Top of the big era

Chapter 299 Knowledge Sharing Platform

Why did Alibaba acquire Yahoo China?

There are three main reasons.

First, Yahoo is a portal network that can bring traffic to Taobao;

Second, Yahoo and Sina cooperated to create a C2C e-commerce platform, posing a threat to Taobao;

The third is the core business that Boss Ma has mentioned many times.

Yahoo's search business is in line with Ali's strategy!

Search is truly cutting edge technology.

And Ali is quite ridiculed in the current Internet circle. Because Boss Ma doesn't understand technology, Ali has the worst technical reserve among large companies.

As far as the Taobao page is concerned, the function of searching for products is very bad.

Yahoo's search technology can complement Taobao's business.

In fact, after Ali acquired Yahoo China, most of the executives left, and various business sectors were closed one after another. Not long after, even the portal was closed.

What really shows value is the search business.

Zhou Buqi is in awe of search and has always been afraid to touch it.

Baidu is an unreadable mountain.

Mr. Li often confidently stated that Baidu can compete with Google, which is of course an exaggeration. But one thing is clear, that is, in terms of search technology, looking at the whole world, Google is number one, and Baidu must be number two.

Even though Baidu kept killing people and became notorious for being a bad street, Baidu is still the overlord of Chinese people's search and cannot be shaken.


Because other search engines are really rubbish, and they are not at the same level as Baidu.

When searching on Baidu, if you enter a line of ", space, -promotion-promotion link" command suffix and remove all advertisements, you can show the power of Baidu search engine.

It is almost impossible to surpass Baidu in the search business if there is no major industry change.

However, Zhang Yiming said that search is the foundation of all high-end technologies and must be done.

If you can't be the first, you can still be the second.

There is still hope for defeating Sogou Search.

But don't be in a hurry, the technology should be slowly reserved.

After careful consideration, Zhou Buqi intends to hand over this business to Dongfang Weidian, and the president Wang Haoyang will be in charge.

After returning from the magic city, Wang Haoyang's attitude changed drastically.

In terms of work, actively cooperating with Ji Zian, the two teamed up to suppress Liu Yu and other old ministers, and promoted the comprehensive revision of Weidian Antivirus with strong means.

Ji Zian was very satisfied.

However, Wang Haoyang's position in Dongfang Weidian is a bit embarrassing.

The two major divisions, the person in charge of Weidian Security Guard is Wu Hanqing, who is Ji Zian's direct line general; the person in charge of Weidian Antivirus is Liu Yu, who is so powerful that he doesn't even give Ji Zian face.

This makes Wang Haoyang more like a CEO assistant than a company president in terms of power and responsibility.

The fundamental reason is still the lack of direct lineage power.

He needs to have a team in his hands.

Zhou Buqi told him: "Xiaonei just bought a plug-in called Haodata Search, which has its own search technology. Haoyang, I will leave this task to you."

Wang Haoyang looked surprised, "Are you doing a search?"

Zhou Buqi said softly: "Do data search first, this business will be the first profit-making project of Dongfang Weidian. After a few years when the technology is mature, you might as well build a search engine for the whole network .”

Wang Haoyang frowned, "If it's just data search... there is not much room for profit, on the one hand, there are few users, and on the other hand, there are few advertisements."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "So, we need to do a double search on the site and off the site."

"What's the meaning?"

"The search logic of a good data search is to search for pdf, doc, txt and other types of documents on the entire network, mainly in the search format. If an article is not uploaded in the form of a document, but is directly logged out on the webpage, it will be It is no longer searchable. This is a technical limitation, we need to create our own information website and add a question-and-answer session.”

Speaking of this, Wang Haoyang is too familiar, and blurted out: "Is it imitating love to ask?"


"I like to ask knowledgeable people!"

Zhou Buqi and Ji Zian looked at each other, but they still didn't understand.

Wang Haoyang was helpless, and his heart was also secretly sad. He felt that it was right to leave Sina, and sighed: "Baidu knows, this product always knows, right?"

Zhou Buqi and Ji Zian nodded together.

Wang Haoyang said: "Baidu knows that it is a product made by imitating Sina's Aiwen Knowledge."

It's clear now.

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, "Aiwenzhiren builds a platform for users to ask questions, and then let other users answer? Is it an interactive question-and-answer platform?"

Wang Haoyang nodded, "This project still needs to be perfected. When I left Sina, they also intentionally pushed iAsk to add new content, which is the download of documents and materials. Let users upload materials independently, get points, and other users spend points ,Download Information."

Zhou Buqi understood immediately.

Isn't this Baidu Library!

Well, Baidu is also the king of plagiarism, Baidu Encyclopedia plagiarized Wikipedia, Baidu Zhizhi and Baidu Wenku are paying tribute to Sina again...

After saying this, Wang Haoyang added with a guilty conscience: "It's not that I leaked the secrets of my predecessor's company. This matter has been flying all over the sky. In the first half of the year, Sina's financial situation was in a mess in order to cope with Shanda's acquisition. The team of Aiwen has more than 80 people. More than half of the people were laid off. With such a big team turmoil, I don’t know if this product can be made.”

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "No matter what others do, let's make it first. Compared with Sina and Baidu, we have one of the biggest advantages, that is college students!"

Wang Haoyang's eyes flickered, "Yes! This kind of interactive question and answer is not easy for ordinary netizens to participate in, especially it is difficult to become a high-quality answerer. In contrast, college students have a lot of knowledge reserves, wide coverage, more time, and interactivity. Strong, they are the main force of the Q\u0026A platform.”

"How to avoid homogeneity?" Ji Zi'an asked, "If we stand on the same track as Baidu, even if we are backed by college students across the country, it will be difficult to be their opponent."

Zhou Buqi said: "Baidu knows that it is too young, and all kinds of answers are messy and lack of professionalism. What we want to do is a reliable question-and-answer community, and interactive question-and-answer exchanges are aimed at professionals in various fields. First, use Mostly college students from different majors. It is our greatest advantage to let computer students answer computer questions and students from the vehicle engineering department answer questions about cars.”

"Hmm! Potential!"

Wang Haoyang's heart was rolling like a wave, and the waves kept rippling.

Not afraid.

Instead, I feel that this direction can really make a difference.

The questions and answers on Baidu Zhizhi are very low-end. Even if users check Baidu Zhizhi, it is difficult to believe the above answers. This makes Baidu know that it is difficult to form a cultural atmosphere, and it is difficult to gather a group of loyal users.

High-quality content is the biggest secret to firmly retaining a group of high-quality users. Once this high-end question-and-answer platform is established... it can gather a group of elites.

And the elite means rich and economically capable!

Push advertisements to such user groups, the effect will be better! Earn more!

Social influence is also greater.

After figuring this out, Wang Haoyang became more and more excited, his thoughts surged, and he said excitedly: "I think we can build a knowledge sharing platform, which is mainly divided into three sections!"


"The first section is information sharing; the second section is interactive question-and-answer; the third section...can imitate Wikipedia and make our own online encyclopedia, such as Weidianpedia. This point, the domestic The market is still blank."

As soon as Ji Zian scratched his head, he wanted to run away.

What are you doing?

It is obviously a small project for searching information, but after a few words, when the inspiration collides, it becomes a big platform and a big proposition.

This level of complexity is another UGC community, which is equivalent to rebuilding a friend network. (UGC, which emerged with the concept of web2.0, is user-generated content.)

Wang Haoyang didn't realize anything, and was very excited.

Not afraid of business difficulties.

I am afraid that there is no sense of existence if there is no right.

Working in an Internet company, after all, you have to do something and make some achievements. If you want to do nothing but eat and wait to die, you might as well take the civil servant exam.

Zhou Buqi is also a bit overwhelmed. His initial idea was really just to consider for the college student group, and build a knowledge platform for the student group to download, share, and search for information.

By the way, use data search and reserve some search techniques.

As a result, the flame of inspiration ignited, and the train of thought was a bit off.

Even the encyclopedia has to be done.

It's a little risky.

The earliest online encyclopedia in China should be Interactive Encyclopedia, which was launched in 2006, and Baidu Encyclopedia was only launched in 2008.

However, Baidu's biggest advantage is search.

When users search, they can only search for the content of Baidu Encyclopedia, and properly shield Hudong Baike.

In just three months, Baidu Encyclopedia crushed Hudong Baike.

Moreover, Encyclopedia has no technical content at all.

Sogou encyclopedia, Soso encyclopedia, 360 encyclopedia, etc., are all operated by machines, one-click copying, and it is very flattering.

Even now that Weidian Encyclopedia has been built, it is backed by college students, and the content is very detailed and rich. As soon as Baidu Encyclopedia appears, one-click copy, and then borrow the powerful advantages of the search engine... Weidian Encyclopedia will lose his wife and lose his army overnight.

"It's really difficult to break through the moat of a big company." Zhou Buqi sighed with emotion.

"Ah?" Wang Haoyang saw his hesitation.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Whether it's data sharing or encyclopedia, as long as Baidu enters the game, we have no chance at all."

This sentence is very suitable for Ji Zian's appetite. He has enough tasks now, but he doesn't have the energy to build another UGC platform, so he said quickly: "This idea is not yet mature. I think we should find a time to hold a strategic meeting. Let's discuss it."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

Wang Haoyang didn't want to miss this opportunity to take charge of the army himself, so he planned to cook the raw rice first, then he said bravely: "I think this general direction is right, and knowledge sharing is a good direction, which can help us gather a group of people from all walks of life. Elites, from all aspects, they are the best users. How about I start building a team first, because Sina Aiwen Knowledge has lost a group of outstanding talents, all of whom are my former colleagues, and they can just be recruited. "

When everyone is recruited, it is impossible to give up this project.

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