Top of the big era

Chapter 3062: Stinky Water

When I have time, I mainly visit friends.

Sit down and eat.

Some people meet in the company or at work, while others have to make time to make an appointment.

For example, Chen Guohuan has resigned from Ziweixing and started a separate business to export knockoff phones. His main battlefield is now in Dongguan. Under the general trend of the Wanshi service being cleaned up, he and Yan Guangming Together they have eaten up many copycat phone manufacturers there.

It is expected that the first copycat smartphone will be launched next month. The first market is Indonesia, and an agency agreement has been signed with an operator there.

Chen Guohuan flew here specially from the south tonight.

There is also his current girlfriend Zhao Qing, a very calm professional woman in her early thirties who works at Minsheng Bank.

Zhou Buqi did not bring a female companion, but Meng Houkun was by his side.

This is a bit embarrassing. It's not easy to just talk about the work on the copycat phone, and then leave his girlfriend in the cold. There is another important reason. His girlfriend also works in the south. This time she came here just to get to know Boss Zhou, talk a few more words, and worship him on the spot.

Zhou Buqi could only chat with her, smiling and asking her what kind of work she was doing in the bank, whether it was savings or financial management.

As a result, Ms. Zhao Qing was very fierce, saying that she was responsible for technology.

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "Technology? Which aspect?"

Zhao Qing seemed a little embarrassed, "Database."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "It turns out he's an engineer!"

Female programmers are actually rare in the industry. After all, the computer industry is a science and logic industry.

Chen Guohuan said with a smile: "She was still working at Huawei last year. I told her that she jumped to the bank."

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, "It turns out he is a senior engineer!"

Zhao Qing felt very embarrassed and said bluntly: "No, he is just a very ordinary programmer. I started working at Penguin, but then I was laid off. It was not easy to find a job. I went to Deco two years ago."

Deco is a domestic outsourcing giant.

The largest service customer is Huawei, and 50% of the manpower is Huawei's on-site outsourcing.

Hearing what she said, Zhou Buqi became even more interested, "It just so happens that I am worried about outsourcing in the company right now! If you have worked in Huawei, then you are an expert. You have to tell me carefully. ”

Zhao Qing was a little confused, "What did you say?"

Zhou Buqi asked: "How do you feel about working as an outsourcer at Huawei? What's the specific situation?"

"Outsourcing..." Zhao Qing shook his head, "The biggest advantage is that there is more money, the work is relatively easy, and the coding pressure is very small. Their coding technology is much worse than Penguin... Maybe they are outsourcing me, and they are responsible for the coding requirements. It’s not that high, and overall it doesn’t require too much technology. It’s just that the management is very strict, and it’s divided into red zones, yellow zones, and green zones.”

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "Red, yellow and green? Traffic light?"

Zhao Qing smiled and said: "Yes, it means traffic lights. The red zone is a prohibited zone, and many regular employees cannot go there, and supervision is very strict; everyone in the green zone can go; I am an outsourcer, and my work area is the yellow zone ”

"That's it."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

Technology companies protect technology in various ways. However, in comparison, Huawei attaches great importance to technology security, but this is much higher than that of Internet companies. Of course, Huawei's technology is not only the Internet, it covers a wide range of areas, but also has very complex and critical businesses. Once word gets out, big things will happen, so confidentiality is extremely high.

Zhao Qingdao: "There is another requirement, which is quite scary. It is forbidden for employees to take pictures in the office area, and it is also forbidden to take screenshots of office computers. There are not only camera monitoring, but also system monitoring. If you accidentally take a screenshot of your computer, you have to find it quickly. The leader signs the confirmation, and then discusses whether it was intentional or unintentional. Once it is considered that the screenshot was intentional, no matter what screenshot you took, you will be fired. I have a colleague who took a screenshot of a communication interface with another colleague. , and then he was expelled, but it was very strict.”

Zhou Buqi was able to express his understanding and said: "Strict management is necessary. This is aimed at system construction, not the size of a thing."

Zhao Qing said with a smile: "There is nothing else. The salary is quite high. It is the same as when I was a regular employee at Penguin. After one year, the salary and bonus combined are three to four hundred thousand."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Then why did you go to the bank?"

"I don't know him anymore."

Zhao Qing glanced at Chen Guohuan beside him.

Only then did Zhou Buqi suddenly realize.

Chen Guohuan's previous job was in the capital. After he was assigned to do the copycat phone business, his job was in eastern Guangdong Province, mainly in Dongguan... He met his new girlfriend Zhao Qing when he felt empty around him. Maybe he felt that she worked hard at Huawei and got off work too late, so he suggested that she resign and work in a bank.

Anyway, Chen Guohuan is rich.

Don't care about a job at all.

If the two of them really get married, Zhao Qing will probably resign and go home to take charge of her life. She seems to be at a low level in the workplace. She should get married and have children in her thirties.

Seeing that her level was not high, Zhou Buqi didn't ask any more questions and said with a smile: "Is it easier to work now that I have gone to the bank?"

"It's so relaxing, it's unimaginable." Zhao Qing pulled back her hair around her ears. She looked very feminine. No wonder he could capture a rich man like Chen Guohuan. "When I went to the bank for an interview, I was shocked. , the interviewer didn’t have basic technical skills, and after talking about a few scenarios, the questions were really stupid, and the threshold was really low. If you know how to use spring, you can get in easily.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "It's good if the work is easy."

"I'm also tired." Zhao Qing shook his head, "It's really different from big technology companies. The project warehouse uses svn and jdk6, and the only requirement is to use the 'Purple MSI Specification', and then it's gone. There's not even a document. Then The code is really... The syntax of JDK6 does not support streaming and automatic closing of streams. It is all about exception handling. Don't expect springboot, it is just old spring. I don't think I have any new technology. It was bad enough. After I left, I became the database supervisor.”

Zhou Buqi laughed.

A bit of a cover-up.

I didn't understand what she was talking about at all, but I probably understood the logic, that is, the things in the bank were backward and outdated technologies, as bad as they were. It’s not surprising that user data in banks has been leaked everywhere, and various bank accounts have been clearly mastered by telecom fraudsters.

Zhao Qing continued: "It's good to be a supervisor, but the few soldiers under my command really don't know anything. I have to take care of everything...and the equipment. The configuration of the office computer is too poor, and I have to install a virtual machine." The computer is turned on, and the memory can be used directly at 40%... The most important thing is that although I am a small technical supervisor, no one in the entire bank understands databases better than me, but I have no say in technical matters at all. Powers are all decided by administrative leaders.”

Zhou Buqi was actually not interested in this topic.

He already knew it.

Regardless of the fact that Internet companies are criticized by many people for having this problem and that problem, serious overtime work, PUA in the workplace, and many other phenomena, it is undeniable that the Internet industry is the cleanest and most transparent industry in the country, and it is also the most conducive to workplace struggle and career development. An industry that can turn ordinary people around.

Because good companies are full of living water, they must constantly drain away the stinky water, so that the outside world can smell the odor.

Many companies don't have negative news because they have become a stagnant water. Either the smelly water is kept inside to prevent the outside from smelling it; or even if some smelly water is released, the outside world is not allowed to say it smells bad, and the drummers must all sing praises and say it smells really good.

Zhao Qing finally met the legendary Mr. Zhou and seemed to be very happy when he said: "I think some projects are not difficult and you can just do it yourself. But the leader said that he would find a cooperative company from outside to do it, so I guess he accepted it. Commission. There was also an interview. They didn't want anyone with better skills, but they insisted on choosing someone who didn't know anything. After that, they asked me to take care of them. I really didn't have to think about anything about working in the company. I went to work in the morning. I just think about what to eat for lunch; when I go to work in the afternoon, I just think about where to go to drink in the evening.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "That's really easy."

Zhao Qingdao: "Yes, I would like to find time to write novels or something while working, and do some part-time work. Even though I am a science student, my literary level is quite high!"

Zhou Buqi winked and said, "When I become a full-time wife, I will have more time."

Zhao Qing glanced at Chen Guohuan, a meaningful and somewhat arrogant look, "Mr. Chen, did you hear the big boss's instructions? Do you want to marry me?"

Zhou Buqi said quickly: "No, no! I didn't say anything!"

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