Top of the big era

Chapter 3050 Campus recruitment has a halo, social recruitment will be downgraded

After talking so much, Zhou Buqi finally understood the core theory of He Yang's outsourcing.

Ziweixing is developing too fast and employing too many people.

Ziweixing needs a group of backbones with the most core potential and room for development. As the mainstay of the company's long-term development, this backbone must be recruited from the school and people trained by the company itself.

However, the school recruitment requirements are too high and not many people can be recruited in a short period of time.

what to do?

This requires social recruitment to fill the labor gap.

However, people who are recruited by social workers have been working hard in society for many years. They may have contracted a very bad atmosphere in other companies, or they may have become veterans in the workplace. Just like divorced women, they lack the understanding of the new family. Loyalty and belonging.

Therefore, this group of social recruiters must be beaten to death with a stick.

Ziweixing wants to keep all key projects and key development opportunities for its own people and school enrollment.

However, if the job performance of a social recruiter is as good as the performance of the school recruiter, why should the opportunity always be given to the school recruiter instead of the social recruiter? Or, how to avoid being bullied by experienced social recruitment employees who lack workplace experience and are simple-minded and just want to enroll in schools with superior abilities?

Therefore, there must be a system design in advance to "downgrade" the status of the social recruitment group and turn them into outsourcing.

The logic is actually self-consistent.

Especially in recent years, Zhou Buqi has seen many successful people, and he has increasingly discovered a truth, that is, awesome people have already become awesome.

If a young man fails to become a prominent figure in school, and does not even meet the standards of Ziweixing when applying for a job, then his future achievements will most likely not be comparable to those of those who joined as a school recruit. I compared it with Ziweixing’s classmates.

He Yang said: "I have concluded that in today's technology giants, without discussing evil ways, only five types of people have the opportunity to rise to the top management. First, people in the entrepreneurial team; second, flowers The industry leaders are recruited at a large price; the third is the people recommended by the company; the fourth is the school recruitment; the fifth is the social recruitment under a very special situation.”

"Social recruitment under very special circumstances?" Zhou Buqi was very curious, "What does this mean?"

He Yang smiled and said: "Recruitment is a two-way choice after all. There are some people who did not join Ziweixing during the school recruitment stage. It may not be that Ziweixing did not like them, but that he did not like Ziweixing. He may have gone out to start his own business, and Or go to the United States to study for a Ph.D., or go to the United States to work and join Google or Amazon. This is a very special group. Even if they are recruited by social workers, they are different from ordinary social recruiters. It is impossible for these people to do it. Outsourcing.”

This makes sense, Zhou Buqi nodded, "I thought about it, these current executives of Ziweixing are really the types you mentioned. None of them are ordinary social recruitment positions." Join the company and then work your way up to senior management.”

He Yang said: "Well, there are statistics. I have compiled a list of all the people in the company who have been promoted to management positions above M3 or above T9 in the past five years. The largest group among them is the school recruits, which is the fastest growing. The group with the fastest progress. On the contrary, it was really difficult for the social recruitment group in the early years to get up, and it was the group with the highest turnover rate. This is not my choice, this is an objective display given by the data.”

Upon hearing this, Zhou Buqi immediately felt sympathy for the outsourcing girl named Xiang Shuwen.

She graduated from Nankai Computer Science Department.

It can be said that he is the proud son of heaven.

After graduation, I joined, which is not a super first-tier company, but at least a first-tier company, and it is a listed company. She joined the company as a school recruit. If her mentality can be more mature and she can grow down there, she will definitely have more development opportunities.

However, many young people do not know the rules of the workplace, and they easily give up their status as fresh college students, and casually give up the halo of "school admissions", which can be a huge plus point with the company's HR.

The workplace is tolerant of school admissions.

You have poor skills, unstable personality, lack of experience, and poor emotional doesn't matter. What the company cares about is your potential. It can spend half a year or even a year cultivating you, and it won't care too much about your short-term ability. How much value is created.

Without the halo of school recruitment and reduced to social recruitment, it would be over.

The requirements for social recruitment are extremely high. The company has no interest in cultivating a social recruit. The requirement for social recruitment is "plug and play". Once you come in, you have to create value for the company. There is no tolerance. If you can't create the value you deserve during the three-month trial period, then goodbye.

Xiang Shuwen is really a typical example, "I'm here to rectify the workplace, I'm going to fire the capitalists." It seems very happy and satisfying, but in fact it is myself who suffers, and a prestigious student can only be outsourced.

He Yang said seriously: "My plan is that in the next three years, Ziweixing will complete this transformation in human resources, and make the ratio of formal employees and outsourced employees reach 1:1. The composition of formal employees is mainly based on School recruitment should be the main focus, and then the other four categories should be supplemented. Social recruitment should be limited to the greatest extent, and social recruitment should be promoted to outsourcing. To put it bluntly, in some special cases, social recruitment should be gradually abandoned. Recruiting workers and switching to outsourcing.”

Zhou Buqi said: "The five types of people you mentioned, who are mainly recruited from school, cannot complete all the work. A large number of employees recruited from society are also needed to meet the labor demand."

He Yang said: "At Ziweixing, employees' performance ratings are mainly divided into three categories. 30% are excellent, 60% are qualified, and the remaining 10% are unqualified and may face elimination from the bottom. This can also be reflected in the data. Even among the five types of people I mentioned, there are many who have mediocre performance in the workplace, and some will even enter the unqualified area, not to mention those employees who are recruited by social workers. The elimination rate is extremely high. Such a high elimination rate. It’s not good for our company’s image.”


Zhou Buqi was slightly startled.

He Yang said: "When Ziweixing has 40,000 employees, 4,000 people may be eliminated from the bottom every year. How huge is this number? If word spreads that Ziweixing will lay off 4,000 people, it will be a huge turmoil, even It will cause fluctuations in the stock price. Not to mention the huge cost of layoffs. It is different if they are outsourced. Of the 4,000 people laid off, maybe 3,500 are outsourced employees, and they are not Ziweixing employees. After the employees are dismissed, they will return to the outsourcing company. This does not include the layoffs of Ziweixing. The actual layoffs of Ziweixing are only 500. "

"That's it..."

Zhou Buqi now had a new perspective.

How come the more I listen to it, the more I feel that what they say is reasonable?

Is this how He Yang convinced the entire senior management?

Ziweixing is a super giant, so a company like this must be careful when laying off employees. Because this not only affects yourself, but also affects the industry. Once the market discovers that large companies like Ziweixing are laying off employees on a large scale, there may be a chain reaction.

Outsourcing is reasonable.

4,000 people were laid off. In fact, 3,500 people just left Ziweixing. They were returned to the outsourcing company, which is not counted as layoffs. Even if the outsourcing company did not arrange the next outsourcing job for him and laid him off, it was still a layoff by the outsourcing company and had nothing to do with Ziweixing.

Ziweixing only laid off 500 people.

For a large company with tens of thousands of people, laying off hundreds of people a year is nothing.

Ziweixing can not only free itself from labor disputes and huge layoff costs, but also stabilize the hearts and minds of people inside and outside the company.

Zhou Buqi asked: "If we don't consider the elimination of the last ones, in the long run, can we gradually replace social recruitment with school recruitment? Let the company be filled with all employees recruited from school."

"It's difficult." He Yang shook his head, "Our school recruitment standards are very high. The maximum number of school recruitment for technical positions every year is 3,000 people. However, the company will eliminate about 10% of the bottom positions every year. That is, This means that as long as the total number of employees of Ziweixing exceeds 30,000, the new people recruited from the school will not be able to fill the employment gap caused by the elimination of the lowest positions, and social recruitment and... outsourcing will be necessary. "

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Who told you that social recruitment must be outsourced?"

He Yang said with a dry mouth. Unexpectedly, the big boss still disagreed. "If you want to prevent big company diseases, you must take some strong measures. The development speed of domestic technology companies is much faster than that of technology companies in other countries." Fast, the existence of outsourcing does play a big role.”

"Okay, I'll think about it again." Zhou Buqi waved his hand and looked at the time. "Is it time for the meeting? Let's go to the conference room. If you want me to see it, don't struggle. The secret circle is going to be closed. Just shut it down. If Weibo wants to rectify it, just rectify it. Now even Twitter is controlling speech, let alone Weibo.”

Nowadays, the main recruitment model of major Internet companies is "campus recruitment + outsourcing", and social recruitment has basically been suspended.

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