Top of the big era

Chapter 3047 Why not eat meat?

He Yang said: "In fact, the most important difference between formal employees and outsourced employees is not the difference in ability, salary, academic qualifications, etc., but the psychological difference. For regular employees, they will think that 'Ziweixing' is my company; Outsourcers will think that 'Ziweixing' is their company. This change can be seen from the consumption data of snacks and drinks."

Zhou Buqi asked: "After the adjustment, is it effective?"

He Yang smiled and said: "It works, the effect is very obvious! Before the Spring Festival, the daily consumption of snacks and drinks by an employee in the company was about 26 yuan. After the Spring Festival, we have taken measures to limit the benefits to regular employees. Outsourced personnel are open. The current data shows that the daily consumption of each employee has dropped to 20 yuan, and it is decreasing month by month. I believe that after a few months, the sales of snacks and drinks for regular employees will return to the normal 15 yuan. This is actually a kind of trend. If evil spirits are restrained, what will be left behind will be righteousness."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Even if there are thousands of reasons, this kind of unconcealed differential treatment is open discrimination, especially if the employee ID badges are different."

“The lesser of two evils.”

"What? What do you have power over?"

"If there is no distinction in status, what about our employee canteen? Should outsourced personnel also go to the employee canteen to eat? Again, it's not about money!"

He Yang felt that Boss Zhou had been abroad for a long time and was a bit idealistic.

Only after people have solved the basic necessities of life, food, clothing, housing and transportation, and have solved the problem of food and clothing, can they pursue higher spiritual pursuits.

The most important thing about current domestic employment conditions is to meet survival needs.

He Yang said: "There is actually a paradox here, that is, the better the benefits, the more differentiated treatment for outsourced employees. This is also something that can't be helped. What kind of company has good benefits? There are mainly three categories, large state-owned enterprises, foreign companies and Major Internet companies. These companies all have the same regulations, which prohibit outsourced personnel from entering the employee canteen. Because in these companies, the employee canteen is a company benefit, and the company does not make profits through the employee canteen, but is provided for employees. Welfare is either free canteen or just a nominal fee.”

Ziweixing’s canteen is not free.

The reason why it is not free is just to limit the waste of employees, let them spend some money to buy it, and limit their extravagance by spending money.

This ingredient can provide employees with the best ingredients, and can even be said to be the most valuable employee benefit provided by the company.

This expenditure is much larger than the expenditure on snacks, drinks, etc., and hundreds of millions are invested every year. Once the atmosphere of the canteen is destroyed and all kinds of waste are caused, it may lead to losses of hundreds of millions.

If it is some ordinary public institutions, some large companies that want to save money, or some small companies or universities without financial resources, outsiders can go to the cafeteria to eat. Because the canteen is not a welfare, but a business.

They all contracted out the canteen and turned it into a real catering business.

If it is welfare, of course, the fewer people the better, because fewer people means less expenses; if it is business, of course the more people the better, the more people, the more money you make.

Zhou Buqi asked: "Then why not set a price range? Last time I went to report on the mobile phone industry, I went to eat in their cafeteria..."

He Yang couldn't help laughing and interrupted him, "I know, haven't we all been there? The canteen you mentioned is free for civil servants, 25 yuan for expatriates, and 40 yuan for outsiders, right?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It seems so."

He Yang said: "You are talking about the lobby on the first floor. What is actually provided is boxed lunches. Are you eating on the first floor? You must be on the second or third floor, right?"

"Yes, third floor."

"Isn't that right? The lunch boxes on the first floor are meant for the public. If you want organic and clean food, you have to go to the third floor, not the second floor."

"Can our canteen have price distinctions?"

Zhou Buqi's mentality is no longer as high-profile as it was at the beginning.

The reality is too complicated.

It's really not something that can be understood by just getting some information from anywhere. There are so many twists and turns here.

This reflects the importance of a mature and steady corporate helmsman like Boss He. Although he is not a technology person, no one in Ziweixing knows better than him in non-technology fields, so much so that he is over 45 years old. Internal retirement line, we have to continue working.

In his current situation, he will have to work until he is at least 55 or 60 years old. His professional life span is much longer than that of a technical person.

He Yang sighed, "Some things are really different from what you think!"

Zhou Buqi asked for advice and said with a smile: "Can you give me some advice?"

He Yang smiled and shook his head, then his expression became serious, "I know what you mean, it's just that some of the company's internal strategies for treating outsourced personnel are a bit workplace discrimination. I admit, in fact, everyone knows that this does exist. Also It did produce a lot of bad negative effects, but... some words may be a bit harsh..."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "What are you hiding here? Just tell me!"

He Yang said: "'Why not eat minced meat'? Many times when we read this story, we regard Emperor Hui of Jin as a joke. But in fact, who is not Emperor Hui of Jin? Think about it carefully, do you use What are you thinking about outsourcing employees in our company?”


Zhou Buqi's expression froze, a little dazed.

"You are right. There is indeed a differential treatment of outsourced employees in Ziweixing. In many aspects, outsourced employees are restricted. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is workplace discrimination. But, whose idea is this? ?" He Yang pointed at him and then at his chest, "It comes from people like you and me, and from many people who have spiritual pursuits. Do you think those low-level outsourced employees will care?"

Zhou Buqi was stunned.

He Yang said indifferently: "I remembered another historical story. After Zhu Yuanzhang became the emperor, he felt that the delicacies from the mountains and seas were not delicious at all. He missed the piece of cornbread he ate when he was a beggar. He thought it was the most delicious thing in the world. Great food, even if he has to kneel down to beg, he doesn't care at all. Even if he is the emperor, he doesn't think it is so shameful to kneel down to beg. Instead, he will recall the unforgettable deliciousness. Lao Zhou, do you think they are. The character is insulted. But in fact, for hungry people, being able to eat is their biggest pursuit. What’s wrong with outsourcing? Just make money by doing outsourcing! It can be said that outsourcing has the highest salary in the country. Okay, this isn’t good enough?”

Zhou Buqi was speechless again.

He immediately realized the depth of human nature that Boss He interpreted.

In fact, he understands this truth.

The design and development of Internet products is meant to tap into human nature.

However, the human heart is made of flesh.

Besides philosophers and psychologists, who would want to start from the deepest part of human nature in their daily thinking?

He Yang continued: "Didn't you interview three outsourcing employees? That is very representative. That girl, she is from Nankai University. What she pursues is not just food and clothing. She has higher self-requirements and spiritual pursuits. , so it is very painful for her to do outsourcing. She can feel the discrimination and status inequality in the workplace. However, she is just an exception. She is a rare person in the "outsourcing world". Most outsourcing personnel are like the two men at the back. Employees, they don’t care about personal insults at all. A salary of seven to eight thousand is enough for them to feel the great happiness of being an outsourcer at Ziweixing! If you feel that other outsourced employees have been discriminated against, that’s your feeling, but that’s not the case! Their feelings. What they care about most is food, clothing, housing and transportation... in short, money! "

"You are really..."

Zhou Buqi was still speechless.

He Yang said: "Okay, let's go back to the canteen. What you mean is that the employee canteen should be open to outsourced employees, but they will be charged higher meal fees than regular employees, right?"

Zhou Buqi said "hmm".

I have realized the inappropriateness of this strategy.

He Yang said: "Snacks and drinks are provided by the company for free, and this has nothing to do with money; the employee canteen refuses to be open to outsourced employees. This is indeed a humiliation of personality and workplace discrimination, but it has nothing to do with money. However, if the canteen is opened , to make outsourced employees spend more money to buy meals that regular employees can buy for less money, this is all about money! You have insulted their personality, this is nothing, you have moved. This is very dangerous for other people’s money! It might lead to riots and strikes! Look at the rice ball delivery guy, there is a lot of news on the Internet. You can scold him, humiliate him or even make him kneel down, but he is fine. , if you influence him to deliver orders or touch his money, he will fight you hard!"

Zhou Buqi felt that this topic was too cruel.

Why is this happening?

Is Ziweixing so low-spirited that it wants to have both sides of the problem in such a thing that tramples on humanity?

I deleted it once and revised it several times. Not only is it no longer powerful, but the meaning is also unclear and inaccurate.

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