Top of the big era

Chapter 306 Entering the circle

It was the first time Zhou Buqi was invited to such a party, so he was a little excited.

This counts as entering the circle, right?

Zhang Chaoyang from Sohu, Li Guoqing from Dangdang, Yu Minhong from New Oriental, Liang Jianzhang from Ctrip, Chen Yizhou from Thousand Oaks Interactive, Zhou Hongyi from Qihoo 360, and Xiong Xiaoge, an investor from IDG Capital, were present.

These few people in the industry are known for their outspokenness, and they are all cannons in the media.

It is really divided into groups.

For example, Mr. Li of Baidu, known for his gentleness, would definitely not join this group of people.

At the beginning, Zhou Buqi was a little uncomfortable.

But gradually, the atmosphere rose.

These gangsters, singing one by one was uglier than the other, Zhou Hongyi's singing was the ugliest, with a broken voice and he wanted to sing the song of the Black Panthers, it was shocking to everyone.

Originally, Zhou Buqi was still worried about his musical ability, for fear of making a fool of himself.

Now there is no need to worry.

Of the gang, he's pretty much the best!

At the moment, I clicked a more nostalgic old song "Lugang Town". The voice is vicissitudes, powerful and full of affection.

The bosses who had been whispering and drinking in the private room couldn't help pricking up their ears and slowly appreciating it.

After a song was sung, the applause was more enthusiastic.

Yu Minhong praised: "Xiao Zhou, you can do it, real people don't show their faces! Young people can sing with a sense of vicissitudes. This singing level is no worse than that of Lao Zhang."

Zhang Chaoyang waved his hands stinkingly, and said solemnly: "The singing is pretty good, but it's not as good as mine."

Zhou Buqi couldn't hold back, he laughed out loud.

This old boy is pretty good at pretending!

As if he didn't know.

His singing video has long been circulated on the Internet in later generations, who doesn't think he knows?

Feeling contemptuous, Zhang Chaoyang snorted, perhaps thinking of competing with Zhou Buqi, and immediately ordered a song "Childhood" by Luo Dayou——

"On the banyan tree by the pond,

Cicada was calling Xia Tian loudly.

On the swing by the playground,

Only butterflies rest on it.


The girl in the next class,

Why haven't you passed my window yet.

The snack in the mouth, the cartoon in the hand,

The childhood of my first love..."

This song doesn't have any explosive power, what it pursues is the feeling of memories, and it's a soft singing.

Zhang Chaoyang's voice is slightly lower, singing this kind of folk song, there is a kind of empathy. Zhou Buqi couldn't help but think back to when she was in high school in the previous life, the glimpse of the school beauty when she looked back, it was really the feeling of first love.

It really is a VVVVVVIP box!

The audio and tuning equipment cost several million, right?

Especially for close-up live listening, the reverberation and the sound-absorbing effect of the decorative wall panels are added, which really has a sense of sight of a concert.

KTV masters, are they all trained like this?

After the song was sung, there was thunderous applause.

Zhou Hongyi teased unabashedly: "Charles, your daily communication with female singers is very useful!"

Zhang Chaoyang was very proud, coughed his throat, and said very modestly: "No, I have a cold today, and my condition is not good..."

It's so cool to pretend!

Zhou Buqi almost laughed.

These big guys are all boring.

Lively, but also quite cute.

Among this group, Zhang Chaoyang is the most playful, and he is very close to the entertainment industry, and knows a lot of female stars. In private, these bigwigs are no different from those hanging silk men, they all have red eyes and envy and hatred on their faces.

However, when Zhang Chaoyang introduced them to each other, they shrank back.

It's okay to chat in private, but it's impossible to make a real move.

They are not as free and easy as Zhang Chaoyang. The company's performance is in a mess, it has been losing money year after year, and they are not shy about all kinds of scandals... It is said that this buddy is tired of playing, and he has begun to study Buddhism, which means to transcend the mundane world.

Next, Zhang Chaoyang yelled for Yu Minhong to sing an English song.

It seems that he is the organizer of this bureau and has a great say.

As soon as Zhou Buqi sat down, Chen Yizhou unexpectedly sat down.

This is the face of the enemy, right?

Xiaonei and 5Q Campus are in fierce competition. Recently, Weidian security guards even attacked two rogue plug-ins owned by Thousand Oaks Interactive as Trojan horses, issuing "warning", "serious threat", and "delete immediately". Waiting for the accusation can be called a security threat.

As a result, during this period of time, the total uninstall volume of the dudu and dm products under Thousand Oaks Interactive has exceeded 7 million times, with a monthly loss of at least 3 million.

There was no ferocity on Chen Yizhou's chubby face, he smiled kindly, picked up the wine bottle, and said friendlyly, "Have a drink?"


Zhou Buqi also showed a smile, and he was kind.

The wine was a 40% brandy XO.

Chen Yizhou took two wine glasses and filled them up with a bang, a glass of at least three liang of wine.

Zhou Buqi was unequivocal, after clinking glasses, he drank it in one gulp.

Chen Yizhou drank a few seconds slower, but also drank cleanly.

"Good drinker!"

Xiong Xiaoge sighed in admiration.

Liang Jianzhang also praised: "Xiao Zhou is fine, drinking is refreshing enough, better than old Zhou!"

"I'm allergic to alcohol."

Zhou Hongyi explained in a very speechless manner.

At this time, Zhou Buqi picked up the wine bottle again, filled the two wine glasses just now, passed one over, and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, I am a junior, and I reward you with one!"

After finishing speaking, he showed his bold spirit to the fullest, raised his neck, and drank it down in one gulp.

Chen Yizhou looked at the full glass of wine and twitched the corners of his mouth, almost crying.

Looking up, he found that Zhou Buqi was almost finished drinking.

I had no choice but to close my eyes and bite the bullet and drink it.

This scene startled the good guys Xiong Xiaoge and Liang Jianzhang just now, they looked at each other with fear.

This Xiao Zhou is a ruthless person!

After two cups, Zhou Buqi seemed to be fine.

Chen Yizhou was finished. He vomited a few times, threw away the empty wine glass, covered his mouth and rushed to the bathroom.

At this time, Zhang Chaoyang went out to answer a phone call, and when he came back, he said happily: "Coincidentally! The old Taobao horse came to Beijing, and I asked him to come over. That buddy sings very well! Listen to it too!"

Everyone is naturally welcome.

Although Zhou Buqi said he was resentful, he felt that Lao Ma's "West Lake Lunjian" did not invite him, and he looked down on others. But after all, he is a figure like the godfather of the Internet, worthy of respect.

Boss Ma doesn’t understand technology, so Ali’s technical reserve is very poor, and he is ridiculed by the industry; he doesn’t understand management, so Ali almost went bankrupt several times, and he specially hired people from outside to improve the management structure; After the financing, I even went to Harvard to recruit, and branch offices opened all over the world, and I was almost dragged to death...

However, he has an advantage that no one else has.

He is a teacher.

When he was teaching at school, he was the most popular teacher in the school; he was also an excellent leader in starting a business.

Even a security guy or a front desk girl, he can train him to be a business president.

In addition to cultivating talents, he is also a bole.

He may not understand many businesses, so he can only talk about it from a high-level view, but he has brought out a group of good students... Half of the executives in the entire domestic Internet circle come from Ali.

Such a boss, Zhou Buqi must worship.

However, someone at the scene expressed dissatisfaction.

"Why did you call him here? Old Zhang, you are not authentic!"

It was Zhou Hongyi who spoke.

He and the old horse have a lot of trouble.

Zhou Hongyi was previously the president of Yahoo China.

After Yahoo China was acquired by Ali, he resolutely chose to leave regardless of the turmoil during the integration period of the merger and acquisition. This is considered a festival.

Ali was also unambiguous, and directly signed a one-year non-compete agreement, prohibiting him from engaging in search, portal, e-commerce, email, online advertising and other work that overlaps with Yahoo China's business. Another holiday.

Who is Zhou Hongyi?

When he was calling the shots in the domestic Internet circle, Lao Ma was still in a period of confusion in his life.

He had already made up his wishful thinking.

He did not resign alone, but with his core team.

After resigning, he founded Qihoo 360, hoping to seize the beachhead in the new concept search market among trendy search concepts such as aggregated search and community search.

What about the competition agreement?

Simple, Qihoo Company is handed over to his subordinates, Zhou Hongyi only contributes money as an angel investor, and does not participate in specific operations on the surface.

Easy to bypass the agreement.

After the agreement period is over next year, hehe, he will naturally join Qihoo and become the company's chairman and CEO.

It's just playing the old horse like a monkey.

This is another big holiday.

Right now, Zhang Chaoyang suddenly called the old horse over, isn't this embarrassing?

Li Guoqing waved his hand, "Come here, sing two songs, drink two glasses of wine, don't you just pass?"

Xiong Xiaoge also stated: "Old Zhou, I'm going to blame you now, don't be so small-minded. Look at Xiao Zhou, who is younger than you."

Chen Yizhou went out and vomited, but he still hasn't come back.

So everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

"Well, Xiao Zhou is not bad!"

"Have a temper!"

"Old Zhou, you have to learn from Xiao Zhou!"

"They're all in the same circle. If you don't look up and see you when you look down, drink two glasses of wine and you're almost done!"

Under one sound after another, Zhou Hongyi let out a long sigh, and said helplessly, "It's easy to say, have you ever seen an old horse? Old Zhou, I'm not that narrow-minded, but that old horse...Hmph, you wait Just wait and see!"

Half an hour later, the old horse arrived in a hurry.

Smiling all over the face, very happy.

This guy is quite similar to Zhang Chaoyang, both of them like to play. There are two hobbies, one is martial arts and the other is singing. In KTV, it is Maiba level.

Comparing with professionals is no good, compared with peer entrepreneurs, it is absolutely crushing.

Sure enough, Zhang Chaoyang's prestige was killed with one mouthful.

In the restless and explosive atmosphere of the karaoke hall, coupled with alcohol and the most high-end stereo...the sound is no different from a professional one.

It can be called the lingering sound.

"If the cloud knows

Can't escape the prison of Taobao

every second of heartache

Every time I wake up crying for a second

Only the heart is begging

you won't know


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