Top of the big era

Chapter 3058: Stability is more important than innovation

If Zhou Buqi is so honest, he will naturally not be stingy.

In business management, it is originally about learning from each other, asking each other for advice, growing together, and making progress together.

Boss Li mainly proposed to solve similar hidden dangers from five aspects.

First, raise awareness of prevention.

During the service outsourcing process, the enterprise itself needs to strengthen the management of confidential information and improve the intellectual property protection awareness and risk prevention awareness of IT department employees. Strengthen access control and authentication: Use multi-factor authentication, access control policies and rights management measures to ensure that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data and systems.

You can even monitor and control abnormal security status: Use security tools and security information and event management systems to monitor and control abnormal security status of the intranet in real time, which helps to detect potential intrusions early and respond and handle them in a timely manner.

Second, reduce outsourcing of core business.

Before deciding to outsource IT, companies must ensure that the outsourced part does not involve core corporate secrets.

Choose to outsource content that is high-effort, low-tech, and low-information.

Third, jointly sign a confidentiality agreement.

When formulating an IT outsourcing contract, a confidentiality agreement must be signed, relevant regulations on intellectual property rights must be formulated, and the legal consequences of information disclosure by the IT outsourcing company must be clarified.

Fourth, determine the authority of the outsourcing company.

In the construction of IT outsourcing, the authority of the outsourcing company should be clarified and outsourcing work specifications should be formulated.

IT outsourcing personnel are prohibited from entering or carrying storage devices into specific corporate locations.

Fifth, provide training for regular employees.

Let them understand the risks of outsourcing, let them have a sense of the difference between "us" and "them", and supervise and review the dynamics of outsourced personnel.

Zhou Buqi listened to his analysis.

It feels like what He Yang said before, the meaning is basically the same.

Using outsourcing has various benefits for the company.

But what about the disadvantages of outsourcing?

Use differential treatment to limit them!

From the perspective of corporate management, treating this group differently can be in the interests of all parties. To a certain extent, many unmotivated outsourced employees also like it.

Most people's work is actually to make money, and they can make money easily and comfortably.

How can I feel relaxed and comfortable?

That is to always work in the "comfort zone".

Keep them doing repetitive tasks that they are good at. This is their comfort zone. If you encounter some projects that are challenging, require performance, bear great mental pressure, or even require the use of many new technologies and you need to spend a lot of time learning and working on them, this is stepping out of your comfort zone.

Most people are not willing to do this kind of "dirty work".

Of course, this kind of thing must be left to regular employees with higher salaries, better benefits, and company stocks. At the same time, only by constantly jumping out of your comfort zone and doing things you are not good at can you continue to grow and improve yourself.

Many people will think that it is a way of making things difficult for their leaders to arrange for them to do this kind of work. I can just make money with peace of mind. Why do I have to do these complicated and stressful things?

Some people may think that when leaders entrust such important work to themselves, it gives them opportunities for growth and is a kind of training. Even if the project is successful, but in the end he is not promoted or even receives a bonus, so what?

The biggest gain is actually the new technology I learned and the valuable experience I accumulated while working on this project. It is the ability to take on important projects. This is the most important reference factor when getting promoted or changing jobs in the future.

Most outsourced employees think in the former category.

The significance of corporate values ​​is to encourage regular employees to become the latter type of people, with stronger enterprising spirit and motivation for self-growth.

Li Yanhong said solemnly: "Now I feel more and more the importance of academic qualifications. Many entrepreneurs say that recruitment does not depend on academic qualifications. In the workplace, things are based on ability. I think this is wrong."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "That's because many old-school entrepreneurs have no academic qualifications themselves. If he says academic qualifications are very important, isn't that a slap in the face? Just like Lao Ma, he keeps saying that Alibaba's recruitment does not depend on academic qualifications and everyone is welcome. Apply for a job at Alibaba. The reality is that if you don’t have a 985 undergraduate degree, you won’t be able to pass the resume screening round.”

Li Yanhong laughed and said, "Isn't it awkward to name someone by name?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's okay. This is not to say bad things about others behind their backs. I would say the same in person."

Li Yanhong said: "It's different now. The younger generation of entrepreneurs have better academic qualifications than the last, and many have received doctorates from Ivy League universities. This is actually the biggest capital. Past business experience, all It is true that ability is greater than academic qualifications. At that stage, there are too few highly educated people, the demand is not high, the market gap is large enough, and the possibility of business success is higher. "

Zhou Buqi immediately thought of his former family business, "Just like my old mountain goods trading company, as long as you dare to fight and dare to rush, you can basically succeed. The so-called ability is nothing more than following the official The ability to communicate, the ability to transport, the ability to communicate with fellow villagers... these are actually extensive abilities. Things are different now, there are no gaps in the market. If you want to succeed in starting a business, you must be careful and careful. "

"This is especially true for Internet companies, especially major Internet companies." Li Yanhong and he are not friends, and their personal relationship is mediocre, but this does not prevent him from enjoying the joy of communicating with outstanding people, "Whether it is Baidu or Ziweixing , we can all hire the best people. Now that the market gap is getting smaller and smaller, the market is becoming more and more saturated with capabilities. In the past, everyone had no experience in doing business, so there were few capable people. More importantly; now, there are capable people everywhere, but what is really lacking are people with top abilities. ”

Obviously, he was referring to outsourcing.

When discussing the topic of outsourcing, Li Yanhong also saw boss Zhou's confusion and doubts about this concept.

He also wanted to express some opinions.

Different people have different perspectives. What He Yang and Meng Houkun said before are good.

The perspective provided by Boss Li is obviously higher.

In the past, the domestic market had a small supply side and a large demand side, so it was easier to run a business. It was easy to find some capable people and get things done. But things are different now. The supply side has overflowed, and the variety of goods and services has exceeded the needs of the demand side.

This poses new challenges to enterprises, which require people with the most top-notch capabilities to win in the market competition and ensure that the products needed on the demand side are exactly what we provide.

This creates a fork in the road for enterprise employment.

Zhou Buqi naturally understood what he meant, "That's why there is a difference between outsourced employees and regular employees. Outsourced employees use their current abilities, while regular employees focus on long-term development, and they must be trained into the most needed employees in the enterprise. Top-notch people.”

Li Yanhong smiled and said: "Yes, this differentiation process still depends on academic qualifications. In the past few years of recruitment, employment, promotion and management, I have gradually summed up some rules. The best people must have been at a very early age. The best, from junior high school to high school, from high school to university, they are often the best among their kind. When companies hire people, the cost of judging an employee's ability and potential is too high. We must pay attention to the screening of social machines. ”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Actually, there are still human nature and circles. The classmates of Tsinghua students are all Tsinghua students. People will have a desire to compare, and a reasonable desire to compare can be transformed into a desire to make progress. My classmates are all I am the president of a listed company, so why am I still in the middle of the company? This can be the biggest internal driving force for self-strengthening. In contrast, those with poor academic qualifications are also in a poor social circle, so it is difficult for them to come from the outside. The environment stimulates the inner self.”

Li Yanhong said: "Another point is that it is more fair. The same two people have very good abilities and similar performance, but there is only one promotion spot. Who to choose? If the person with lower education is promoted, the one with higher education is guaranteed to leave! This I have experienced this many times. However, if someone with a higher education level is promoted, it will be easier for those with a lower education level to accept the promotion, and it will not cause the loss of outstanding talents. In fact, a kind of judgment based on academic qualifications has long been formed in everyone's mind. The internal logic of superiority and inferiority. This objective factor will be more fair than the boss’s subjective judgment.”

"Isn't this too stable?" Zhou Buqi didn't quite agree, "This is almost the same as ranking based on seniority!"

Li Yanhong said sternly: "The concepts of large companies and small companies are definitely different. The stability of the organizational structure is crucial to large companies, even more important than innovation. Everyone knows that large companies have big company diseases, but who It is inevitable. When a company becomes big, it will suffer from big company problems, because the stability of the organizational structure is more important than big company problems. "


Zhou Buqi nodded.

The core purpose of a small company is to make the company bigger. If you want to get ahead, you must innovate, even at the risk of ruining your fortune. The main purpose of a large company is to hold on to the current one-third of an acre, so it requires stability and maintains business. and the stability of the organizational structure, we must innovate and expand the market on the basis of maintaining the basic market.

Li Yanhong said: "However, it cannot be too stable, resulting in rigidity and redundancy, causing idlers everywhere, and causing big companies to become too seriously ill. This is the more important point of the outsourcing model that is now favored by large domestic technology companies. At least that’s how it seems to me.”

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