Top of the big era

Chapter 3033: Do good things and leave your name behind

Zhou Buqi personally holds 2.112 billion shares of Ziweixing International, and the total value reaches 54.6 billion US dollars based on the current share price of 25.86 US dollars.

There is no doubt that this has become an important report content of major financial media around the world.

Many international charities have forced donations through writing letters, sending emails, and public speeches, saying that you have so much money at such a young age, don’t you think it’s too much? There are still many people in Africa who can’t eat, and there are still many refugees in the Middle East!

Especially the refugee issue, which has been the hottest topic in the world since the Arab Spring.

Under the general trend of becoming more and more left, Europe has begun to frantically absorb refugees from the Middle East and Arab regions. After these people went to Europe, most of them did not produce anything, did not do any work, and had to rely on funding and social welfare from all parties to support them.

Many people are actively calling for you, Boss Zhou, to be so rich, shouldn’t you help them?

Zhou Buqi completely turned a blind eye to these external arguments.

He has no social account.

He does not participate in quarrels at all.

However, charity should be done. This is not only about social atmosphere, social responsibility, or personal image and external reputation, but also a driving force from the heart.

People are all made of flesh and blood. Many times, when you see many vulnerable groups in society, you really want to help them from the bottom of your heart.

Of course, refugees and black lives are not counted.

Zhou Buqi puts the main focus of charity in China. Some sporadic donations abroad are more for social needs. The largest charity project he is currently involved in is a project he initiated in China to care for hearing-impaired and hearing-impaired children and teenagers.

This is a big project.

It is not easy to promote it.

It is necessary to establish connections with hospitals across the country and build a national public welfare charity network. Otherwise, there are too many children who need funding, all gathered in one city or a few hospitals, and they can't be arranged at all. In order to do this well, Meng Houkun served as the chairman of the project to coordinate official relationships, and Ji Zian was the vice chairman. He is now managing the charity fund on a daily basis.

At present, cooperative relations have been established with 19 hospitals in 7 cities in China.

A total of more than 6,200 children with hearing impairment have been funded.

The total investment has exceeded 900 million yuan, and this is just the beginning. This amount of money is not enough to cover the expenses of 6,200 hearing-impaired children.

And this is just the beginning, a drop in the bucket.

To make this happen, a larger team is needed, at least hundreds of professional staff engaged in this kind of public welfare. You can't adopt the volunteer model of three days of fishing and two days of drying the net. It must be full-time.

The salary for this part will not be too small.

In addition, Zhou Buqi is unwilling to collect donations from the society, which is easy to arouse envy.

If all the caring people in the country donate money to Boss Zhou, other charity associations will not get money, and they will spread rumors and slander you everywhere. Jet Li's "One Foundation" bypassed the middlemen, directly attracted donations from several wealthy people and had a public fundraising channel, which was simply condemned by everyone in the public opinion.

It's better to pay for it yourself.

This time, Ziweixing International's IPO issued a total of 1.04 billion shares and raised $23.3 billion.

Among them, 620 million shares were new shares and 420 million old shares.

Among the 420 million new shares cashed out, 300 million shares came from Ziweixing.

After completing this cashing out, Ziweixing's holdings were reduced to 2.1 billion shares, raising $6.7 billion, or $5.3 billion after tax.

This sum of money is not a rigid need for Ziweixing to develop its own business.

It is mainly used for charity.

Invest it in the Ziweixing Charity Fund, and don't worry about anything else. Start the project of caring for hearing-impaired children first!

To promote it domestically, there are public service advertisements and public service publicity projects on Toutiao, Weibo and, which is to put some free public service advertisements and public service publicity in some places that belong to commercial advertisements to fulfill some social responsibilities.

Don't promote it to outsiders first.

Now promote your own public welfare first!

Do good things and leave a name!

The higher the popularity, the greater the influence. It would be best if it could be known to everyone. This will allow more families with hearing-impaired children who are in financial difficulties to know that there is such a channel for assistance in society, and to actively seek help.

In fact, there are many private charity organizations and official charity projects in China, such as cochlear charity. Every year, tens of thousands of charity cochlear implants can be given to people in need, but most people in need don't know about it at all.

Because the information gap is a difficult obstacle to overcome.

The biggest unfairness is information unfairness.

Many people can obviously get help, but they have information gaps and don't know that there are people or organizations that can help them, so that many donations are clearly allocated, but no ordinary people claim them, so they have to digest them internally.

Therefore, Europe and the United States are mainly celebrity charities and star charities, which must be operated by relying on the halo of social celebrities. This can not only raise more donations, but also have greater popularity to penetrate the information gap and let more people know.

During the period after Ziweixing International went public, Ji Zian has been staying in the United States.

I mainly want to meet with the famous cochlear implant manufacturer American Leading Bionics. I hope they can come to China to build a factory for production, and then directly sell and purchase, hoping to significantly reduce the purchase cost of imported cochlear implants. A cochlear implant costs 42,000 US dollars, which is more than 300,000 yuan in China. It is really too expensive.

If the two parties reach a cooperation, all imported cochlear implants used by the "Purple Star Charity Foundation" in the future will be American Leading Bionics.

The condition is that the price must be kept within 20,000 US dollars!

Imported cochlear implants are much better than domestic cochlear implants, especially internal cochlear implants (cochlear implants placed in the brain during surgery), which need to be very cautious. If teenagers have grown up, cheaper domestic cochlear implants can be used, but for some infants and young children, it is better to use imported cochlear implants from international brands.

If American Bionics disagrees, it doesn't matter. There are several international big-name cochlear implant companies, and they can be tried one by one.

There is a demand for tens of millions of cochlear implants in China.

Ziweixing Charity Foundation will work in this field for a long time in the future, and will spend tens of billions or even hundreds of billions on cochlear implants... Zhou Buqi has long said that he will donate all the Ziweixing shares he personally holds, and it will definitely be donated to the Ziweixing Charity Foundation.

With such a large market, there will always be imported cochlear implant giants who will be tempted.

The price must be reduced!

Once the cooperation is established, the cochlear implant company will have the opportunity to further cooperate with Ziweixing in the field of artificial intelligence.

Zhou Buqi did not act with Ji Zian, he wanted to finish the acquisition of LinkedIn.

After successively solving Microsoft and Google with the skills under the table, the subsequent games on the table seemed very easy.

Just as previously speculated, Facebook and Salesforce are completely uncompetitive.

On June 27, Microsoft announced that it would withdraw from the bidding.

On June 30, Google also contacted LinkedIn and withdrew from the negotiations.

In July, the Internet market, which had been sluggish for half a year, finally heated up again, and the stock prices of major Internet companies began to rise sharply. This naturally includes LinkedIn, and once the stock price rises, it means an increase in transaction costs.

On July 10, Reid Hoffman happily told Zhou Buqi that things were almost done!

Facebook also withdrew!

As for Salesforce...

it can be ignored.

On July 15, Zhou Buqi and LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner, as well as other executives and lawyers from both parties, and bankers from investment banks Qatalyst Partners and Morgan Stanley participated in the entire negotiation process and determined the core framework of the transaction.

The price has not been finalized.

But the transaction intention has been determined!

The next day, LinkedIn founder and chairman Reid Hoffman met with Ziweixing International founder and chairman Zhou Buqi. Although this meeting was planned before the acquisition negotiations, the two sides "discussed the potential benefits that the merger of the two parties could bring to each other from a business perspective."

It's done!

On July 19, the two companies finally sat down and signed an exclusive agreement under the witness of a third party. Zhou Buqi and Hoffman both publicly expressed their support for the merger of the two companies!

This deal was officially announced!

Entered the public notice period!

At this time, the market value of Ziweixing International has reached 243.6 billion US dollars, making it the world's second largest Internet giant, only one step away from Google; LinkedIn's market value has also increased by more than 20%, reaching 12.8 billion US dollars.

Hollywood's summer season is coming to an end.

Zhou Buqi took advantage of the social advantage of Vanity Fair and invited Reid Hoffman to attend the celebration ceremony of "Avengers 2" to celebrate the film's global box office exceeding 2 billion US dollars!

This is a Hollywood event worth writing about.

It is an official event jointly organized by Universal Pictures and Marvel Pictures, with celebrities and beauties gathered.

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