Top of the big era

Chapter 2999 Resolution

The current display industry is dominated by LCD screens, mainly led by LG and Samsung.

Both companies are very powerful.

Taken together, it can be said that it controls the related technology patents in the entire LCD screen field. Not to mention that the domestic display industry cannot get around it. Japan, which once dominated the global display industry, cannot do anything about them.

For the domestic display screen industry, it is definitely impossible to attack head-on. The only option is to bypass the LCD screen.

Develop a new track.

Then get more patents and intellectual property rights in the new track to build a competitive domestic display panel industry.

At present, the direction of choice in China is LED screens.

This doesn't work.

LED screens are something that has been eliminated by others. The technology is backward, the effect is not good, and there is no advantage in price. It is even inferior to plasma screens.

This direction is totally useless.

At most, they are placed in product areas with extremely low display requirements, such as refrigerators, washing machines, and functional phones. After a few years, the authorities discovered that this was a wrong route and gave up on this strategy. All the initial investment and subsidies were in vain.

Zhou Buqi wants to do something big and try his best to guide the domestic display industry in the direction of OLED screens.

At least do something within your ability.

Had a barbecue with Lee Jae-yong.

There was no shortage of wine.

I have two bottles of red wine.

After dinner, Xu Baihui was asked to take the girls home, while Zhou Buqi and Ning Lu went to another place, a nightclub, where Zhou Shaoning and Fu Sheng were both.

The style of nightclubs in Korea is based on that of Japan, which is like a custom place. Even if it is a clear bar, there is a row of girls sitting on the table, at least thirty or fifty, all of whom are eighteen or nineteen years old. They are all dressed up with bunny ears. You can pay them to come over and have a drink with them. As for whether you can take them out and book a room in a hotel, that depends on the financial resources and attractiveness of the guest.

I don't know who arranged it. After Zhou Buqi passed by, he was surprised to find a beautiful girl wearing rabbit ears sitting next to them.

There was no cuddling or cuddling behavior, just the two of them drinking, and the girl was responsible for pouring the wine next to them.

Zhou Buqi brought Ning Lu here, which was inappropriate.

Fu Sheng quickly took out four banknotes from his bag, gave each of them 100,000 Korean won, and sent them away to the two Korean girls.

After Zhou Buqi sat down, he said: "I just finished eating with Li Zaiyong and drank a lot. This Korean red wine has such a strong stamina, I'm feeling a little dizzy now."

That being said, how can anyone not drink when they come to a bar?

Then drink.

This time it's not red wine, it's whiskey mixed with Sprite.

Zhou Shaoning asked: "How was the discussion?"

"We didn't talk about it. We have an attitude." Zhou Buqi was quite satisfied. "It seems like Li Zairong is indifferent and intends to negotiate with us. As long as we can negotiate, everything will be easy to handle."

Zhou Shaoning has always been conservative in this regard and nodded: "Well, it's best to resolve it at the negotiation table. If the diamond arrangement is really that important, the best result is for everyone to share it. If we monopolize this patent, it may not be Good thing. The advancement of OLED display panels must be inseparable from Samsung.”

Zhou Buqi said: "That's what he means, and he also intends to cooperate. If Samsung and Asda cooperate, it is the best strategy to promote the development of OLED displays. If Samsung is the only one to promote it, the speed will be too slow. , and the influence is not enough.”

The OLED display is determined by its material. It is not suitable for large screens, cannot be used on TVs, monitors, or even tablet computers.

The most suitable product is a mobile phone.

It depends on mobile phones.

However, if it is only Samsung that promotes it, it will be a little lonely and weak. It may be difficult to achieve results within three to five years, and the market may not be able to form the understanding that high-end smartphones must use OLED screens. As a result, trying to shift the display panel industry from LCD screens to OLED screens is not only slow but also difficult.

It would be much better if Aisda also participated.

By working together, the two mobile phone giants can quickly complete the "education" of the market and users, making OLED screens the mainstream choice.

Zhou Shaoning smiled and said: "Well, that's what I mean. If you want to promote OLED screens, you can't do without Samsung. If you want to quickly develop the OLED screen market, you can't do without the help of Asda. This can be A mutually beneficial cooperation. There is no need for both parties to fight to the death for a patent, and the risks and benefits can be shared. "

Zhou Buqi nodded, "The development of any emerging industry is inseparable from a leader. Samsung is the leader of the OLED display industry. If we want to do this in China, we have to wait for Samsung to do it first." It’s time to get things done, so it’s just a matter of making a sample.”

"Yes, having the exclusive patent for diamond arrangement may cause Samsung to change its planned plans for the OLED display industry."

Zhou Shaoning is mainly worried that the big boss will fight with Samsung.

No need.

Now that it is fighting with Qualcomm, it will be too dangerous to start flying with Samsung again, and it will cast a shadow on Asda's listing next year.

Zhou Buqi asked: "Where's Apple?"

Zhou Shaoning is from the mobile phone industry, so he knows more than Fu Sheng. He said: "Apple will insist on using LCD screens because they have a powerful imaging technology called Retina screen, which can transcend the limitations of screen materials and achieve higher resolution. This is the biggest advantage of Apple's products."

Zhou Buqi didn't quite understand, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "With higher resolution, the mobile phone screen will appear clearer and the user experience will be better. The resolution of LCD screens is not high, far lower than the interface resolution of Apple devices, so they use some pixel arrangement technology to achieve higher resolution."

Then, he explained.

The resolution of mobile phones is affected by two aspects.

One is the hard environment, that is, the screen material; the other is the soft environment, that is, the display interface. The pixels of the display interface are affected by the system and the mobile phone's CPU, GPU, diodes, etc.

For example, the resolution of LCD is 1K, but the resolution of Apple's display interface can reach 1.5K.

Affected by the limitations of the screen, it can only present a resolution of 1K in the end, and the high definition of the display interface is wasted.

Apple uses its own Retina screen technology to present a resolution of 1.2K, which can form a certain breakthrough.

Samsung and Asda do not have such display technology, so the display screens using the same materials have only a 1K resolution, which makes them less competitive than the iPhone.

OLED screens can solve this dilemma.

OLED screens have a higher resolution, and with the advancement of technology, the resolution can be higher and higher, 2K, 4K, 8K... Later, even the screen resolution will be wasted. For example, the resolution of the OLED screen is 8K, but the display interface is only 4K, so the screen wastes 4K, and the final picture is only 4K.

In other words, the powerful resolution of the OLED screen can exceed the resolution of the display interface.

The resolution of the LCD screen is relatively low, which will be lower than the resolution of the display interface.

To put it bluntly, the technology is not enough, and the materials make up for it.

Asda and Samsung cannot compete with Apple, so they use more expensive and better OLED screens to compete with the iPhone. When the OLED screen becomes more and more powerful, the resolution becomes higher and higher, and even exceeds the resolution of Apple's display interface, Apple will compromise and give up the lower-cost LCD screen and throw itself into the arms of the OLED screen.

From the perspective of mobile phone competition, Asda must also adopt OLED screens.

Without the advantage of materials, Estar's mobile phone will never achieve the same clear effect as the iPhone.

Zhou Buqi said: "When discussing tomorrow, we can use this as a starting point. Samsung and Estar should join hands to jointly develop OLED screens. Only in this way can both parties compete with iPhone in the field of high-end phones."

"I have the same idea," Zhou Shaoning was very happy, and then said in a deep voice, "From the latest news, the iPhone 6 released by Apple this year is likely to have a bolder breakthrough in design. Rumors in the industry say that the iPhone 6 will use a large screen like Android phones."

Zhou Buqi nodded and said: "The greater the threat, the greater the motivation for cooperation, so let's do it!"

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