copied it and launched a similar model, but there was still no movement and it couldn't beat the other party. In the end, it had to pay a high price to buy Instagram.

Later, when Snapchat came along, Facebook used similar tactics and still couldn't beat it. In the end, it had to make an offer to acquire it. The acquisition failed this time, and without selling Snapchat, Facebook has never been able to make any achievements in the market that disappears after reading.

Not even plagiarism.

This is because the operational level is not enough.

With the most traffic and the most powerful technical team, Facebook has been defeated again and again... This is simply unimaginable in China. It is too easy for giants to attack emerging similar companies. Everyone can plagiarize, but how do you make a plagiarized product that beats the original?

It is easier said than done. This requires breaking the "preconceived" market perception.

This test is the market operation ability of the product.

App market operations are more of a "manual job", like assembly line work in a factory.

It is necessary to constantly conduct market research, constantly understand the opponent's confidence and target the design, continue trial and error, and constantly modify. It is necessary to do more dirty work than the opponent, and to pay more effort and cost. , you even have to put aside your moral self-requirements and do it shamelessly!

Those "arrogant" people who claim to be top industry geniuses simply don't bother to do these elements.

Nor will I do it.

It just so happens that Silicon Valley giants like Google and Facebook entrust top talents in these industries with important tasks every time.

It's different in China.

Who didn’t grow up in a rural area, then go to college and enter the computer industry? Diligence, hard work, and struggle are written in everyone's genes, and they will have the most powerful advantages in product market operations.

In this regard, Chinese and Indians are similar.

In companies in Silicon Valley, Chinese and Indians are basically doing the dirty work that is not innovative, such as product operations, maintenance, updates, and iterations. Those white technical geniuses in the United States all dream of changing the world and are full of ideals to innovate and invent. They simply don't bother to do such repetitive, low-tech work.

Zhou Buqi suddenly brought the topic to the aspects of "innovation" and "stability", mainly to show the importance of Kurian and the importance of Indian employees.

As well as the main strategies of Ziweixing International in the future competition in the industry.

I hope Tang Binchen, the "old prince", can understand.

Tang Binchen smiled and said: "In this way, Kurian is more suitable. With Kurian's personal reputation, we can recruit more suitable Chinese and Indian employees. His excellent vision and ability in mergers and acquisitions, It can also make up for the lack of creativity to a large extent.”

Zhou Buqi said bluntly: "I have no more fantastic ideas, and my creativity is almost exhausted. If I are asked to design new ideas like Helo and Ucgram, I don't have that many ideas. If the company wants long-term development, it still needs to The design has to be done from the institutional perspective, you can’t rely on me alone.”

Tang Binchen nodded, "One hand is for plagiarism, and the other is for acquisitions. This is enough to improve the creative exhaustion that we may have in the future from the institutional level. If there is not enough internal creativity, you can look for it outside. As you said, the biggest advantage of the Internet industry is, There is no copyright or patent, so you can play open source and plagiarize. This is really the best way for giant companies to consolidate their position, and they must take advantage of this utilitarianism.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "So how is Kurian?"

"I'm fine!"

Tang Binchen was straightforward.

"Indeed, in many aspects, he is braver and more courageous than me." Lu Qi sighed, and then smiled slightly, "Others are really not good at it. When it comes to plagiarism, those white leftists are a bit pretentious. Indians There is no such psychological barrier. After Nadella became the CEO of Microsoft, the changes were very practical and there was no noble pursuit at all. He even took the initiative to seek cooperation with his old enemy Apple. If this is a white leftist, It’s hard to do such a thing, maybe just like Ballmer, maintaining his proud self-esteem!”

"Then appoint him as executive director?"



"Then..." Zhou Buqi paused, looked at Lu Qi, and more importantly, "Then next summer, you will retire? Let Kurian give it a try?"

Lu Qi seemed to feel relieved and smiled, "I accept it."

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