Top of the big era

Chapter 3041 Burden

Zhou Buqi has returned to China.

The plan is four days.

The time is a bit tight.

The reason for this arrangement is that Baoshan is in labor and will give birth around the 10th.

Zhou Buqi returned to China this time, on the one hand, for work. The domestic online car-hailing war is too fierce now, and the money is too much. Even with the support of super giants such as Ziweixing, Alibaba, and Penguin, it is a bit unbearable.

Penguin's CEO Ma suggested that everyone sit down and talk.

This won't work!

Business is to make money, not to destroy oneself.

Zhou Buqi has to give face.

However, there is another more important thing, which is to attend Zhang Yiming's wedding. This is a low-key private wedding. It is not appropriate for Zhou Buqi not to show up for such an important matter. In the workplace, there are not only work relationships, but also personal relationships in addition to interests.

Especially the executives of Ziweixing are all wealthy people. No one is short of money, and the interest relationship is secondary.

The scale of the wedding is small and low-key.

Few executives from Ziweixing participated. In addition to Zhou Buqi, only Meng Houkun, Liang Rubo, Pei Yao, Cheng Binghao and Li Jun attended.

Li Jun is the vice president of engineering of Ziweiyun, a man in his forties.

He intends to adjust his work recently.

He is going to step down.

Zhang Yiming specially invited him here, mainly to express a friendly attitude, hoping that he would not have any emotions because of the adjustment in his work. We are colleagues and friends. Letting you step down is not about the person, but about the matter.

You are all in your forties.

In the core business, if you can't keep up with the learning, it is indeed time to retire.

Most people in their forties and fifties find it difficult to hold core positions in Internet companies.

Zhou Buqi sat at the main guest table, and Li Jun was next to him.

The wedding ceremony was very old-fashioned.

There was nothing to see.

The bride was also plain-looking, the type of a good wife and mother.

Zhou Buqi chatted with Li Jun, "My job has been adjusted. Where will you be assigned?"

Li Jun smiled and said, "In the Engineering Institute, you can work under Lao Cheng and be responsible for some technical projects to make use of your spare time."

The Engineering Institute is not a research institute. The technical projects here are all application-oriented and not very innovative. They are all based on other people's requirements. Just use technology to realize the product. This kind of work will be easier.

Ziweixing Engineering Institute has now become the largest "retirement home" within Ziweixing. Many senior and middle-level executives with qualifications and major contributions are often assigned here if they retire to the second line.

It is definitely not good to do Ziweixing's own core business, but it is really easy to be responsible for some outsourced projects.

Easy and leisurely, less pressure, simple work, and no need to work overtime.

Zhou Buqi nodded and whispered, "How many stocks do you have?"

Li Jun said bluntly, "Nearly 300,000 shares, enough!"

This is indeed enough.

Ziweixing's current share price is nearly $160, and 300,000 shares of stock means nearly $50 million!

For an executive who follows Ziweixing to conquer the world, financial freedom is standard.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "There is no need to take too heavy orders. Anyway, there is no shortage of money. You can be more relaxed and spend more time with your wife and children when you are free."


Li Jun's expression was a little complicated.

Zhou Buqi was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Li Jun said, "I haven't married yet, and I don't have a partner!"


Zhou Buqi was a little overwhelmed.

This big brother is 45 years old this year.

Within Ziweixing, 45 years old is basically the "retirement" age, and it must be reviewed by the review committee. Unless you are considered to have outstanding abilities and the company cannot do without you, you may be allowed to continue.

Others at this age should also step down and let others take over.

It's not that you are incompetent and the company doesn't need you.

It's that you need to give up your position and make room for the young people behind you.

Although this brother Li Jun looks ugly and has big eye bags that make him look old, he has a net worth of 50 million US dollars! This is not a super rich man, but he can be regarded as a wealthy man. It is impossible to spend so much money in a lifetime.

You still don’t have a partner?

Li Jun saw his strange expression and was a little embarrassed. He whispered: "It’s just right. I want to ask you for advice."

Zhou Buqi laughed, "What do you want to ask? Dating?"

"You see, my conditions are not bad. I... I want to find a 25-year-old girl." Li Jun paused, seemed a little embarrassed, and found an excuse, "Make up for the lack of youth."

Zhou Buqi thought this was reasonable, "Then find it. With your conditions, let alone a 25-year-old girl, you can't find a 15-year-old?"

"No, no!" Li Jun was shocked, "Don't scare me !”

Zhou Buqi laughed, “Young girls nowadays like older men, who are mature, stable and capable. Isn’t that what you are talking about? Let’s find one… er, isn’t it easy?”

“How to find one?” Li Jun was a little embarrassed, “There are many beautiful girls in the company, and I am embarrassed. How about you help me find some in the milk tea shop or Jieyu Media and introduce a few to me?”

Zhou Buqi glanced at him and lowered his voice: “Old Li, tell me the truth, do you want to marry her home as your wife, or do you want to… keep her for fun?”

“It’s all right, just look around first.”

"If you want to marry someone as your wife, you must have something in common and a talented girl whose education matches yours. This is not easy. If you just play around, it's easy. There are plenty of vases, and you can spend one hundred and eighty thousand a month. It’s nothing to you, but it’s very attractive to many young girls.”

"How to find it?"

"How do I know? I haven't looked for it either."

"Are you going to add friends on WeChat? Why don't you try Momo?"

"Don't say goodbye!" Zhou Buqi felt that this elder brother really had no experience in male-female relationships, so he was somewhat touched. These skilled men are all high-quality men, but finding a partner is really a big trouble, "Here The girls on the quasi-social platform have good figures and looks, and most of them are 18th-tier young models, and they are all from the periphery. If you are looking for someone like this, you might as well just go to the club and make a one-time transaction. The settlement of sex will save you trouble."

Li Jun said: "No, no, no like that!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Otherwise, you can open a company!"


"It doesn't have to be too big, just a small company with ten or twenty people. You don't need to make any money by doing some advertising design, contracting customer service and after-sales services. The main thing is to form a platform."


Li Jun raised his eyebrows.

He knows that Boss Zhou is an expert on "platforms". The platform model and platform economic theory that are now popular around the world come from him.

Zhou Buqi continued: "On this platform, you can recruit people. Through recruitment, you can recognize some high-quality girls who want to work hard on their own. You recruit a group of people, and then you are the boss, and they are Employees. When you have time, take them out to eat, do team building, or travel to other places. After a long time, the relationship will be developed, and there will be no need for you to take the initiative. There will be girls who want to take the initiative. It’s close to you.”

Li Jun suddenly realized: "It turns out that the platform model has such profound meaning! It is really all-encompassing!"

Zhou Buqi said: "I have a high school classmate, a female classmate, who is quite beautiful. After graduating from college, I went back to my hometown in Northeast China to work as a salesperson in a bank. I was attracted by the president. The president was five years old. She was sixty years old and her daughter was older than her. But he promised her that as long as she got along with him, he would promote her to branch president within three years and give her a Mercedes-Benz car. She was very excited at that time. He even contacted me and asked for my advice.”

Li Jun felt a little heartbroken, "What did you say?"

Zhou Buqi said: "What can I say? Everyone chooses their own life. I will let her think about it carefully."

"Then what?"

"That happened many years ago. Later, I did not attend a high school class reunion. But I also heard some news. When she was 28 years old, she became the president of the branch and drove a Mercedes-Benz. During the party, she became the goddess of our class. Everyone said that besides Zhou Buqi, she was the best in the class. Now she is married and has children. She is married to a local civil servant and is living a good life. She was quite happy. On the day of her wedding, I didn't go, so I called her. She said that the president had retired and had no contact with her. She said that she was very grateful to the president. Without him, she would not be here now. My life will not be so smooth and happy.”


Li Jun took a deep breath, feeling a little heavy and feeling less burdened.

This also gave me a sense of the level of Boss Zhou.

This ability to comfort people is really powerful.

No wonder he is the boss!

Just talking about this delicate and soft thought, just a short story, can relieve the burden in people's hearts, which is really unparalleled.

Zhou Buqi smiled, "It's actually simple to do technology, but social relationships are actually far more complicated than technical engineering. I suggest you open a small company and then take a few orders from Ziweixing. It doesn't take much effort to make much money. , It’s good to feel life. Otherwise, it’s not good to take a back seat, feel empty in life, and lose your life goals.”

Li Jun said: "Thanks for the advice."

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